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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:
The ad is, again, really smart. You see Obama pointing out the 'wacky nutty' movement conservative idea of abolishing the department of education, and twist the no-funding of NCLB to the much more soundbitable "against accountability standards".

Also, in general (thought it could be better worded in this ad) Obama's framing of education as a means of keeping economic competitiveness is a strong one.
I just noticed that it ends with Barack hanging out with his wife and kids. It's pointing out that hey, he's got kids too so he cares about education. I wonder if it's a shot at pointing out that he's a family man as well, for those moms swayed by Palin's veep-as-mom pull.
GhaleonEB said:
I just noticed that it ends with Barack hanging out with his wife and kids. It's pointing out that hey, he's got kids too so he cares about education. I wonder if it's a shot at pointing out that he's a family man as well, for those moms swayed by Palin's veep-as-mom pull.

It's probably the smartest way to pull family into the conversation while sticking to a critical issue.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fuck, I didn't get tickets to see Obama. Damn. :(

Only 200 tickets and like a billion people applied :(
besada said:
So Bush is announcing a draw down of troops in Iraq and an increase in Afghanistan.
That sounds familiar!



@ 5PM EST Rasmussen is releasing poll data for Montana.

New state polls were released last night for Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Tonight, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern, new polling will be released for Montana. Additional state polls will be released each weeknight at 5:00 p.m. Eastern.
Cool. :D


thats nice that Bush is doing all he can to help Obama

Rur0ni said:
@ 5PM EST Rasmussen is releasing poll data for Montana.

Cool. :D

will it include Paul? If it doesn't, and Obama is ahead without Paul being there, then its a guaranteed win for Obama.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Er, are you sure? Front page of Yahoo (Or was it AOL) says troop levels will remain the same through 2009.
He is pulling out 8k troops.

Also I hope the Ras. poll includes Ron Paul, since he will be on the ballot. I want to know the effect of that.


jmdajr said:
Gotta love the way Obama handles himself here. Oreilly obviously trys his classic flustering techniques of cutting you off, overtalking etc. Obama doesnt take the bait and continues making solid points while clarifying his position in a mild mannered tone. Dudes just got "it".


mckmas8808 said:
DUDE! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember this is DIRECTLY off the heels of a Republican convention.

The numbers will move back next week in most of those states.

Go back and read my post. Please? Some of you people make my head hurt. They should, yes. States like MI I definitely expect to go back. I would not be surprised, however, if McCain ends up maintaining a tie/lead in states like Virginia and especially Ohio. I'm hopeful that he'll at least get one of those states, but at the same time, it's silly to get your hopes up for what seems like a 50/50 chance in both cases. And if you read anything I said (but I'm guessing you only read what would justify your reply) I totally acknowledged that this is a pretty small convention bounce for McCain that will, for the most part, go away soon enough. Read the fucking post before you respond that way.

I swear, people calling other people out for what they perceive as too much worrying about something is like comfort to them when Obama isn't polling as good as before. I wasn't implying doom and gloom here...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
scorcho said:
oops. just reread it. my comprehension skills go to hell when i multitask. my bad!
No worries. What bothered me about the article is that, as much as I appreciate Klein's intentions, I think he's still falling for the Maverick rhetoric. Not to say the choice of Palin isn't reckless for the country, but I just don't buy that it was McCain's decision alone. It's the party's decision, wholly in keeping with all the other reckless things they've been doing in the past 8 years.


The Lamonster said:
wow, we need to spread this around. DIGG, e-mail etc etc
Most of those are not going to manifest in a big impact. It's mostly the GOP in Ohio resisting things the new Democratic secretary of state is doing.

#1 happened in 2004, but the GOP isn't in a position to make it happen again
#2 is speculation based on 2004. Could happen, but there's no evidence.
#3 Mostly about how the new SoS is countering GOP efforts to gum up the system, apparently successfully.
#4-5 don't amount to too much - they tried to screw up the mailings without success, and are challenging the early voting law.
#6 I can't find the story off hand, but I read their first challenge was tossed out already. They are not in a position to force this change.
#7 Okay this one is bad. The voting machines need to be overhauled.
#8 Just fallout from voter redistricting in 2004; nothing new and should go over better this year.
#9 No evidence of vote stealing here, just data mining the data base.
#10 This could also be impactful, especially to poor voters.

The article is stretching to get to 10; it looks like things are much better overall this cycle than last. Really, only #7 (voting machines) and #10 (voter ID) worry me. Of course, access to the polls and the accuracy of the machines themselves are kind of important, so....


PantherLotus said:
I'm taking the term "elitist" back. It's like Americans revel in their mudbath of self-gratifying stupidity. Of course we're elitist. We want to be the best, we want to have the most stuff. We want to succeed and give our children chances we didn't have. We want to have the strongest defense and the smartest scientists and engineers. We want to have the best education in the world and the strongest economy anywhere. And we want it now.

I'm taking the term ELITIST back, because anything less is un-american. Imagine, Washington and Jefferson and Adams and Franklin and Lincoln and Edison, striving not to be elite, not to be the best and the brightest and the strongest and a beacon of hope, but to avoid all that. Imagine that.

I hearby reclaim the word elitist back, and you can call me that and I will wear it with pride.

Of course, that would make you a mediocre-ist.

What's funny is that all these "country first, we're the greatest nation ever, everyone bow to us" right-wingers are the ones calling others elitist, not seeming to realize that they're conveying a very elitist mindset there. They want to have their cake and eat it too, as usual.


The Lamonster said:
I really like Obama's THE SAME ad. It's simple and funny. That is the kind of advertising that works.

I agree with you on the effectiveness of the ad. The lighthearted music gives the ad a hokey tone that removes credibility from McCain. The ad's message is simple and hammered multiple times. Great symbolic imagery putting McCain and Bush together in just about every frame. You don't even have to be listening to your TV get the point.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Nothing beats a solid PoliGAF inside joke.

sad I keep thinking about vast deference

Fatalah said:
I agree with you on the effectiveness of the ad. The lighthearted music gives the ad a hokey tone that removes credibility from McCain. The ad's message is simple and hammered multiple times. Great symbolic imagery putting McCain and Bush together in just about every frame. You don't even have to be listening to your TV get the point.
yeah I first saw it in a bar on mute, thought it was great


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Rur0ni said:

Yep and MSNBC were talking about this hite women thing ALL morning. Its borderline racist what's going on now.

Here we had many polls showing Obama leading among white women and even some showing that he was winning the working class white vote, but nobody seemed to give a fuck.

Now McCain leads white women in one poll RIGHT after the REP convention and they talk about his lead all morning.

I swear those white people talking just feel soooo much better when their race is leading toward McCain in one poll.

But like Chuck Todd said if McCain is leading by 12% with the white women vote then why is McCain losing by 1% in that same poll?

Most people on TV have no fucking clue about any damn thing. And its sad when you can learn more on GAF in one hour than you can watching or American news for one day.



AniHawk said:
In Audacity of Hope, Obama talks about how no one really got under his skin quite like Alan Keyes (for insinuating Obama wasn't a true Christian). The Keyes/Obama debates might be the best insight into how Obama deals with an opponent from a different ideology.



Probably doesn't hurt that Keyes comes off as a few types of crazy. I'd be surprised to see McCain's speaking ability come anywhere near either Obama or Keyes.
Well, to be fair, Alan Keyes sounds like a frog. McCain at least doesn't have that problem. But I still think the Obama/Keyes debate is very telling in terms of how Obama will deal with getting backed into a corner.
At a rally today, Sen. McCain again asserted that Sen. Obama has requested nearly a billion in earmarks. In fact, the Illinois senator requested $311 million last year, according to the Associated Press, and none this year. In comparison, Gov. Palin has requested $750 million in her two years as governor -- which the AP says is the largest per-capita request in the nation.

:lol :lol

That's because, after of year of telling donors not to contribute to 527 groups, of encouraging strategists not to form them and of suggesting that outside messaging efforts would not be welcome in Obama's Democratic Party, Obama's strategists have changed their approach.

An Obama adviser privy to the campaign's internal thinking on the matter says that,with less than two months before the election and with the realization that Republicans have achieved financial parity with Democrats, they hope that Democratic allies -- what another campaign aide termed "the cavalry" -- with come to Obama's aid.

Now, there's a good side and bad side to this. The bad side is that A) the GOP has, by way of throwing their House and Senate campaigns completely under the bus, achieved a degree of financial pairity with Democrats. Also, with 527s in the mix the message is likely to get muddled and Obama can't run everything out of Chicago.

Allowing 527s to go after Obama is only fair since McCain has shown zero willingness to stop/encouraged them from his end, and I doubt there will be any real howling about the matter from the press.


Palin is getting so much attention and is drawing so many crowds, kinda like a rock star of some sorts. I wonder if it hampers McCain's self esteem.
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