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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Remarks before the "bitterness" comment at the 'middle class' fundraiser in San Francisco:

Here's how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, and they feel so betrayed by government, and when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn't buy it. And when it's delivered by -- it's true that when it's delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama (laugher), then that adds another layer of skepticism.

Video Link

Edit: Beaten. I imagine that if this vid is out there, then the whole speech is out there as well. Just a matter of time.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
siamesedreamer said:
Remarks before the "bitterness" comment at the 'middle class' fundraiser in San Francisco:

Video Link

Edit: Beaten. I imagine that if this vid is out there, then the whole speech is out there as well. Just a matter of time.
What's wrong with his statement?

46 = young for a politician
Black = not normal for a politician
Barack Obama = not a normal name

All he's saying is that he's an unlikely candidate/person to be running for president.

He's not saying anyone is racist.


I honestly think everyone is completely retarded if you can't understand what he means when he says things. Surely you know that isn't implying everyone is racist... do you think he's stupid? Do you really believe he'd suggest something so dumb to a crowd of people?

Do you people always take things so literally?

I imagine you all think we're descendants of Adam and Eve and the Earth is only 6000 years old...right?
siamesedreamer said:
Remarks before the "bitterness" comment at the 'middle class' fundraiser in San Francisco:

Video Link

Edit: Beaten. I imagine that if this vid is out there, then the whole speech is out there as well. Just a matter of time.
So now everyone is going to think that Obama thinks that there racist. Sweet.
XxenobladerxX said:
So now everyone is going to think that Obama thinks that there racist. Sweet.

If America buys into this drivel pushed by conservatives and the Clinton camp then indeed they do deserve another 4 years of Bush (McCain).


Why is it ok for Hilary, the media, and the GOP to say that working class whites wont vote for Obama but when Obama jokes that these same people may be skeptical of him it's a problem?


masud said:
Why is it ok for Hilary, the media, and the GOP to say that working class whites wont vote for Obama but when Obama jokes that these same people may be skeptical of him it's a problem.
Because hes Black(and white,but seriously,no one looks at that)
Why Gov. Bill Richardson didn't endorse Clinton

SANTA FE, N.M. -- Before he endorsed Barack Obama, before he drew the wrath of the Clintons and was likened to Judas, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson nearly endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton for president.

But Richardson hesitated, and as the Democratic campaign turned ugly, he grew angry.

There was that "3 a.m." TV ad, in which Clinton questioned Obama's personal mettle. "That upset me," Richardson said.

There were some ham-fisted phone calls from Clinton backers, who questioned Richardson's honor and suggested that the governor, who served in President Clinton's Cabinet, owed Hillary Clinton his support. "That really ticked me off," Richardson said.

Still, even as he moved from Clinton toward Obama -- "the pursuit was pretty relentless on both sides" -- Richardson wrestled with the question of loyalty. After 14 years in Congress and a measure of fame as an international troubleshooter, Richardson was named Clinton's U.N. ambassador, then Energy secretary: "two important appointments," Richardson said.

He finally concluded that he had settled his debt to the former president: He had worked for Clinton's election in 1992, helped pass the North American Free Trade Agreement as part of his administration, stood by him during the Monica S. Lewinsky sex scandal, and rounded up votes to fight impeachment.

"I was loyal," Richardson said during an extended conversation over breakfast this week at the governor's mansion in Santa Fe. "But I don't think that loyalty is transferable to his wife. . . . You don't transfer loyalty to a dynasty."

Good read, more here.

RubxQub said:
Surely you know that isn't implying everyone is racist...

Given the fact that he went to a racialist church for 20 years, there's no way any rational person can rule anything out.

RubxQub said:
I imagine you all think we're descendants of Adam and Eve and the Earth is only 6000 years old...right

No...just bitter, gun-clinging xenophobes.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
siamesedreamer said:
Given the fact that he went to a racialist church for 20 years, there's no way any rational person can rule anything out.

No...just bitter, gun-clinging xenophobes.
It's very clear to me now why you lean the way you do.


siamesedreamer said:
Given the fact that he went to a racialist church for 20 years, there's no way any rational person can rule anything out.

No...just bitter, gun-clinging xenophobes.
Yikes, you usually at least try to be rational. You're really on something else here.


siamesedreamer said:
Given the fact that he went to a racialist church for 20 years, there's no way any rational person can rule anything out.

No...just bitter, gun-clinging xenophobes.
Because you have been to the church before right? Tell me you ignorant dolt,what did he say that was actually racist?

EDIT: You know what? Never mind,because I know you will give some bullshit answer anyways.
Door2Dawn said:
Becuase you have been to the chruch before right? Tell me you ignorant dolt,what did he say that was actually racist?

EDIT: You know what? Never mind,because I know you will give some bullshit answer anyways.

This thread is getting too fired up..

and ready to go!
considering his description of Obama's church as "racialist", I think siamesedreamer should read more Tim Wise
actually, everyone should read more Tim Wise
soul creator said:
well, since the "drug using inexperienced islamic black militant whitey killer" attack hasn't worked, I guess "uppity" is worth a try.

Those are all of the Fox's talking points in one go. Well done sir. I'm sure we'll get more clarification tomorrow on that CNN pseudo-debate. I just hope Wolf isn't running it.

From the website....(95% of it profanity-ridden).

“I can’t think of any
Response to Dick Morris when asked to name some defects or weaknesses she could improve in order to soften her negative public image (Shadow, p. 335).

“You know I’m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the rest room in the building that I work in. You know, maybe that sounds kind of stupid, but on the other hand I want to start seeing her as a human being
In a speech just weeks before she had the White House Travel Office employees fired (New York Times Magazine, 05/23/93).


maximum360 said:
Those are all of the Fox's talking points in one go. Well done sir. I'm sure we'll get more clarification tomorrow on that CNN pseudo-debate. I just hope Wolf isn't running it.
Theres going to be a debate? When?


Door2Dawn said:
I would have said "ignorant motherfucker" but I didn't want to get banned like last time.

Well, good thing you didn't call him one.

Instead, you just posted what you would have posted in quotation marks as if you had posted it, but thankfully, you hadn't and you wouldn't want to call him an ignorant motherfucker (even though you think he is one and you'd like to call him such) because that might theoretically get you in trouble (but saying that you'd like to call him one in quotes is much, much different).

I'd like to suggest that this posting style would make you a "fucking douchenozzle," but I won't.
JoshuaJSlone said:
*holds hand to head* I'm getting a vision of the future...
Meh, it's the usual problem of the confluence of circulation/ratings-hungry media and already dishonest and petty politics. It's only worse now because it's all about 24/7 cable news coverage and the internet. Someone's gotta remake Network for the younger set.


JayDubya said:
Well, good thing you didn't call him one.

Instead, you just posted what you would have posted in quotation marks as if you had posted it, but thankfully, you hadn't and you wouldn't want to call him an ignorant motherfucker (even though you think he is one and you'd like to call him such) because that might theoretically get you in trouble (but saying that you'd like to call him one in quotes is much, much different).

I'd like to suggest that this posting style would make you a "fucking douchenozzle," but I won't.
I'm only a douchnozzle to people like you. Deal with it.

EDIT: And what the fuck are you bitching about? Get that shit out of my face.


maximum360 said:
Those are all of the Fox's talking points in one go. Well done sir. I'm sure we'll get more clarification tomorrow on that CNN pseudo-debate. I just hope Wolf isn't running it.

From the website....(95% of it profanity-ridden).
You realize Obama apparently swears A LOT? I heard many times he has quite the dirty mouth.

And the Chicago Tribune reported a loooooong time ago that he called a local journalist and started cussing at him angerly during his '95 state senate primary due to an article.

So I dont know what you are trying to prove with these quotes. All 3 of those left in the race have instances of cussing and saying racist terms.


Cheebs said:
You realize Obama apparently swears A LOT? I heard many times he has quite the dirty mouth.

And the Chicago Tribune reported a loooooong time ago that he called a local journalist and started cussing at him angerly during his '95 state senate primary due to an article.

So I dont know what you are trying to prove with these quotes. All 3 of those left in the race have instances of cussing and saying racist terms.
Yeah, but I doubt McCain or Obama can be shown to have the apparent disdain and outright dislike for the secret service that Shrillary does. What a winner she is!


The one thing I don't understand is why Hillary is taking the tact of suddenly pivoting on gun issues and such. I mean suddenly she's really gone just crazy over the edge there. In the short run, sure it's a contrast to Obama, but in the long run, it's a total change of policies that looks like the cheap political ploy it is:p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Watching last night's Real Time...

Maher: "Senior White House officials met to discuss torture techniques. The head of the CIA would get in front of the group and demonstrate certain techniques, such as hard slapping and waterboarding. Dick Cheney sat quietly in the back of the room masturbating."



"We are lucky the olympics aren't in the US this year, or we'd have to boycott ourselves."


reilo said:
Watching last night's Real Time...

Maher: "Senior White House officials met to discuss torture techniques. The head of the CIA would get in front of the group and demonstrate certain techniques, such as hard slapping and waterboarding. Dick Cheney sat quietly in the back of the room masturbating."



"We are lucky the olympics aren't in the US this year, or we'd have to boycott ourselves."

Here's the accompanying opening monologue for those who want some laughs that aren't from CoolTrick & co.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
That got a chuckle out of me. Well done... ;)

I aim to please.

Why doesn't the Clinton campaign get Joe Sestak to do more surrogate work for them? He's the best damn thing they've got. I was thoroughly impressed with his one-on-one on Real Time.

EDIT: I threw out Wesley Clarke's name out a couple of months ago as a possible VP candidate for the dems... but what about Richard Clarke?
Cheebs said:
You realize Obama apparently swears A LOT? I heard many times he has quite the dirty mouth.

And the Chicago Tribune reported a loooooong time ago that he called a local journalist and started cussing at him angerly during his '95 state senate primary due to an article.

So I dont know what you are trying to prove with these quotes. All 3 of those left in the race have instances of cussing and saying racist terms.

We knew Obama was like that from his book. To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to Hillary until recently so this is all new to me.


I don't know why I waste my energy getting pissed about these attempts to make Obama look bad, especially considering he has this thing locked up, but Hillary's attempts to portray Obama as an elitist just show how out-of-touch with America she really is.

I know I'm LTTP in responding to her stupid bullshit, but it's late and I'm grumpy and I'm going to bother my message boards with my opinions:

First of all, what the FUCK does Hillary know about these peoples' lives, and whether they're bitter or not? Yeah, I'm sure that cushy life has taught her a lot about bitterness. The only bitterness she's had to deal with has been being bitter because her last name doesn't mean the same thing to voters that it did a decade ago, and in response she's turned not to guns, religion, or racism, but to tearing her own party apart as she becomes more and more desperate for a magical turnaround.

Second of all, Obama's remarks were far from elitist bullshit. In fact, they're the truth, and they show how in-tune with America Obama is. My entire family on my mother's side is from Youngstown, Ohio. Most of them have lived there their entire lives. At the family reunions, it's hard to find people who don't live in Youngstown, because very few of them have been able to escape the endless hardships and poverty in Youngstown. Now, god bless them, they're good people. They're some of the nicest, most loving people I've ever met. However, almost all of them are poor, and have serious financial troubles. They were affected by the steel mills closing down, just like everyone in the town. They keep their heads above water by working long and hard, and by supporting each other. But they are angry and bitter about where they are. About how much they struggle, and how they can't seem to escape the poverty and troubles that rule their lives. And as a result, many of them have found things to do with their anger. Many of them are extremely racist. Many own guns. Almost all are religious. Some have turned to drinking or gambling, which has further wrecked their lives. And none of them leaves a convenience store without a lottery ticket.

So yeah, they are bitter. And they have done the things Obama said. An they're still great people who would give me the shirts off their backs if I said I wanted it. And Obama's statements are absolutely true, and further assure me that he knows how the American people feel, and what needs to be changed in this country.


This will work out in the long run: people who are bitter in small town America will understand what Obama really said and people who are smart enough to not in a small town will agree that small towns are shitholes that need to die in a biblical fire.


Odrion said:
This will work out in the long run: people who are bitter in small town America will understand what Obama really said and people who are smart enough to not in a small town will agree that small towns are shitholes that need to die in a biblical fire.

The problem that might not go away is in the 'clinging' remarks, not the 'bitter' remark.


gluv65 said:
Obama on rural america in 2004, he's the same today as he was yesterday, and even Charlie Rose has similar view.

Nov. 23, 2004


Good thing the What's the Matter with Kansas angle is mentioned; figured that was what Obama was getting at. Ironic final lines by Rose. :)
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