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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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captmcblack said:
Holy shit, but isn't McCain married to a multimillionaire? How can a dude with multiple houses and multiple millions be more accessible and more able to relate to the people than a guy who is completely self-made and successful SPECIFICALLY due to being amongst the people and aiding the people like Obama?

It's as if they hate me for going to school or something.

They mock Obama's community organizing and call him elitist at the same time. It's rather astonishing.
Wolffen said:
Wow. That's depressing on multiple levels. There is one thing in that video that stuck out at me: where has Wes Clark disappeared to? I'm surprised Obama hasn't gotten him on board, pushing talking points on the news circuit if nothing else.
Ever since he said that getting shot down in a plane doesn't make one qualified to be president, there really hasn't been much out of Clark.

Unfortunate, but I'm not sure we've seen the last of him this campaign.


First Read is teasing the WSJ/NBC national poll tonight (3:30 Pacific time).

Tonight, our NBC/WSJ poll -- generally considered the gold standard of national surveys -- comes out at 6:30 pm ET on Nightly News and MSNBC.com. Will it show a similar result? The bad news for Team Obama is that this tied race is occurring in a pro-Democrat political environment, and skittish Democrats -- who haven’t won the White House since 1996 -- are going to wring their hands over any piece of bad news, which is never good for morale.

The good news for them: In 2004, John Kerry found himself behind after the GOP convention by a significant margin, and he had to use three strong debate performances just to pull within striking distance. It doesn’t look like that will be the case for Obama and the Democrats this year.
No indication if it will show tied or McCain ahead slightly. Expect MSNBC to be chewing on this all night.


Bah, 6:30 PM? Just release the poll.

The only thing that seems to be a problem right now is the poll suggesting that women are flocking to Palin. If it's just in one poll, they will be proven wrong; if it becomes a trend, well, that could certainly spell trouble.

I really can't see most Hillary supporters backing her, though. Maybe a small percentage, but not enough to make a serious dent. No way.


Diablos said:
Bah, 6:30 PM? Just release the poll.

The only thing that seems to be a problem right now is the poll suggesting that women are flocking to Palin. If it's just in one poll, they will be proven wrong; if it becomes a trend, well, that could certainly spell trouble.

Until most of them realize how incredibly right-wing Palin is and how terrible she is when it comes to womens' rights. I think this could be a surprisingly significant result that stems from the debates, if nothing else.


polyh3dron said:
The further the Republicans reach, the more America believes them. Also:



The Bunk knows...


White stay-at-home women with children are showing support for McCain, sure, at the expense of other demographics.

This is why the Palin choice was always destined to fail.


captmcblack said:
Holy shit, but isn't McCain married to a multimillionaire? How can a dude with multiple houses and multiple millions be more accessible and more able to relate to the people than a guy who is completely self-made and successful SPECIFICALLY due to being amongst the people and aiding the people like Obama?

Because hicks are more resentful of people from working-class backgrounds that attained higher social status by working hard and getting an education than people who were born into a higher social status. The latter don't generate as intense feelings of inferiority.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
woxel1 said:
White stay-at-home women with children are showing support for McCain, sure, at the expense of other demographics.

This is why the Palin choice was always destined to fail.

And why are states ost of you guys along with most in the media forgetting that all these polls are being taken at the peak of McCain's REP convention?

Even Chuck Todd is trying to remind you guys along with the guys at 538.com yet many people here discussing these polls don't seem to acknowledge it.
Guys it looks like Obama needs more donations. I am considering donating for the first time to a political candidate. I still haven't pulled the trigger though. Maybe I should smart small?


TheKingsCrown said:
Guys it looks like Obama needs more donations. I am considering donating for the first time to a political candidate. I still haven't pulled the trigger though. Maybe I should smart small?

Don't ask GAF to make your decision for you.
TheKingsCrown said:
Guys it looks like Obama needs more donations. I am considering donating for the first time to a political candidate. I still haven't pulled the trigger though. Maybe I should smart small?

That's all I could afford. Ten bucks. You do what you can.


Obama continues to hover around 50-52 on Intrade but my wire still has a day or so to clear. More televised lies please, team JSA!
TheKingsCrown said:
Guys it looks like Obama needs more donations. I am considering donating for the first time to a political candidate. I still haven't pulled the trigger though. Maybe I should smart small?

Tomorrow is 9-11 donate $9.11 for Rudy
TheKingsCrown said:
Guys it looks like Obama needs more donations. I am considering donating for the first time to a political candidate. I still haven't pulled the trigger though. Maybe I should smart small?

There is a NeoGAF group that you can donate through and it gets tallied up on the group page. If you plan on donating, consider doing it through the NeoGAF group.


CharlieDigital said:
There is a NeoGAF group that you can donate through and it gets tallied up on the group page. If you plan on donating, consider doing it through the NeoGAF group.

What's the link to that again?


TheKingsCrown said:
Guys it looks like Obama needs more donations. I am considering donating for the first time to a political candidate. I still haven't pulled the trigger though. Maybe I should smart small?

I felt really proud to be contributing to the Obama campaign. Every little bit helps. And what's great is that donating to Obama isn't an empty symbolic gesture that you do so you feel better about yourself. No, your dollars are directly helping run the daily campaign to elect this man President.


Xisiqomelir said:
Obama continues to hover around 50-52 on Intrade but my wire still has a day or so to clear. More televised lies please, team JSA!

On a related note, my solar stocks are being KILLED. My continuing to hold them is essentially a bet on Obama.


Fatalah said:
I felt really proud to be contributing to the Obama campaign. Every little bit helps. And what's great is that donating to Obama isn't an empty symbolic gesture that you do so you feel better about yourself. No, your dollars are directly helping run the daily campaign to elect this man President.
or go to your local campaign center and volunteer.


gkrykewy said:
On a related note, my solar stocks are being KILLED. My continuing to hold them is essentially a bet on Obama.

Much like betting on the last Finals game, this is going to make Election Night so much more fun and alcohol-filled for me.


I do not argue the fact that many are exaggerating over Palin polling. The Obama camaign is right: they have a lot more ways to work the electoral map. When you break it down, the only thing that should worry you about the Palin factor is female voters. She attracts evangelicals, sure, but those people would never vote for Obama anyway, so it is a moot point. The Obama campaign should be looking closely however at the female voters and what polls say. Right now it's kind of fuzzy, but going forward it needs to be paid very close attention to, since he can't lose too many of those voters. The only other potential problem with Palin is if she will continue to get spoiled rotten by the media. It's disgusting how much coverage she is getting with such a free pass. I don't recall Obama ever having it this easy, not while running for President anyway. If in the VP debate they ask her a bunch of lame questions and Joe Biden isn't given a fair shot, it could backfire.


Huzah said:
Solar is getting killed because oil is getting killed.

Partly, but not entirely. Oil has been getting killed for awhile; solars have taken big hits since the RNC. Certainly a mix of causes, I agree.
BenjaminBirdie said:
That's all I could afford. Ten bucks. You do what you can.
I can afford a good amount myself and I really want to help. I guess what has held me back is the fact that even when I donate, I cannot communicate with the Obama campaign on a non-monetary level. There are some things I wish I could tell them. And for me, I allocate my money very efficiently generally...and it is frustrating that it may or may not be allocated efficiently upon donation.


I met this girl at a bar Sunday night who volunteers for the Obama campaign. I got her number under the pretense that I am interested in volunteering.


agrajag said:
I met this girl at a bar Sunday night who volunteers for the Obama campaign. I got her number under the pretense that I am interested in volunteering.

You're doing a great service for our country.


agrajag said:
I met this girl at a bar Sunday night who volunteers for the Obama campaign. I got her number under the pretense that I am interested in volunteering.
impreganate her and then tell her you're a McCain supporter!!!


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
What the freaking heck?

While 82% of voters who support McCain believe the justices should rule on what is in the Constitution, just 29% of Barack Obama’s supporters agree. Just 11% of McCain supporters say judges should rule based on the judge’s sense of fairness, while nearly half (49%) of Obama supporters agree.


agrajag said:
I met this girl at a bar Sunday night who volunteers for the Obama campaign. I got her number under the pretense that I am interested in volunteering.

And if you volunteer yourself, just think of where you can take it!


agrajag said:
I met this girl at a bar Sunday night who volunteers for the Obama campaign. I got her number under the pretense that I am interested in volunteering.

Now you have to vote for Obama to seal the deal, or she'll be able to smell the duplicitousness comin' off you. :p


so_awes said:
impreganate her and then tell her you're a McCain supporter!!!

1. Tell the girl you want to volunteer for the Obama campaign
2. Stick it in her
3. Tell her you're voting McCain/Palin
4. ???
5. Profit!



OuterWorldVoice said:

Looking at the pools, the articles, the free pass Palin is getting and the shift in GAF attitudes from exhuberance and big broad strokes of how Obama is going to win to talking about really marginal stuff about the election like how much coverage Obama is getting or who said what where. Things that individually would have no impact at all.


agrajag said:
1. Tell the girl you want to volunteer for the Obama campaign
2. Stick it in her
3. Tell her you're voting McCain/Palin
4. ???
5. Profit!


If by ??? you really mean FHUTA, then yes, you are doing this correctly.
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