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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Being a Kentuckian, my prediction for the state is that Obama will win Jefferson and Fayette counties (Louisville and Lexington), and get quashed in the rest of the state. Especially the eastern part, where he was in single digits in the primaries. The gap will still close by a good deal, though.
Lost Fragment said:
Being a Kentuckian, my prediction for the state is that Obama will win Jefferson and Fayette counties (Louisville and Lexington), and get quashed in the rest of the state. Especially the eastern part, where he was in single digits in the primaries. The gap will still close by a good deal, though.

he might do well up in NKY though, near cincy.

but yeah, i dont have much hope for anything other than lville and lexvegas.


Good thing I figured out I can look at "County view" for the whole US on NYT now, instead of after the election :lol
Keep in mind people: Obama will fall behind in Indiana but it isn't over. It's actually very good he's doing as well as he is before Lake County or any of the major cities start reporting.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Oh man...Virginia, Indiana and Georgia are closing in TEN MINUTES!

If Obama takes 2 of these, I'd feel 100% confident in calling this shit.
I know the Obama rally is the big event in town, but are any Chicago GAFers going to the election party at Sonotheque? I'm thinking about it even though I have to be up early for work tomorrow, I can't imagine getting much sleep even if I stay home tonight.


typhonsentra said:
Keep in mind people: Obama will fall behind in Indiana but it isn't over. It's actually very good he's doing as well as he is before Lake County or any of the major cities start reporting.


I was reading this thread which had 79 pages. I go away to watch ABC HD downstairs, come back, the thread is now 82 pages, holy shit, PoliGAF!
kkaabboomm said:
he might do well up in NKY though, near cincy.

but yeah, i dont have much hope for anything other than lville and lexvegas.

I don't think he'll win Lexvegas, though. Honestly. Which, is strange, as even my area (Ashland) in NKY went for Kerry last time. Still, it's Appalachian KY.


DancingJesus said:
Obama 30,838 50%
McCain 30,127 49%

This is why you vote people. Such a small difference so far
Yep. And even when all the votes are counted, there are so many elections that come down to a number of votes that is equal to a suburban nieghborhood. Anyone who thinks his/her vote is meaningless is a moron.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
bishoptl said:
real mods/admins go 100 posts a page, go big or go home
Bish, your rhetoric is mirroring that of Nancy Pfotenhauer!

Real Mods vs. Fake Mods!


someone at my work, seriously thinks obama is the anti christ... she said she is afraid of him to her very soul.

She also remarked about his "purple lips"

I used to like this lady. 2 others think he is Muslim. i laughed at them and said the rest of their arguments would be moot because of believing that. My office then sent out a company wide email wanting everyone to vote for McCain... ( isnt that illegal).
RubxQub said:
Oh man...Virginia, Indiana and Georgia are closing in TEN MINUTES!

If Obama takes 2 of these, I'd feel 100% confident in calling this shit.


My state might finally make me proud. And yes, I know we have Disney World. Some people need more than that.
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