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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
electricpirate said:
I did, but it was at the bottom of the page, easy to miss

Edit: and so everyone can be clear

Then his clarification a couple of days later

Yup, he could have phrased his first point much better to come in line to the second comment. But it's pretty clear what he was saying now.

Okay thanks man. It's clear to me now. Nothing here to see. APF needs to be stopped!



Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, who has spent more days campaigning outside Pennsylvania than in the commonwealth since the contest for the state's April 22 primary began, plans a six-day bus tour of the state.

Obama will launch what his campaign has called the "Road to Change" Bus Tour across Pennsylvania.

Tour stops haven't been announced, but the road trip will begin Friday in western Pennsylvania and conclude in the southeast.

Presumably along the way he'll make it to central Pennsylvania, which has already seen at least half a dozen campaign events by Hillary Rodham Clinton, daughter Chelsea or former President Bill Clinton, who will be in the Harrisburg area, Reading, State College and Pottstown Thursday.

Hillary Clinton was campaigning in southeastern Pennsylvania today and Greensburg on Tuesday.


i wish he would push harder here, to close the percentage gap. That bus tour is a start. It can't just be a billion commercials, that's not going to do what needs to be done. I liked Hillary's 88 counties in 88 hours tour of Ohio (i think that was it), it makes a lot of sense and reaches a lot of voters.


Amir0x said:
i wish he would push harder here, to close the percentage gap. That bus tour is a start. It can't just be a billion commercials, that's not going to do what needs to be done. I liked Hillary's 88 counties in 88 hours tour of Ohio (i think that was it), it makes a lot of sense and reaches a lot of voters.
That is something she did very well in Ohio. Obama focused on the big cities. Hillary and Bill went EVERYWHERE.

But I think he learned the lesson that you cant just go to the big cities and hold a 10k rally and go home.

And the commerical comment does make sense. In MI governor race the republican was the early front runner due to a horrible economy under a dem gov, but the dem won. A major factor was the republican ran like 5x as many commercials and he got mocked for his constant commericals and it turned into almost a joke.


Amir0x said:
i wish he would push harder here, to close the percentage gap. That bus tour is a start. It can't just be a billion commercials, that's not going to do what needs to be done. I liked Hillary's 88 counties in 88 hours tour of Ohio (i think that was it), it makes a lot of sense and reaches a lot of voters.
It seems like he's sticking to his strategy of campaigning in every state. He just did four days here in Oregon, which doesn't vote until May. One way to look at it is that he's hedging his bets in PA, and it may cost him, but on the balance I think he's smart to take the long view of the endgame.

Which isn't to say GAF won't still blame you if he doesn't get to within 10 points.


GhaleonEB said:
It seems like he's sticking to his strategy of campaigning in every state. He just did four days here in Oregon, which doesn't vote until May. One way to look at it is that he's hedging his bets in PA, and it may cost him, but on the balance I think he's smart to take the long view of the endgame.

Which isn't to say GAF won't still blame you if he doesn't get to within 10 points.

I guess so, I hope he at least dedicates the last two full weeks to blazing trails in PA.
Cheebs said:
That is something she did very well in Ohio. Obama focused on the big cities. Hillary and Bill went EVERYWHERE.

But I think he learned the lesson that you cant just go to the big cities and hold a 10k rally and go home.

And the commerical comment does make sense. In MI governor race the republican was the early front runner due to a horrible economy under a dem gov, but the dem won. A major factor was the republican ran like 5x as many commercials and he got mocked for his constant commericals and it turned into almost a joke.

Not to mention the fact that he was involved in a pyramid scam :lol
As to his Pennsylvania plans, his campaign is looking at the broader picture, and I think that's the right decision. He's laid the groundwork in coming primaries like Oregon and North Carolina, and he's still got a whole month to close the gap in Pennsylvania. He's not going to spend a ton of money there because in the end, it's going to be around 55-45. But he can do that relatively cheaply by touring, hitting the colleges and the big cities while having establishments and the advantage in the coming states afterward, and finish strongly with another string of victories.

Also, very interested in the bus tour. I'd like to hear Barack speak in person so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the tour's schedule.

Also, I've seen the story about Hillary's lies about her Bosnia trip on two channels tonight. Glad to see the mainstream media finally picking up on it.


ToyMachine228 said:
As to his Pennsylvania plans, his campaign is looking at the broader picture, and I think that's the right decision. He's laid the groundwork in coming primaries like Oregon and North Carolina, and he's still got a whole month to close the gap in Pennsylvania. He's not going to spend a ton of money there because in the end, it's going to be around 55-45. But he can do that relatively cheaply by touring, hitting the colleges and the big cities while having establishments and the advantage in the coming states afterward, and finish strongly with another string of victories.

Also, very interested in the bus tour. I'd like to hear Barack speak in person so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the tour's schedule.

Also, I've seen the story about Hillary's lies about her Bosnia trip on two channels tonight. Glad to see the mainstream media finally picking up on it.
:lol :lol He's spending an assload of money here. Commercials, like, constantly. Did you know that he's the only candidate to refuse PAC dollars? You would if you lived in Pennsylvania and owned a television.

I am drowning in Obama ads. It's like a warm blanket.


gkrykewy said:
:lol :lol He's spending an assload of money here. Commercials, like, constantly. Did you know that he's the only candidate to refuse PAC dollars? You would if you lived in Pennsylvania and owned a television.

I am drowning in Obama ads. It's like a warm blanket.

Seriously, I see an Obama ad LITERALLY every five minutes. I've never seen anything like it in my life.
Francois the Great said:
chris mathews is about to report on hillary's sniper lie after the break

deny it if you want to, but the threat was real.


v1cious said:
Hillary's calling it a "Misstatement". typical
It's getting more and more coverage online, as well. Front page of cnn.com, Drudge, etc. All last week it was mostly just the blogs reporting it. And the "misstatement" line doesn't seem to be playing well, since she embellished the tale in such detail, and multiple times.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
I donated a LOT of money, yes. Actually I wonder if Obama can give me a refund, I'm kinda broke :lol

Tell him to buy you that PSTriple. I'm sure he can get a discount.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Hootie said:
Olbermann now talking about the Hillary fiasco. I love it. :D

Imma watch it at 10 o clock. I'm glad the internet is doing the work for the MSM now. Imagine if we were living in 1985 when there wasn't the internet for most people!! :O


mckmas8808 said:
Imma watch it at 10 o clock. I'm glad the internet is doing the work for the MSM now. Imagine if we were living in 1985 when there wasn't the internet for most people!! :O

If that were true, Clinton would already be the nominee.
His blatant Obama hate is almost laughable.

Lou's problem is that he complains about everything but never has any solutions. He then brings on a panel and they all bellyache about the same thing over and over again.


gkrykewy said:
:lol :lol He's spending an assload of money here. Commercials, like, constantly. Did you know that he's the only candidate to refuse PAC dollars? You would if you lived in Pennsylvania and owned a television.

I am drowning in Obama ads. It's like a warm blanket.

where do you live? I know Ami lives in a battleground area, i live in the burbs of Philly and rarely see an Obama commercial. I hear them on WIP and 950 Sports Talk constantly... every commercial break, but not on TV...

That being said, over Easter i went to my parents who live in the Poconos, and i saw probably 9 commercials in the 2 or 3 hours of TV i watched up there. So maybe he's hitting the areas he has more work to do... or maybe i just dont notice them


:lol Dan Abrams "So we have this quote where Hillary wants to get rid of the electoral college, and now she's trying to put it somewhere it doesn't even exist!"


Junior Butler
For kicks I decided to turn on Hannity and Colmes.

A major sense of deja vu set in.

You won't believe what they're taking about, or who their unbiased interviewee is.


belvedere said:
For kicks I decided to turn on Hannity and Colmes.

A major sense of deja vu set in.

You won't believe what they're taking about, or who their unbiased interviewee is.
Holy shit. Karl Rove talking about Jeremiah Wright


Amir0x said:
Seriously, I see an Obama ad LITERALLY every five minutes. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

I feel you, Ohio was nuts as well. Trust me at the end of this you will be happy when the primary is over just because the ads will go away. Oh, and if you have a landline, be prepared for endless robocalls. Might want to beef up your mailbox as well.


gcubed said:
where do you live? I know Ami lives in a battleground area, i live in the burbs of Philly and rarely see an Obama commercial. I hear them on WIP and 950 Sports Talk constantly... every commercial break, but not on TV...

That being said, over Easter i went to my parents who live in the Poconos, and i saw probably 9 commercials in the 2 or 3 hours of TV i watched up there. So maybe he's hitting the areas he has more work to do... or maybe i just dont notice them

I live in Center City Philly.
U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney, whose district includes much of Martin and St. Lucie counties, is hoping he won’t have to attend the Democratic Party national convention in Denver in August.

If he does go, that will mean the Democrats still haven’t decided a nominee for the presidential election. And if neither Sen. Hillary Clinton nor Sen. Barack Obama has clinched the nomination by August, Mahoney says we may see a brokered convention, meaning the nominee could emerge from a negotiated settlement.

“If it (the nomination process) goes into the convention, don’t be surprised if someone different is at the top of the ticket,” Mahoney said.

A compromise candidate could be someone such as former vice president Al Gore, Mahoney said last week during a meeting with this news organization’s editorial board.

If either Clinton or Obama suggested to a deadlocked convention a ticket of Gore-Clinton or Gore-Obama, the Democratic Party would accept it, Mahoney said.

Mahoney, who is one of the superdelegates who gets to cast a vote at the convention, hasn’t endorsed a candidate. He said he doesn’t intend to endorse anyone because “I don’t see it as my job as a district representative” to endorse a nominee for the presidential race.

If neither Clinton nor Obama has enough delegates to secure the nomination by the time the convention starts Aug. 25, Mahoney will have to cast a superdelegate vote for someone. Superdelegates make up about one-fifth of the total number of delegates to the convention and are free to support any candidate for nomination. Most superdelegates are current or former elected officeholders or party officials.

As an uncommitted superdelegate, Mahoney said he has been wooed by Clinton and Obama for an endorsement. Clinton has been the more aggressive solicitor, Mahoney said.

Mahoney said he has met twice with Obama. He has met more often with Clinton. Two weeks ago, Mahoney attended a cocktail party at Clinton’s house in Washington, D.C., he said. Mahoney told of how impressed he is by Clinton’s commitment to helping people and her human touch. When Clinton learned that Mahoney’s daughter is interested in horses, she called the girl to encourage her interest, Mahoney said.

While Mahoney hasn’t committed to either contender, he clearly likes Clinton and her stance on issues. He praised her for having a grasp of matters of importance to Floridians, especially homeowners insurance reform. (He also made the point that Sen. John McCain, the apparent Republican presidential nominee, is the only candidate in either party not to support national reform of homeowners insurance.)

Mahoney described Clinton as being “incredibly bright, very personable” and having “an unbelievable grasp of policy” during his meetings with her.

Mahoney said he had intended to skip the convention because “I have better things to do in my district” than attend what recently has become a glorified pep rally. He will stay away if his superdelegate vote isn’t needed. Meanwhile, he’s lobbying to get the results of the Jan. 29 Florida primary vote to count.

The national Democratic Party and its chairman, Howard Dean, stripped Florida of its delegates as punishment for violating party rules by moving up the state’s primary date from March to Jan. 29. Dean banned the Democratic candidates from campaigning in Florida. Still, a record 1.75 million Democrats voted in the Florida primary. Clinton won by 17 percentage points.

A recent statewide poll of registered Democratic voters by the St. Petersburg Times and its television partner showed that the campaigning boycott of Florida had little effect on Democratic voters’ choices in the Jan. 29 primary. The poll showed that 56 percent said the lack of campaigning had “no effect at all” on their vote. Also, 77 percent of the people polled said that it is “very important” to them that the results of the Jan. 29 primary count.

Mirroring our editorial board’s position and the poll results, Mahoney said the Jan. 29 results should be counted and the full slate of delegates should be seated at the convention.

“The delegates have to be treated fairly and responsibly and given full weight,” Mahoney said.

The St. Petersburg Times poll showed that one in four state Democrats might not vote for the party’s nominee if Florida delegates aren’t given a full say in the presidential nomination. That would seem to indicate that all Florida Democratic candidates for office in November could be in jeopardy of losing support.

Mahoney dismisses this notion, saying the issues are too important for Democratic voters to either sit out the election or vote Republican. Democrats need to first clean up the mess they made in Florida and honor the votes of the Jan. 29 primary before they try to convince voters they successfully can govern the nation.


Piper Az said:
Over 4 million registered as Democrats in PA. If Clinton gets 60 % of that...think about the popular vote tally!

Some of those were Republicans working for operation CHAOS.
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