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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Her minister is not black so that automatically makes it a non-story. Plus, you won't have ABC compiling a video of remarks taken out of context used to smear a candidate due to association by playing up racial tension. I think that about does it.

Seriously, the GOP has pretty much neutered the media in many respects. All the GOP has to do is cry sexism and it's a wrap. The media go themselves into this though. Hillary's camp pulled the sexism card late in the primaries to give a reason why she lost (so she didn't have to admit as much that she just got beat and fairly). They wanted to drag out the primaries as long as they could so they exploited that angle to keep the Obama/Clinton controversy going (and continued even long after the primaries up until Hillary's convetion speech).

Now they're in a bind. They dug themselve a hole with the sexism crap and the GOP is using it against them even though the media wants to go after Palin for legitimate reasons. It will be interesting to see if most of the media organizations fold or if they stick to their guns. Personally, I think they'll do the former. Palin may get another week of scrutiny and then I'm almost certain that all the talk of her inexperience will pretty much evaporate. Even though Obama won't win the experience argument against McCain, the media seems more willing to, even at times begrudingly, give into republican talking points that Palin may be a match for Biden in a debate. The ridiculousness of it all makes me ashamed to be an American.


ZealousD said:

y halo thar

Congratulations independents and undecided you fucking morons I guess you were inspired by the RNC speeches huh? I hope your idiocy prevents you from finding out where you're voting you gullible retards. And no whiny republicans I'm not generalizing, anyone who was inspired by the lies and insults of the RNC speeches to vote republicans is a certified moron and that is the truth.

I donated another 500$ to Obama and Nader. But even if Obama wins I'll still be bitter, I can't believe it's a close race between Obama and these lying scums. Only in america.


Rugasuki said:
Yikes, if true...


Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”

Meh. I don't think it's fair to assume this (blog post full of unnamed sources and over-the-top stories) is true.

They could easily do this instead:

"Chicagoans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Obama Is "Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean"

"I beat the bitch and am running against an old cracker." Obama said


when is my burrito
Pakkidis said:
Question, how often does the electoral count change for each state? I.e. How often do they adjust for population?

Every 10 years with the national census. The house of representatives gets aligned according to population distribution and the electoral votes allocated to the states changes based on that.

The EV system is not perfect but its infinitely better than a pure popular vote. If it was a popular vote, candidates wouldn't waste their time campaigning in the 35-40 of the smaller states.

I've always thought that an improvement on the EV system would be to apportion EV to each candidate by congressional district and give the popular vote winner in that state the 2 extra votes that every state has (Nebraska and I think Vermont or Maine do this).


Cloud said:
Congratulation independents and undecided you fucking morons I guess you were inspired by the RNC speeches huh? I hope your idiocy prevents you from finding out where you're voting you gullible retards. And no whiny republicans I'm not generalizing, anyone who was inspired by the lies and insults of the RNC speeches to vote republicans is a certified moron and that is the truth.

I donated another 500$ to Obama and Nader. But even if Obama wins I'll still be bitter, I can't believe it's a close race between Obama and these lying scums. Only in america.
It's a convention bounce,jesus..


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
YAY!! Finally registered for the event. Took all day as the site was absolutely smashed. If I get in I will try my hardest to get photos of the Bams...


Cloud said:
Congratulation independents and undecided you fucking morons I guess you were inspired by the RNC speeches huh? I hope your idiocy prevents you from finding out where you're voting you gullible retards. And no whiny republicans I'm not generalizing, anyone who was inspired by the lies and insults of the RNC speeches to vote republicans is a certified moron and that is the truth.

I donated another 500$ to Obama and Nader. But even if Obama wins I'll still be bitter, I can't believe it's a close race between Obama and these lying scums. Only in america.
Nader? Nader does not deserve a penny.


maximum360 said:
Even though Obama won't win the experience argument against McCain, the media seems more willing to, even at times begrudingly, give into republican talking points that Palin may be a match for Biden in a debate. The ridiculousness of it all makes me ashamed to be an American.

I don't see how Palin won't be an even match for Biden in the debates. She seems as skilled as any other politician in bullshitting the American people with half-truths and empty platitudes. In the end, GAF will praise Biden for presenting solutions, for his nuanced answers, and for his sharp attacks on Palin on the Republicans. The majority, on the other hand, will probably praise Palin for being honest, direct, and offering simple answers. And nothing will change.

Diablos: Sure, Palin is bad news. But that doesn't give everyone the right to smear her with unreliable garbage.


DeadGzuz said:
Umm, we already spend more on military shit than the rest of the world combined. Why on Earth would you want spend more? WTF are we fighting?

You want to cut the deficit and have enough left over for health care, education and roads? Cut military spending in half!

Who said spend more? I said maintain what we already have. Cut military spending in half? Fuck that shit. Clinton maintained a strong military and was able to have a surplus in the budget.


thekad said:
I don't see how Palin won't be an even match for Biden in the debates. She seems as skilled as any other politician in bullshitting the American people with half-truths and empty platitudes.

Well, she did well in the RNC speech, but she had a teleprompter. In that recent one where she didn't, she basically had her head down reading the thing 80% of the time off a paper.


Cloud said:
Congratulations independents and undecided you fucking morons I guess you were inspired by the RNC speeches huh? I hope your idiocy prevents you from finding out where you're voting you gullible retards. And no whiny republicans I'm not generalizing, anyone who was inspired by the lies and insults of the RNC speeches to vote republicans is a certified moron and that is the truth.

I donated another 500$ to Obama and Nader. But even if Obama wins I'll still be bitter, I can't believe it's a close race between Obama and these lying scums. Only in america.


Can't say I disagree, but day-um.


Diablos said:
If liberals invented a time machine, one must wonder what they'd do to Nader in 2000. Ahh...

Sambo is a racial slur... most people know this.
I was a huge fan of Nader in 2000, can't stand him these days,


Cheebs said:
I was a huge fan of Nader in 2000, can't stand him these days,
If Nader didn't run in key states though, Gore probably would have got just enough votes to squeeze through.

I hope he stays away from as many states as possible this year. If the guy had a good shot at winning I'd be all for it, but seriously, the odds of Nader winning a Presidential election are about as good as Sean Hannity getting a sex change.

Door2Dawn said:
You googled it!
You are such a fucking troll.


Master of the Google Search
CharlieDigital said:
Honestly though, Utah is the most Republican state in the country and mormons vote overwhelmingly Republican. Utah will go Democratic when DC goes Republican


Cloud said:
Congratulations independents and undecided you fucking morons I guess you were inspired by the RNC speeches huh? I hope your idiocy prevents you from finding out where you're voting you gullible retards. And no whiny republicans I'm not generalizing, anyone who was inspired by the lies and insults of the RNC speeches to vote republicans is a certified moron and that is the truth.

I donated another 500$ to Obama and Nader. But even if Obama wins I'll still be bitter, I can't believe it's a close race between Obama and these lying scums. Only in america.

Anyone that disagrees with you is a moron and a retard? You must not function well in society.
HolyStar said:
It is so weird that in America our public schools suck but our colleges rock. Oh well college is what really matters in the end.

My wife is a high school science teacher in DC. After seeing her classroom conditions, the kids, and hearing about the terrible principal, and atrocious beaurocracy of the DC Public School System, you will understand. Her classroom seem fit for a kindergarten class. She doesn't even have a good size chalk board. There's no projector (no light management anyway), zero supplies (and this is supposed to be equipped for teaching biology, environmental science, anatomy and physiology, etc.). Terrible, terrible, terrible conditions. Add to that, the DC school system is so broken that the kids had no textbooks they could take home for the entire year.

I think Rhee and Fenty will make some good changes (but I don't know if they'll all be good and if they'll all be enough). With charter school now sucking up funding from the public school (which were broke to begin with) things will probably get worse. That voucher stuff sounds good at the outset but I believe money should be put into the public school system (while fixing what is broken) than put into charter schools (which have no real standards and have become a profitable enterprise for many).

I just dislike the republican way of doing things in so many ways. They want to privatize almost everything so the whole place is run like a business (which skews to the wealthy and those in power). My father works for the state in Florida and remarked that Geb and company have turned so much of the state functioning over to private control.


Karma said:
Anyone that disagrees with you is a moron and a retard? You must not function well in society.
He clearly said that oh yes. Except no. You can talk about understanding everyone's point of view and sunshine and happiness all you want, but at some point you are probably going to vehemently despise something that other people stand for. By your logic no-one could denounce racists as morons because it's not respecting that they disagree with you.


Door2Dawn said:
So what roll with Nadar play this election?

Will he take away votes from Obama or McCain?
He's going to hurt Cynthia McKinney.

He should be careful, though. She does have a pro-slapping platform.
Slurpy said:
Also, loved that Paul Begala brought up the fact that she cut special needs funding by 62%. THIS is a whopper, as it exemplifies true hypocrisy and the fact that she's completely full of shit.
Apparently, this is incorrect. The special needs program was put into a different category, so the former funding dropped by 62%. I think the overall spending for it was actually increased.


So, yeah. Voter registration, continued.



In November 2004, there were 13,227 more registered active Republicans than Democrats.

Bush won the state by 21,500 votes.

As of July, there are 61,705 more active registered Democrats than Republicans.


I think Nevada is going blue this year.
grandjedi6 said:
Honestly though, Utah is the most Republican state in the country and mormons vote overwhelmingly Republican. Utah will go Democratic when DC goes Republican

This is probably the one place where I could sleep all through election day and not worry about not casting my vote. I think DC votes like 90+ democratic. :D


Diablos said:
Sambo is a racial slur... most people know this.

I never did until just now.

Man, I hope there's videos and shit like this of Palin. She sounds like Bush but fifty times worse.


Cloud said:
Congratulations independents and undecided you fucking morons I guess you were inspired by the RNC speeches huh? I hope your idiocy prevents you from finding out where you're voting you gullible retards. And no whiny republicans I'm not generalizing, anyone who was inspired by the lies and insults of the RNC speeches to vote republicans is a certified moron and that is the truth.

I donated another 500$ to Obama and Nader. But even if Obama wins I'll still be bitter, I can't believe it's a close race between Obama and these lying scums. Only in america.

The only reason my outrage has sorta died down is because Obama's been at-or-above 48% for a week now. McCain's numbers are the only ones that are fluctuating, and they'll probably go down over time as more and more Palin shit comes out.
GhaleonEB said:
So, yeah. Voter registration, continued.



In November 2004, there were 13,227 more registered active Republicans than Democrats.

Bush won the state by 21,500 votes.

As of July, there are 61,705 more active registered Democrats than Republicans.


I think Nevada is going blue this year.

Obama still won't get the Obama is "Sambo" democratic voting block though.
maximum360 said:
My wife is a high school science teacher in DC.

I feel you man. My wife teaches 4th grade here in Jersey and I'll tell you: we spend more than our fair share out of our own pockets to get supplies to the kids. For fucks sake, they have some silly ass limit on how many photocopies they can make because of lack of paper. Last week, we bought notebooks -- one for every student in the class -- and pencils because the schools are woefully understocked in the basic supplies and parents are either just stupid, too poor, or too lazy to get their kids ready for school.


AniHawk said:
I never did until just now.

Many, I hope there's videos and shit like this of Palin. She sounds like Bush but fifty times worse.
There's enough Palin videos floating around that the msm could play but won't.

It's funny. Palin has said all kinds of dumb/weird things on camera/radio (not knowing what a veep does as of THIS YEAR, the world will flock to Alaska for rapture or some crazy shit like that, lulzing at a cancer survivor). But no one wants to talk about it. If there was a video of Obama saying anything remotely sensitive to a particular voting demographic, it'd be all over the place.


Master of the Google Search
maximum360 said:
This is probably the one place where I could sleep all through election day and not worry about not casting my vote. I think DC votes like 90+ democratic. :D
It was 89.18% in 2004, with several 3rd party liberal candidates stealing that extra 1% :lol


GhaleonEB said:
So, yeah. Voter registration, continued.



In November 2004, there were 13,227 more registered active Republicans than Democrats.

Bush won the state by 21,500 votes.

As of July, there are 61,705 more active registered Democrats than Republicans.


I think Nevada is going blue this year.

Thanks for doing this. It's having a calming effect.


lopaz said:
He clearly said that oh yes. Except no. You can talk about understanding everyone's point of view and sunshine and happiness all you want, but at some point you are probably going to vehemently despise something that other people stand for. By your logic no-one could denounce racists as morons because it's not respecting that they disagree with you.

So you are going to defend what he just said? Wow. You are also going to say the people that liked what the RNC said are the same as racists? GTFO with that shit.


Karma said:
Anyone that disagrees with you is a moron and a retard? You must not function well in society.

You're right I don't function well in your society. I'm one of those Ivy league educated elitists as republicans call them who are all about facts and snob idiots that yell "drill baby drill". And I'm proud of it.


Karma said:
So you are going to defend what he just said? Wow. You are also going to say the people that liked what the RNC said are the same as racists? GTFO with that shit.

Oh yes once again you have astutely identified exactly what was said.

It is my opinion that currently, the republicans are full of shit. Much of what they say is outright lying, and their policies are scary. So yes, I think poorly of people who identify with their current direction, and think they must be ill-informed at best. You can't say you don't feel that about ANY other ideology in the world, so quit trying to act like it's a bizarre position to take.
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