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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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formerly sane
suaveric said:
The racist-factor is all the more reason Obama needs that huge youth turnout.

I hope you're not ignoring the fact there are still racist in the youth vote, not as strong but it's not as if the youth is all tolerant.


artredis1980 said:
AP-Yahoo News Poll: Obama's poll number would be 6-points higher had it not been for his race

Just came to post this =)

Bigot said:
"We still don't like black people," said John Clouse, 57, reflecting the sentiments of his pals gathered at a coffee shop in Somerset, Ohio.

I wonder if these people go home, look in the mirror and say "you're a bigot".
The women vote is what is killing Mccain at the moment. More precisely the white women vote because it isn't giving Mccain the edge he needed in white women specifically and that was the very aim of the pick.


Tamanon said:
Good lord, look at those favorable numbers for Obama.
And look at Palin drag McCain down.

This is the three day rolling average of their net favorablity (so it starts on the third day of their poll).


Palin is dragging McCain straight down.


GhaleonEB said:
And look at Palin drag McCain down.

This is the three day rolling average of their net favorablity (so it starts on the third day of their poll).

Palin is dragging McCain straight down.

Back when the campaign started I remember hearing David Plouffe say that by time this election is over, the John McCain we all knew wouldn't be recognizable anymore. Glad to see that plan coming to fruition -- couldn't have happened to a better person.


Right on Incognito.

New Polling 9/20/08

Rasmussen              Rasmussen
[U]South Carolina[/U]         [U]Illinois[/U]
51% McCain             56% Obama
45% Obama              40% McCain
[B]+6[/B] McCain              [B]+16[/B] Obama


Clothed, sober, cooperative
LCGeek said:
I hope you're not ignoring the fact there are still racist in the youth vote, not as strong but it's not as if the youth is all tolerant.

Having played video games on the internet - I know that even racist white teenagers are confused about their racism. On one hand, they want to say the same things as their racist friends. On the other hand, they like hip hop and want to bone Halle Berry.

However, those youths aren't fucking voting. What we're really talking about college kids who are not only not racist, but actively excited about Obama being black.

Racist white teenage/young voters ain't voting. They are thinking about how the new Camaro is boss, and that trying meth one time might be cool.
lawblob said:
There are some good articles and research debating why Americans are so fucking stupid when it comes to politics. I think the general idea is that Americans have had it so good for so long compared to most countries, that the average American takes it for granted that the system just works, and they don't need to worry about actually learning anything about politics. Combine that with organized religion, IMO, and you have a nation full of retards.

I think eliminating the 2 party system is probably the best way to force people to become more educated about politics, because it might force them to actually learn something about what they want to vote about.
yes, Yes, YES!

Always supports Instant run-off voting and proportion representation.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
speculawyer said:
yes, Yes, YES!

Always supports Instant run-off voting and proportion representation.

It's always seemed incredible to me that the nation that gave birth to modern democracy has the most backward, cabalistic two-party hegemony as its political system.
Y2Kev said:
Why are independents so racist? WTF. I guess Chuck Todd knew what he was talking about.

Never confuse independents with moderates. There is of course some arguable correlation there but independents have some of the same characteristics of Republicans or Democrats. They may be just people upset with one of the current parties for some reason. Somebody provided the analysis that the independent ranks have also gotten a bit larger in recent years because republicans are simply so disenchanted with the current GOP brand that some of them have registered as independents.
Just sent my dad (who is a republican) the healthcare/banking quote by John McCain. His response: "He's right on top of things....just like his twin W." :lol
capslock said:
It's always seemed incredible to me that the nation that gave birth to modern democracy has the most backward, cabalistic two-party hegemony as its political system.

Americans especially nowadays are traditionalists. It would take something very powerful to dislodge the two party system from our psyche.
Fragamemnon said:
Make no mistake-Obama is very unlikely to pursue the sort of deficit-killing that Clinton did-he has a different set of economists, and critical domestic pillars like his health care proposals and energy plan are going to cost money.

However, getting out of Iraq and getting rid of the Bush tax breaks is really going to provide some budgetary relief.
WTF? Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers both work for Obama.

Warren Buffet advises him too and he is a deficit hawk. He is also the guy who in 2003 said that derivatives, a source of many of todays problems, were Weapons of Mass Financial Destruction.
Rur0ni said:
Right on Incognito.

New Polling 9/20/08

Rasmussen              Rasmussen
[U]South Carolina[/U]         [U]Illinois[/U]
51% McCain             56% Obama
45% Obama              40% McCain
[B]+6[/B] McCain              [B]+16[/B] Obama

Ill is close because of alot of south illinois voters who are Alan Keyes supporters
speculawyer said:
WTF? Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers both work for Obama.

Warren Buffet advises him too and he is a deficit hawk. He is also the guy who in 2003 said that derivatives, a source of many of todays problems, were Weapons of Mass Financial Destruction.

There was a great article about Obama's economic philosophy (or as the author sez, the problem with pigeonholing Obama into a specific economic camp..) in the Sunday NYTimes magazine a few weeks ago-- but frag has it right. Obama himself has said that he's not going to enter the office with a single-minded focus on shrinking the deficit.

BrandNew: yes.


LCGeek said:
I hope you're not ignoring the fact there are still racist in the youth vote, not as strong but it's not as if the youth is all tolerant.

I know there are still racist kids out there. I just think that every generation of this country is at least a little bit more tolerant than the one before it. Plus I believe that the youth who think they can change something in this world will be more motivated to come out and vote than the ones who just don't want a black president.
Suikoguy said:
Well, let's be honest here.
Unless the economy starts to turn around, Obama will not be able to get some of his plans through the congress and senate.

I think healthcare is dead for a first term.

Suikoguy said:
On the other hand, some of them, like additional funding for alternative energies, and removing the tax break for Oil companies, will not depend on the economy.
These should not wait since they are key to helping the economy even though they'll cost a bit up front. Alternative energy subsidies create local jobs (windmill makers/installers, solar panel makers/installers, an improved energy grid, Chevy Volt/Tesla/Aptera car designers/builders, etc.) and helps reduce the trade deficit.
JayDubya said:
You know what the consensus will be without asking it.

The obvious problem with using the Reagan admin et. al. as examples of Friedman's brand of economics is this, and it's fairly simple: they're not a very good example, because they spend like hell and they advocate spending like hell, and when they could be vetoing the really expensive shit, they don't.
Well, what real-world, modern example does work?
artredis1980 said:
AP-Yahoo News Poll: Obama's poll number would be 6-points higher had it not been for his race


To be fair, I wonder how many black people are voting for him for no other reasons than he is black. Such reverse-racism isn't fair either. However, I suspect that number is still outweighed by the other people that won't vote for him since he is black . . . mostly because the black population already votes Democratic anyway. I don't think Obama's % of the black vote isn't much higher than Kerry's . . . he might just get better turn-out.
speculawyer said:
To be fair, I wonder how many black people are voting for him for no other reasons than he is black. Such reverse-racism isn't fair either. However, I suspect that number is still outweighed by the other people that won't vote for him since he is black . . . mostly because the black population already votes Democratic anyway. I don't think Obama's % of the black vote isn't much higher than Kerry's . . . he might just get better turn-out.

I think that was confirmed in the primaries as well. Overall I think he usually ended up slightly higher among blacks than what polls indicated.

I mean someone posted that article about black Republicans saying they have no plans to vote for him just because he's black, and really, a certain percentage of them probably will, just for that reason.


Cloudy said:
Any predictions for today's Gallup? Would be nice to see Obama hit 50 but I think he drops a point..
I don't know why Obama would drop, but you never know with these daily polls.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
speculawyer said:
To be fair, I wonder how many black people are voting for him for no other reasons than he is black. Such reverse-racism isn't fair either. However, I suspect that number is still outweighed by the other people that won't vote for him since he is black . . . mostly because the black population already votes Democratic anyway. I don't think Obama's % of the black vote isn't much higher than Kerry's . . . he might just get better turn-out.

He is going to get better turnout







As I've stated previously, we (African Americans such as myself) have voted Democrat almost monolithically
capslock said:
It's always seemed incredible to me that the nation that gave birth to modern democracy has the most backward, cabalistic two-party hegemony as its political system.
No . . . it makes perfect sense. We are Democracy 1.5 . . . . initially we were Democracy 1.0 but we made a few patches like freeing slaves, giving women the vote, stopping poll taxes & tests . . . but we still have a lot of bugs. And one of the reasons we do is that the patching process (Amending the constitution) itself is buggy and very hard to use.

Other Democracies were able to launch fresh products with revised architectures that don't include the bugs & legacy code we are stuck with.

/Geek analogy
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