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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Macam said:
Here's a map you'll never see again in final form (NYT):


Oh, if Texas only went blue in the end...
Oh god that would be funny especially when 23% think Obama is musilm.
mYm|17| said:
thank god i don't live in hillsborough county anymore

What's strange to me is that Hillsborough county is actually one of the more liberal counties in florida. Its alot more so than Orange.


typhonsentra said:
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Hillsborough is a diverse area but I didn't go into this thing feeling too confident about about that one.

On another note, since when do so many of us live so close to eachother? WTF?

Come on Hillsborough!
typhonsentra said:
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Hillsborough is a diverse area but I didn't go into this thing feeling too confident about about that one.

On another note, since when do so many of us live so close to eachother? WTF?

Florida will always be a coin flip. I'm born and bred Tampa although I've lived in other states at different times. Tampa is a microcosm of florida. Cubans. Puerto Ricans. Blacks. Redneck, etc which is why it's a bellweather for the state.

Bush chased down Gore or Kerry in Fla despite one of them leading for a ton of the night so FL won't be called for a good awhile. Especially with the panhandles which is very conservative.


Souldriver said:
Still no worrying about Virginia? 25% of votes counted and McCain still ahead... :/

None of the Dem counties have reported yet.

In 2006 Jim Webb (D) beat George Allen late into the counting.


The big surprise of the night for me so far is Obama doing poorly in Virgina but very well in Florida. I thought those two would be reversed. And yes, it's still early.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I'm gonna rise up/ I'm gonna kick a little ass/ I'm gonna kick some ass in the U.S.A./ I'm gonna climb a mountain/ I'm gonna sew a flag/ I'm gonna fly on an eagle/ I'm gonna kick some butt/ I'm gonna drive big trucks/ I'm gonna rule this world/ I'm gonna kick some ass/ I'm gonna rise up/ Gonna kick a little ass/ Rock on flyin' eagle!


Zeliard said:
If Obama wins Florida, they should just call the election right then and there. No possible way McCain can make up that margin, particularly not with Blue Cali and its massive 55 electoral votes still waiting in the wings.

thats why I am not gonna stress.

Back to Fallout 3. If McCain wins by the time I am done playing then it will be as if I just exited the vault to discover the apocalypse had happened.


For the first time in my life I'm actually excited about an election, and I couldn't be happier that Obama is kicking serious butt. :D
typhonsentra said:
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Hillsborough is a diverse area but I didn't go into this thing feeling too confident about about that one.

On another note, since when do so many of us live so close to eachother? WTF?

I'm here too. :D
Embarrassing! :/
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