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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fragamemnon said:

Now, there's a good side and bad side to this. The bad side is that A) the GOP has, by way of throwing their House and Senate campaigns completely under the bus, achieved a degree of financial pairity with Democrats. Also, with 527s in the mix the message is likely to get muddled and Obama can't run everything out of Chicago.

Allowing 527s to go after Obama is only fair since McCain has shown zero willingness to stop/encouraged them from his end, and I doubt there will be any real howling about the matter from the press.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I beg to differ. 527s distort and misrepresent things. It is difficult for me to come close to supporting this.
TheKingsCrown said:
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I beg to differ. 527s distort and misrepresent things. It is difficult for me to come close to supporting this.

I'm with you. I basically cut all my ties with MoveOn.org after that ridiculous baby ad.


Shiggie said:
Palin is getting so much attention and is drawing so many crowds, kinda like a rock star of some sorts. I wonder if it hampers McCain's self esteem.

If America can vote for the best singer on American Idol, why can't America vote for the most intelligent ticket for President? Jeebo!


It might be almost funny to see McCain veto bill after bill, just to have his vetoes overturned again and again.

If he won he could wind up the most overturned President ever. It would certainly put some tooth back in the bite of the legislature after taking it up the rear for the last eight years.
reilo said:

U.S. official: Kim Jong Il may have suffered stroke
if he's even still alive, amirite

Steve Youngblood said:
Has she at least realized that Fannie May and Freddie Mac weren't tax-payer funded prior to the bailout, yet? Are is she still hammering them as government pork, which she sure as hell doesn't stand for!
"not on your life! har har har"


Strap on your hooker ...
besada said:
It might be almost funny to see McCain veto bill after bill, just to have his vetoes overturned again and again.

If he won he could wind up the most overturned President ever. It would certainly put some tooth back in the bite of the legislature after taking it up the rear for the last eight years.
Are the dems set to win a lot of seats? Because right now they don't have enough of a majority to overturn jack shit.


Door2Dawn said:
The surge has worked.

Obama,why won't you admit you were wrong?
I got a feeling that's what this withdraw is going to be about.

"Obama didn't think the surge would work, now we're withdrawing troops out of Iraq!"
MassiveAttack said:
The "personal jet on Ebay" line is getting old... really old.

"So you sold the jet on Ebay?"
"Well, no, but I put in on Ebay!"
"And you can imagine how awesome it would have been if I HAD actually sold it on Ebay. Am I right!?"
Shig said:
Are the dems set to win a lot of seats? Because they don't have enough of a majority right now to overturn jackshit.
Fatalah said:
If America can vote for the best singer on American Idol, why can't America vote for the most intelligent ticket for President? Jeebo!

Come on dude, America even fails at American Idol. i.e. Chris Daughtry?
Odrion said:
I got a feeling that's what this withdraw is going to be about.

"Obama didn't think the surge would work, now we're withdrawing troops out of Iraq!"

Well, the violence has lowered, yes. The country went from 1000~ civilian deaths a month to ~100 in the last couple of years. Still, the government leaves A LOT to be desired. Sunnis and Shias aren't exactly holding hands at the moment.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
Well, the violence has lowered, yes. The country went from 1000~ civilian deaths a month to ~100 in the last couple of years. Still, the government leaves A LOT to be desired. Sunnis and Shias aren't exactly holding hands at the moment.

I thought Biden handled this very well on Meet the Press.

The entire focus on the Surge by the Repubs is disingenuous. Obviously more troops equals more bad-guy-killing, but at this point the 'war' has been over for years, all we are doing is patrolling the streets of a country led by an incompetent government... yet Palin talks about us 'winning' the war in the future. Winning what?


Shig said:
Are the dems set to win a lot of seats? Because right now they don't have enough of a majority to overturn jack shit.

They're set to win some seats, but more importantly, it's not just Democratic earmarks he's threatening to veto. There's a reason no President's ever made much of in inroad against earmarks or pork -- it's a truly bipartisan issue. Republican legislators like to take money home too. And with the Dems in control, they can assure that anything that goes up with earmarks has bipartisan earmarks.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon


besada said:
They're set to win some seats, but more importantly, it's not just Democratic earmarks he's threatening to veto. There's a reason no President's ever made much of in inroad against earmarks or pork -- it's a truly bipartisan issue. Republican legislators like to take money home too. And with the Dems in control, they can assure that anything that goes up with earmarks has bipartisan earmarks.

A good history lesson for Democrats is 1993-94, during the first two years of Clinton Administration. The Democratic Congress & Senate went totally overboard with their earmarks, positions, and posture, and it almost cost Clinton his re-election.

It is a valid argument by the GOP that an all-Democratic Washington could be inefficient... the problem with this argument, however, is the all Republican Washington from 2001-2006 was 10x worse than the early 90s Democrats, so it is unlikely this argument will gain much traction outside the base.
TheGrayGhost said:
Why was it ridiculous?

It was offensive to my intelligence, distortive, reductive, based on a pretty ridiculous premise. If a baby is at risk because of potential war 18 years from now, then run it against every politician for the next ten years.
capslock said:
Alright, this spot is over the top, sensationalistic propoganda about McCain bellicosity, but it is nevertheless effectively made, combining effective imagery, commentary and soundtrack, you don't necessarily have to take it seriously, but it's an interesting study in creating an effective narrative about a politician, warning, some of the imagery is rather disturbing.

wow, that was pretty awesome

and depressing


God, the Republicans are seriously reaching. :lol :lol

Sarah Palin clings to both guns and religion, and she is America’s new darling. A fresh face from Alaska and the first woman on a Republican ticket, Palin embodies change. She and John McCain are known for eschewing party lines. Neither is conventional.

Contrast that to Barack Obama and Washington graybeard Joe Biden, peddling a refried ’60s agenda, and there can be no doubt which ticket is most committed to shaking up the status quo. It’s no wonder that Obama sounded almost desperate this weekend when he said that for McCain and Palin to represent themselves as agents of change, “they must really think you’re stupid.”

But just who is kidding whom? Obama and Biden characterize themselves as champions of the middle class — the candidates who most closely identify with Joe and Sally Lunchbucket. Yet Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law School married to a Princeton grad — Cliff and Claire Huxtable on steroids — living in a $1.65 million home, befitting their status as multimillionaires. Their two daughters attend the private University of Chicago Lab School, where tuition is $18,492 for a first-grader and $20,286 for a fifth-grader. The school’s registration fee is $1,000 per child; the cost to ride the bus is $2,495 a year. How many middle-class Americans can afford to spend $45,768 a year to send two kids to elementary school?

And Biden’s three children are graduates of Archmere Academy in Delaware, where the annual tuition is $18,450, plus $300 to $500 for books, $200 to $300 for uniforms and $2,500 to $3,000 to ride the bus.

Incredibly, these Democrats are trying to convince voters that they are more in touch with working Americans than Sarah Palin, who is married to a union member, sends her kids to public schools and feeds them macaroni and cheese. Do they think we’re stupid?


Yes, we think you're fucking stupid.

Shittiest op-ed piece ever.


The Lamonster said:

For an older woman, she's not bad looking still. I still stand by my statement that you are insane. Manly jaw lines? Give me a break.

If she were a democrat, you would be singing a different tune altogether I am sure. Since she is an evil Republican, she's a monster.

PhatSaqs said:
It's 2008...

Yep. And for an older woman, she's not bad looking still.


polyh3dron said:
The further the Republicans reach, the more America believes them.

Pretty much. Lets not forget that Mittens Romney, a Harvard educated, multi-millionaire businessman from Boston opened his RNC speech last week by making fun of 'rich eastern elites,' and the crowd applauded wildly.

At this point in the race you have to meet fire with fire. Go negative.


PhatSaqs said:
I agree but hot? lawlz :p

Well, it's all perspective. Compared to Bush, she's hot. Bush is a guy, so I can't be attracted to him.

She was definitely hot back in the day. I wouldn't kick her out of bed.
lawblob said:
I thought Biden handled this very well on Meet the Press.

The entire focus on the Surge by the Repubs is disingenuous. Obviously more troops equals more bad-guy-killing, but at this point the 'war' has been over for years, all we are doing is patrolling the streets of a country led by an incompetent government... yet Palin talks about us 'winning' the war in the future. Winning what?

Iraq has never been anything but a ghost war. But it doesn't matter. How many Americans are really aware that of the 19 hijackers involved in 9-11, not a single one was an Iraqi citizen?
Holy shit, but isn't McCain married to a multimillionaire? How can a dude with multiple houses and multiple millions be more accessible and more able to relate to the people than a guy who is completely self-made and successful SPECIFICALLY due to being amongst the people and aiding the people like Obama?

It's as if they hate me for going to school or something.


capslock said:
Alright, this spot is over the top, sensationalistic propoganda about McCain bellicosity, but it is nevertheless well made, combining effective imagery, commentary and soundtrack, you don't necessarily have to take it seriously, but it's an interesting study in creating an strong narrative about a politician, warning, some of the imagery is rather disturbing.


Wow. That's depressing on multiple levels. There is one thing in that video that stuck out at me: where has Wes Clark disappeared to? I'm surprised Obama hasn't gotten him on board, pushing talking points on the news circuit if nothing else.
Dr_Cogent said:
Well, it's all perspective. Compared to Bush, she's hot. Bush is a guy, so I can't be attracted to him.

She was definitely hot back in the day. I wouldn't kick her out of bed.
You'd want all that makeup and hairspray in your bed? Gross! I bet her perfume smells like old ladies at chruch, too.
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