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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
The truth is that Ossetian Seperatists were launching attacks in the weeks prior to georgia cracking down. It was pre planned stuff. I mean Russia magically had hundreds of tanks and APCs just waiting to move in.

China condemned Russia over the situation and when Russia asked for Chinese support they said no. That should speak volumes

But Georgia doesn't seem to be clean either. It seems both are to blame for what happened.


bob_arctor said:
Is that his awkward way of attempting to stunt Obama's lead with latinos? :lol Good luck with that. Hey, maybe McCain will waste money trying to sway black folks too!

"Barack Obama may claim to be black, but did you know he's only half black?

Vote for Salty McCracker for President."


bob_arctor said:
Is that his awkward way of attempting to stunt Obama's lead with latinos? :lol Good luck with that. Hey, maybe McCain will waste money trying to sway black folks too!
In what numbers do latinos vote Democratic? For some reason I thought their vote was a lot more split than the black vote.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
RSLAEV said:
Gawd DAMN! talk about owned!

Russian media has largely lost any right it had to be taken seriously, even when it's in the ballpark. If one of our columnists wrote a piece about Putin in that tone, with that language, I'd be pissed.


Weekly North Carolina Voter Registration Update

(They do weekly updates to registration statisticts. Yes, I track this. Sue me. :p)

New Registrations: 16,154
Previous Week: 10,077 (Trend: and 7,834 the week of the 30th, 5,286 the week of the 23rd - it's ramping up)
Democrats: 7,307
GOP: 2,942
Independant: 5,764
Libertarians: 1,037

Continue to be disproportionately black (30% compared to 22% of current voters and state demographics).


Trurl said:
In what numbers do latinos vote Democratic? For some reason I thought their vote was a lot more split than the black vote.
Daily Kos has it more of a 2-1 split (in Dem favor), but it's a pretty good majority.


GhaleonEB said:
Weekly North Carolina Voter Registration Update

(They do weekly updates to registration statisticts. Yes, I track this. Sue me. :p)

New Registrations: 16,154
Previous Week: 10,077 (Trend: and 7,834 the week of the 30th, 5,286 the week of the 23rd - it's ramping up)
Democrats: 7,307
GOP: 2,942
Independant: 5,764
Libertarians: 1,037

Continue to be disproportionately black (30% compared to 22% of current voters and state demographics).

How are Democrats doing compared to previous weeks?

EDIT: Hold on a second. There are 700k more Democrats than Republicans?!


AniHawk said:
How are Democrats doing compared to previous weeks?

EDIT: Hold on a second. There are 700k more Democrats than Republicans?!
Yup. Dep numbers have been steady. Republican registrations are ramping up quicker, but they were non-existant a few weeks ago.


Trurl said:
In what numbers do latinos vote Democratic? For some reason I thought their vote was a lot more split than the black vote.

They are. My unscientific research tell me Cubans in Florida vote mostly Republican for example. But still way more Dem leaning overall. McCain has no shot at winning them at this point though racism isn't strictly a white/black thing--I personally know plenty of old school cats that wouldn't vote for Obama because he's black. Anecdotal of course, hell, maybe not even enough to call it that, but older latinos generally have beef with it I'd wager.


GhaleonEB said:
Yup. Dep numbers have been steady. Republican registrations are ramping up quicker, but they were non-existant a few weeks ago.

Man. And looking back, it seems it's been that way for years. What happened? Families never changed parties ever since the Civil War?


AniHawk said:
Man. And looking back, it seems it's been that way for years. What happened? Families never changed parties ever since the Civil War?
Not sure. In the Kos poll, Obama wins only 69% of Dem vote. McCain wins 91% of the GOP, and 62% of Independents.
Cloudy said:
Cmon, it's the right thing to do. ALso, SNL is gonna go after Palin hard and if he's there somehow he'll be OMG SEXIST!

I'm sure they can have him on next week if he wants..

No I know. But I had a big Obama Party planned for tonight and SNL was the centerpiece.

Okay, no I didn't.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
China doesn't want any stirring of the pot until they can cement themselves as a world power without our manufacturing jobs. They want a stable global economy so they can continue to invest and become self sufficient economically speaking.
China has expansionist plans, i have no doubt about that. They are waiting for the right time when they arnt dependent on us for growth...Taiwan be ready

Probably has more to do with keeping a lid on their own ethnic minorities. Kosovo and the breakaway regions of Georgia are bad precedents for multiethnic countries.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
GhaleonEB said:
Not sure. In the Kos poll, Obama wins only 69% of Dem vote. McCain wins 91% of the GOP, and 62% of Independents.

Why the fuck can't dems fall in line for a change?

Goddamn party of critical thinking jackasses. Either critically think harder, or stop thinking and vote for the party you signed up for.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Why the fuck can't dems fall in line for a change?

Goddamn party of critical thinking jackasses. Either critically think harder, or stop thinking and vote for the party you signed up for.

Sideshow Bob: "Your guilty conscience may move you to vote Democratic, but deep down you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king."

Sideshow Bob Roberts is a 14 year old episode. It actually aired before the Republicans took full control of congress, yet it's still so true today, it's scary (right down to the Rush Limbaugh knockoff, Birch Barlow and the Willie Hortonesque commercial).
iby.h said:
the Russian article is blocked ( I'm at work) if possible do any of you mind pasting it.
Pravda said:
The candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America, whose experience in small town politics, mothers´day dos and the local hockey club is her claim to fame, threatened to open the gates of Hell by attacking Russia in the event of another invasion of Georgia in a televised interview on ABC (shown today). One question for this self-opinionated upstart: Do you know what a nuclear holocaust is?

Sarah Palin, Mrs. Nobody know-it-all shreiking cow from Alaska, the joke of American politics, plied with a couple of vodkas before letting rip in front of incredulous audiences while McCain coos in the background,cuts a ridiculous figure as she strives to be taken seriously.

How can anyone whose husband is a member of the Alaska Independence Party and who is running for the Vice Presidency of the Union be taken seriously? How indeed can the Republican Party be taken seriously for not vetting this female, or have they not yet discovered the skeletons in her closet? We have.

So Sarah Palin, Mrs. Hockey Mom housewife-cum-small-town gossip merchant and cheap little guttersnipe, suppose you shut up and allowed real politicians and diplomats to do their work? Threatening Russia with a war is perhaps the most irresponsible thing anyone could do at this moment in time. Have you any idea what a nuclear holocaust is? Have you any notion of the power of Russia’s armed forces? Did you know that Russia has enough missiles to destroy any target anywhere on Earth in seconds?

And have you not forgotten, you pith-headed little bimbo from the back of beyond, that small detail about the slaughter of Russian citizens by Georgians, which started the whole debacle? So next time suppose you keep your mouth shut and while you’re at it, make sure the members of your family keep their legs shut too. Your country has enough failed mothers as it is.

God's Beard said:


Crayon Shinchan said:
Why the fuck can't dems fall in line for a change?

Goddamn party of critical thinking jackasses. Either critically think harder, or stop thinking and vote for the party you signed up for.

I hope you are joking. People should look at the candidates and decide which one best represents their personal beliefs. Voting party lines without thought would be stupid.


Convseration I had with a friend from Venezuela.

Him: "So that Palin chick and Mccain looks like she's gonna win."
me: "Well there's hope they wont. But the Americans have a track record of being resoundingly stupid in voting and being distracted."
Him: "Yeah, they voted for Bush TWICE! Ha ha Americans are so stupid."
ME" "Umm...Chavez?"


Becky said:
I hope you are joking. People should look at the candidates and decide which one best represents their personal beliefs. Voting party lines without thought would be stupid.
Truth. But it begs the question - why register as a Democrat as opposed to just Independent then? Obama is really championing a strong Democratic platform, so you'd think it would appeal to registered Dems.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Becky said:
I hope you are joking. People should look at the candidates and decide which one best represents their personal beliefs. Voting party lines without thought would be stupid.

I'm only half joking; Democrats do like to give things more thought, so they're less likely to carry party lines...

but unfortunately, the otherside are basically zombies... where are our zombie hordes?

More frustratingly is that... Obama is pretty much the best democratic candidate to come along in years. Yes, even better than Clinton! Because he isn't a womanizer! But somehow some dems do enough thinking to be wary of him, but not enough to see just how awesome the guy is!


Crayon Shinchan said:
I'm only half joking; Democrats do like to give things more thought, so they're less likely to carry party lines...

but unfortunately, the otherside are basically zombies... where are our zombie hordes?

More frustratingly is that... Obama is pretty much the best democratic candidate to come along in years. Yes, even better than Clinton! Because he isn't a womanizer! But somehow some dems do enough thinking to be wary of him, but not enough to see just how awesome the guy is!

I believe the 69% DEM support for Obama was in NC, not nationally. Today's Kos poll summary:

Today's Daily Kos Tracking Poll: Obama 47% McCain 47% Barr 2% Nader 2%
by DemFromCT
Sat Sep 13, 2008 at 09:11:09 AM PDT

Today's Daily Kos tracking poll (conducted by Research2000) continues to show a close race (MoE +/- 3.) McCain and Obama are tied at 47.

Rasmussen has McCain over Obama 48-45 (no change from yesterday), and the others have yet to report. A new Newsweek poll has the candidates at 46-46%

Of great interest are the internals. Look at Sarah Palin's fav/unfav, which is now below 50% (49/40) and worse than McCain's or Obama's (and Biden's, for that matter.) We'll need to keep an eye on those going forward; it's possible the unfavorable press is taking a toll. Assumptions about how this race is turning out may still need to be adjusted to fit the data (not the other way around). Note that we've been much more skeptical of Palin-as-candidate, based on polling numbers.


gkrykewy said:
Today's Daily Kos Tracking Poll: Obama 47% McCain 47% Barr 2% Nader 2%
by DemFromCT
Sat Sep 13, 2008 at 09:11:09 AM PDT

Today's Daily Kos tracking poll (conducted by Research2000) continues to show a close race (MoE +/- 3.) McCain and Obama are tied at 47.

Rasmussen has McCain over Obama 48-45 (no change from yesterday), and the others have yet to report. A new Newsweek poll has the candidates at 46-46%

Of great interest are the internals. Look at Sarah Palin's fav/unfav, which is now below 50% (49/40) and worse than McCain's or Obama's (and Biden's, for that matter.) We'll need to keep an eye on those going forward; it's possible the unfavorable press is taking a toll. Assumptions about how this race is turning out may still need to be adjusted to fit the data (not the other way around). Note that we've been much more skeptical of Palin-as-candidate, based on polling numbers.

So, +2 McCain in the last two days from Daily Kos.

But what's really great is Palin's fav/unfav ratings going down.


gkrykewy said:
Of great interest are the internals. Look at Sarah Palin's fav/unfav, which is now below 50% (49/40) and worse than McCain's or Obama's (and Biden's, for that matter.) We'll need to keep an eye on those going forward; it's possible the unfavorable press is taking a toll. Assumptions about how this race is turning out may still need to be adjusted to fit the data (not the other way around). Note that we've been much more skeptical of Palin-as-candidate, based on polling numbers.

This is great news; I thought Palin's favorables were still very high among the electorate at-large. It is inevitable that if the press keeps doing its job and poking at the phony image of Palin the McCain team is projecting, more and more people will quickly lose interest in her. I just hope there is enough time left for the 'new car shine' to disappear in the minds of independent voters between now and the election.


I work at a polling organization and yesterday I talked to several republican women who admitted to thinking that Biden would be a better president over Palin. :lol


AniHawk said:
So, +2 McCain in the last two days from Daily Kos.

Yeah - looks like it's due to McCain being up +1 on 9/12 (but with a 5.1% MOE), if you look at the internals. Will be interesting to see Gallup.

Diageo-Hotline also has McCain +1 again today, unchanged from yesterday.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ronito said:
Convseration I had with a friend from Venezuela.

Him: "So that Palin chick and Mccain looks like she's gonna win."
me: "Well there's hope they wont. But the Americans have a track record of being resoundingly stupid in voting and being distracted."
Him: "Yeah, they voted for Bush TWICE! Ha ha Americans are so stupid."
ME" "Umm...Chavez?"

Double Ownage :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
More information on Palin.

Note that we've been much more skeptical of Palin-as-candidate, based on polling numbers. For example, from Newsweek:

Quantifying how much of this McCain bounce is attributable to the Palin pick can be tricky. When asked, only 29 percent of respondents in the poll said Palin makes them more likely to support McCain in the fall, a proportion on par with other running-mate selections in recent history, like Al Gore in 1992 and Jack Kemp in 1996. In fact, 22 percent of voters say Palin makes them less likely to support McCain, more than any other recent vice presidential candidate.



The regional distribution in the Kos poll is also interesting:

McCain Obama Barr Nader
NE 39% 56% 1% 2% 1% 1%
SOUTH 56% 37% 3% 1% 1% 2%
MIDWEST 46% 49% 2% 2% 0% 1%
WEST 44% 50% 2% 1% 1% 1%

Some credence to the notion that McCain's boost is almost entirely occurring (or occurred) in states he would have won anyway.
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