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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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drawer by drawer
Fox318 said:
Never link the url. You might just spread the disease.


Thought it fit quite well. :D


eznark said:
pretty sure those are peoples houses

Nope, that grass is all in front of the school. Like I said, 40ft in VA. Also funny, one of the mayoral candidates mother was there handing out flyers. Sweet old lady looked me in the eye and said "Please vote for my son".


+1 for Obamarama in MI. Line was fairly long for where I live (Mt. Pleasant, and the line took about an hour) and it was really encouraging to see so many young people there voting. Last time I voted (2006) it was pretty much me and a bunch of old farts.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Fuck this shit.

I wait a fucking hour in line to vote, and then the election judge tells me I'm not on the voting list, so I have to re-register to vote at this specific location or go 20 miles away where I'm actually registered to vote.

This is in spite of what I had been told in previous weeks from

1. This voting location
2. My actual registered precinct
3. The Secretary of the State of Minnesota's website.
4. The office of the Secretary of the State after I called them up

FUCK this bullshit. Now I have to get a copy of a lease from the front desk which could take another 3-4 hours, and then go wait in line for another few hours to vote.


Unconfirmed Member
Souldriver said:
But can't you vote based on policy? If neither of the PERSONALITIES you prefer, just look at what POLICIES you prefer. McCain and Obama run on such a different platform, you simply can't still be undecided, unless you're uninformed or don't give a shit about politics. And if you somehow really think both have horrible ideas, vote third party.

In fact, policies should be more important than personality anyway, but whatever.
Agree with a lot of policies on both sides. They are very different, but that doesn't mean I'm going to like either one all the way down the line.

Also, I never said anything about being undecided on personality, and I'm a bit offended that you're just assuming that's the case. I think Obama has McCain whipped on personality, actually.
LOL look at the that sub headline on foxnews.com

Palin finally releases medical records: in excellent health.
I always thought it was really odd that she refused to release any records, but what the hell is the point now lol? Its like how they announce her own finding on trooper-gate the day before the election like everyone was waiting for that before voting. OMG Only 1 hour left!!!
unomas said:
Yes, couldn't stand Kerry and many people felt like the war needed to be carried through by the same president. I feel differently now, but that was four years ago. I just agree with Obama too much to vote for Mccain.
I was the same. It's embarassing to admit.
typhonsentra said:
Okay.... voter turnout was pretty crazy.

I got there with my mom (Precinct 139, Pasco) and was surprised to see a negligibly small line but a steady stream of people coming in, mostly white but several blacks/asians entering and exiting sporadically while I waited for her. I then ask the guy out front about turnout and am told the precinct has around 2000 people on the rolls and over 200 people were in line when they first opened! I also called my grandmother who lives in Tampa-proper (Hillsborough, not just the metro area) and she was still in line and says she's been in line for some time despite the dreary weather (It isn't raining here yet but it looks like it might start anytime now). Turnout is going to be absolutely insane here in Florida guys.....

Isn't Tampa Obama-land?

Very good news.
Voted here in DC. The first pic is about 2/3 of the people in front of me after an hour + waiting. (I got there @ 6:50 and got done around 8:45)

This second pic is about 3/4 of the poor saps behind me..


GaimeGuy said:
Fuck this shit.

I wait a fucking hour in line to vote, and then the election judge tells me I'm not on the voting list, so I have to re-register to vote at this specific location or go 20 miles away where I'm actually registered to vote.

This is in spite of what I had been told in previous weeks from

1. This voting location
2. My actual registered precinct
3. The Secretary of the State of Minnesota's website.
4. The office of the Secretary of the State after I called them up

FUCK this bullshit. Now I have to get a copy of a lease from the front desk which could take another 3-4 hours, and then go wait in line for another few hours to vote.

That's what you get for being a gopher


First tragedy, then farce.
Dude, I just got some bad hopium. It made me see Obama getting 269 and winning in the tie breaker.

Someone pass me the good shit, I'm talking 400+ EV win kinda hopium.
StoOgE said:
Dude, I just got some bad hopium. It made me see Obama getting 269 and winning in the tie breaker.

Someone pass me the good shit, I'm talking 400+ EV win kinda hopium.
*give Stooge some spare, GOOD Hopium*


As a european in the US i can only wish you good luck and please, please dont fuck up this election as well.

Good luck! Go Obama
StoOgE said:
Dude, I just got some bad hopium. It made me see Obama getting 269 and winning in the tie breaker.

Someone pass me the good shit, I'm talking 400+ EV win kinda hopium.
I think it will be 300-330. *inhales*


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Today feels like a holiday... wish I didn't have to go to work :p

Can't wait to vote! By the end of the day expect:

+1 Obama in Arizona :D
Monroeski said:
Agree with a lot of policies on either side, and I know enough to realize they're going to go back on half of what they say anyway.
Come on, there are some fundamental differences between Obama and McCain, which influence their stance on several issues, including economy, healthcare, military, ...

What is the most important issue for you right now? And what do both candidates say about it?

No sorry, I'm not buying any excuse about being undecided, endless you don't care for politics or you think they're both fucktards who won't do anything they say. Anything at all.

Edit: yes, I may have come across as blaming you for choosing on personality. Didn't meant it that way. Sorry.


GaimeGuy said:
Fuck this shit.

I wait a fucking hour in line to vote, and then the election judge tells me I'm not on the voting list, so I have to re-register to vote at this specific location or go 20 miles away where I'm actually registered to vote.

This is in spite of what I had been told in previous weeks from

1. This voting location
2. My actual registered precinct
3. The Secretary of the State of Minnesota's website.
4. The office of the Secretary of the State after I called them up

FUCK this bullshit. Now I have to get a copy of a lease from the front desk which could take another 3-4 hours, and then go wait in line for another few hours to vote.

ask yourself, is it worth it?
For those who have already voted, could you stop spending time on GAF and get out the vote please? go and get your friends who have not voted to vote for Obama. stop being on GAF till 8


+ 1 for Obama in PITTSBURGH, PA!

It felt so good to vote for the first time (I wasn't eligible for the last presidential election, and didn't register in time for 06).

I got there at 8:20, and didn't get in the building until 9:30. It's fucking ridiculous, a bunch of students on Pitt campus in Oakland are going to have to vote at a senior citizen center, the people inside running the shit are obviously regulars there. The guy doing the most important job, looking up peoples names and giving them the thing to sign, was by far the oldest one, and is definitely responsible for holding shit up. There was 5 polling stations I believe, and none of them were ever filled up all at once. And there was portions of time when not one of them was filled up.

Speaking of the stations, they were electronic....and easy as hell. What in the fuck Florida???

Only small problem I had was that once I voted for the straight democratic ticket (For a slight second, I had though of voting Green Party for congress, but backed out at the last minute, knowing that Obama will need all the help he can get), some sort of provision came up asking whether I would vote for financing some 400,000,000 in construction or something. I asked one of the ladies working there if I had to vote for it and she said no, just leave it blank if you don't want to. I'm sure I could have done this, but when I went to check my ballot before making the final vote, it said something like "Ballot is not complete"...I said fuck it, no need to take a chance, and voted yes for the thing (It sounded democratic in nature so what the hell).......:lol

There was an "election protection" guy there, he was nice, I talked to him for a little bit. He told me that there is quite a few polling places in Oakland. After awhile, 2 or 3 girls came over with bags of sprite and donuts and fruits and such, asking people if they were Obama supporters first, then giving them what they wanted if they said yes. They also gave out some Obama stickers for people that wanted them when they came out, most of the people I saw wanted one. Quite a few already had Obama stuff on. One of the lawyer representatives was there, and one of the polling ladies had to talk to one over the phone about how they should go about speeding up the process. Apparently, there was another polling place behind the senior citizen center, but not a lot of people were actually registered to vote there, and there wasn't much of a line for it. I'm not sure how they are going to work that out, but I hope that they let some of the people who voted at the senior citizen spot go over there to cast their ballots.

It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here, I was actually sweating a little bit in line even though it was decent weather. Not sure if that helps Obama or not, but I know that the long as, slow moving lines aren't going to attract many students. Regardless, I feel very good about turnout, and I believe that CHANGE is COMING TO AMERICA.
GaimeGuy said:
Fuck this shit.

I wait a fucking hour in line to vote, and then the election judge tells me I'm not on the voting list, so I have to re-register to vote at this specific location or go 20 miles away where I'm actually registered to vote.

This is in spite of what I had been told in previous weeks from

1. This voting location
2. My actual registered precinct
3. The Secretary of the State of Minnesota's website.
4. The office of the Secretary of the State after I called them up

FUCK this bullshit. Now I have to get a copy of a lease from the front desk which could take another 3-4 hours, and then go wait in line for another few hours to vote.

Absentee ballot is the only way to go. These stupid lines increasingly show me that the concept of an "election day" is a fatally flawed concept. Every state needs early voting and easy access absentee ballot voting.


GaimeGuy said:
Fuck this shit.

I wait a fucking hour in line to vote, and then the election judge tells me I'm not on the voting list, so I have to re-register to vote at this specific location or go 20 miles away where I'm actually registered to vote.

This is in spite of what I had been told in previous weeks from

1. This voting location
2. My actual registered precinct
3. The Secretary of the State of Minnesota's website.
4. The office of the Secretary of the State after I called them up

FUCK this bullshit. Now I have to get a copy of a lease from the front desk which could take another 3-4 hours, and then go wait in line for another few hours to vote.

Call Obama voter protection hotline: 1-877-US-4-OBAMA


BigFwoosh said:
ElectricBlue187 said:
+1 Obama


in south carolina tho :(
Represent, son.
Tally one more for Obama (plus another when my wife votes) for SC. Plus 1 for me for the US Senate Race. Couldn't vote for Lindsey Graham, and sure as fuck wasn't voting for that Connelly, so I wrote myself in.

Lines were crazy. My voting district has a whopping 3300 people in it. When I got in line at 6:45AM this morning, there were already close to 200 people there. By the time 7AM rolled around, that had doubled. By the time I left after voting at 8:30, I'd say around 600+ people had showed up. It took 1.75 hours for 160 people to vote (I was #80 in my line, and #80 in the other line had just finished signing the voter's oath page). It was kerrrazzy. The old people that work the polls were in no way prepared for the onslaught this morning. I'm anxious to see how many people voted in this election vs the last four.


artredis1980 said:
For those who have already voted, could you stop spending time on GAF and get out the vote please? go and get your friends who have not voted to vote for Obama. stop being on GAF till 8

Some of us don't live in swing states, so it doesn't matter. :p


Sidhe / PikPok
Fox News seems quite... cordial about the current situation.

Jumping ship to new viewer demographic or calm before the storm?


artredis1980 said:
For those who have already voted, could you stop spending time on GAF and get out the vote please? go and get your friends who have not voted to vote for Obama. stop being on GAF till 8

Dude just chill out, Obama has got this shit.


artredis1980 said:
For those who have already voted, could you stop spending time on GAF and get out the vote please? go and get your friends who have not voted to vote for Obama. stop being on GAF till 8

I have a class at 1-2:15, and actually have some work to do for it before hand. After the class though, I'm definitely going to be calling and texting people.

I really hope that the lines don't distract young people, it's bullshit that the place I voted at didn't have at least 4 tables set up.


I was just with my mom and she was talking to her friend about the election and her friend said "Obama is arabic, I dont trust arabs." and my mom (who voted for Obama and loves Obama) said "he isn't arabic! he is muslim don't worry!" ugh... :lol

I kind of blew up and got a bit "heated" with her friend.
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