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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GhaleonEB said:
The video is just pathetic. After being told - twice - what her severance package was, McCain continues to plead ignorance. He uses the exact same language both times, which makes me think it was a scripted response.

mccain and gang sometimes feel like videogame AI scripted characters. there are only a finite number of responses they have to choose from.....
Funky Papa said:
Republicans will rationalize it. "This only shows the maverickness of McCain. Look at him, working shoulder to shoulder with those deviants he despises so much".

I doubt they'd have the nerve to touch this with a ten-foot pole. I'm going to email this story around to the mainstream press. Here's hoping it picks up some traction.
McCain says Obama is an elite because he is from an ivy league school. Doesnt McCain want everyone to get educated from a good school? Is he implying that good schooling doesnt matter?
quadriplegicjon said:
Republicans and Democrats sometimes feel like videogame AI scripted characters. there are only a finite number of responses they have to choose from.....

so we'll stop bullshitting ourselves.

artredis1980 said:
McCain says Obama is an elite because he is from an ivy league school. Doesnt McCain want everyone to get educated from a good school? Is he implying that good schooling doesnt matter?

Obama's just pulling the same "good old boy" style shit Bush pulled. I have as much in common with Bush/Obama as I do a hummingbird. :\


quadriplegicjon said:
mccain and gang sometimes feel like videogame AI scripted characters. there are only a finite number of responses they have to choose from.....
Speaking of scrpited....if this weren't a news story I would have thought it was a GAF joke.


Obama, McCain Prepare for Debate

Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain will spend much of this week preparing for their first debate on Friday night.

The Wall Street Journal notes McCain "will spar this week in mock debates" with former Maryland lieutenant governor Michael Steele who will play Obama "and use many of his speaking patterns, tactics and body language." Obama "will practice with Greg Craig, a Washington lawyer and former official in the Clinton administration who is one of his few gray-haired advisers."

On the day of the debate, McCain "will host a town-hall event and take a short nap" while Obama "will work out or shoot hoops."

Obama - basketball
McCain - take a nap

You can't make this stuff up.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
So this is either an example of John McCain's hypocrisy or his complete incompetence. It's one or the other.

He either took her own, knowing full well that she had this severance package, or he took her on and DIDN'T know she had received this severance package.

Either way, he's a moron.
lawblob said:
I love the way McCain characterizes Fiorina as a plucky secretary who worked her way to the top! I don't think that's the most accurate way to describe the ascendancy of the child of wealthy intellectuals with an Ivy League education.

Pretty much the same way our current president was a plucky "comman man" instead of someone born into the life of prestige and wealth and a political dynasty.


Okay, does anyone else find it funny that Drudgereport.com has kept the same headline up all day?


The tone of Matt's title seems like he was ready to prove all those Negative-Nancy democrats wrong. The fundamentals are strong people!


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The Take Out Bandit said:
so we'll stop bullshitting ourselves.

im sorry, but obama and biden actually seem like they think about the questions being asked before they answer. thats not bullshitting at all. why do you think obama seems to stutter when answering questions? he isnt trying to throw out prepackaged answers..
Fatalah said:
Okay, does anyone else find it funny that Drudgereport.com has keep the same headline up all day?


The tone of Matt's title seems like he was ready to prove all those Negative-Nancy democrats wrong. The fundamentals are strong people!


He's pissed and clearly has decided to just say fuck it and go off the deep end. From here on out you can guarantee the only news he will put up will be pro Mccain or Republicans.


Stoney Mason said:
He's pissed and clearly has decided to just say fuck it and go off the deep end. From here on out you can guarantee the only news he will put up will be pro Mccain or Republicans.

Drudge really has gone off the deep end, I can't believe how reckless he's been the last month. His stories are so low brow....the number of groundless stories have like tripled.


Mercury Fred said:

From the guy who spearheaded the Larry Craig and Foley investigations comes this new gem.


More from Signorile's blog:

He's a maverick!

artredis1980 said:
McCain: WTF is going on here? Where Am I? Is this thing on?

On Fiorina's Severence Golden Parachute which McCain says he is against:

On the details of her golden Parachute:

He was a POW! He didn't have any parachute - golden or otherwise - for five years!

Man, oh man.


Fatalah said:
Drudge really has gone off the deep end, I can't believe how reckless he's been the last month. His stories are so low brow....the number of groundless stories have like tripled.
And others say he's just fallen in line with McCain's campaign.
Richest Senators in America:


McCain is number 13

13. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
$19.64 million

McCain’s true value is impossible to estimate because most of the major assets are listed in the name of his wife or children, thereby requiring far less detailed disclosure. Other news outlets have suggested that Cindy McCain’s net worth may exceed $100 million, but there is no documentation to prove that figure.

McCain’s disclosure form lists 12 items with values of “over $1 million” that are owned by his wife and children. In 2007, the family liquidated a trust set up by Cindy McCain’s late mother that had a reported value in 2006 of more than $2.5 million. The proceeds were then distributed to three other trusts, which show a minimum value of $1.4 million. Cindy McCain also liquidated a blind trust in 2007, selling millions of dollars worth of stock, and the reported value of the stock she owns through Hensley & Co. — her family’s beer distributorship — dropped more than $4 million in value last year.

The only assets McCain claims as his own are a checking account with a balance of $15,000 to $50,000, a money market fund worth less than $15,000 and several book deals.

Hillary Clinton is number 29

29. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.)
$10.39 million

In 2006, in preparation for her White House bid, Clinton closed a blind trust worth $5 million to $25 million, reported its stock holdings and then sold them off because of different disclosure requirements for presidential candidates.

In 2007, her primary assets were two Citibank deposit accounts, each worth $5 million to $25 million, one of which is new. While the disclosure form she prepared for the presidential race indicated a minimum net worth of about $17 million and her current disclosure only tallies about $10 million, the wide ranges reported for the family’s cash accounts could easily accommodate millions more in assets than she gets credit for in this tally.

Beyond the two giant bank accounts, the family’s biggest asset appears to be Bill Clinton, who earned more than $10 million giving speeches in 2007.

Barrack Hussein Obama is not in the top 50 richest senators. He is one of the poorest senators


Stoney Mason said:
He's pissed and clearly has decided to just say fuck it and go off the deep end. From here on out you can guarantee the only news he will put up will be pro Mccain or Republicans.
I love the "Obama shows off his plane..." headline :lol

Funky Papa

The dollar is plumeting like fucking ballast. At this rate I'll lose all my customers by next year.

McCain can not reach the White House.
Fatalah said:
Drudge really has gone off the deep end, I can't believe how reckless he's been the last month. His stories are so low brow....the number of groundless stories have like tripled.

I don't know what you are talking about...

In California,'Palin factor' sparks fear among Dems, joy among GOP...
Sarah Palin to meet with 7 world leaders at UN...
POLL: Obama could lose 6% on election day for being black...
McCain leads Obama 51-41 in rural US contests: poll...
Franken advises 'SNL' on ridiculing McCain...
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE' skit suggests Sarah's husband guilty of incest...
Lowest-rated EMMYS ever...
Political digs slipped in; Stars made much reference to election...
Obama Camp Seeks To Lower Expectations For First Debate...
...how to provoke McCain into anger
Obama shows off his plane...
'How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis'...
Stoney Mason said:
I don't know what you are talking about...

In California,'Palin factor' sparks fear among Dems, joy among GOP...
Sarah Palin to meet with 7 world leaders at UN...
POLL: Obama could lose 6% on election day for being black...
McCain leads Obama 51-41 in rural US contests: poll...
Franken advises 'SNL' on ridiculing McCain...
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE' skit suggests Sarah's husband guilty of incest...
Lowest-rated EMMYS ever...
Political digs slipped in; Stars made much reference to election...
Obama Camp Seeks To Lower Expectations For First Debate...
...how to provoke McCain into anger
Obama shows off his plane...
'How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis'...

Isn't Drudge gay too? Perhaps he subscribes to the Gaborn doctrine on gay marriage?


artredis1980 said:
McCain says Obama is an elite because he is from an ivy league school. Doesnt McCain want everyone to get educated from a good school? Is he implying that good schooling doesnt matter?

People, please stop misusing the elitist angle.

An elitist is not someone who is simply rich, smart or famous. An elitist is someone who believes they are better and/or more important than others.

Obama's "cling to guns and religion" comment was the origin of the elitist label for him. The comment made him appear to "look down" on small-town Pennsylvanians for their cherished beliefs.

McCain has not implied in any way that Obama's education makes him elitist. The implication is that it makes Obama feel superior to ordinary Americans.
ShOcKwAvE said:
People, please stop misusing the elitist angle.

An elitist is not someone who is simply rich, smart or famous. An elitist is someone who believes they are better and/or more important than others.

Obama's "cling to guns and religion" comment was the origin of the elitist label for him. The comment made him appear to "look down" on small-town Pennsylvanians for their cherished beliefs.

McCain has not implied in any way that Obama's education makes him elitist. The implication is that it makes Obama feel superior to ordinary Americans.

he should be, if he isnt superior, why is he running for President of the United States of America?
Fatalah said:
Nice JOB!

He routinely did the same thing back in the primaries although back then it would be Hillary he was pounding on. People like to cite that he ran anti-Mccain stories but that was often in conjunction with conservative orthodoxy at the time where Romney was viewed as the desired candidate.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Oil went up $16 a barrel today! Stocks are down 255 points. Today is a horrible day for the market.
no shame

The McCain "absentee voter" scam
1. Mail forms to hard core Democratic voters, asking them to register to vote by mail.

2. Have those forms addressed to the wrong county registrar.

3. Pray overworked registrar workers, swamped with hundreds of mis-addressed forms, forget to forward to the right county, or forward them past the registration deadline.

4. Disenfranchise thousands.

Heck says, "I spoke with the Caledonia clerk and learned if we (in Mount Pleasant) used the form and sent it to the pre-printed address they would have to forward it to the right jurisdiction (if they had the time and the people) who would then have to send out the absentee ballot. As the deadline to submit a request is Oct. 30, and the clerks have a deadline of Oct. 31, this bogus form not only gums up and overworks the process to get absentee ballots sent out, it could cause some to not even be mailed."

The election officials Heck spoke to -- Racine County and Caledonia -- said sending the absentee ballot request to the wrong clerk would not jeopardize a voter's registration, but might result in the absentee ballot not getting sent due to overworked personnel, or the possibility of missing the deadline.

I voted in the wrong district in 06 (didn't want to see my mom in my district, who was working the polls and is rather annoying) lol but my ballot was sent to the correct district luckily


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ShOcKwAvE said:
People, please stop misusing the elitist angle.

An elitist is not someone who is simply rich, smart or famous. An elitist is someone who believes they are better and/or more important than others.

Obama's "cling to guns and religion" comment was the origin of the elitist label for him. The comment made him appear to "look down" on small-town Pennsylvanians for their cherished beliefs.

McCain has not implied in any way that Obama's education makes him elitist. The implication is that it makes Obama feel superior to ordinary Americans.

he wasn't looking down on them though. And his statement was true. The REP convention proved Obama's "cling" statement true.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
This made me laugh (and cry):

From: Minister of the Treasury Paulson


Dear American:

I need to ask you to support an urgent secret business relationship
with a transfer of funds of great magnitude.

I am Ministry of the Treasury of the Republic of America. My country
has had crisis that has caused the need for large transfer of funds of
800 billion dollars US. If you would assist me in this transfer, it
would be most profitable to you.

I am working with Mr. Phil Gram, lobbyist for UBS, who will be my
replacement as Ministry of the Treasury in January. As a Senator, you
may know him as the leader of the American banking deregulation
movement in the 1990s. This transactin is 100% safe.

This is a matter of great urgency. We need a blank check. We need
the funds as quickly as possible. We cannot directly transfer these
funds in the names of our close friends because we are constantly
under surveillance. My family lawyer advised me that I should look for
a reliable and trustworthy person who will act as a next of kin so the
funds can be transferred.

Please reply with all of your bank account, IRA and college fund
account numbers and those of your children and grandchildren to
wallstreetbailout@treasury.gov so that we may transfer your commission
for this transaction. After I receive that information, I will
respond with detailed information about safeguards that will be used
to protect the funds.

Yours Faithfully
Minister of Treasury Paulson
quadriplegicjon said:
did quayle reinvigorate bush-I's election campaign? i dont think you can compare really.
Back then, VP was still considered a water-carrying, do-little gig. It was tailor-made for a buffoon (who still had more experience than Palin). And nobody thought GHW Bush might keel over dead at any moment. Cheney has shown that the office can be very powerful indeed and McCain's walking-corpse behavior illustrates that the VP needs to be presidential material right away.
ShOcKwAvE said:
People, please stop misusing the elitist angle.

An elitist is not someone who is simply rich, smart or famous. An elitist is someone who believes they are better and/or more important than others.

Obama's "cling to guns and religion" comment was the origin of the elitist label for him. The comment made him appear to "look down" on small-town Pennsylvanians for their cherished beliefs.

McCain has not implied in any way that Obama's education makes him elitist. The implication is that it makes Obama feel superior to ordinary Americans.

"Elitist" is a bogus position in the first place and the hypocrisy only goes to note that viewing elitism in only one measure is bogus. Mccain operatives continue to use the elitist label (as Hillary did) in one variation or another. As long as they do that I don't have a problem with attacks on houses and cars and wealth. Elite is a charge Republicans have been throwing at Democrats from ages back.


mckmas8808 said:
Oil went up $16 a barrel today! Stocks are down 255 points. Today is a horrible day for the market.

There will be plenty more where that came from. With the sudden collapse of liquidity and the tightening of credit, consumers and businesses are about to get slammed over the next few months, as the realities of this mess begin to impact day-to-day life.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
ShOcKwAvE said:
Obama's "cling to guns and religion" comment was the origin of the elitist label for him. The comment made him appear to "look down" on small-town Pennsylvanians for their cherished beliefs.
I seem to recall the elitist accusation levelled at Obama started before that, revolving primarily around his education at first and obviously benefitting from the "cling to guns and religion" comment presented out of context.


ShOcKwAvE said:
People, please stop misusing the elitist angle.

An elitist is not someone who is simply rich, smart or famous. An elitist is someone who believes they are better and/or more important than others.

Obama's "cling to guns and religion" comment was the origin of the elitist label for him. The comment made him appear to "look down" on small-town Pennsylvanians for their cherished beliefs.

McCain has not implied in any way that Obama's education makes him elitist. The implication is that it makes Obama feel superior to ordinary Americans.

Why isn't McCain viewed as elitist for his "You couldn't pick lettuce for $50/hour, none of you could!" remark?


I'm getting a bit concerned. Obama really needs to find a way to more forcefully address the financial crisis.

So far his response has been a bunch of platitudes and generalities, and it isn't going over well. McCain is getting all the headlines. Although he's been waffling all over the place, he is coming across as the more forceful and proactive of the two.

Obama should be running away with this current situation, and instead McCain's actually gaining an edge out of it.

I guess he's concerned about not saying much to undermine the process the Dems in Congress are going through, but he needs to do more to be seen as driving that process, instead of acting as a casual observer.


artredis1980 said:
he should be, if he isnt superior, why is he running for President of the United States of America?

No, no. Again, you can be as smart and rich as you want.

The idea is that you shouldn't highlight it. You don't compliment yourself or insult others. You simply be who you are and let others talk about your intelligence or wealth.

When politicians talk about those qualities, they appear to put down others whether it's true or not.
Tamanon said:
Why isn't McCain viewed as elitist for his "You couldn't pick lettuce for $50/hour, none of you could!" remark?

Pretty much. Was that the one where he said roughly the Mexican immigrants were doing the jobs Americans didn't want and his audience (loudly) disagreed.


Rhindle said:
I'm getting a bit concerned. Obama really needs to find a way to more forcefully address the financial crisis.

So far his response has been a bunch of platitudes and generalities, and it isn't going over well. McCain is getting all the headlines. Although he's been waffling all over the place, he is coming across as the more forceful and proactive of the two.

Obama should be running away with this current situation, and instead McCain's actually gaining an edge out of it.

I guess he's concerned about not saying much to undermine the process the Dems in Congress are going through, but he needs to do more to be seen as driving that process, instead of acting as a casual observer.
I'm really concerned to.




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