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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Crayon Shinchan said:
Do you agree with the banning of vasectomies too?



I didn't even suggest that abortion should be banned. What I am saying though is that there should be as few of them as possible. If they don't want the baby, put it up for adoption instead. That's not a valid option? How come that is not a valid option?

Does killing a fetus make you happy? I would think that any fair minded person would want less abortions overall, not more.


HylianTom said:
For the umpteenth time: it's not legally another person.

If you want it to be so in any way that's legally meaningful, good luck amending the Constitution. Or, perhaps you can get some of your judges to legislate it from the bench.

If they LFTB, they're not "my" judges. That's "your" judges' department.

If I wanted "my" judges to LFTB, then they would ban abortion at the federal level from the Supreme Court. Given our current Constitution, that's almost as horrific as what Blackmun did with Roe.


DenogginizerOS said:
I added bleach to some human stem cells this summer that were a part of a failed experiment. Did I perform a partial abortion and will I go to halfway house in Hell for it?

You're going to hell with a scholarship.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wait, wait, wait.

He included "abortion" under the "birth control" and "contraceptives" umbrella?



First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:

Write-up coming, but this is probably on the strength of the Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan and Colorado polls today. (McCain was at 226 yesterday.)



JayDubya said:
Human rights for human beings computes just fine.

Can I propose a hypothetical?

Let's say abortion is outlawed and schools, foster care, and health care are completely privatized.

Who pays for the child's health care for the parent who can't afford it? Who takes care of the possibly hundreds of thousands of children whose parents chose not to or cannot take care of them in the very likely situation that most will not be adopted?

Who teaches them to be responsible about sex when they grow up? Who teaches them how to get a job and thus keep out of crime?

Why is birth a human right, but being cared for immediately after birth not?


reilo said:
Wait, wait, wait.

He included "abortion" under the "birth control" and "contraceptives" umbrella?


"birth control"

birth - look up the definition
control - look up the definition

Way to control birth. Killing a fetus seems like a valid way to control a birth.

My original point still stands and Z whatever his name didn't bother to argue it because he probably realized just how stupid it was to begin with. Some women have abortions because they don't want to have the child. That was the original argument put forth.

I did not attempt to put it under the same umbrella as contraceptives or the pill. I am simply using the definitions of the two words and it by definition fits.

Women use it to keep from giving birth to an unwanted child. It was argued that they don't. Such an argument is fucking stupid.
CharlieDigital said:
I mean, the funny thing is that even though the economy is in ridiculously dire straights and on the borderline of complete failure and we're engaged in two wars around the world with no clear end to either war, a woman's choice and sex-ed is a more important issue to their quality of life. Complete WTF AM TOTAL.
I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP gets more than half their votes on that single issue alone.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Jak140 said:
Can I propose a hypothetical?

Let's say abortion is outlawed and schools, foster care, and health care are completely privatized.

Who pays for the child's health care for the parent who can't afford it? Who takes care of the possibly hundreds of thousands of children whose parents chose not to or cannot take care of them in the very likely situation that most will not be adopted?

Who teaches them to be responsible about sex when they grow up? Who teaches them how to get a job and thus keep out of crime?
Wall Street. They have all of my tax dollars.


Ok so this fucking abortion debate sunk my reply.


How will Obama "tax cuts for 95 percent of families, an economic stimulus package that creates millions of new jobs and leads us towards energy independence, and health care that is affordable to every American."?

Of all those things, the most important IMO is energy independence and renewable energy. This makes a big difference on the bottom line, and creates a LOT of jobs, which means you can then pay off the deficit and afford health care. But he's gonna have to compromise.

How can he not compromise with the projected deficit?

I bet he's gonna drop the renewable energy part, as well as energy independence (and of course leave (health care for a second term). Fuck.
Jak140 said:
Can I propose a hypothetical?

Let's say abortion is outlawed and schools, foster care, and health care are completely privatized.

Who pays for the child's health care for the parent who can't afford it? Who takes care of the possibly hundreds of thousands of children whose parents chose not to or cannot take care of them in the very likely situation that most will not be adopted?

Who teaches them to be responsible about sex when they grow up? Who teaches them how to get a job and thus keep out of crime?

Free Market, bitches!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dr_Cogent said:
"birth control"

birth - look up the definition
control - look up the definition

Way to control birth. Killing a fetus seems like a valid way to control a birth.

My original point still stands and Z whatever his name didn't bother to argue it because he probably realized just how stupid it was to begin with. Some women have abortions because they don't want to have the child. That was the original argument put forth.

I did not attempt to put it under the same umbrella as contraceptives or the pill. I am simply using the definitions of the two words and it by definition fits.

Women use it to keep from giving birth to an unwanted child. It was argued that they don't. Such an argument is fucking stupid.
Good lord man. Good effing lord.


Zefah said:
This is your problem. You think that your opinion is right and just and that anyone else is wrong. They are many different views on this subject and many people disagree that abortions in the first trimester should be considered murder. How does the government decide what is "right" and what is not when there are so many different opinions on the subject?
Obviously, since we live in a representative democracy, when enough people decide that abortion is wrong, it will be outlawed.

Just like slavery. Hopefully we avoid the whole civil war thing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JayDubya said:
Not really. If you get to the point where you want someone dead and you're willing to pay money to someone else to kill the first someone, you're probably right that the legality or illegality won't sway you too much. The illegality aspect would however dissuade the action some of the time, and at the very least allow for justice to take place.

You obviously think that everyone thinks about abortion in the same way that you do. Most women who decide to get an abortion probably do not think they are about to perform cold-blooded murder like you seem to think. Deciding to murder someone and getting an abortion are two totally different things. They might not be to you, but to the person getting the abortion, they probably are. I'm sure you can see the difference, at least objectively.

JayDubya said:
Of course a government shouldn't provide "free healthcare" via wealth redistribution, it's a service just like any other and it should be provided to those that can afford it or on a privately organized charitable basis. Enough with this tangent.

No. Not "enough with this tangent". Your opinion on this reflects the way in which you think and thus is relevant to the discussion. You think that people deserve the opportunity to be born. After that you think they are on their own pretty much. Why do you care so little about the poor guy who got sick or got in a terrible accident and dies because he cannot afford healthcare yet you care so much about the unborn fetus? Most unwanted babies will probably grow up poor anyways and as another poster said the United States has a very high infant mortality rate. At what point do you think the government should stop providing care to their citizens? Immediately after birth? If a poor family births a baby they don't want, do you think they will be able to get adequate healthcare for their baby? I assume you believe that the baby does not deserve any healthcare because he and his family are poor.

JayDubya said:
Drunk driving is a valid crime. "I got drunk and then I..." is not an excuse from criminal or civil liability for your actions. The act of drinking is itself victimless.

The act of killing a living human being is not.

Just like guns don't kill people, right? Am I safe in assuming that you believe that all forms of deadly weaponry should be legal since it is not the tool that kills that person, it is the person who wields the tool that performs the criminal act of murder? You seem to me an idealist who does not consider how things work in reality or the practicality of things. Alcohol, for example, is often at the root of violent crimes that produce victims. Just because the criminal who committed the crime was irresponsible with his consumption of alcohol does not mean we should ignore the role that alcohol played in the crime.

JayDubya said:
Um, use school to teach skills that are useful for the future workplace, not how to fuck? Parental responsibility, not governmental responsibility?

When was the last time you were in a public school? They teach lots of things that are not directly useful to the workplace. If teaching anti-drug education is okay, why is not okay to teach sexual education? I agree that parents should be responsible for teaching their kids about sex, but in reality most do not and we cannot ignore this fact. I do not see how teaching kids about contraceptives and safe sex is counterproductive in any way. No one is advocating the teaching of sexual techniques or "how to fuck". Just teach kids about the dangers of sex, how to do it safely and easy methods to obtain contraceptives. You aren't going to stop teenagers from fucking so you might as well teach them how to do it in a way that doesn't put a burden on society.


Abortion as Birth Control

Using abortion as birth control means that abortion is being used as a back-up method to ineffective or improperly used contraception, or no contraception is being used at all. Of women having abortions,

* 46% did not use contraception during the month they became pregnant
* 8% never used a method of birth control
* 47% have had at least one previous abortion

Although there are situations in which abortion is in response to health concerns of the mother or fetus, or in response to pregnancy arising from abuse, the majority of abortions are obtained for social and financial reasons. The primary reasons given for choosing abortion are given below.

* 75% say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities
* about 75% say they cannot afford a child
* 50% do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner

Using abortion as birth control is not healthy physically or psychologically, and is not a mature or responsible approach to sex. Women obtaining abortions are at higher risk for reproductive tract infections, including HIV and PID. If you are using abortion as birth control, you are encouraged to rethink your sexual decisions. You might wait on sex until you find a relationship where you could continue a pregnancy should one occur.

47% have had at least one previous abortion. Argue that fact please.

reilo said:
Good lord man. Good effing lord.

What lord would that be? Hey, I'm telling you - some women do. If you think they don't, you are dumber than I thought.


Dr_Cogent said:
I figured this would be your argument, but is there any actual statistical data to prove your case? It's simply your theory. I was in high school many years ago. They taught us how and why to use them in school. I would be highly surprised if kids in this day and age have been prevented from learning how to use a condom. Kids aren't that stupid.

Blaming Republicans for a high abortion is a tenuous argument at best.


I graduated from high school in 2006 (in Montgomery County, MD) and my sex ed teacher wasn't allowed to tell us how to use OR get condoms.

JayDubya said:
Sure she does. She doesn't own the other body, though. Slavery was outlawed a while ago.

Are you really likening slavery to abortion? Wow.


First tragedy, then farce.
I want to comment on the actual political race now if I may:

If you have not noticed on 538 right now, McCain has less than a 3% chance of winning the election if he loses Ohio. Obama has a better than 48% chance of winning the election without Ohio.

Read that again and let it sink in. Obama has successfully rewritten the political map.

In fact, Obama has a nearly 50% chance of winning Virginia even if he loses Ohio.
He has a 68% chance of winning Colorado even if he loses Ohio.

Obamas map to the whitehouse has many many paths. McCain basically has one... Bush's map in 2000/2004.

And here is the best thing: This isnt an Obama bounce. This is actual voter reaction to an issue. Before the debates that most people expect Obama to win.. if Obama gets the debate bounce everyone was expecting or even just keeps things the same as they are he will be in a very very good position to win.


For all of you people trying to make decisions for women and regards to their bodies in this thread please permit a question from me. How many of you have vaginas and are capable of childbirth? Because if you have neither then I don't understand where you get the moral authority to condemn anyone for choosing to terminate a pregnancy.


Dr_Cogent said:


I didn't even suggest that abortion should be banned. What I am saying though is that there should be as few of them as possible. If they don't want the baby, put it up for adoption instead. That's not a valid option? How come that is not a valid option?

Oh yeah, pregnancy is just a piece of cake, especially when you're carrying a baby you don't fucking want.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Freedom = $1.05 said:
But it's in direct violation of one's right to their body. Plus we aren't talking about a human being; it's more along the lines of a group of cells and proteins.

Oh well. Let's hoping this derailment ends soon.

I preferred it when we were all watching market deregulation explode in slow motion and glancing back at the Libertopians as they pretended to see something else.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dr_Cogent said:
Abortion as Birth Control

Using abortion as birth control means that abortion is being used as a back-up method to ineffective or improperly used contraception, or no contraception is being used at all. Of women having abortions,

* 46% did not use contraception during the month they became pregnant
* 8% never used a method of birth control
* 47% have had at least one previous abortion

Although there are situations in which abortion is in response to health concerns of the mother or fetus, or in response to pregnancy arising from abuse, the majority of abortions are obtained for social and financial reasons. The primary reasons given for choosing abortion are given below.

* 75% say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities
* about 75% say they cannot afford a child
* 50% do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner

Using abortion as birth control is not healthy physically or psychologically, and is not a mature or responsible approach to sex. Women obtaining abortions are at higher risk for reproductive tract infections, including HIV and PID. If you are using abortion as birth control, you are encouraged to rethink your sexual decisions. You might wait on sex until you find a relationship where you could continue a pregnancy should one occur.

47% have had at least one previous abortion. Argue that fact please.

What lord would that be? Hey, I'm telling you - some women do. If you think they don't, you are dumber than I thought.

Are you just trying to prove my previous points, or did you not read them at all?


Ether_Snake said:
Ok so this fucking abortion debate sunk my reply.


How will Obama "tax cuts for 95 percent of families, an economic stimulus package that creates millions of new jobs and leads us towards energy independence, and health care that is affordable to every American."?

Of all those things, the most important IMO is energy independence and renewable energy. This makes a big different on the bottom line, and creates a LOT of jobs, which means you can then pay off the deficit and afford health care. But he's gonna have to compromise.

How can he not compromise with the projected deficit?

I bet he's gonna drop the renewable energy part, as well as energy independence (and of course leave (health care for a second term). Fuck.

Well, if you ask Jim Cramer of Mad Money fame, 281 days from the day the bailout is signed, we'll (as in, the taxpayers) be actually turning a profit from this.

Now, granted, this was the guy who said "DON'T DUMP BEAR STERNS, IT'S A STRONG STOCK!!!1ONE!", but I choose to believe.

In all honesty, there's a lot we can do to lessen the deficit, we just aren't looking because we're trying to pass Paulson's bill. Small measures, like Stock Transfer Fees, wouldn't be a bad place to start.

I wouldn't call these ideas dead yet, but they definitely are under the gun if things don't improve quickly.
538 says:

Ignore the numbers you see for the time being -- unintentionally overwrote some code when running the simulation a moment ago and it spit out some bad results. Everything will be fixed within 10 or 15 minutes.

Not sure if this refers to the numbers they have now or earlier numbers...


jett said:
Oh yeah, pregnancy is just a piece of cake, especially when you're carrying a baby you don't fucking want.

Right, because no one in this life should have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

No one said life was fair or happy fun time. Unfortunately for the unborn, who have no say, they are simply eradicated for someone else's convenience.

reilo said:
Are you just trying to prove my previous points, or did you not read them at all?

Did you read it? 47% have had at least one previous abortion.

They obviously didn't learn from the first fuck up mistake? Kinda stupid right? Why not use a contraceptive? It's cheaper.

You people value your own life, you don't want to be post birth aborted right? Why don't we just legalize post birth abortion and then if your parents hate you and you are a burden, they can just put you to sleep legally? Sounds like a plan to me!

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Dr_Cogent said:


I didn't even suggest that abortion should be banned. What I am saying though is that there should be as few of them as possible. If they don't want the baby, put it up for adoption instead. That's not a valid option? How come that is not a valid option?

Does killing a fetus make you happy? I would think that any fair minded person would want less abortions overall, not more.

Ok, I'll agree with that.

Choice is important, reduction of abortions is also important.

Solution is through more informed choices; better education on the subject matter, more alternative options available, etc.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like your party favors any of these ideas either.


Trakdown said:
Well, if you ask Jim Cramer of Mad Money fame, 281 days from the day the bailout is signed, we'll (as in, the taxpayers) be actually turning a profit from this.

Now, granted, this was the guy who said "DON'T DUMP BEAR STERNS, IT'S A STRONG STOCK!!!1ONE!", but I choose to believe.

In all honesty, there's a lot we can do to lessen the deficit, we just aren't looking because we're trying to pass Paulson's bill. Small measures, like Stock Transfer Fees, wouldn't be a bad place to start.

I wouldn't call these ideas dead yet, but they definitely are under the gun if things don't improve quickly.

Jim Cramer is a crook.

Other than that, let's say you forget the $700B bailout plan, you still have an incredibly huge deficit, so big that I still don't see how he could accomplish those so important points.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dr_Cogent said:
Hey, I'm telling you - some women do. If you think they don't, you are dumber than I thought.

Some people eat their own feces too. They hardly represent a trend. A small number of individuals do all sorts of random shit. The fact remains, an infinitessimally small number of people knowingly get pregnant with an invasive and risky abortion as the basisfor their contraception, so let's all accept that and move the fuck on.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dr_Cogent said:
Did you read it? 47% have had at least one previous abortion.

They obviously didn't learn from the first fuck up mistake? Kinda stupid right? Why not use a contraceptive? It's cheaper.

Because we don't have an open dialog about sex and proper use of contraceptives in this country. We don't teach our children in school how, what, or why, because republicans have been actively and purposefully trying to prevent people from learning the use of those things!

Do I need more exclamation marks for you to finally read my damn posts??
Dr_Cogent said:
"birth control"

birth - look up the definition
control - look up the definition

But 'birth control' is a phrase with its own meaning. We are not stupid . . . we understand the literal meanings . . . we just realize that the way you are trying to use the phrase is intentionally misleading.

Let's flip it around . . . do you really content that large numbers of women intentionally avoid using birth control (ooops, I used it in its normal way . . . that will probably confuse Mr Literalist . . . let me start over.)

Do you really content that large numbers of sexually-active women that do wish to have children intentionally avoid using condoms, the pill, diaphrams, etc. and instead plan on having abortions any time they become pregnant? Do you really think that is true?

Because that is what most normal people without massive literal filters would assume when you say "Large numbers of women use abortion as birth control." It is an intentionally deceptive statement.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν


Zefah said:
You obviously think that everyone thinks about abortion in the same way that you do. Most women who decide to get an abortion probably do not think they are about to perform cold-blooded murder like you seem to think. Deciding to murder someone and getting an abortion are two totally different things. They might not be to you, but to the person getting the abortion, they probably are. I'm sure you can see the difference, at least objectively.

Not really. Point in fact, I'd bet that most people that commit wrongdoing / do "evil" don't think that what they're doing is wrong / "evil." Or they're more than willing to lie to themselves to justify their actions if they feel it's in their best interests to do so.

No. Not "enough with this tangent". Your opinion on this reflects the way in which you think and thus is relevant to the discussion. You think that people deserve the opportunity to be born. After that you think they are on their own pretty much. Why do you care so little about the poor guy who got sick or got in a terrible accident and dies because he cannot afford healthcare yet you care so much about the unborn fetus? Most unwanted babies will probably grow up poor anyways and as another poster said the United States has a very high infant mortality rate. At what point do you think the government should stop providing care to their citizens? Immediately after birth? If a poor family births a baby they don't want, do you think they will be able to get adequate healthcare for their baby? I assume you believe that the baby does not deserve any healthcare because he and his family are poor.

If you kill someone, you're violating their right to life. If you tax someone to pay for goods and services for someone else, you're violating their right to their property. Both are injustice. One is usually made illegal by government, the other is usually performed by government. Neither is appropriate.

Just like guns don't kill people, right? Am I safe in assuming that you believe that all forms of deadly weaponry should be legal since it is not the tool that kills that person, it is the person who wields the tool that performs the criminal act of murder? You seem to me an idealist who does not consider how things work in reality or the practicality of things. Alcohol, for example, is often at the root of violent crimes that produce victims. Just because the criminal who committed the crime was irresponsible with his consumption of alcohol does not mean we should ignore the role that alcohol played in the crime.

That would be folly; millions of people drink responsibly, punishing all for the stupid abuses of the few is injustice in the extreme.

When was the last time you were in a public school? They teach lots of things that are not directly useful to the workplace. If teaching anti-drug education is okay, why is not okay to teach sexual education?
Yay, War on Drugs! Oh wait, I think I have a comment for that, too.


reilo said:

Right, it's all the Republicans fault again. Can you find a better argument than that tired kool aid argument? No one is responsible for their actions! It's those damn Republicans! They made me do it!

Once again, no one is responsible for their own actions, it's always entirely someone else's fault.
Let's talk in circles about more issues that nobody is ever going to reach a conclusive compromise on. I'll start: gun control.

I think everyone, even people in inner cities, should be able to walk around with a concealed assault rifle. It's their constitutional right. Your thoughts?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Dr_Cogent said:
Right, because no one in this life should have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

No one said life was fair or happy fun time. Unfortunately for the unborn, who have no say, they are simply eradicated for someone else's convenience.

Did you read it? 47% have had at least one previous abortion.

They obviously didn't learn from the first fuck up mistake? Kinda stupid right? Why not use a contraceptive? It's cheaper.
So I guess you are against the abortion that is the bailout of the wealthiest Amercians on Wall Street who fucked us all without a concern of consequence and now they want us to pay for the abortion to remove the illegitimate child they made?


speculawyer said:
Because that is what most normal people without massive literal filters would assume when you say "Large numbers of women use abortion as birth control." It is an intentionally deceptive statement.

Wow, again, I would not want you as my lawyer. I never said "large numbers" ever. Find that post and prove me wrong.

DenogginizerOS said:
So I guess you are against the abortion that is the bailout of the wealthiest Amercians on Wall Street who fucked us all without a concern of consequence and now they want us to pay for the abortion to remove the illegitimate child they made?

I think they need to come up with some regulations that keep this sort of shit from happening again. The bailout should have some accountability attached to it if anything. It shouldn't be a free loan with no strings attached.

StoOgE said:
Lets be fair, if you cant figure out how to use a condom you deserve to be stuck with kids.

Agreed. If you are that fucking stupid, then you are that fucking stupid.


StoOgE said:
Lets be fair, if you cant figure out how to use a condom you deserve to be stuck with kids.

If you can't figure out how to use a condom you should avoid having sex so that the smartest genes move forward.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dr_Cogent said:
Right, it's all the Republicans fault again. Can you find a better argument than that tired kool aid argument? No one is responsible for their actions! It's those damn Republicans! They made me do it!

Once again, no one is responsible for their own actions, it's always entirely someone else's fault.

I give up:


Since you obviously don't read, or are just very bad at comprehension, let me point out something: That website I linked to, it's from the House Oversight committee.

And let me just quote the very first fucking paragraph:

President Bush has consistently supported the view that sex education should teach “abstinence only” and not include information on other ways to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.[1] White House Spokesperson Ari Fleischer has asserted that “abstinence is more than sound science, it’s a sound practice . . . . [A]bstinence has a proven track record of working.”[2]
Dr. Cogent isn't on my ignore list but he should be.

His posts are made of nonsense.

Oh and btw, abortion is still legal.

'Member how electing Bush would change all that?



First tragedy, then farce.
Crisis said:
If you can't figure out how to use a condom you should avoid having sex so that the smartest genes move forward.

Oh, I didnt say that the kids deserve you. I said you deserve them.

I dont like kids


Ether_Snake said:
Jim Cramer is a crook.

Other than that, let's say you forget the $700B bailout plan, you still have an incredibly huge deficit, so big that I still don't see how he could accomplish those so important points.

He was bitching ALL DAY LONG about people not loving the Paulson plan as much as he did. Then again, if anybody wants to give me a huge sum of money for being a fuckup, I'd love them too.

I'd agree on the 2nd point if it wasn't for the fact that not addressing some of those issues is part of the reason the economy is the way it is. Some of the plans are crucial to our economy progressing (energy, for instance), and Obama's going to get looked at just as bad, if not worse, if he doesn't do anything. Also, since when has a huge deficit stopped us from spending, even under a Democratic president?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ryutaro's mama said:
Dr. Cogent isn't on my ignore list but he should be.

His posts are made of nonsense.

Oh and btw, abortion is still legal.

'Member how electing Bush would change all that?


Quit being such a librul, reilo.
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