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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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has calmed down a bit.
Ether_Snake said:
I'm just saying they are irrelevant.
Nah, this isn't the first time you insinuate that polls are rigged to render certain results as acceptable. You might as well quit, cause you keep getting called out.


giga said:
as gruber said, perhaps this will refocus the presidential campaign coverage on the economy rather than bullshit.

Doubtful. Might have the opposite effect and have people seeking a release from talking about the bad economy.


giga said:
as gruber said, perhaps this will refocus the presidential campaign coverage on the economy rather than bullshit.

Nah, this stuff is above most people's heads to begin with. There might be a blip due to AIG selling off their auto wing, but other than that, this is all Wall Street level stuff.
speculawyer said:
That is actually really cool. I can't tell you how many times GOPers will point to maps of massive amounts of red as if it means anything . . . square footage of land do not vote, people do.

And a lot of those states still have larger amounts of area than they really should since rural states like Alaska have a much much larger electoral vote per resident voter ratio.

(Since each state gets 1 electoral vote per congressional district plus 2 for the 2 senators.)

Yeah sort of reminds me of the Gall Peters projection map (for the West Wing fans) although it's a different issue of course.

Tamanon said:
To be fair, they broke him, so to them it woudln't be that bad.:p Although I wonder what the media would do if they supported Obama. It would probably be a McCain talking point.
Tamanon said:
To be fair, they broke him, so to them it woudln't be that bad.:p Although I wonder what the media would do if they supported Obama. It would probably be a McCain talking point.

Well officially, there was no torture.

Ms. Hien, the Hoa Lo museum's director, says that the abuse of Sen. McCain and other American prisoners is not shown in the exhibit because no such thing occurred here.

Sounds like Hien is the one running for Bush's 3rd term....


"I truly believe that people like myself, who are in a position of entertainers in the limelight, should keep their mouth shut on politics. Because at the end of the day, let me tell you what I 'm good at: I'm good at writing songs and singing. What I'm not educated in is the field of political science. And so for me to be sharing my views and influencing people of who I think they should be voting for … I think would be very irresponsible on my part. So I'll just keep my mouth shut on that. I think celebrity endorsements hurt politicians. Because as soon as somebody comes out for a politician, especially in Hollywood, when they all go, 'I'm voting for this guy!' — I go, 'That's not who I'm voting for!' … As soon as Oprah Winfrey pops up and goes 'Ha-la-la-la-la,' I'm like, 'I love Barrack Obama. I hate Oprah Winfrey.' I don't hate her. I just don't believe in her, so I don't want any part of any of that. I think celebrities hurt politicians."

Kid Rock
Because at the end of the day, let me tell you what I 'm good at: I'm good at writing songs and singing.


M3wThr33 said:
Kid Rock

The correct position to take is that he himself should shut his mouth on politics if he doesn't want so speak on it. Which is a perfectly find attitude to take. I think people are capable of separating an entertainer from his politics and judging the merits of what entertainers say based on perceived knowledge about the subject and if they aren't then somebody else dumb was just going to influence them anyway. When most entertainers talk politics, personally I tune out unless they have something interesting to say. Same as I would treat anybody else.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
Wow, it's down to rolling around sound bites from Kid Rock now? Sound bites about how Kid Rock doesn't want to talk about politics? Jesus.

Also :lol :lol :lol :lol Kid Rock.


Trakdown said:
Was this posted yet?

US Ambassadors being thrown out of Venezuela, Bolivia: Govt's claim US Right-wing interests to blame

Also, Venezuela and Bolivia say they aren't sending Ambassadors to us until a new government is in place in the US.

Yeah someone on GAF from Venezuela posted this when it happened. Didn't realize Bolivia did it also. It's a fun time in the world economy!



Has Sen. John McCain renounced his longtime antagonism toward the Army’s Future Combat Systems?

On Sept. 8, the Republican presidential candidate told a rally crowd in Lee’s Summit, Mo., about an Obama video message to a liberal advocacy group.

“He promised them he would, quote, ‘slow our development of Future Combat Systems,’” McCain said, according to wire reports. “This is not a time to slow our development of Future Combat Systems.”

Flashback to July, however, when his campaign furnished McCain’s economic plan to The Washington Post, declaring that “there are lots of procurements — Airborne Laser, [C-17] Globemaster, Future Combat System [sic] — that should be ended and the entire Pentagon budget should be scrubbed.”

In fact, McCain has long criticized the over-budget, behind-schedule FCS program. In 2005, he blasted the Army for allowing the program to balloon to $161 billion, and forced the service to rewrite the main FCS contract.

So where does McCain really stand? Some bloggers and analysts have suggested that he used the term “future combat systems” generically. Obama’s campaign maintains their candidate was speaking specifically about FCS, in which case McCain may be twisting his rival’s words.

Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute called it deceitful.

“McCain’s interpretation of Obama’s position is typical of the way in which the Republicans have twisted Democratic views in order to undercut their opponents and at the same time obscure the past positions of the Republicans,” Thompson said. “Future Combat Systems is the centerpiece of Army modernization. However, McCain has been more critical of it than anyone else in the chamber. Obama has been much more detailed and thoughtful in his comments about future military investment than McCain’s very superficial statements.”

Officials with the McCain campaign did not return phone calls and emails requesting clarification


Yeah I don't even know what McCain was thinking with that FCS comment, I mean it was out of the blue and totally against what he had done the past few years.
GhaleonEB said:
I've been saying to watch how hard Obama's camp comes out swinging on Monday. Making Biden more visible is a good start. Should be fun.
I really hope this doesn't turn into "Wait For Virtua Fighter 5".


*drowns in jizz*
Tamanon said:
Yeah I don't even know what McCain was thinking with that FCS comment, I mean it was out of the blue and totally against what he had done the past few years.

You assume that McCain still gives a fuck about what he says, or if he even thinks about it. Its become clear that the entire strategy right now is to say everything and anything that would disparage the opponent, regardless of whether it has any basis in reality. This is probably the most vile campaign Ive seen yet, having abandoned any attempt at the truth. Its like a shell composed of attacks, and when you get past that shell theres absolutely no substance. Its a gamble that seems to have payed off.


Small balls, big fun!
scorcho said:
wait? Biden's actually awake? i thought Fred Thompson absorbed some of Biden's life energy and left him incapacitated in some bed.

I think Biden's been out there hitting the trail and rousing crowds.

He's just not saying anything particularly new or controversial. He's staying on message and substance and it keeps him from cracking the news cycle, especially with Palin's current wattage.


Mandark said:
I think Biden's been out there hitting the trail and rousing crowds.

He's just not saying anything particularly new or controversial. He's staying on message and substance and it keeps him from cracking the news cycle, especially with Palin's current wattage.

Yup he was in Charlotte today, got local coverage, that's it. The crowd loved him though as they always do.


Slurpy said:
You assume that McCain still gives a fuck about what he says, or if he even thinks about it. Its become clear that the entire strategy right now is to say everything and anything that would disparage the opponent, regardless of whether it has any basis in reality. This is probably the most vile campaign Ive seen yet, having abandoned any attempt at the truth. Its like a shell composed of attacks, and when you get past that shell theres absolutely no substance. Its a gamble that seems to have payed off.

When Karl Rove says you're dirty, you know something's wrong. I just hope it doesn't work in the end..


testicles on a cold fall morning
Mandark said:
I think Biden's been out there hitting the trail and rousing crowds.

He's just not saying anything particularly new or controversial. He's staying on message and substance and it keeps him from cracking the news cycle, especially with Palin's current wattage.
if staying on message leads him to ennui, i'd rather have a garrulous biden with one foot permanently grafted to his mouth.

as you can see the shift in public sentiment (and my pessimistic view on racism in this country) is leading me to crazy land.


Small balls, big fun!
scorcho said:
if staying on message leads him to ennui, i'd rather have a garrulous biden with one foot permanently grafted to his mouth.

as you can see the shift in public sentiment (and my pessimistic view on racism in this country) is leading me to crazy land.

Here's a clip of him spittin fiyah while keeping with the program: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=955Y3NJTRIE

Now I think that's great stuff, but it's only great stuff if people see it.

The issue is more about finding something to say that will dominate a news cycle or two, and those things are generally (1) new and (2) involving personal conflict. So the problem is finding something that people will buy and something the media is willing to pass on for free.

I do think the McCain campaign has been overreaching for a while and the repeated lies about the Bridge to Nowhere after it was debunked could bite them in the ass.

The media doesn't mind lying but it does mind being ignored. If the McCain campaign keeps dismissing their objections then institutional pride might make them push back, and we're seeing what could be the beginnings of it.

Also, have I mentioned I have this jpeg?
Tamanon said:
Doubtful. Might have the opposite effect and have people seeking a release from talking about the bad economy.
If their local bank goes under, and this is going to likely happen for many, there's no way they can simply retreat from the reality of a worsening economy. If the price of gasoline & natural gas, heating oil, and milk keeps going up on the average, there's even less of a chance that they'll be able to put it out of mind. And if they lose their job due directly to the fallout of a greedy, under-supervised and under-enforced system, they are definitely not thinking about anything else. And that says nothing about folks who have investments...

What a way to cap off the great Republican Bushonomics era. (All we need now is more misguided military strategy to poke its head out from under the curtain before Bush and Cheney leave office.) McCainonomics doesn't quite roll off of the tongue the same as Reaganomics, though. What about McEnomics? Shitstorm still in progress...


testicles on a cold fall morning
my irrational, 2am fear is that Davis perfected an already winning conservative tactic - paint the media as part of the stodgy, northeast liberal network (this time in front of a national convention audience) that then reduces the force of any criticism generated by them on its Barbie candidate.

then again, the press has been castrated - the established players are afraid to call out lies, call out the subtle racial overtones, and treats the truth as merely a statement from some non-partisan or liberal group. as such McCain's camp can continue to blatantly lie, smear and dissemble to a public that doesn't know any better, either because they believe that certain media outlets have an agenda or because facts are framed in a partisan lens.

it makes me want to yell my own BYAAAAAHHH!


It's good to see that Obama is starting to become much more aggressive in his politics. The American public won't know John McCain is lying unless somebody calls him on it. McCain has also antagonized the media, which could greatly work to his detriment. As long as Obama stays on the issues and calls out McCain on his lies and ties McCain's campaign of fibs into a character flaw, Obama will be doing good. I'm glad the Dems got knocked down at this stage of the race. Better now than a month later with no time to turn the ship.

Maybe he'll have to have a 527 do it for him, but the lies angle can go something like, "Do you want a President in the white house who can't stop lying? He makes up quotes. He makes up stories. Doesn't this story sound familiar? *Show some clips of McCain contradicting himself and making up stories. "If he can't get the facts straight now, what will McCain say and do if elected to office?"


Small balls, big fun!
scorcho: Yeah, working the refs both keeps them from calling out lies and blunts the impact when they do it.

But there's a growing number of outlets and pundits who would normally be sympathetic to McCain (unsigned WaPo editorial, Sebastien Mallaby, Joe Klein) who are starting to sour on his tactics. And I think only the shrinking (though still formidable) GOP base is willing to tune out the media.

Honestly I'm glad the media's not bringing up racism. Any hint that the Obama campaign is complaining about racial issues, even if they're completely justified, and a ton of white voters get turned off.

Nobody likes the race card.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mj1108 said:
Mitt Romney on McCain's lies:


Glad to see someone else telling the truth.
that doesn't count - Mittens was talking about McCain's lies of his positions during the GOP primaries. in today's post-primary world that is Bizzaro Mittens.

Mandark: yep, we're moving to a post-racial world where race somehow doesn't matter anymore, except to white voters aggrieved whenever someone points out the racial overtones of a lying, sack-of-shit campaign.


The race card was a brilliant invention. It basically took the idea of discussing race and made it a bad thing. It basically took racism and turned it almost untouchable, even making it worse for the person who tries to identify it.:lol


Small balls, big fun!
The new tolerance: Black people agree to never call any white person or institution a racist ever and white people turn off the fire hoses.
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