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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Key Alaska allies of John McCain are trying to derail a politically charged investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner in order to prevent a so-called "October surprise" that would produce embarrassing information about the vice presidential candidate on the eve of the election.

In a move endorsed by the McCain campaign Friday, John Coghill, the GOP chairman of the state House Rules Committee, wrote a letter seeking a meeting of Alaska's bipartisan Legislative Council in order to remove the Democratic state senator in charge of the so-called "troopergate" investigation.

Coghill charged that the senator, Hollis French, had "politicized" the probe by making a number of public comments in recent days, including telling ABC News that Palin had a "credibility problem" and that the investigation into the firing of public safety commissioner Walter Monegan was "likely to be damaging to the administration" and could be an "October surprise." Wrote Coghill: "The investigation appears to be lacking in fairness, neutrality and due process."

Uh . . . you know who "politicized" the investigation? John McCain! The investigation started long before she was nominated for VP. If they didn't like the investigation, they (I would said 'he' but it is clear John McCain doesn't get to make his own decisions or the VP would Lieberman) shouldn't have nominated her!!!! You can't nominate her and then start whining about an investigation that was already going on! That's bullshit.

So French has said a couple things? So what? It is will known that "likely to be damaging to the administration". That isn't new. Palin publically claimed that she had nothing to do with the matter and then email messages were released and phone call recordings were released such that she had to back-off from those earlier statements. (Commonly known as "lies".). That's already out there.

Ooh . . . and it is all in the article:

One major reason the probe is so sensitive is that it raises the prospect that Governor Palin's credibility could be called into a question in a major state probe on the eve of the election. When the "troopergate" story broke over the summer, Palin adamantly denied that anybody in her administration exerted any pressure on Monegan to fire Wooten. But only weeks later, a tape recording surfaced in which another one of her top aides, Frank Bailey, was heard telling a police lieutenant, "Todd and Sarah are scratching their heads, 'Why on earth hasn't this, why is this guy [Wooten] still representing the department?'"

See . . . . saying she has a 'credibility problem' is not new or secret info. I don't think one can rationally dispute it.
Why doesn't anyone in the media call out John McCain on his age when talking about this election. There is a very real chance he could die or have to relinquish the presidency to Palin. Also, what if something happens to him before the election(I hope it doesn't).

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
BoboBrazil said:
Why doesn't anyone in the media call out John McCain on his age when talking about this election. There is a very real chance he could die or have to relinquish the presidency to Palin. Also, what if something happens to him before the election(I hope it doesn't).

That is where the one heartbeat from the presidency comes in at.


BoboBrazil said:
Why doesn't anyone in the media call out John McCain on his age when talking about this election. There is a very real chance he could die or have to relinquish the presidency to Palin. Also, what if something happens to him before the election(I hope it doesn't).

His mom is 96 years old. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.


polyh3dron said:
But is she ready to be a heartbeat away from leading?

Shes perfect for the GOP, hell she's literally a Female W. Bush, no experience, little executive knowledge, the Texas Senate meets twice a year only. Why do you think Bush is so used to being on vacation, he thinks its part of the job.:lol

Texas has a plural executive branch, which limits the power of the governor. All executive officers are elected independently, except the secretary of state, making them answer to the public instead of the governor. This also makes it possible for the branch to be split between parties.

The executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, comptroller of public accounts, land commissioner, attorney general, agriculture commissioner, Texas railroad commission, state board of education and secretary of state.

The legislative branch consists of the House of Representatives, with 150 members, and the Senate, with 31 members. The speaker of the House leads the House, while the lieutenant governor leads the Senate. The legislature meets twice per year, and the governor can call for special sessions.


deadbeef said:
His mom is 96 years old. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

His mom is 96 but I thought his father died at around age 70. Also, I don't think his mother has a record of multiple cancers or having "enhanced interrogation techniques" performed on her in a POW camp.



haha sure.


*donates $5 for obama*
Rugasuki said:
His mom is 96 but I thought his father died at around age 70. Also, I don't think his mother has a record of multiple cancers or having "enhanced interrogation techniques" performed on her in a POW camp.

Also the average lifespan for a man is lower than a woman. I think he is right at the end of that average lifespan expectancy right now...


*drowns in jizz*
thefit said:
I beleive the enquirer is going to print details of the nasty divorce next week. Apparently the GOP tried to have the records sealed but where denied today. Palin has become anothe celebutard.

Good. When all these news of scandals hit I kinda felt bad for her, but after finding out more of her past, her extreme hypocrisy, her numerous bald-faced lies (in only a few days), her extreme views, her apparent opportunism, and witnessing her empty and crass attacks, I feel absolutely no sympathy for this woman. She deserves whatever's coming to her.


Rugasuki said:
His mom is 96 but I thought his father died at around age 70. Also, I don't think his mother has a record of multiple cancers or having "enhanced interrogation techniques" performed on her in a POW camp.

True. But modern medicine is pretty impressive. I don't think he would die in office, though he might. I can't imagine him running for 2 terms though. The presidency is pretty hard on a person.


An update on the Wasilla, AK citizen letter:

The Anne Kilkenny letter I posted much earlier in the thread is in fact genuine. (it seemed real but given all the Muslim smears on Obama I wasn't positive.)


The letter confirms facts such as her turning over much over her mayoral responsibilities to an administrator and the fact that she did try to have some books removed from the library.
BigBoss said:
The Daily Show was incredible. :lol
That video amazed me. Not just because it made me laugh, but it really was unrelenting. For a frequent Daily Show guest, it amazed me that they really pulled no punches in mocking John McCain.

"While those other pussies kept their planes in the air.." Wow.


*drowns in jizz*
Steve Youngblood said:
That video amazed me. Not just because it made me laugh, but it really was unrelenting. For a frequent Daily Show guest, it amazed me that they really pulled no punches.

"While those other pussies kept their planes in the air.." Wow.

Is there a link yet??
I'm watching the Librul Media right now (CNN) and it's all Palin all the time just like the Republicans talked about.

They're attacking her stance on the Bridge to Nowhere, Troopergate and EarmarkGate, talking to people from Alaska about it and doing some real investigative reporting uncovering the truth., and I haven't heard Bristol's name mentioned ONCE.

This is SO sexist.
Steve Youngblood said:
That video amazed me. Not just because it made me laugh, but it really was unrelenting. For a frequent Daily Show guest, it amazed me that they really pulled no punches in mocking John McCain.

"While those other pussies kept their planes in the air.." Wow.
They did exactly what I said the Dems should be doing. Go after the POW. Like the bandaid with the purple heart on it showed, the Republicans don't give a shit about someone's military record when the shoe is on the other foot.


First tragedy, then farce.
polyh3dron said:
I'm watching the Librul Media right now (CNN) and it's all Palin all the time just like the Republicans talked about.

They're attacking her stance on the Bridge to Nowhere, Troopergate and EarmarkGate, talking to people from Alaska about it and doing some real investigative reporting uncovering the truth., and I haven't heard Bristol's name mentioned ONCE.

This is SO sexist.


You cant vet a woman, she has a vagina, why do you think american war hero and POW McCain didnt vet her? I'll tell you why, he supports women.
Rugasuki said:
An update on the Wasilla, AK citizen letter:

The Anne Kilkenny letter I posted much earlier in the thread is in fact genuine. (it seemed real but given all the Muslim smears on Obama I wasn't positive.)


The letter confirms facts such as her turning over much over her mayoral responsibilities to an administrator and the fact that she did try to have some books removed from the library.
I didn't think it was possible, but if she became president she could actually be worse than W. Holy Shit!
polyh3dron said:
They did exactly what I said the Dems should be doing. Go after the POW. Like the bandaid with the purple heart on it showed, the Republicans don't give a shit about someone's military record when the shoe is on the other foot.
It's a tough game, though. It's one thing for Jon Stewart to mock it. Not only is he not a part of the Obama campaign, but he isn't even really a part of what is considered legitimate mainstream media in spite of our protests that he might be just as good, if not better than mainstream media.

The McCain campaign has no card to feign outrage to. "A comedian mocked me" isn't going to play well. However, if the Obama campaign decided to go down a similar road, it could be disastrous.

Edit: Slurpy, I've searched, and I haven't been able to find it yet online.


CharlieDigital said:
Will I be able to make it through this without losing faith in democracy and America and generally puking in disgust?

Now that I finished watching it, I can safely say, no. It really doesn't focus much on the convention itself altogether and only goes over it in passing. The National Guard segment is a lot harder to watch.
Steve Youngblood said:
It's a tough game, though. It's one thing for Jon Stewart to mock it. Not only is he not a part of the Obama campaign, but he isn't even really a part of what is considered legitimate mainstream media in spite of our protests that he might be just as good, if not better than mainstream media.

The McCain campaign has no card to feign outrage to. "A comedian mocked me" isn't going to play well. However, if the Obama campaign decided to go down a similar road, it could be disastrous.

Edit: Slurpy, I've searched, and I haven't been able to find it yet online.
Swift Boat worked for the Repubs as horrible as it was. You repeat something like that enough times and it sets into the subconscious of voters, even in the subconscious of that candidate's base. Just look at the celebrity and the "the one" ads for proof of that.


*drowns in jizz*
For the pain Palin caused me in watching her speak today, I had to punish her by donating another $25 to Obama.
polyh3dron said:
Swift Boat worked for the Repubs as horrible as it was. You repeat something like that enough times and it sets into the subconscious of voters, even in the subconscious of that candidate's base. Just look at the celebrity and the "the one" ads for proof of that.
Yes, but Swift Boats were not directly tied to the Bush campaign. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you prefer not completely mocking the entire process), Democrats don't have their own independent groups that are good at this sort of thing.
Karma said:
Cloud said:
You're right I don't function well in your society. I'm one of those Ivy league educated elitists as republicans call them who are all about facts and snob idiots that yell "drill baby drill". And I'm proud of it.
Fuck you. You don`t know me or who I am. What a little bitch you must be.

Dude, you lost with the first two words there.


I need to scrape up some money to donate to 'bamaton. Last time I gave money to his campaign was I think about $10 right after Iowa :lol

Damn, that feels like a LONG time ago, though it was what, 7 months back? Seems like at least a year.


*drowns in jizz*
StoOgE said:
they let her out of the lockbox?

Only for letting her read prepared drivel, with absolutely no contact or questioning by the media.

Edit: I need to stop following this shit. These tools have motivated me to donate $425 this week :p
Slurpy said:
Only for letting her read prepared drivel, with absolutely no contact or questioning by the media.
Quiet you. She'll address the media after she's finished her crash course, mastering everything there is to know about world affairs. She has plenty of time to do so... 1 month.


Slurpy said:
Only for letting her read prepared drivel, with absolutely no contact or questioning by the media.

Edit: I need to stop following this shit. These tools have motivated me to donate $425 this week :p

Unfortunately that's exactly how it's going to be with her: the campaign will have her on a leash and she'll be reading from a script if she's talking in front of anyone at all.
I'm already signed up on Obama's site and I'm in the GAF group. I take it any donation I make will go towards the GAF group, or do I need to get to the donate screen in a specific way to ensure it counts for my group?


First tragedy, then farce.
Steve Youngblood said:
Quiet you. She'll address the media after she's finished her crash course, mastering everything there is to know about world affairs. She has plenty of time to do so... 1 month.

it really should only take a few minutes to learn the words to "bomb bomb iran"
Steve Youngblood said:
Quiet you. She'll address the media after she's finished her crash course, mastering everything there is to know about world affairs. She has plenty of time to do so... 1 month.

October 2nd.

I can't fucking wait.
mj1108 said:
Unfortunately that's exactly how it's going to be with her: the campaign will have her on a leash and she'll be reading from a script if she's talking in front of anyone at all.
What a great role model for young women everywhere.
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