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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
APF said:
Not that I really want to get into this, but are you saying that if I went to TDS' site and looked at all the videos for each candidate (Hillary has about 2.5 the amount of videos tagged with her name vs Obama), the proportion of good : bad coverage would be equal?
if you'd want to sit through it to get some data you're more than welcome to. but as far as i've seen there is little to suggest that either candidate is getting preferential treatment over the other during this election cycle on TDS.


Kills Photobucket
The media give a boost to whoever needs it so they can keep this battle going as long as possible.

Negative Hillary this week balances out the Obama negative last week. Next week I'm sure it will be negative Obama again.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ari said:
scorcho:APF doesn't agree with me and jon stewart could careless about a republican in office.

Stewart actually has a great relationship with McCain. He's been on the Daily Show TEN TIMES.
Stewart would love to have a republican win for the same reason Rush would love to have Hillary win. I find both to be quite annoying, and not funny at all so I'm biased.


testicles on a cold fall morning
PhoenixDark said:
Stewart would love to have a republican win for the same reason Rush would love to have Hillary win. I find both to be quite annoying, and not funny at all so I'm biased.
you're right! i forgot the show where he said that...

believing that either the TDS or Colbert Report wouldn't have enough ammunition with a Clinton or Obama administration is just willful ignorance.


scorcho said:
you're right! i forgot the show where he said that...

believing that either the TDS or Colbert Report wouldn't have enough ammunition with a Clinton or Obama administration is just willful ignorance.

Colbert Report would be better than it is now with Obama or Clinton as president.


scorcho said:
believing that either the TDS or Colbert Report wouldn't have enough ammunition with a Clinton or Obama administration is just willful ignorance.
What kind of ammo would they have in an Obama Administration? That he's so pretty all the previous Presidents are upset at him for making them look bad? That he's unified the country so much that politics is now boring? That he's changed the country so much and resolved all our hopes so completely that we might become complacent and not be able to fend for ourselves once his term is up?


testicles on a cold fall morning
APF said:
What kind of ammo would they have in an Obama Administration? That he's so pretty all the previous Presidents are upset at him for making them look bad? That he's unified the country so much that politics is now boring? That he's changed the country so much and resolved all our hopes so completely that we might become complacent and not be able to fend for ourselves once his term is up?
actually, yeah.

although i think they'd be a bit more sarcastic than your obvious fawning.


scorcho said:
speaking of fawning.

watch out APF! ari's rubbing your balls like all of youtube does to Obama!
I would say something about you and obama, but i think you might actually be proud or some shit.


testicles on a cold fall morning
ari said:
I would say something about you and obama, but i think you might actually be proud or some shit.
it's okay young man. go back to your homework now and don't forget that mommy laid out your clothes to wear to school tomorrow.

kids these days. so cute.


scorcho said:
it's okay young man. go back to your homework now and don't forget that mommy laid out your clothes to wear to school tomorrow.

kids these days. so cute.
meh, going to the navy meps in about 2 weeks. Only homework i have is studying up for the asvab. I think i could waste a couple of minutes posting on a message board, to oppose of the entire day you wasted on it.
ari said:
meh, going to the navy meps in about 2 weeks. Only homework i have is studying up for the asvab. I think i could waste a couple of minutes posting on a message board, to oppose of the entire day you wasted on it.
It's getting snarky in here!


APF said:
Not that I really want to get into this, but are you saying that if I went to TDS' site and looked at all the videos for each candidate (Hillary has about 2.5 the amount of videos tagged with her name vs Obama), the proportion of good : bad coverage would be equal?
I think you should do this.


scorcho said:
actually, yeah.

although i think they'd be a bit more sarcastic than your obvious fawning.

Assuming the Obama administration isn't utterly incompetent like the current, I'm guessing TDS and TCR would still focus mainly on the inanity of the Republican party for four to eight years.

Obviously Bush has given them tons of material, but the rest have supplied plenty over the years as well.


How the hell is Youtube biased? WTF?

Youtube is just a collection of user submitted videos. Can prove that Youtube has censored anti-Obama videos or unfairly promoted his videos? I don't think so. At best you can say that internet savvy people favor Obama, but that hardly indicated a bias on the part of Youtube.


testicles on a cold fall morning
quite, although i haven't heard of the Navy dropping their age requirements yet. how very odd he managed to get in.


Tamanon said:
People study for the ASVAB? It didn't seem to me there was anything to really study for it.

There isn't, I didn't study either, got a score in the mid 90s. It was actually pretty fun for a standardized test. If only I didn't leave my real contact information. I was pestered by recruiters for months.


Tamanon said:
People study for the ASVAB? It didn't seem to me there was anything to really study for it.
I'm just taking the prep test now and then. Wouldn't hurt for me to brush up on the math and stuff. I got a 74 on the practice test but would like more....even if the acception is 36. :D

scorcho said:
quite, although i haven't heard of the Navy dropping their age requirements yet. how very odd he managed to get in.


Clinton is going to be on Leno tomorrow, third time this campaign for her.

Has Obama ever been on Leno? To my knowledge he hasn't. I know he has appeared on Conan a couple times since announcing in 2007. I wonder why he goes on Conan which gets less ratings instead.


KRS7 said:
There isn't, I didn't study either, got a score in the mid 90s. It was actually pretty fun for a standardized test. If only I didn't leave my real contact information. I was pestered by recruiters for months.

Yeah, I got in the mid 90s in most parts of it when I took it before joining the Air Force, wasn't too complex, just tested your incredibly basic knowledge of different specialties. I think I didn't score well on the electronics or mechanical parts only. Guess that's why I was a medic.:lol


Cheebs said:
Clinton is going to be on Leno tomorrow, third time this campaign for her.

Has Obama ever been on Leno? To my knowledge he hasn't. I know he has appeared on Conan a couple times since announcing in 2007. I wonder why he goes on Conan which gets less ratings instead.

Conan is a better show than Leno.
Cheebs said:
Clinton is going to be on Leno tomorrow, third time this campaign for her.

Has Obama ever been on Leno? To my knowledge he hasn't. I know he has appeared on Conan a couple times since announcing in 2007. I wonder why he goes on Conan which gets less ratings instead.

Obama prefers Conan to Leno? Man's got taste.
KRS7 said:
There isn't, I didn't study either, got a score in the mid 90s. It was actually pretty fun for a standardized test. If only I didn't leave my real contact information. I was pestered by recruiters for months.
I remember taking that test when I went to join the Navy (I eventually opted not to enlist). I was actually embarrassed about how high a score I got compared to the rest of the recruits.

And good for ari for joining up. I wish all the other chicken-hawks on the boards would back their support like that.


I don't know why candidate don't go on late night shows as much as possible. They don't get pestered with tough questions and get great free publicity. Has a candidate ever come off really badly from one of those shows?


KRS7 said:
I don't know why candidate don't go on late night shows as much as possible. They don't get pestered with tough questions and get great free publicity. Has a candidate ever come off really badly from one of those shows?

Hey, Huckabee milked the late night talkshow circuit for all it was worth! It just didn't seem to help at all:p


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Incognito said:
Cool graph that confirms the oft-floated theory regarding Obama and his reception in states with a relatively mixed AA and Caucasian population.


I think the graph speaks for itself.

So basically if blacks are in the state (between 6% and 17%) and aren't taken over (+20%) then whites tend to not vote for Barack alot.

Must be alot of tension in those areas where blacks don't have a huge enough population to overcome the whites that wont vote for a black vote.
Another Obama lie...

An interesting observation:

They allege Obama has a penchant for blaming his staff for gaffes ranging from missing a union event in New Hampshire to circulating opposition research highlighting the Clintons’ ties to India and Indian-Americans to underestimating the amount of cash bundled for his campaigns by his former fundraiser, indicted businessman Antoin “Tony” Rezko.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Bill O' Reilly just now said that Obama's campagin is helping to suppress voter turnout in Pennsylvania. :lol

siamesedreamer said:
An interesting observation:

That's not a lie at all. If anything, I'm glad to hear that. It's no secret that Obama is liberal. He's a Democrat, and he clearly expresses his views. He simply listens to what Republicans have to say, and respects them equally, something that a lot of radical liberals aren't known for. No one ever said Obama was a centrist, what he is, willing to listen, and work together to solve problems. Read Audacity for Hope and you'll understand.

But now two months have passed since Edwards dropped out—tempus fugit!—and still no endorsement. Why? According to a Democratic strategist unaligned with any campaign but with knowledge of the situation gleaned from all three camps, the answer is simple: Obama blew it. Speaking to Edwards on the day he exited the race, Obama came across as glib and aloof. His response to Edwards’s imprecations that he make poverty a central part of his agenda was shallow, perfunctory, pat. Clinton, by contrast, engaged Edwards in a lengthy policy discussion. Her affect was solicitous and respectful. When Clinton met Edwards face-to-face in North Carolina ten days later, her approach continued to impress; she even made headway with Elizabeth. Whereas in his Edwards sit-down, Obama dug himself in deeper, getting into a fight with Elizabeth about health care, insisting that his plan is universal (a position she considers a crock), high-handedly criticizing Clinton’s plan (and by extension Edwards’s) for its insurance mandate.

Rest at link.
siamesedreamer said:
Yeah, saw that earlier on Sullivan. His spin was typical.
What? Typical pro-Obama spin? The entire article seemed largely silly. Just as easily as I could be a pro-Hillary person upset that the article ignores the Obama blunder to segue irrationally into pointless speculation on who can make her quit, I could be an Obama supporter disliking the article because it paints my political messiah as a bumbling buffoon who fumbled on the sure-fire, game-winning endorsement because of his piss-poor diplomatic skills by means of unsubstantiated, tabloid-style rumors.
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