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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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JCreasy said:
i need this tAlk . . . reminder

somebody knock me out!


HylianTom said:
Vigo County, a bellweather in Indiana, is going for Obama by about 15% with 54% precincts reporting. Bush won it in 2004 by about 7%.

I'm tracking this as well. This is potentially huge.


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bishoptl said:
Wipe your nose, you goddamn pussy

It ain't over yet


more money than God
SnakeXs said:
Guys I just wanna take a moment to thank you all.

It's been a fun ride. Lots of laughs, lots of wtfs, and overall a coaster I'd ride again any time.

That said, it's fucking go time.
WTF? This ain't the end, it's just the beginning. The next 4 years will be the real ride, this was just the line to get on.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Zeliard said:
Does PoliGAF die after tonight?

It won't be the same. We have tonight, celebration/burying our sorrows, and then it'll fizzle. This is special, and I'm thankful for it.


I have to say. CNN has to have the best production out of any TV station that has ever existed. They are so far ahead of everyone else it's not even funny. Fucking pioneers.


McCain comes back to press cabin one last time


A subdued McCain came to the back of the plane to talk to reporters on the flight from New Mexico back to Arizona.

Cindy McCain, who stood beside her husband, had tears in her eyes.

"Well, my friends, this is our last flight on this airplane together so I just wanted to stop back," McCain said. "And yesterday I know was really a fun day starting out at the crack of dawn and ending up at 2 am. We went 3700 miles yesterday, had a great ride, and looking forward to the election results tonight and I'm feeling good, feeling confident about the way things have tured out. We've had a great ride, a great experience, it's full of memories that we will always treasure, including the last one up there in Colorado, where people were so warm-- and the enthusiasm as you've seen in rallies has been really quite remarkable and quite heartwarming. So, we've spent a lot of time together, so, been together for almost two years--others, those are the ones who rode around in the van with us on the $39.99 flight to Manchester. So anyway, we've had a great time and I wish all every success. Look forward to being with you in the future. Thanks very much."

{Full House studio audience} awwww.. {/audience}


You can tell by the tone of the pundits who have seen the full network exit polls that this shit is sealed. unweighted Exit polls may be unreliable, but I've always found this to be a perfect indicator
Red Scarlet said:
Aw man, I was gonna try to catch up with the thread, but it was page 85 at 4am, and now it's page 162.. :/
Just do what I do - when you wake up or come back after a long while, just check the major news websites to get caught up, then just skip to the last page. Thread moves so fast, you'll catch the thread of the conversation in no time.
greepoman said:
Watching Kentucky is disheartening, lets kick them out of the union. Who cares about the Derby anyway.

hey now, we're trying to kick out the senate minority leader, and hopefully, with the 82% turn out in louisville, it might just happen


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typhonsentra said:
.... Obama chooses NOW to advertise on GAF?
Man's gotta spend all that cash money!


shaft said:
never understimate florida's stupidness.

I really hope we don't mess it up again, but all I can think about is that South Park episode. Come on Florida, let's get it right this time.
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