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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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I'm utterly amazed that the Clinton camps can change the goal posts almost weekly and they don't get called on it. To be fair, they have a right to do whatever they want to change public perception of the race but it is a devious move. It wouldn't even be such a big deal if her statements previously on almost every subjective marker their camp sets is almost always if not always contradictory to Hillary's previous statements.

I get the impression though that the media may be finally ready to call her on this though. Her contradictory chickens have finally come home to roost.

One negative on Obama's camp though. His campaign managers/etc. need to back off and stop engaging Wolfson and company in the dirt slinging business. Wolfson and Penn make statements that are almost laughable by most standards but they almost get a free pass by the press despite making contradictions on Hillary's position almost daily.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:

Obama damnit, keep the lid shut on your supporters. :(
From the site:

Gordon Fischer said:
A Sincere and Contrite Apology
By admin on 3/24/2008 10:12 AM

I sincerely apologize for a tasteless and gratituous comment I made here about President Clinton. It was unnecessary and wrong.

I have since deleted the comment, and again apologize for making it. It will not happen again.

I hope my readers will accept my apology and we can move on to the very important issues facing our state and country. Thank you.

So a guy in Iowa said something on his blog about Monica's blue dress? How is this guy affiliated with Obama? I don't see any ties to this guy and Obama on his blog, unless I'm missing something.
Deus Ex Machina said:
You have no idea how hard it is to have thousands and thousands of supporters and trying to keep everyone emotions in check.

Especially when the guy said this on his BLOG. It's pretty bad when you're going through people's blogs to find "attacks".


RubxQub said:
From the site:

So a guy in Iowa said something on his blog about Monica's blue dress? How is this guy affiliated with Obama? I don't see any ties to this guy and Obama on his blog, unless I'm missing something.
Yeah I agree but the Clintons are holding a press conference on this acting like its huge. meeh


maximum360 said:
I'm utterly amazed that the Clinton camps can change the goal posts almost weekly and they don't get called on it. To be fair, they have a right to do whatever they want to change public perception of the race but it is a devious move. It wouldn't even be such a big deal if her statements previously on almost every subjective marker their camp sets is almost always if not always contradictory to Hillary's previous statements.

I get the impression though that the media may be finally ready to call her on this though. Her contradictory chickens have finally come home to roost.

One negative on Obama's camp though. His campaign managers/etc. need to back off and stop engaging Wolfson and company in the dirt slinging business. Wolfson and Penn make statements that are almost laughable by most standards but they almost get a free pass by the press despite making contradictions on Hillary's position almost daily.
On that note.

Trying to set the tone of the day again, the Obama campaign held a morning conference call to push back against Clinton's speech this morning on leadership in the economy.

Campaign manager David Plouffe claimed that Clinton couldn't change the system, when she was "wallowing" in special interest influence and money. He cited issue break-out sessions lobbyists had paid to attend with Clinton as well as ties to the financial industry, which he claimed would make it difficult for her to provide real reform.

Looking more broadly at the state of the race and the delegate count, Plouffe claimed that the Clinton campaign tried to create a new rationale every day for how the nominee should be selected. "Next, it will be that only states starting with 'N' should count" toward picking the nominee, Plouffe said.

He also acknowledged, after prodding, that Gen. McPeak's comments, which compared Bill Clinton to Joe McCarthy, didn't have a place in the race, but adamantly insisted that the Clinton campaign had a habit of making inappropriate comments and then saying their meaning was misinterpreted.


It's a daily conference call and they are always theatherical like that. The Clinton ones have especially have recently been, understandably, rather entertaining.


Update: Fischer takes down post, saying: “I sincerely apologize for a tasteless and gratituous comment I made here about President Clinton. It was unnecessary and wrong.”

Wolfson brushes off apology on media call, saying he doesn’t know why he would apologize because it seems to be keeping with the tenor of the Obama campaign.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
RubxQub said:
From the site:

So a guy in Iowa said something on his blog about Monica's blue dress? How is this guy affiliated with Obama? I don't see any ties to this guy and Obama on his blog, unless I'm missing something.

He's Obama's Co-chair in Iowa I believe.


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schuelma said:
He's Obama's Co-chair in Iowa I believe.
What is that, exactly?

I have no idea what a co-chair's duties and responsibilities are.


PhoenixDark said:
Why would she? She's going to win Penn., and if she sweeps Indiana and NC with commanding numbers she'll have a very good argument going into the convention
According to newly-released figures from the Federal Election Commission, Sen. Barack Obama has now raised more money in Pittsburgh than any other presidential candidate.

The Illinois senator's rival for the Democratic nomination, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, was third, behind former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who dropped out of the race in January.

The figures show Obama brought his total to $356,277 in Pittsburgh in February, up from his January total of $242,745. Guiliani's figure of $315,110 was unchanged from the previous month. Clinton's total from the Pittsburgh area went from $146,055 in January to $210,471 in February.

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona was fourth, with a total of $204,608 in February, up considerably from his eighth-place January total of $64,578.

Philadelphia donors were much kinder to Clinton, bringing her up to $2.53 million in February, compared to Obama's second-place total of $2.1 million. McCain was fifth among donors in the City of Brotherly Love in February, with a total of $713,265.

Obama continues to lead the national fundraising race, taking in $55.4 million in donations in the second month of 2008. Clinton followed with $34.5 million, and McCain raised $11 million in February.



Counting electoral college votes of states carried in a primary makes no sense. It's not as if Obama won't carry NY and California, or as if Hillary would carry Texas against McCain. It's completely nonsensical, and Bayh knows it. So should most superdelegates.

The problem with the popular vote numbers is that there are multiple ways to tally them. The Clinton camp might argue that caucus-counts should be excluded, while Michigan and Florida should be included. The Obama camp will want to do the opposite, and possibly go so far as to include Texas caucus numbers in addition to their primary numbers. It's an absolute certainty that Obama will lead in some, probably most reasonable counts, but it's not unlikely that the Clinton camp can come up with a reasonably-sounding count in which she wins. If not, she'll posit that states where latte consumption is higher than tea consumption should be excluded.
I wonder how many senior moments McCain will have as we get closer to the GE. They might open him up to attacks from the democrats unless he gets it together.


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maximum360 said:
I wonder how many senior moments McCain will have as we get closer to the GE. They might open him up to attacks from the democrats unless he gets it together.
They will install the infamous Red Phone in the oval office bathroom specifically for McCain if he is elected.

No doubt, that is where he will be 90% of the time at 3AM.
PhoenixDark said:
Why would she? She's going to win Penn., and if she sweeps Indiana and NC with commanding numbers she'll have a very good argument going into the convention
The argument of "only the last states count"? I suppose that could be pretty useful in the general, if they could convince people that only California and Oregon count.
PhoenixDark said:
Wow. Bayh has always struck me as a good guy but this spin is pretty laughable.
Bayh seems to be working against himself there. If its the electoral college that prevails over all, maybe they should disregard Democratic delegates from states that are sure to go red. Like Evan Bayh.


*drowns in jizz*
The Lamonster said:
I heard she has a less than 10% chance of winning this delegate race. Shouldn't she call it quits now so we can focus on November?

A 10% chance is a pretty fucking optimistic estimate.


mckmas8808 said:
WOAH!!! Chris Matthews went off! Which again shows why he's my favorite guy to watch on TV about politics. :D

He's ok to watch. It's just a bit distracting since he doesn't wipe Obama's man juice from his face.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Bulla564 said:
He's ok to watch. It's just a bit distracting since he doesn't wipe Obama's man juice from his face.

That's bullshit and you know it. He like Obama okay so what? What's the big deal? He's said good things about Hillary too. And he helped push the Wright crap too just like everybody else in the media.
RubxQub said:
From the site:

So a guy in Iowa said something on his blog about Monica's blue dress? How is this guy affiliated with Obama? I don't see any ties to this guy and Obama on his blog, unless I'm missing something.

Dude basically delivered Iowa to Obama (Along with Tewes and Hildebrand). He (Fischer) was predicting a turnout of 200k+ in Iowa only to be laughed at by everyone.


maynerd said:
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(301) 688-6524
(Today, 11:57 AM)
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quadriplegicjon: why would you question someone's patriotism or love of freedom based on whether or not they wear a pin?

If you’re a Republican (like me), it’s time to grab the Rolaids again.

According to publicly available donor data on BarackObama.com, the Obama campaign has already received more than one million individual donations in March. Obama had received 727,972 donations in his record-breaking $55 million February. And we still have a week to go in the month.

What It Means: That Obama was able to attract so much support in March is nothing short of staggering, given the bad month he has had, from perceived losses in Ohio/Texas to the Jeremiah Wright controversy. Or Obama donors could be rallying to his side in troubled times (look how Hillary was able to reel in donations after announcing a self-loan).

The accelerating pace of donations demonstrates conclusively the snowball effect that kicks in the longer a successful low-dollar fundraising base has been in place. In a sense, it seems to be momentum-proof. It also suggests a campaign that has become tethered to its supporter base as if by umbilical cord. Given the omnidirectional reinforcement supporters get from the email channel, the earned media channel, and the social channel, online donors are constantly connected to the campaign, even in slower periods. There is no limit to number of contacts a campaign can effectively have (unlike in direct mail), as the campaign is “always on” regardless of how many emails or Will.i.am videos one receives.

I also wonder if the huge March number is also a factor of recurring monthly contributions really paying off in a big way.

Whatever the total, Obama looks headed to a monster March in fundraising. $55M would be a low estimate.

UPDATE: Ben Smith noticed this yesterday, and the Obama campaign is claiming a technical “glitch” in the counter but won’t say how much it’s off by. The graphic seemed to be rising at improbably high rates after it was yanked from the site in February, however the number of donations was accurate.


Dahellisdat said:
Why do you not see the sarcasm?!
It seems misplaced then, since as I've said a million times I don't begrudge Obama for not wearing a pin--I begrudge his attacking others' patriotism.


Smiles and Cries said:
if Obama did this he would fry, GAME OVER

but this little clip above is so tame does not seem to be a big deal sure it hurts her a little but wont get front page headlines
By contrast, the "blue dress" comment in that now-deleted blog post is front-page news on cnn.com.

Dahellisdat said:
Whose patriotism did he attack?
None, ever. It's bait.
APF said:
It seems misplaced then, since as I've said a million times I don't begrudge Obama for not wearing a pin--I begrudge his attacking others' patriotism.

I find you amazingly narrow interpretation of the statement quite endearing. You bring up this straw man again and again with such unparalleled vigor, I just can't take my eyes away.

The criticism is of course not that wearing a lapel pin makes you unpatriotic, it's that the lapel pin has no bearing on patriotism, and that some have worn a lapel pin instead of taking positive actions for our country.

Obama's argument is that not acting patriotic makes you unpatriotic, not that the lapel pin makes you unpatriotic.

Edit: and so everyone can be clear

“The truth is that right after 9/11 I had a pin,” Mr. Obama replied. “Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security.

“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he added. “Instead I’m gonna’ try to tell the American people what I believe what will make this country great and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”
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