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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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TDG said:
A liberal hand-wringing thread would be great, as long as I don't have to read it. You can tell that this is the first election a lot of people have closely watched.

Well, the nice thing is that they have a lot of new ads going out in concentrated areas. So they throw all this stuff against the wall, see if anything sticks, and if something does stick, then they use it consistantly.

Yeah, that's exactly what's happening. They also need to watch that debate episode of The West Wing religiously.

No time for Uncle Fluffy.


Huzah said:
It's all about perception, what people are going to see is Obama going agist on McCain and that's all that matters. It's not like old people who know how to use computers and email will say "Lol McCain doesn't know how to use a computer or email he's so old and out of touch."

Ps. McCain knows how to use a computer and email
PS. No he doesn't.
Door2Dawn said:
We may need to. Who wants to make one?
Question: when it comes to hollow, knee-jerk threats, is it enough to simply state that I PLAN on moving to Canada, or do I need to step it up a notch to sell my reactionary disgust more, have some specific properties picked out, enlist some Canadian GAFers to scout them out for me, and already have a preapproved loan to convince people that I'm seriously going to do it, even though I'm not?
fuuuck I just saw McCain's new attack ad. They can't fucking stop lying and I am so pissed. And what's this about Obama "disrespecting" Palin? And oooo he said the McCain campaign was participating in the evil pracitce known as lying that's so bad!!!

thanks but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere thanks but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere thanks but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere thanks but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere


sp0rsk said:
Keep the nervousness to yourself, please. People are tense enough as it is.
Someone pointed out how easily the echo chamber in here turns on someone expressing a dissent. I'm not planning on going all Chicken Little in here. I'm still hopeful Obama will win, based on many things. But just this morning there's another pile of not so great developments, and while I've been dismissive of such before, it's starting to add up. So, I'm getting nervous. If that's what it takes to have you guys spaz out at me, whatevas.

GhaleonEB said:
Someone pointed out how easily the echo chamber in here turns on someone expressing a dissent. I'm not planning on going all Chicken Little in here. I'm still hopeful Obama will win, based on many things. But just this morning there's another pile of not so great developments, and while I've been dismissive of such before, it's starting to add up. So, I'm getting nervous. If that's what it takes to have you guys spaz out at me, whatevas.

Hurmmm what has developed this morning?


Can someone clue me on what went down this morning? Why all the gloom and doom?

And how in the hell does Palin keep getting a pass for being fucking retarded? Is it because of her vagina?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Supporting a candidate is a long-term investment. Polls are like daily stock market reports; if you are in it for the long haul, watching the daily stock price on a long term investment can often lead to unnecessary anxiety. With this in mind, I urge those that are to stop watching the polls. Focus on the future and getting the message out. This will pay the highest dividends in the end.
AniHawk said:
But when McCain does it, it's cute!
It's hard to hate McCain ads when he ends them on those chipper bits of music, announcing that he approved this message.

Even when he paints Obama as a monster who eats puppies because he thinks it will give him strength, and I'm about to start yelling at my TV screen nonsencially, I hear that upbeat music and start seeing rainbows and kittens.


Byakuya769 said:
What have been the bad developments this morning that everyone is scared about now? Right after the gaf high on Palin's failure?

Rasmussen poll with a three point lead for McCain and this:


Obama 268 McCain 270
Diablos said:
Yeah, why the fuck is it so close in Washington? I'm pretty sure even Kerry was doing better there at this time in 2004.

The gubernatorial race in 2004 here in Washington was the closest one ever in US history. The Republican Rossi was leading by a few hundred in the initial machine counts but ended up losing by 129 votes in the final manual count. Still lots of bad blood over that and Washington is becoming even more blue / red divided between Seattle and the whole rest of the state. I pretty positive that it will still go blue but I would expect it to be closer then 2004.


Beavertown said:
And how in the hell does Palin keep getting a pass for being fucking retarded? Is it because of her vagina?
Dude, you're calling a woman "fucking retarded?"

That's pretty sexist, you shouldn't do that.
ryutaro's mama said:
This could backfire.
what, it could backfire as much as mccain's snl appearances?

the celebrity meme is no longer going to work now that they're pimping out
sarah palin the way they are.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
LM4sure said:
I guess I would have to say that I am the complete opposite of the majority of liberals. You're going to be a democrat regardless of whose running because you do not agree with the republicans' beliefs. I'm the same as you. I just don't agree with democrats in general so I will stick with my party.

And Palin could not possibly be any worse than Cheney. Plus, as an added bonus, she's hot. All joking aside, lets wait for the vp debate. That should be interesting
I pretty much vote reupublican up until this election. Palin no worse than Cheney? Are you aware of how smart Cheney is? Because he's gonna look like a god damned nobel winner standing next to Palin.

eznark said:
She gave an interview. It wasn't exceptionally good, it wasn't exceptionally bad. Disagree with her all you want but saying she came off looking stupid stems from your disagreement with her on issues, not on how she performed in the interview.

Photoshop Obama's head in the video and all of a sudden the interview will bring a tear to PoliGafs collective eye.
If Barack Obama said "[I know about Russia foreign policy because] I can SEE Russia, from land, here in Alaska." I wouldn't have time to cry since I'd be too busy putting a gun in my mouth.

I'd welcome more conservative posters if they didn't seem to pop in just to degrade Obama voters without anything reasonable to back it uo.
Beavertown said:
And how in the hell does Palin keep getting a pass for being fucking retarded? Is it because of her vagina?
She's still riding high on the goodwill generated by her enthusiastic unveiling. Those that like her WANT to like her. She's still new and fresh. She's like teflon since any attempts to discredit her feed into the narrative that a biased media has it out for her.

This goodwill alone won't last forever, but I'm sure the staunch Obama supporters are going to lose their sanity as they continue to have to wait for both the media AND the voters to take the kids gloves off and understand that she does have something to prove out there.

Even those of us who are optimistic that the Palin effect will run its course concede that it probably won't happen before the debate.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I pretty much vote reupublican up until this election. Palin no worse than Cheney? Are you aware of how smart Cheney is? Because he's gonna look like a god damned nobel winner standing next to Palin.

If Barack Obama said "[I know about Russia foreign policy because] I can SEE Russia, from land, here in Alaska." I wouldn't have time to cry since I'd be too busy putting a gun in my mouth.

I'd welcome more conservative posters if they didn't seem to pop in just to degrade Obama voters without anything reasonable to back it uo.

It's nice that you'd welcome viewpoints that differ from your own, however if you read the rest of the thread you'll notice I think she is a terrible VP pick, but didn't do terribly in that interview.
eznark said:
It's nice that you'd welcome viewpoints that differ from your own, however if you read the rest of the thread you'll notice I think she is a terrible VP pick, but didn't do terribly in that interview.
What's that?

Her son, Track is going to fight against the people responsible for 9/11? bu bu bu bu bu but I thought he was going to Iraq? I AM CONFUSED


polyh3dron said:
You are aware that McCain inferred that Obama supported child abuse, right? But that's ok.

No McCain infered Obama was a creepy man who wants to teach sex education to children in kindergarden.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kifimbo said:
Rasmussen poll with a three point lead for McCain and this:


Obama 268 McCain 270
I don't know why people care about this stuff so much so far from the election. We're seeing statistically insignificant shifts in a number of states and we also see states "lean" that we know won't lean.

this is not a reason to panic.

The media not covering Palin being kind of dumb at all is.
Huzah said:
No McCain infered Obama was a creepy man who wants to teach sex education to children in kindergarden.
which would mean supporting teachers in abusing children aka child abuse.

but yeah, the way you make it sound makes it not sound as bad....



Wow, McCain is getting DESTROYED by Barbara and Joy on The View. He is a bumbling old guy trying to get his talking points out :lol


Hmm. Just saw some clips of the interview. I can honestly say that despite my obvious liberal leanings, that if Palin were the Democratic VP, I'd still think her a bit of a dummy and in over her head.

Having said that, my bias does prevent me from understanding how any objective person could think otherwise.


testicles on a cold fall morning
APF: oops - looking back i took your comment about preventive war in reference to Iraq as arguing that was what the thrust of the NSS. my bad!

otherwise, my point is still that Gibson was right in that the 'Doctrine' invested heavily on the belief that unilateral preemption is justified to counter undefined 'upcoming' threats - be it traditional states or not.
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