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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Fox318 said:
She's the most power hungry politician in the history of the senate.
Christ. Isn't the woman allowed to have mixed feelings knowing that her name could've been on the ballot? WTF do you people want her to say? "Obama is better than me and I want to have his babies" ?

Some of you...


beelzebozo said:
i'd be curious to see how consistently you vote in the "best anime/rpg of the year" thread on neogaf
Are you implying that I am endorsing not voting?

PHOENIX, AZ - With his presidential bid seen as lost, John McCain is putting a Flux Capacitor on the Straight Talk Express. It appears that the GOP is resorting to time travel to secure the election. McCain is expected to travel back in time later this evening and change several strategies of his earlier campaign.

Campaign officials have gone on record assuring voters that the time machine is eco-friendly and will run on all natural fusion from renewable Venusian grade Dark Matter.

There is much speculation about what strategic changes McCain will make, including whether he will pick a new running mate. When asked about having her relevancy erased from existence, Palin instead talked about American Exceptionalism and rural anecdotes.

A functional time machine is currently being installed by the MIT Motor-Shop class who put the hydraulics, hover-conversion, and 13” sub-woofers on Stephen Hawking’s motorized chair. McCain hopes the new “Tricked Out” look will help him appeal to younger voters.

Further changes in the timeline are not expected by the Arizona senator as the Republican campaign can only afford enough fuel to send him back roughly three months.


+1 absentee for Obama in South Carolina. I doubt it will matter here, but I don't care. Gotta do my part... maybe one day the rest of SC will vote for a democrat!


Justin Bailey said:
Not implying selfishness, just going with what you said about how your particular experience had very little to do with the election and who was in charge, which is going to be true for most people. But if you look at the overall experience of the US and the world, yes it does make a big difference who is in charge. That's what elected officials do - they deal with the larger problems we face as a group. Each individual may not be affected much or at all, but the group overall is affected.
Right, but you do what you can and that's it.
+1 Obama Georgia

I was about to be pissed at the polls though. Waited 45 minutes got a the table where they check your ID and they said I could vote because they sent me an absentee ballot. I told them I never requested or got one.

They spent 15 mins on the phone with the registrars office and they finally saw that they were looking at my dad who had early voted.

I was seriously about choke those polling ladies


Souldriver said:
WTF do you people want her to say? "Obama is better than me and I want to have his babies" ?

I honestly don't much care what she has to say, one way or the other. The Clinton dominance of the DNC ends today.
Zapages said:
This is from one of my Republicans friends... He's making a rap song for McCain tonight and he is going to be rapping it at the local polling stations to get people to vote for McCain...:lol :lol :lol :lol

Okay, let's go through this.

McCain you bitch.
Is the way to be​

Uh... okay. Are we sure this is pro-McCain, because calling him a bitch isn't the best way to start. He then starts asking a question, "Is the way to be... ?" but is cut off. What was he going to ask McCain? I'm confused.

You gonna be the McCains
You gotta see.​

I am going to become John McCain and his family? Is this like, some kind of transcendent state, where we are all one in Brahma? He says that I've got to see this, so I'll take his word for it.

McCain is man to vote
to see
the world to end
is to be​

Okay, so McCain is voting to see the world to end... is to be? He voted so that he can see the end that is to come to the world? I didn't know McCain was so... apocalyptic.

McCain is the one I voted to be
be the one to be the President
of the USA to be.​

Your friend voted for McCain to "be be" the President of the USA, desu ka~

My friends, my hoes you gotta see
McCain is the one you got to vote
to see​

Apparently McCain is going to miraculously heal all blind friends and prostitutes.

to be the one to be only to be
the winner of the night is it to be​

To vote for McCain is to be "the one" to be only to be. I guess that it means you should vote for McCain because, you, The One, are simply an actor in a false reality, a figment of imagination existing only in the mind of some Dreaming Deity. You exist only to serve the role of existing. We're all just "that one," just nameless extras and bit characters in that Dreamer's story.

The winner of the night "is it to be." You see, once you vote McCain, that's it, there's nothing more to be in this world. The Dreamer, already in a restless sleep, will undoubtedly awaken in terror, starting up in a cold sweat. McCain being elected would be the finale to his nightmare, and as such, an end to this dream world.

This is the "end of the world to be" that McCain is voting for. By terrifying the Cosmic Dreamer so much that he wakes up, the universe is destroyed as a consequence. However, humanity is freed from being bit players in a nighttime fantasy.

go out and vote for McCain tonight​

The final and direct command, breaking with the rhyming scheme. The direness is clear: free mankind, awaken the Dreamer, end the world.
Souldriver said:
Christ. Isn't the woman allowed to have mixed feelings knowing that her name could've been on the ballot? WTF do you people want her to say? "Obama is better than me and I want to have his babies" ?

Some of you...

Some people still think this is the primaries. Whatever. It is what it is. She has more than did enough for Obama.
+3 for Obama in Missouri (St. Louis city). 2 hour line at 6:00 AM. By the time I left it was about a 1.5 hour line.

Edit: AND I did an exit poll for the first time. :)


I voted yesterday, and waited 1 hour 30 minutes from start to finish to vote early. My girlfriend voted this morning and it took her 5 minutes. WTF? I voted Demo across the board and I think she voted Republican, that was the way she was leaning. Every election I've ever voted in I voted for the winner so Obama is a lock.

Clinton 96'
Bush 00'
Bush 04'
Obama? 08'
EmCeeGramr said:
Okay, let's go through this.

McCain you bitch.
Is the way to be​

Uh... okay. Are we sure this is pro-McCain, because calling him a bitch isn't the best way to start. He then starts asking a question, "Is the way to be... ?" but is cut off. What was he going to ask McCain? I'm confused.

You gonna be the McCains
You gotta see.​

I am going to become John McCain and his family? Is this like, some kind of transcendent state, where we are all one in Brahma? He says that I've got to see this, so I'll take his word for it.

McCain is man to vote
to see
the world to end
is to be​

Okay, so McCain is voting to see the world to end... is to be? He voted so that he can see the end that is to come to the world? I didn't know McCain was so... apocalyptic.

McCain is the one I voted to be
be the one to be the President
of the USA to be.​

Your friend voted for McCain to "be be" the President of the USA, desu ka~

My friends, my hoes you gotta see
McCain is the one you got to vote
to see​

Apparently McCain is going to miraculously heal all blind friends and prostitutes.

to be the one to be only to be
the winner of the night is it to be​

To vote for McCain is to be "the one" to be only to be. I guess that it means you should vote for McCain because, you, The One, are simply an actor in a false reality, a figment of imagination existing only in the mind of some Dreaming Deity. You exist only to serve the role of existing. We're all just "that one," just nameless extras and bit characters in that Dreamer's story.

The winner of the night "is it to be." You see, once you vote McCain, that's it, there's nothing more to be in this world. The Dreamer, already in a restless sleep, will undoubtedly awaken in terror, starting up in a cold sweat. McCain being elected would be the finale to his nightmare, and as such, an end to this dream world.

This is the "end of the world to be" that McCain is voting for. By terrifying the Cosmic Dreamer so much that he wakes up, the universe is destroyed as a consequence. However, humanity is freed from being bit players in a nighttime fantasy.

go out and vote for McCain tonight​

The final and direct command, breaking with the rhyming scheme. The direness is clear: free mankind, awaken the Dreamer, end the world.

:lol :lol :lol righteous literal criticism
I just literally loled when they interviewed some undecideds on CNN.




MSBC live feed of morning joe seems without sound and picture now. Any other websites, Fox or CNN providing live video streaming content?


I've voted three previous times and never faced a line, in and out in five minutes...

Today the line stretched from York Avenue to the East River and took about an hour.

This turnout is amazing, especially since this is a state that "doesn't matter" because it's going to Obama anyway.
unomas said:
I voted yesterday, and waited 1 hour 30 minutes from start to finish to vote early. My girlfriend voted this morning and it took her 5 minutes. WTF? I voted Demo across the board and I think she voted Republican, that was the way she was leaning. Every election I've ever voted in I voted for the winner so Obama is a lock.

Clinton 96'
Bush 00'
Bush 04'
Obama? 08'
Wow, congrats on voting Bush TWICE.


unomas said:
I voted yesterday, and waited 1 hour 30 minutes from start to finish to vote early. My girlfriend voted this morning and it took her 5 minutes. WTF? I voted Demo across the board and I think she voted Republican, that was the way she was leaning. Every election I've ever voted in I voted for the winner so Obama is a lock.

Clinton 96'
Bush 00'
Bush 04'
Obama? 08'
you voted for Bush in 04? :(
master15 said:
MSBC live feed of morning joe seems without sound and picture now. Any other websites, Fox or CNN providing live video streaming content?
Bookmark this :)
Killthee said:
The links for the debates should work for election night coverage :D

C-SPAN1 (Direct Link), C-SPAN2 (Direct Link)

CNN.com Live
Direct Links:
Stream 1
Stream 2
Stream 3
Stream 4

MSNBC (Looks like MSNBC Election Day Online coverage has started....Link is streaming live MSNBC right now!); if the link is changed or it goes down, the frontpage of MSNBC.com will probably have the new link in bold letters on election day.


First tragedy, then farce.
Someone through my Obam-a-lantern in the trash today. I was throwing my little baggie of dog shit in the dumpster and say it.

Just posted the following sign on our board.

"Whoever took it upon themselves to throw my jack-o-lantern away, kindly fuck off. I assume since no one elses was thrown away it was politically motivated. Please come to my house around 8:00 so I can taste your bitter tears"

I know who did it already, it the bitchy old woman who threw away my door mat because she thought it was ugly. She won't admit to me that she did it, but she told someone else she threw it away. She's also a McCain supporter.

What pisses me off more is there is a 10 dollar little electric light that was in it that I've been using for years instead of a candle.
Justin Bailey said:
It's raining in VA. Meh.

Considering how about 70% of Obama's supporters poll as "very enthusiastic" about their candidate, while only about 30-40% of McCain supporters feel the same way about theirs, I'd say that poor weather conditions is a good thing for Obama. His people are much more likely to turn out.


Jealous Bastard
Clipjoint said:
Beautiful day in Chicago today - perfect for a victory rally! Can't wait!

i was in chicago a couple of weeks ago. really wanted to eat at topolobompo but didn't get the chance. had to settle for lou malnati's.


Souldriver said:
I just literally loled when they interviewed some undecideds on CNN.





Kildace said:
My productivity at work today is pretty much 0. This thread moves too fast today, even for PoliGAF.

Seriously... this is why it is in everybody's interest to make election day a national holiday

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Frank the Great said:
Considering how about 70% of Obama's supporters poll as "very enthusiastic" about their candidate, while only about 30-40% of McCain supporters feel the same way about theirs, I'd say that poor weather conditions is a good thing for Obama. His people are much more likely to turn out.


Will QA for food.
glistenm said:
Why don't calendars have Election Day marked?

I think that's kinda fucked, especially when they have shit like "Boxing Day (Canadia)".

You don't understand the power of Boxing Day, but I agree on marking Election Day.
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