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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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ryutaro's mama said:
No scripts on October 2nd.

Right... but between now and then.

EDIT: and let me just add...with the way her nomination speech was, Biden has a free pass to obliterate her at the VP debate.


First tragedy, then farce.
ryutaro's mama said:
Drill, Baby, Drill.

followed u- by the smash hits

"john mccain was a POW"
"they hate us for our freedom"
and who can forget
"did i mention he was a POW yet?"


*drowns in jizz*
I think I've realized what really gets me about Palin. If McCain bashes Obama- even though I don't like the guy- I know he's been through some shit, he's done some stuff, and although the attack may be completely false and dishonest, one can can that he's earned the right to attack his opponents. But when someone like Palin mocks her opponents, in that sarcastic way of hers (or her speechwriters) I mean, I feel she hasn't even come close to earning the right to do that. Not to mention having the gall to simultaneously cast herself as a martyr. She really comes off as a very pitiful, obnoxious, vindictive, child-like charlatan, to say the least.


First tragedy, then farce.
Trurl said:
I hope I am not the only one who thinks of "lipstick" as being slang for a dog's erection.

On second thought, maybe I hope I am.

actually, the origin is a PMS joke. Who's sexist now hockey moms?
Hellsing321 said:
I didn't think it was possible, but if she became president she could actually be worse than W. Holy Shit!

As big a fuck up as Bush is, he seems pretty tame by comparison man. When you think you have it bad, just remember: it could always be worse.


First tragedy, then farce.
ryutaro's mama said:

Snowmobile Champion

Iraq Soldier Son

you know bidens son is going over there too? They just dont use service as a political tool, its called discretion and honor.


Trurl said:
I hope I am not the only one who thinks of "lipstick" as being slang for a dog's erection.

On second thought, maybe I hope I am.

Wh...why would we even have slang for that?

But yeah it's from a PMS joke.


StoOgE said:
you know bidens son is going over there too? They just dont use service as a political tool, its called discretion and honor.

Here's the difference between her and Biden: She is using it as a political tool.

Guy Legend

I just watched footage of McCain's stump speech earlier today and he mentioned how Palin sold her plane on ebay....for a profit.

Good God, what liars. Vomit inducing.


Whats this I keep hearing that her son is gay? Don't chastise me but that's what I heard on Spanish radio of all places:lol Sending him off to war to man him up?
thefit said:
Whats this I keep hearing that her son is gay? Don't chastise me but that's what I heard on Spanish radio of all places:lol Sending him off to war to man him up?

The hits just don't stop coming! Holy shit if true. Hoooooooly shit.
ryutaro's mama said:
Biden's kid doesn't count cause he's a Dem.

It was barely mentioned and only by Tammy Duckworth. I wouldn't have even known had I not caught Duckworth on before Beau Biden.

Beau mentioned it, but not directly. He said something to the effect of "I won't be here to support my dad in October, so I'm counting on you guys". I don't think Beau or Biden mentioned "Iraq" with regards to his deployment once in their speeches (and I think this was a conscious choice).

Watch Beau and Joe's speeches again. I really don't think either of them mention it.


Tamanon said:
Wh...why would we even have slang for that?

But yeah it's from a PMS joke.
When I was younger I went to a friend's home and a dog kept humping my leg and my friend kept saying "he is getting his lipstick on you!" It's something that has stuck in my mind.:lol



Palin church promotes conversion of gays

Palin, campaigning with McCain in the Midwest on Friday, has not publicly expressed a view on the so-called "pray away the gay" movement. Larry Kroon, senior pastor at Palin's church, was not available to discuss the matter Friday, said a church worker who declined to give her name.

The librul medeeya strikes again! LMAO @ the slogan :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Trurl said:
When I was younger I went to a friend's home and a dog kept humping my leg and my friend kept saying "he is getting his lipstick on you!" It's something that has stuck in my mind.:lol

red rocket


Cloudy said:
It's funny now but I think I'll cry if McCain wins. You can't have people like this anywhere near the White House!
I cried when Bush won in '04. :-/

At the time it really upset me that a second Bush term would probably mean more human deaths than a Kerry presidency.


Cloudy said:
It's funny now but I think I'll cry if McCain wins. You can't have people like this anywhere near the White House!
Why is it surprising? I felt the same way during Bush re-election. He fucked up so much, I couldn't believe anyone would give a shit. Now he's up for a 3rd and I still can't believe it.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yes, but Swift Boats were not directly tied to the Bush campaign. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you prefer not completely mocking the entire process), Democrats don't have their own independent groups that are good at this sort of thing.
Well, in the past moveon.org has been pretty bad. The Nazi ad comes to mind. They've been relatively tame for a few exceptions this election though.


Cloudy said:
It's funny now but I think I'll cry if McCain wins. You can't have people like this anywhere near the White House!

If they get in the white house then the voters will get exactly what they deserve and justice will be served.

What sucks is that an Obama win will be like rewarding the vile scum that just doesn't deserve him.


Chrono said:
If they get in the white house then the voters will get exactly what they deserve and justice will be served.

What sucks is that an Obama win will be like rewarding the vile scum that just doesn't deserve him.
If you are so upset go get the word out and help Obama. Don't sit in a forum and call people "vile scum." You really are no better than the people you seemingly so excruciatingly hate. This thread is really only useful when people can discuss the issues and ideologies because there really might be independent people here.
devilhawk said:
If you are so upset go get the word out and help Obama. Don't sit in a forum and call people "vile scum." You really are no better than the people you seemingly so excruciatingly hate. This thread is really only useful when people can discuss the issues and ideologies because there really might be independent people here.

Come on dude, stop being so self righteous and how shall we say..."uppity". This is the OT...on a gaming forum :lol. This is what we do.


Chrono said:
If they get in the white house then the voters will get exactly what they deserve and justice will be served.

What sucks is that an Obama win will be like rewarding the vile scum that just doesn't deserve him.

Lol deserve him? Step back and just realize what you wrote about a politician. He's a politician, not jesus.


CharlieDigital said:
Come on dude, stop being so self righteous and how shall we say..."uppity". This is the OT...on a gaming forum :lol. This is what we do.
I know, I know. It does suck that at certain times of the day you can have a long debate about education or economics and then later it becomes who has the best one liner.
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