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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Souldriver said:

God among men!

Saved for future use.
artredis1980 said:
For those who have already voted, could you stop spending time on GAF and get out the vote please? go and get your friends who have not voted to vote for Obama. stop being on GAF till 8
I'm at work dude, besides, all of my pals are more political than me, save one idiot.


I had to fill out a provisional ballot (I think thats what its called) Im gonna call and see why Im not on that paper. But im still happy I casted my Ballot.


Mario said:
Fox News seems quite... cordial about the current situation.

Jumping ship to new viewer demographic or calm before the storm?

They're just preparing all their new material in case Obama is elected.

And don't you think they're tired of trying to stand up for Bush policies? Finally they might have a single person to bash day in and day out. It's going to be like Christmas for them if Obama is elected.


Junior Member
segarr said:
+ 1 for Obama in PITTSBURGH, PA!

It felt so good to vote for the first time (I wasn't eligible for the last presidential election, and didn't register in time for 06).

I got there at 8:20, and didn't get in the building until 9:30. It's fucking ridiculous, a bunch of students on Pitt campus in Oakland are going to have to vote at a senior citizen center, the people inside running the shit are obviously regulars there. The guy doing the most important job, looking up peoples names and giving them the thing to sign, was by far the oldest one, and is definitely responsible for holding shit up. There was 5 polling stations I believe, and none of them were ever filled up all at once. And there was portions of time when not one of them was filled up.

Speaking of the stations, they were electronic....and easy as hell. What in the fuck Florida???

Only small problem I had was that once I voted for the straight democratic ticket (For a slight second, I had though of voting Green Party for congress, but backed out at the last minute, knowing that Obama will need all the help he can get), some sort of provision came up asking whether I would vote for financing some 400,000,000 in construction or something. I asked one of the ladies working there if I had to vote for it and she said no, just leave it blank if you don't want to. I'm sure I could have done this, but when I went to check my ballot before making the final vote, it said something like "Ballot is not complete"...I said fuck it, no need to take a chance, and voted yes for the thing (It sounded democratic in nature so what the hell).......:lol

There was an "election protection" guy there, he was nice, I talked to him for a little bit. He told me that there is quite a few polling places in Oakland. After awhile, 2 or 3 girls came over with bags of sprite and donuts and fruits and such, asking people if they were Obama supporters first, then giving them what they wanted if they said yes. They also gave out some Obama stickers for people that wanted them when they came out, most of the people I saw wanted one. Quite a few already had Obama stuff on. One of the lawyer representatives was there, and one of the polling ladies had to talk to one over the phone about how they should go about speeding up the process. Apparently, there was another polling place behind the senior citizen center, but not a lot of people were actually registered to vote there, and there wasn't much of a line for it. I'm not sure how they are going to work that out, but I hope that they let some of the people who voted at the senior citizen spot go over there to cast their ballots.

It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here, I was actually sweating a little bit in line even though it was decent weather. Not sure if that helps Obama or not, but I know that the long as, slow moving lines aren't going to attract many students. Regardless, I feel very good about turnout, and I believe that CHANGE is COMING TO AMERICA.

Thanks for the impressions.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Cheebs said:
I was just with my mom and she was talking to her friend about the election and her friend said "Obama is arabic, I dont trust arabs." and my mom (who voted for Obama and loves Obama) said "he isn't arabic! he is muslim don't worry!" ugh... :lol

I kind of blew up and got a bit "heated" with her friend.

Man, where's this s tuff coming from? I'm not following the election that closely or anything (well, now I am), but even I know that his father's from Kenya and his mother from USA.
Frank the Great said:
Isn't Tampa Obama-land?

Very good news.
We're hoping it is but I'm pretty sure both Hillsborough and Pasco went to Bush both times and where I live, McCain/Palin support is probably more visible than Obama support. But again, I'm in Lutz and not Tampa-proper. And I wouldn't count on it being Obama-land for certain either, nothing's a sure-thing here even if they're looking good. It's all about who made it to the polls.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Shiggie said:
I had to fill out a provisional ballot (I think thats what its called) Im gonna call and see why Im not on that paper. But im still happy I casted my Ballot.
Never settle at just a provisional ballot. Call in and don't let up.


artredis1980 said:
For those who have already voted, could you stop spending time on GAF and get out the vote please? go and get your friends who have not voted to vote for Obama. stop being on GAF till 8
Shouldn't they be out voting how they feel they should vote?


Shiggie said:
I had to fill out a provisional ballot (I think thats what its called) Im gonna call and see why Im not on that paper. But im still happy I casted my Ballot.
They're wiping their asses with your provisional ballot. Never settle.


Junior Member
Cheebs said:
I was just with my mom and she was talking to her friend about the election and her friend said "Obama is arabic, I dont trust arabs." and my mom (who voted for Obama and loves Obama) said "he isn't arabic! he is muslim don't worry!" ugh... :lol

I kind of blew up and got a bit "heated" with her friend.
...oh my.


Shiggie said:
I had to fill out a provisional ballot (I think thats what its called) Im gonna call and see why Im not on that paper. But im still happy I casted my Ballot.

:( Your provisional ballot probably won't be counted

If anyone else has problems, please call 1-877-US-4-OBAMA or the ACLU's hotline at 1-800-792-VOTE


Bitches love smiley faces
Shiggie said:
I had to fill out a provisional ballot (I think thats what its called) Im gonna call and see why Im not on that paper. But im still happy I casted my Ballot.
Did you make them double check? First time I ended up half-way filling one out before they found my name.

Felt good to see Obama's name there in black and white and vote.
Damn Mika is looking pretty hot. She normally just looks like a normal good looking mom (I almost never watch "Morning Joe" but she looks a model now or something. I think it's the hair.


ItsInMyVeins said:
Man, where's this s tuff coming from? I'm not following the election that closely or anything (well, now I am), but even I know that his father's from Kenya and his mother from USA.
I am still amazed my mom fell for the muslim thing but still gave him money and has his bumper sticker...etc all the same. I guess in a weird way that is a good thing? :lol
Going to go at lunch time after I pick up Resistance 2. Double checked my registration to make sure it was updated. Thanks Rock the Vote. Gotta cancel out my friends vote for McCain.


ItsInMyVeins said:
Man, where's this s tuff coming from? I'm not following the election that closely or anything (well, now I am), but even I know that his father's from Kenya and his mother from USA.

Stupid people don't get less stupid just because the information is available.


Obama, on the tarmac in Chicago, per the pool report:

"I feel great and it was fun, I had a chance to vote with my daughters... I feel really good.

"You know I'm sure I will tonight - that's when polls close. The journey ends but voting with my daughters, that was a big deal. I noticed that Michelle took a long time though. I had to check to see who she was voting for."



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
God i'm pisssed.

FOUR FUCKING SOURCES that told me information contrary to the election judge at the front of the line.

*goes to get a copy of his rent statement*
gamerecks said:
Going to go at lunch time after I pick up Resistance 2. Double checked my registration to make sure it was updated. Thanks Rock the Vote. Gotta cancel out my friends vote for McCain.
I mailed in my ballot just so I could go pick up Resistance 2 without waiting. Only 20 minutes till I go, I hope there isn't a line :lol

Edit, ME too Tanod!!!


Today is the day! I have been keeping up with this election since the primaries started. It feels so good to know that it will all come to an end today.

I know Nate from 538.com said do not pay attention to exit polls, but I need something to satisfy my needs. What data can we look at until the polls close?

And also check this out:

Finally McCain Gets a Break

John McCain has had a run of bad luck this year ranging from little public interest in foreign policy to the Wall St. Meltdown just before the election. Finally, he is getting the ultimate gift a Republican could ask for: rain on election day. The forecast is rain and storm in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina. Rain lowers turnout and low turnout always helps Republicans as the people most discouraged from standing in the rain for hours are low-income voters. Whether this will be enough to swing those states is another matter though. They could be close. But turnout is crucial to determining who wins.
So is anyone here going to Grant Park?

I don't have a ticket, but I'm only a few blocks away so I'm gonna walk down there and see if I can get a spot somewhere.
Cheebs said:
I am still amazed my mom fell for the muslim thing but still gave him money and has his bumper sticker...etc all the same. I guess in a weird way that is a good thing? :lol
It means being a muslim is nothing bad according to her. That's good.
It means that she's easily tricked into believing lies. That's bad.
But she'll vote for Obama. That's good.


Unconfirmed Member
Souldriver said:
Come on, there are some fundamental differences between Obama and McCain, which influence their stance on several issues, including economy, healthcare, military, ...

What is the most important issue for you right now? And what do both candidates say about it?

No sorry, I'm not buying any excuse about being undecided, endless you don't care for politics or you think they're both fucktards who won't do anything they say. Anything at all.

Edit: yes, I may have come across as blaming you for choosing on personality. Didn't meant it that way. Sorry.
I don't have a single issue that stands out as being most important, but just for the purposes of example, here are a few things I could list -

1. Agree more with Obama on abortion
2. Don't like that I think taxes will be higher under Obama than McCain
3. I think Obama will get us out of Iraq faster, but I don't like what I think he's going to do to the overall military budget
4. Personality wise, McCain is a bit too hard line and stubborn for my taste. I also don't like all the reports of his violent temper. That stuff matters in foreign relations and dealings with congress.
5. I would probably prefer whoever Obama puts into the Supreme Court more than who McCain would nominate, particularly as far as keeping it balanced; I don't want it to swing either right or left too far, and since it's a bit right right now, it would only get further over under McCain.
6. This is going to sound strange, and I don't really understand it myself considering how much I hate deadlock, but I have an inherent dislike for a situation in which the President and Congress are both of the same party. It seems like Congressmen and Senators have been increasingly toeing the party line (at least before Bush's popularity really hit the crapper and people started turning on him), and I don't know that I like the thought of whoever is President just pushing everything they want through with no resistance. We already had that for most of Bush's presidency, and look at where that got us.

When it comes down to it, if I HAVE to vote for one of the two, I would probably vote Obama. I'll probably end up going third party as a protest vote against the two party system, though.


Sidhe / PikPok
greepoman said:
They're just preparing all their new material in case Obama is elected.

And don't you think they're tired of trying to stand up for Bush policies? Finally they might have a single person to bash day in and day out. It's going to be like Christmas for them if Obama is elected.

I don't really watch enough Fox News to know (live outside the US). Just been following a bit while staying up to date with the election.

If their model to date has been TV "comfort food", then switching to negative commentary is quite a change.

Be interesting to see where they end up in the next few days if Obama wins. My experience to date has been a level of ridiculousness I didn't anticipate despite the "warnings".


Bishman said:
Today is the day! I have been keeping up with this election since the primaries started. It feels so good to know that it will all come to an end today.

I know Nate from 538.com said do not pay attention to exit polls, but I need something to satisfy my needs. What data can we look at until the polls close?

And also check this out:

I don't think low-income voters are going to be deterred this time.
Frank the Great said:
Isn't Tampa Obama-land?

Very good news.

It depends. It's really a huge swing area once you factor in all the suburbs and surrounding little townlets.

Btw Joe Scarbarough is a idiot with his evil lawyer rant. Now I realize why I would never watch this show.
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