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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Reporting in from Communist County VA.

Took a little over 1.5 hrs. Not bad considering length of the line. Kept it moving pretty well.

Totally worth it. Because at long last, I finally got to fulfill my lifelong ambition of casting a meaningless protest vote for Joe the Plumber.



so i'm torn...

+2 in PA with me and the wife.

We have never voted for a winner in the Presidential election... but... we have never voted for the loser of our state, so that helps
I've been voting at the same place in suburban Maryland for 12 years and there has never been a wait. Today, the line stretched out the door and it took 45 minutes to get my ballot.

+1 Obama. No on slots.


FL: +1 for Obama from my mom.

she was going to vote McCain, but i had the talk with her. and i hope she really did vote Obama.


Took about an hour and 45 mins but I officially voted for Obama. I kinda wish I'd gone through with the FL absentee ballot but I didn't want to risk anything. I don't know much about IL politics so I skipped most everything else.

I voted against the ability to recall the governor (even though Blago is terrible, he was elected) and to have that Cngressional Caucus or whatever it was called.


Gruco said:
Reporting in from Communist County VA.

Took a little over 1.5 hrs. Not bad considering length of the line. Kept it moving pretty well.

Totally worth it. Because at long last, I finally got to fulfill my lifelong ambition of casting a meaningless protest vote for Joe the Plumber.


You will get another chance when he's on American Idol.


Eyemus Lutt said:
Isn't it mandatory in Australia?

Yes, everyone 18 years and older are required to vote.

Saying that I really hope the turnouts in the US are good, and no-one is complacent. Please don't let the rest of the world down, America! Vote Obama!


AND FINALLY AFTER taking a total of 30 minutes ... Obama has finished voting.. and now he stops up the polls even move by getting some more photo ops...

Is Obama just gonna stand around and do nothing while the terrorists bomb america?

He's not ready to lead..

GOBAMA!!! sniffle !_!
Obama took a long time to vote maybe because of the issues on the Ballot... imagine he has to answer questions about how he voted on whatever issues are on that local ballot
after waiting slightly more than half an hour (the other precincts voting at the same church had an hour or two, so i was lucky), I, kkaabboomm, voting in the great Senate Battleground of KENTUCKY:

+1 Lunsford
(misc judges/etc - no controversial ballot measures)

and damn does it feel good. i even took a picture of my ballot. w00t!


venison crêpe
Did you see the girl in the pink shake Obama's hand then went back to her friend and had to hug her?


Poona said:
Yes, everyone 18 years and older are required to vote.

Saying that I really hope the turnouts in the US are good, and no-one is complacent. Please don't let the rest of the world down, America! Vote Obama!
Well, yes. As long as everyone votes how you think they should vote instead of how they think they should vote everything will be okay!


Jealous Bastard
kkaabboomm said:
after waiting slightly more than half an hour (the other precincts voting at the same church had an hour or two, so i was lucky), I, kkaabboomm, voting in the great Senate Battleground of KENTUCKY:

+1 Lunsford
(misc judges/etc - no controversial ballot measures)

and damn does it feel good. i even took a picture of my ballot. w00t!

good man. really hope kentucky goes blue.


FF_VIII said:
Damn, this is awesome. All he's doing is voting and I can't stop watching.


I'm all for Obama but some of you guys are just creepy in your obsession.

I hope you don't just sit down and shut up when he gets this presidency. We need to pressure a quick(er) and efficient withdrawal from Iraq, we need to make sure Biden's pro-RIAA/MPAA stance does not guide Obama, etc. Obama is vastly superior to McCain, but he is not perfect, and we will need to encourage him to make intelligent decisions (rather than decisions swayed by lobbyists).


Watching Obama vote was very inspiring, and then seeing the entire gym surround him and shake his hand. Today is going to be special. :D


Eyemus Lutt said:
Isn't it mandatory in Australia?

Yes. The point you quoted makes no sense in regard to the Australian political system. There are other parallels though between Nov 07 and Nov 08.

As noted by yours truly in January after the Iowa caucus (because I'm such a badass at getting this shit right shit loads of time in advance)

The theme of 'change' can be a very effective campaign strategy too. In the recent Australian election John Howard, who after 11 years of being in office and running a very strong and prosperous economy was tossed out by the new guy, Kevin Rudd, who promised 'New Leadership'. It also helped that he too is a good speaker and also highly intelligent.


Watch me get the 393 Obama EV right too because I'm just that damn good. I should be made Secretary of GETTING IT RIGHT!



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Kildace said:
My productivity at work today is pretty much 0. This thread moves too fast today, even for PoliGAF.

I have meetings until noon and then I'm seriously considering ducking out to fap for the rest of the day.

...I will also check the election results from time to time.


we all knew her
-Kees- said:
Not even a month ago, I didn't think Indiana had any chance of turning blue today. However, in the weeks building up to the election I considered that maybe, just maybe, it could happen. Here's my summary of why I think Indiana could turn blue today.

1. Numbers

2004 GE Results

Bush: 1,479,438 59.94%
Kerry: 969,011 39.26%

2008 Indiana Primary Results

Clinton: 646,233
Obama: 632,035

Total: 1,278,268

The total turnout for the Democratic primary was greater than the number of votes for Kerry in the 2004 GE by more than 300,000 votes. Now that doesn't automatically mean that Obama will get every one of those votes, but it does point to a greater excitement among voters for this election. There were 345,620 new registrations for 2008. That brings me to my next point.

2. Turnout

A good article about turning Indiana blue. From that article:

"Ignored for decades by presidential candidates, Indiana in 2004 boasted a dubious distinction -- the lowest turnout rate among registered voters (57.4 percent) of any state in the union."

Indiana last voted for a Democrat in 1964. It has long been a heavily Republican state, and with it's primary being late in the calender it has been ignored by nearly every presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican. But in 2008 with Clinton taking Obama to every state in the primary it finally got attention from the presidential candidates. Obama lost the primary, but by a very slim margin. Obama would go on to win the nomination, but didn't ignore Indiana just because it was a traditionally Republican state. Just like he did with NC and VA. Next point.

3. Ground game

John McCain has ZERO field offices in Indiana. That's right, ZERO. Obama has 44. Barack Obama has been running ads in Indiana for months. John McCain or the RNC didn't start running ads in IN till October. John McCain came to IN once in July, and once Nov. 3rd. Palin made 3 stops in Indiana in October. Obama has made a total of 49 stops this year, including one coming up on election day itself. Biden and Michelle have also made a few on their own.

To sum it up, IN has been desperate for attention during an election. Obama gave IN attention and made McCain and the RNC devote a number of resources to a state that Bush won by 20% in 2004. I think IN will be a razor thin margin. Whether or not Obama wins IN, watch this state closely today.

I really hope you're right, but I'm not holding my breath. Those primary numbers for this year are inflated because IN has open primaries. There were a lot of republicans who voted democrat in the primaries to vote for Hillary since they saw her as being easier for McCain to beat.

That having been said, I think you're absolutely right about IN being razor thin, and I did my part.

+1 Obama in Marion Co. this morning. I was in and out in about 15 minutes, but I passed a church on my way to my polling place this morning that had a huge line of people wrapped outside the bldg.
lawblob said:
Watching Obama vote was very inspiring, and then seeing the entire gym surround him and shake his hand. Today is going to be special. :D

I'm shooting for 400 EV. My strategy is aim high, even if Obama nudges over 270. :lol
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