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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
CharlieDigital said:
By contrast, Branduil and Jay:


Except, you know, less Chinesy

Yeah... we should consider putting a ban on the discussion on traditional wedge issues in this topic. If you want to talk about it, make a new topic. It's too tempting for everyone to wade in and start having their 2 cents.
Stop derailing PoliGAF with multipage discussions against people that have long since locked themselves into a position, that cannot be changed through reasoning, or facts.


formerly sane
Crayon Shinchan said:
Unfortunately, the quality of education and what people get out of it varies immensely.

Fortunately, in your case, you've seemed to have figured on how to use a condom wrapper. Unfortunately, the quality of your education or your ability to learn from it, has failed you when it comes to empathy. The ability to understand the plight of others, without having to be in their shoes.

I mean... you even say it yourself; most can read the directions. But some... i.e. A LOT cannot.

Besides. What's there to object to in regards to sex education? Why object to it, if the facts, the numbers, and the figures, show it works?

Empathy is insanely hard for most and most delude their perception of sympathy to think it's empathy. Good point about education not being wisdom, though that's a brutal comment to make when I feel some of Dr.Cogent message has been twisted from the intent.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Unfortunately, the quality of education and what people get out of it varies immensely.

Fortunately, in your case, you've seemed to have figured on how to use a condom wrapper. Unfortunately, the quality of your education or your ability to learn from it, has failed you when it comes to empathy. The ability to understand the plight of others, without having to be in their shoes.

I mean... you even say it yourself; most can read the directions. But some... i.e. A LOT cannot.

Besides. What's there to object to in regards to sex education? Why object to it, if the facts, the numbers, and the figures, show it works?

I really didn't want to get into this, but having actually gone through sex ed here in Jersey (any Jersey natives want to chime in?), I know it's about a lot more than just genitalia and condoms.

A few key things that were taught in the class were, as mentioned by reilo or spec, that abstinence is the only 100% foolproof way of preventing unwanted pregnancies and STDs. I mean, this is pretty much the first thing my teacher said on the first day of the class and she put emphasis on the fact that this was the only method which is 100% effective (because it's fact). But the assumption is that not all of us are going to have only one partner and not all of us are going to wait till marriage to have sex and that some of us were already having sex (and that's fact, too). Sex: it's hard wired into the genetics of all living organisms.

The class also covered a lot of the myths about AIDS and went into detail about STDs, how they're transmitted, how some STDs cannot be cured, the (scary) percentage of the population which carries some form of STD, and the class even covered the formation of a human embryo from fertilization to birth (very comprehensive).

Just birth control alone, we covered way more than just condoms. We also covered spermicides, different types of female birth control and their mechanisms (physical birth control and hormonal as well), and even effective family planning by understanding the female menstrual cycle and ovulation.

This is what comprehensive sex-ed is about. More than anything, it's a biology class focusing on the reproductive system which we are all born with, but given no or little practical instruction on how to use it and how to use it safely.

The whole sex ed discussion is retarded in my opinion because it's about more than just "Don't do it"; it's much more than that. It's about the biology of your body and the science of how reproduction works. It's not some lewd class where you go in and they show porn or something (seriously, have some of you guys even been in a sex-ed class?). I really don't understand the objection to comprehensive sex ed which is essentially like the only formal education that most people will ever have on one of the most important aspects of their life.


Hopefully, the FBI investigating Wall Street means Congress will hold off voting for the Paulson plan. It'd be political suicide to bail out fraudulent companies.


Trakdown said:
Hopefully, the FBI investigating Wall Street means Congress will hold off voting for the Paulson plan. It'd be political suicide to bail out fraudulent companies.

They'll probably put in something smaller, like a $100 or $150 billion plan for a few months.


Cheebs said:
New ABC national poll

Obama - 52%
McCain - 43%

two weeks ago it was
Obama - 45%
McCain - 47%

Now that's what I'm talking about. Let's see how legit it is in the following weeks. This was the worst possible thing to happen for McCain. Focus fully on the economy.


Trakdown said:
Hopefully, the FBI investigating Wall Street means Congress will hold off voting for the Paulson plan. It'd be political suicide to bail out fraudulent companies.
they can't really hold off. There is only one more week of governing in DC till the new administration unless congress comes back for an emergency.

The Bush administration more or less ends next week when congress goes on recess. And they don't come back till there is a new president.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
Now that's what I'm talking about. Let's see how legit it is in the following weeks. This was the worst possible thing to happen for McCain. Focus fully on the economy.
Bingo. This is the best thing to ever happen to Obama (unfortunately the shittiest thing for America atm).
Tamanon said:
Now that's what I'm talking about. Let's see how legit it is in the following weeks. This was the worst possible thing to happen for McCain. Focus fully on the economy.

Every time McCain tries to shift the focus to national security Obama needs to say The Economy is our greatest National Security issue. An insolvent nation can not stay secure.


Cheebs said:
they can't really hold off. There is only one more week of governing in DC till the new administration unless congress comes back for an emergency.

The Bush administration more or less ends next week when congress goes on recess. And they don't come back till there is a new president.

I think Chris Dodd and others already said they are willing to stay and hammer this thing out. I think the most suicidal political thing this congress could do is NOT have an emergency session.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Bingo. This is the best thing to ever happen to Obama (unfortunately the shittiest thing for America atm).
It's good for Obama the candidate, bad for Obama the potential president. He'll have a near impossible time getting his health care and tax cut plans being passed.
Dr_Cogent said:
And you deliberately ignored all the other times I said it. Yes, you can't see straight because you only address what suits you while ignoring everything else.
No . . . the argument started because that first way you phrased it. I probably would not have been so offended if you had phrased it as 'some' originally. (Although I still think that is a bit misleading. . . . I could say 'some people like to eat a dicks that have been cut off men.' That is literally true but probably a bit misleading on the number of people that actually like that.

No, clearly you have an ideology that blinds you. You don't think some things through.
Well Mr. Literalist, you may want to consult a dictionary on that one. I don't think the word means what you think it means.

The stupid ass F-16 thread proves that. You weren't to be found after everyone mocked you and pointed and laughed at just how stupid your argument really was. You aren't willing to admit when you are wrong either. Again, I will reference the F-16 thread as evidence.
So popularity determines what is 'right'? If most people think Pi is 3 does that make pi 3? I don't agree with that.

I stand by the point that it is stupid for a country with 50% unemployment and low-level civil war to waste money on advanced fighter weaponry. I don't really care if you line up a thousand people to 'mock, point, and laugh' . . . give me evidence, logic, and reason. Being unpopular doesn't make one wrong.

Dr_Cogent said:
I defy you to come up with a legit reason to abort a baby who is partially birthed that saves the mothers life. It simply makes absolutely no sense.
It doesn't make sense. That is probably why doctors don't do that. "Partial birth abortion" was a term invented by a Congressman. I referred to D&E.


Cheebs said:
It's good for Obama the candidate, bad for Obama the potential president. He'll have a near impossible time getting his health care and tax cut plans being passed.

That's what the second term will be for. Or passing it near the end of the first term so it's even more in the publics' conscience.


Cheebs said:
It's good for Obama the candidate, bad for Obama the potential president. He'll have a near impossible time getting his health care and tax cut plans being passed.

Yep and hes said as much today. Not sure if it was covered, who am I kidding this is poligaf, of course it was! But Obama said in an press questioning that he may have to postpone some of his programs due to this crisis.


Jonm1010 said:
Yep and hes said as much today. Not sure if it was covered, who am I kidding this is poligaf, of course it was! But Obama said in an press questioning that he may have to postpone some of his programs due to this crisis.
Still voting for him. But it's pretty disappointing that nothing major will get done thanks to this mess.

Fuck Bush,fuck the republicans,fuck greedy CEO'S,fuck deregulation, and fuck congress.


Jonm1010 said:
Yep and hes said as much today. Not sure if it was covered, who am I kidding this is poligaf, of course it was! But Obama said in an press questioning that he may have to postpone some of his programs due to this crisis.

Look on the bright side. This Iraq debacle will end soon and the US diplomatic situation will improve too

That's a good start...


I know i'm lttp on the whole abortion thing since i just got home from work, but this argument is fucking rediculous.

Abortion is not an issue. It should never be an issue. Ever

Anyone who has had a little CQI (continuous quality improvement) experience knows that it directly applies to abortions. What all these Pro-Lifer's are trying to do is manage the outputs (abortion) while absolutely ignoring the inputs (education, safe sex, contraceptives etc). Why are we trying to manage the end result of abortion when we should be focusing on the cause of it? It's like that stupid fish story (for all of those who've heard it) of where the quality of the water supply is nasty because there are dead fish in a lake that leads to it. The city (pro-lifers) try to fix the issue by hiring people to pick out the fish (ban abortion) when the real issue lies in why the water is so bad. If you look far enough, you see a business dumping their waste (lack of education, unsafe sex, no contraceptives) in the river that leads to the supply.

This shit isn't rocket science. Manage the inputs to control the outputs. We should want to reduce the amount of abortions and make it a non-issue. Lets get our education and health care system up to par with the rest of the world. Lets start making a difference in the inner cities. Lets have the government focus on those issues instead of a stupid fucking wedge issue like abortion that doesn't even fucking matter.
Cheebs said:
It's good for Obama the candidate, bad for Obama the potential president. He'll have a near impossible time getting his health care and tax cut plans being passed.

No, it's great for Obama the potential president. If elected, and he makes the right moves (those are a big ifs, admittedly), he has the chance to usher in a long era of progressive dominance while the Republicans gather around in a circular firing squad in their permanent minority status.

The only way this happens, though, is if the people who helped elect Obama hold him accountable.
eclipze said:
I know i'm lttp on the whole abortion thing since i just got home from work, but this argument is fucking rediculous.

Abortion is not an issue. It should never be an issue. Ever

Anyone who has had a little CQI (continuous quality improvement) experience knows that it directly applies to abortions. What all these Pro-Lifer's are trying to do is manage the outputs (abortion) while absolutely ignoring the inputs (education, safe sex, contraceptives etc). Why are we trying to manage the end result of abortion when we should be focusing on the cause of it? It's like that stupid fish story (for all of those who've heard it) of where the quality of the water supply is nasty because there are dead fish in a lake that leads to it. The city (pro-lifers) try to fix the issue by hiring people to pick out the fish (ban abortion) when the real issue lies in why the water is so bad. If you look far enough, you see a business dumping their waste (lack of education, unsafe sex, no contraceptives) in the river that leads to the supply.

This shit isn't rocket science. Manage the inputs to control the outputs. We should want to reduce the amount of abortions and make it a non-issue. Lets get our education and health care system up to par with the rest of the world. Lets start making a difference in the inner cities. Lets have the government focus on those issues instead of a stupid fucking wedge issue like abortion that doesn't even fucking matter.

Good analogy. Brilliant!


Cheebs said:
they can't really hold off. There is only one more week of governing in DC till the new administration unless congress comes back for an emergency.

The Bush administration more or less ends next week when congress goes on recess. And they don't come back till there is a new president.

They can hold off as long as they want, Paulson and Bernanke pulling this shit right before the recces is further proof that this plan is a load of bull. Who ruled that it has to done in such a rush fashion and in one exact week coincidentally right before a recess? No one. This is uncharted territory and these assholes are making it up as they go, if anything if it doesn't work they'll still have had bailed out their buddies and the Democrats get left holding the bag on this stupidity. Perfect fodder for this election, "The Democrat congress sided with Bush administration and have ruined the economy".

The Democrats need to play this one really carefully, scrap this blank check shit and work on something that works from the bottom up, these jokers came to congress with the same trickle down philosophy that has fucked us over wanting to give our money to the rich so that they maybe lend it back to us with interest?! FUCK THAT!

Democrats know that they are essentially deciding the political atmosphere onto which the next president will be landing on. They need to think this one really carefully and forget these sky is falling, take my word for it Neocon scum.


That ABC poll is packed with bad news for McCain, but this is the worst, IMO:

The number of McCain supporters who describe themselves as "very enthusiastic" about his candidacy rose 18 points to 46 percent after his convention. Today it's subsided to 34 percent, while a steady and far greater number of Obama's supporters remain very enthusiastic about their candidate, 62 percent.
The enthusiasm gap widened right back up. That margin is going to help Obama's turnout big time.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
eclipze said:
I know i'm lttp on the whole abortion thing since i just got home from work, but this argument is fucking rediculous.

Abortion is not an issue. It should never be an issue. Ever

Anyone who has had a little CQI (continuous quality improvement) experience knows that it directly applies to abortions. What all these Pro-Lifer's are trying to do is manage the outputs (abortion) while absolutely ignoring the inputs (education, safe sex, contraceptives etc). Why are we trying to manage the end result of abortion when we should be focusing on the cause of it? It's like that stupid fish story (for all of those who've heard it) of where the quality of the water supply is nasty because there are dead fish in a lake that leads to it. The city (pro-lifers) try to fix the issue by hiring people to pick out the fish (ban abortion) when the real issue lies in why the water is so bad. If you look far enough, you see a business dumping their waste (lack of education, unsafe sex, no contraceptives) in the river that leads to the supply.

This shit isn't rocket science. Manage the inputs to control the outputs. We should want to reduce the amount of abortions and make it a non-issue. Lets get our education and health care system up to par with the rest of the world. Lets start making a difference in the inner cities. Lets have the government focus on those issues instead of a stupid fucking wedge issue like abortion that doesn't even fucking matter.
In the end, anti-abortionists (I refuse to call them "pro-life" because they're not "pro-life" at all) cannot stand that people disagree with their opinions. It is therefore their fucking God given right to make sure everybody behaves in all holy manners like themselves. *ROLL EYES*


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
GhaleonEB said:
That ABC poll is packed with bad news for McCain, but this is the worst, IMO:

The enthusiasm gap widened right back up. That margin is going to help Obama's turnout big time.
Mccain shot his load early confirmed. :cool:
GhaleonEB said:
That ABC poll is packed with bad news for McCain, but this is the worst, IMO:

The enthusiasm gap widened right back up. That margin is going to help Obama's turnout big time.

Guess the old people were asleep when the pollers came to ask.


OuterWorldVoice said:
:lol :lol

I came in to post this too. Seconds too late.


THAT'S what happens when you don't use contraception.

:lol :lol
"I cannot raise a child to lie or hide things."

You couldn't fake a better caption than that.


GhaleonEB said:
That ABC poll is packed with bad news for McCain, but this is the worst, IMO:

The enthusiasm gap widened right back up. That margin is going to help Obama's turnout big time.
Yup. And if Obama nails McCain on Friday in the debate, he's gonna be in a great position to ride a nice bump. The only problem with this, is the republicans will throw everything but the kitchen sink at him as a result. Some of which may stick. :O

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
NetMapel said:
In the end, anti-abortionists (I refuse to call them "pro-life" because they're not "pro-life" at all) cannot stand that people disagree with their opinions. It is therefore their fucking God given right to make sure everybody behaves in all holy manners like themselves. *ROLL EYES*

If we behaved like them, there'd be more unwanted pregnancies, more divorces, more broken homes.


NetMapel said:
In the end, anti-abortionists (I refuse to call them "pro-life" because they're not "pro-life" at all) cannot stand that people disagree with their opinions. It is therefore their fucking God given right to make sure everybody behaves in all holy manners like themselves. *ROLL EYES*

What gets me is that they keep getting bamboozled by a party that generally refers to their religious leaders as "Wackos" behind their backs. Every 4 years they herd these poor souls into voting against their own interest with the promise that they will overturn Roe v. Wade not realizing that the Republicans will NEVER give up such a wedge issue, as long as they keep suckering people into the booths with this issue they will never give it up.


Is there really any question at this point that Palin will go down as a completely disastrous VP pick? The McCain campaign is damn stupid for keeping her so sequestered. Now she looks to everybody like the vapid airhead that she is, and her favorable numbers and McCain's poll numbers are dropping like a rock with every passing day.

She would still have looked dumb if she tried to answer anything from reporters/journalists, like in the Gibson interview, but at least it wouldn't have been so glaring that she doesn't know shit with how the McCain campaign is so blatantly shielding her from everything and everyone.
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