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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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devilhawk said:
I know, I know. It does suck that at certain times of the day you can have a long debate about education or economics and then later it becomes who has the best one liner.

I mean, it is 3 AM here (Jesus what the fuck am I doing still up?)....slim pickings man, slim pickings.
I just put this in the Palin scandal thread . . .

eBay-Jet-gate? - In her big speech Sarah Palin proudly said that she didn't think the Alaska governor needed a private jet . . . so she put it on eBay. In a later stump speech, McCain said she "sold it on eBay . . . for a profit!" Woah there, Johnny . . . don't be ad-libbing lies. She did put the jet on eBay early on, but it was not sold on eBay. And the jet was not sold at a profit. But wait . . . it continues . . . . it was sold to an Alaska businessman. That businessman had donated to Palin and Republican speaker-of-the-house John Harris who brokered the (sweetheart?) deal. So was this really saving the tax-payers lots of money? . . . or perhaps it was a sweetheart deal to a crony?

Like the 'bridge to nowhere' story, this story starts as something she brags about but when the real facts come out, the story is more of something to be ashamed of.


StoOgE said:
you know bidens son is going over there too? They just dont use service as a political tool, its called discretion and honor.

I guess I was hallucinating when he was introducing his dad during the DNC and droped that "I won't be here to see my father get elected line." Both sides play the same game man.


CharlieDigital said:
So there is a non-zero chance that he is indeed Jesus. Is that what you're saying?

There's a non zero chance, but remember we can't take a 10% chance for change let alone a non zero percentage.
devilhawk said:
Well, in the past moveon.org has been pretty bad. The Nazi ad comes to mind. They've been relatively tame for a few exceptions this election though.
What Nazi ad? Are you talking about that open contest they had where someone submitted a Nazi ad which was soon removed from the site after being discovered? An 'ad' that was not made by moveon.org and never actually advertised anywhere?

I think the people that give you that fed you that info seem to be worse.


speculawyer said:
I just put this in the Palin scandal thread . . .

eBay-Jet-gate? - In her big speech Sarah Palin proudly said that she didn't think the Alaska governor needed a private jet . . . so she put it on eBay. In a later stump speech, McCain said she "sold it on eBay . . . for a profit!" Woah there, Johnny . . . don't be ad-libbing lies. She did put the jet on eBay early on, but it was not sold on eBay. And the jet was not sold at a profit. But wait . . . it continues . . . . it was sold to an Alaska businessman. That businessman had donated to Palin and Republican speaker-of-the-house John Harris who brokered the (sweetheart?) deal. So was this really saving the tax-payers lots of money? . . . or perhaps it was a sweetheart deal to a crony?

Like the 'bridge to nowhere' story, this story starts as something she brags about but when the real facts come out, the story is more of something to be ashamed of.

She said she put it for sale on the internet, McCain is the one who got it wrong, but he's kinda old and senile.

Shouldn't there be some F-16's you should be harping about?


Huzah said:
She said she put it for sale on the internet, McCain is the one who got it wrong, but he's kinda old and senile.

Shouldn't there be some F-16's you should be harping about?

No, McCain did say ebay as well and that she sold it on there for a profit.
speculawyer said:
What Nazi ad? Are you talking about that open contest they had where someone submitted a Nazi ad which was soon removed from the site after being discovered? An 'ad' that was not made by moveon.org and never actually advertised anywhere?

I think the people that give you that fed you that info seem to be worse.

I think devilhawk is slowly coming around to the winning team: Team Obama. Take it easy on him.
Huzah said:
She said she put it for sale on the internet, McCain is the one who got it wrong, but he's kinda old and senile.
Not a very nice way to talk about John.

BTW, you might want to be checked for symptoms of that as well . . . re-read what I wrote, I got it exactly right.


Am I the only one who this the most watched / close election you have kept up with? I started keeping up around the Iowa caucus and haven't missed a heart beat. I feel like I could recite this whole political year to my kids years from now like a history book.

And thanks to PoliGAF, I have really learned the positions and issues of the candidate who I support fully. Like if I were to take a test about Barack's policies, I am sure I'll score at least an 'A'.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BigJonsson said:
Are the Dems still expected to come out with a crushing victory in the Congress and Senate races?

GOP has given up on two seats thus far:

First Read: MSNBC said:
*** Downballot watch: The AP also is reporting that the National Republican Senatorial Committee has canceled its $2.3 million TV buy in New Mexico, "an indication that it's leaving the GOP candidate there to fend for himself as the party braces for losses." Not only does that seem to mean that the GOP is giving up on a second Senate contest (the first was Virginia), but how will that impact the presidential race in that battleground state?
Bishman said:
Am I the only one who this the most watched / close election you have kept up with? I started keeping up around the Iowa caucus and haven't missed a heart beat. I feel like I could recite this whole political year to my kids years from now like a history book.

And thanks to PoliGAF, I have really learned the positions and issues of the candidate who I support fully. Like if I were to take a test about Barack's policies, I am sure I'll score at least an 'A'.

The best fucking part of your post.


I don't care who you vote for, just be informed.
I know the Dems have to tread lightly when it comes to Palin, but they need to remind everyone that she's running for a job that deals with people who'll be even more harsh and critical of her.

What would happen if one of the Dems said "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"? I don't doubt it can and would, somehow, be spun into a sexist attack, but I think it's a term that will resonate with voters of all class and backgrounds.

The Dems want this to be about Obama/Biden against McCain and Bush, but it's clear this is about Palin. She is "the one" credited for energizing the base around this ticket. They cannot continue to absorb her blows and pretend like she doesn't exist. Don't let the dress throw you off, it really is a pit bull and it's attacking you.
After having a full day to reflect on the Republican National Convention, I can confidently say that I have seen true evil in the last few days. How can America let this party get away with lie after lie under the guise of objectivity and fairness? (Yes I know, Americans R STOOPID, rhetorical question ;( )

Why is it that anyone who speaks against this insanity is simply written off as "liberal" which of course is a bad word which destroys any of their criticism? Why can't Republicans engage in honest discourse?

This shit has me so infuriated, from Giuliani's "cosmopolitan" remarks to Romney's blame of the last 8 years on a liberal America to Huckabee's demonization of the "liberal media" to Palin's NUMEROUS lies and half truths to McCain's misleading speech (warning about bureaucrats standing between us and our health care in a universal health care system when that's EXACTLY WHAT HMOs DO NOW as one of MANY examples).

Republicans, why don't you put your Country First and GROW UP.
RobotChant said:
I know the Dems have to tread lightly when it comes to Palin, but they need to remind everyone that she's running for a job that deals with people who'll be even more harsh and critical of her.

What would happen if one of the Dems said "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"? I don't doubt it can and would, somehow, be spun into a sexist attack, but I think it's a term that will resonate with voters of all class and backgrounds.

The Dems want this to be about Obama/Biden against McCain and Bush, but it's clear this is about Palin. She is "the one" credited for energizing the base around this ticket. They cannot continue to absorb her blows and pretend like she doesn't exist. Don't let the dress throw you off, it really is a pit bull and it's attacking you.

I see your point but I'm kinda feeling like the Dems are waiting to own the debates. The RNC/DNC(s) is/are over.

Let's see what happens in the coming weeks.

If the Dems continue to pussyfoot around, then there could be some trouble.

JaY P.

ryutaro's mama said:
I see your point but I'm kinda feeling like the Dems are waiting to own the debates. The RNC/DNC(s) is/are over.

Let's see what happens in the coming weeks.

If the Dems continue to pussyfoot around, then there could be some trouble.

I think the 3rd day of the RNC scared off independents. Guiliani, Romney, and especially Palin were very negative.

I think Obama and Biden are doing it right by not fueling the flames and just pushing issues. They need to keep pressing issues because it will force the RNC to talk issues, and it is here that they will get destroyed. The more the right attacks the more petty they will look to the center.


speculawyer said:
What Nazi ad? Are you talking about that open contest they had where someone submitted a Nazi ad which was soon removed from the site after being discovered? An 'ad' that was not made by moveon.org and never actually advertised anywhere?

I think the people that give you that fed you that info seem to be worse.
It still made the rounds but it wasn't officially sanctioned I understand. More recent was the General Betray us ad. I remember the Senate had a clear majority passed a bill basically condemning the message of the ad. I def don't think it is a sterlingly great organization by any stretch. It def has had a positive impact for the democratic community though.

CharlieDigital said:
I think devilhawk is slowly coming around to the winning team: Team Obama. Take it easy on him.
Haha. Kansas really has an interesting dichotomy. For a lot of the local elections there is only a primary. A moderate republican runs against a republican. The moderate republican typically leans left on social issues. No democrat runs really at all.

Dennis Moore (3rd district) was one of the Moderate republican/Democrats that got elected by Kansas. Kansas has had a history with democrat govenors too. Sibelius' son lives in the apartment above me actually, haha. Anyways, one of my good friends worked for Moore's campaign. I got to meet him and since I come from a family with doctors and nurses, I asked about tort reform. He actually ran on a platform of tort reform. First thing he does in office is votes against it, siding with his party. I just remember being so pissed.

Edit: moderate repub v repub
JaY P. said:
I think the 3rd day of the RNC scared off independents. Guiliani, Romney, and especially Palin were very negative.

I think Obama and Biden are doing it right by not fueling the flames and just pushing issues. They need to keep pressing issues because it will force the RNC to talk issues, and it is here that they will get destroyed. The more the right attacks the more petty they will look to the center.
Kerry kept pressing issues. That did not force the RNC to talk issues.


One thing I don't get is that Republicans take it personally when people say Palin is not qualified. It's like they want a president whom they don't have to look up to and feel inferior to in comparison. The funny thing is that these are conservatives that talk about promoting excellence and not begrudging people for their success. Rush Limbaugh describes his show as a pursuit of excellence, many right wingers hold Ayn Rand in high esteem, and yet in electing people they worship mediocrity.

Ayn Rand would probably pop a blood vessel if she were alive to hear people praising a potential VP for being a "hockey mom."
Trurl said:
One thing I don't get is when Republicans take it personally when people say she is not qualified.
Faux Outrage FTW
Trurl said:
Rush Limbaugh describes his show as a pursuit of excellence
I always thought his Excellence in Broadcasting thing was a self-deprecating joke.

JaY P.

polyh3dron said:
Kerry kept pressing issues. That did not force the RNC to talk issues.

Point taken, but this is an issues election especially when you consider the economy. The personality aspect is now moot with Palin in the picture. The nation wants to hear issues this time around, which is precisely why McCain is losing ground to independents (as per gallup poll posted earlier).


Woops I misread your post speculawyer but you are correct about who said what. Though it being a scandal is kind of stretching it, it's not like Alaska has that many people, or people that can afford/use private jets aren't cozy with Alaskan politicians.
Huzah said:
Woops I misread your post speculawyer but you are correct about who said what. Though it being a scandal is kind of stretching it, it's not like Alaska has that many people, or people that can afford/use private jets aren't cozy with Alaskan politicians.
That didn't stop Willie Horton, Swift Boat, Monica Lewinsky, Tony Rezko or Bill Ayers from being scandals.

Politics is a contact sport.

And before you say "bu bu bu bu moral high ground" many of those die hard Republicans feel that their party has the moral high ground even with all of their lies and evil behavior.


Trurl said:
One thing I don't get is that Republicans take it personally when people say Palin is not qualified. It's like they want a president whom they don't have to look up to and feel inferior to in comparison. The funny thing is that these are conservatives that talk about promoting excellence and not begrudging people for their success. Rush Limbaugh describes his show as a pursuit of excellence, many right wingers hold Ayn Rand in high esteem, and yet in electing people they worship mediocrity.

Ayn Rand would probably pop a blood vessel if she were alive to hear people praising a potential VP for being a "hockey mom."

I guess you have to realize that in politics the first goal is to get the votes, and an easy way to get votes is to play identity politics.
Trurl said:
Ayn Rand would probably pop a blood vessel if she were alive to hear people praising a potential VP for being a "hockey mom."
She wouldn't have had a chance to hear it after having an aneurysm due to Bioshock.


polyh3dron said:
That didn't stop Willie Horton, Swift Boat, Monica Lewinsky, Tony Rezko or Bill Ayers from being scandals.

Politics is a contact sport.

Oh come on, Monica Lewinsky was def a scandal and took no stretching for it to become one.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Like Ghal I'm going to start recording and posting the lastest registration numbers in key states.

My post are going to be called Road to Victory!

Not trying to steal your spotlight Ghal, just want many people as possible to see the truth on what's going on behind the scenes.


devilhawk said:
If you are so upset go get the word out and help Obama. Don't sit in a forum and call people "vile scum." You really are no better than the people you seemingly so excruciatingly hate. This thread is really only useful when people can discuss the issues and ideologies because there really might be independent people here.

I'm not American so I can't help the campaign, but even if I could I wouldn't as it'd be like walking into a stranger's house uninvited and telling them what to do. I'm not that disrespectful. :p

I'd like to say it's none of my bushiness and I'm only watching the circus, but considering this election will decide the future of the world to a frighting degree I'll say the line is at not being rude and interfering with the election but that's it. I'm not going to pretend that stupid people aren't stupid. They're fucking stupid and it's as clear as day.
Huzah said:
Woops I misread your post speculawyer but you are correct about who said what. Though it being a scandal is kind of stretching it, it's not like Alaska has that many people, or people that can afford/use private jets aren't cozy with Alaskan politicians.
No, it is not a big thing (well, unless the jet was actually sold at less than fair market value but that may not be an easy thing to determine).

But if you are gonna try to sell yourself as someone of high ethics and a reformer . . . you really should be careful not to lie or mislead. And be sure the stories you tell are accurate. Yeah, it was McCain that got the story wrong . . . but the 'at a profit' is pretty glaring lie.

And when the jet ends up sold at a price much lower than the original asking price to person that contributed to your campaign . . . that kinda smells . . . probably something you might not want to brag about.
Jonm1010 said:
Not sure your point there. But that sidebar on the video shows that the person hosting that video is a complete idiot and has no idea what Obama's foreign policy and military plans have stated. Its really not hard to find out either, he has a book and a website that goes into great detail.

Not to mention the fact that a lack of military strength wasn't the reason we were blindsided at Pearl harbor (Or 9/11, for that matter).
Just finished the Bill Maher clips.

Kerry Washington is hot.

Made hotter (about 27x) by the fact that she held her own in an arena of intellect.

Huzah said:
Oh come on, Monica Lewinsky was def a scandal and took no stretching for it to become one.
Yes, it was a scandal. But it was mainly a personal life scandal. Yes, he lied in a deposition but that deposition was in a case that itself was pretty bogus itself (it got thrown out of court and then settled before an appeal) and that the facts of that deposition were never used in the case.

There seems to be this creepy pattern in Dem lies and Republicans lies

Dem Lie: I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.

GOP lie: I'll fire anyone involved with the CIA spy leak.

Dem Lie: I repeatedly dove down to the car in an attempt to see if the passenger was still in the car.

GOP lie: A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.


Miroku said:
Someone convince me the following isn't true:

Obama's raising tax cuts on the rich will hurt the economy more than it will help. The top 5% earners are the ones who own all the companies and hire all the workers. All of these people will raise prices on their products and services to make up for the money they will now be losing to taxes, thereby negating any extra income from the tax cuts proposed for the other 95% of the country.

Nothing will be fixed by taxing the rich and redistributing wealth. Jobs will be lost, not created.

Warren Buffet disagrees with you and he's richer than you.

If this was true there would be a clear correlation between tax level and prosperity but if anything the correlation is in slightly the other direction.

That's true within the States and between countries as well. Sweden for example is extremely prosperous while having one crazy income tax rate.

Plus wouldn't your theory also indicate that the most prosperous cities are the ones with the lowest taxes? But the richest cities in the world also have the highest taxes. Sure correlation does not imply causation but it is necessary for causation and you don't have it.
Well the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty DOES call for a world without nuclear weapons and until the 5 core countries start disarming, the threat of proliferation by rogue states will always be a concern

And weaponizing space? If the US does it, then Russia and China have to build deterrants which means a new arms race....the last arms race almost ended human existence

Same with the missile defence, it will only embolden Russia and China and other states to build new missiles that are able to evade the "shield"

By arguing against a reduction in nuclear arsenals, aren't you arguing against many of America's greatest leaders in the past 50 years?


speculawyer said:
Yes, it was a scandal. But it was mainly a personal life scandal. Yes, he lied in a deposition but that deposition was in a case that itself was pretty bogus itself (it got thrown out of court and then settled before an appeal) and that the facts of that deposition were never used in the case.

There seems to be this creepy pattern in Dem lies and Republicans lies

Dem Lie: I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.

GOP lie: I'll fire anyone involved with the CIA spy leak.

Dem Lie: I repeatedly dove down to the car in an attempt to see if the passenger was still in the car.

GOP lie: A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.

Well if you want to divide scandals into personal and professional then fine, it's not like Clinton didn't have any professional scandals as well.

Also, I like your little GOP/DEM scandal comparisson, how much many points does that score for your team?


Nicodimas said:
1) I'll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. Does that mean he'll spend $8 billion a month in Iraq or none at all?

-- definitely vague. then again this is a 1:30 video

2) I opposed the Iraq War from the beginning; you know when I was a state Senator, back in Illinois.

-- what's the problem here?

3) I'll cut the "unproven missile defense system." The one that has repeatedly shot down missiles and that same missile defense system that the Europeans and the Israelis want. Yeah that one!

-- it can be easily overwhelmed and confused

4) I'll allow China and Russia to put their weapons into space ahead of us, leaving us totally defenseless against them.

-- something tells me he would negotiate with these countries regarding this. if the u.s. is not weaponizing space, it follows that it'd be easier to get the other two relevant powers to not do so either

5) Not only do I want us to be defenseless from space, I also want China and Russia to have superior air, ground, and naval forces too.

he said he'd slow development. this would invariably slow their development, too.

6) And I'll put my goons (the Defense Priorities Board) in the Pentagon to make sure that the Defense Department doesn't try to defend us.

don't get this one...

7) To ensure peace in the world, I will get rid of all our nuclear weapons. After I get rid of all our nuclear weapons, I'll talk to all the other nations around the world about getting rid of their nuclear weapons too. After they hear what I have to say, they will be so impressed with me, they'll get rid of all their nuclear weapons, and then we'll all live happily ever after.

-- errr he said he'd stop developing new nuclear weapons, not that he'd destroy existing ones.

8) My sole purpose in all this is not to defend America, to ensure that she remains free, but to make sure that I stay in power; because once I put all that money that would have gone into national defense and install a national healthcare system, my government will have life and death power over the American people.

-- wat

what this person doesn't understand is the relationship between U.S. arms and weapons systems, and the build-up of other powers. the security dilemma is such a basic concept, but i'd guess he's never heard of it. and obama, no doubt sensitive to such things, would slow down development in concert with other countries.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Glancing over the last few pages, the Obama campaign better bring some of this stuff up about Palin. The woman looks to be a goldmine of controversy and Obama would be stupid not to call her out on this.


Wow Stewart tore McCain a new asshole and as always he was right. MSM ftl btw, this week Daily Show proved again that it's a far better news source
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