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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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gkrykewy said:
It was one of the lead stories on Good Morning America this morning. Second only to Imus.

They did talk about it on "Morning Joke". As with most bad news about McCain, before dismissing it as not a really bad thing for McCain, they also claimed that it was a potential positive gaffe. There's a reason why people think Mika's opinion is less favorable than used toilet paper. Even when Joe isn't on, the second tier McCain cheerleaders do their thing. To be fair though, I think Joe is more anti-Obama than he is pro-McCain. Frankly, the M$M is just as bad. They scrutinize/criticize everything Obama does (and I mean everything) while making the case that every flip-flop of McCain must be put in context.


I find it amazing that with all the water holding the media does for Johnny Mac that he isn't overwhelming Obama out of sheer collusion.

maximum360 said:
They scrutinize/criticize everything Obama does (and I mean everything) while making the case that every flip-flop of McCain must be put in context.

In the race for the White House, John McCain is the devil you know

In some recent magazine articles, I and some of my colleagues have been accused of being soft on McCain, forgiving him his flips, his flops and his mostly conservative ideology. I do not plead guilty to this charge because over the years, the man's imperfections have not escaped my keen eye. But, for the record, let's recapitulate: McCain has either reversed himself or significantly amended his positions on immigration, tax cuts for the wealthy, campaign spending (as it applies to use of his wife's corporate airplane) and, most recently, offshore drilling

But here is the difference between McCain and Obama - and Obama had better pay attention. McCain is a known commodity. It's not just that he's been around a long time and staked out positions antithetical to his Republican base. It's also - and more importantly - that we know his bottom line. As his North Vietnamese captors found out, there is only so far he will go and then his pride or his sense of honor takes over.

:lol :lol :lol
But here is the difference between McCain and Obama - and Obama had better pay attention. McCain is a known commodity. It's not just that he's been around a long time and staked out positions antithetical to his Republican base. It's also - and more importantly - that we know his bottom line. As his North Vietnamese captors found out, there is only so far he will go and then his pride or his sense of honor takes over.

Oh my god.:lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
so McCain is 'better' than Obama because he was tortured by the VC and thus proves his principles?

him and Broder are really burnishing WaPo's legacy...
But here is the difference between McCain and Obama - and Obama had better pay attention. McCain is a known commodity. It's not just that he's been around a long time and staked out positions antithetical to his Republican base. It's also - and more importantly - that we know his bottom line. As his North Vietnamese captors found out, there is only so far he will go and then his pride or his sense of honor takes over.

If this is the case, why not just remove the ammendment than limits presidents to two terms!
scorcho said:
so McCain is 'better' than Obama because he was tortured by the VC and thus proves his principles?

him and Broder are really burnishing WaPo's legacy...

i think ur reading my mind

this is me fooling around in the wapo comments section:

stephen9 wrote:
Oh, lord. Looks like James Walcott is going to have to amend his recent piece on journalists and their inexplicable man crushs on right wing politicians to include you. This is an embarrassing column and coupled with Broder's on Sunday's, this paper looks to be in need of some new blood. Aterall, I'm sure Broder can recoup whatever he loses here by hitting the speechifying circuit!
6/24/2008 11:49:30 AM

the response to this column his been pretty hilarious... :lol


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Mr. Cohen is just pointing out the obvious. Sen. McCain had a highly distinctive experience as a POW who refused early release despite being tortured that voters will consider when assessing his candidacy. He is not blaming Sen. Obama for not being a POW. How is that something to be mad about?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Incognito said:
i think ur reading my mind

this is me fooling around in the wapo comments section:

the response to this column his been pretty hilarious... :lol
i'm not sure what the point of this article even is.

Cohen says he's never overlooked McCain's vacillating positions on 'immigration, tax cuts for the wealthy, campaign spending (as it applies to use of his wife's corporate airplane) and, most recently, offshore drilling' as he appeals to the conservative base. but then he argues that McCain's a maverick against GOP orthodoxy who was TORTURED BY THE VC and thus unquestionable.

that's what's being published by the Post?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'll see your Dick Cohen and raise you a Sam Anderson:

Barack Obama’s upcoming speech at the Democratic National Convention is—barring the miraculous reanimation of Winston Churchill’s corpse, sometime in mid-July, to recite the Sermon on the Mount in twelve different languages—pretty much a lock to be the rhetorical blockbuster event of the summer. The speech offers, among many other hooks, a tidy dramatic symmetry. Obama first stepped out of the political phone booth on this occasion four years ago, when he gave the climactic keynote address for John Kerry’s otherwise legendarily droopy campaign. In ten minutes, America watched him rip off the rumpled suit of anonymous, mild-mannered state-senatorhood and squeeze into the gaudy cape and tights of our national oratorical superhero—a honey-tongued Frankenfusion of Lincoln, Gandhi, Cicero, Jesus, and all our most cherished national acronyms (MLK, JFK, RFK, FDR).



Guileless said:
Mr. Cohen is just pointing out the obvious. Sen. McCain had a highly distinctive experience as a POW who refused early release despite being tortured that voters will consider when assessing his candidacy. He is not blaming Sen. Obama for not being a POW. How is that something to be mad about?

Um, "he will only go so far until his sense of honor takes over." Those are the words of a surrogate posing as an objective journalist.
New Gallups







Guileless said:
Mr. Cohen is just pointing out the obvious. Sen. McCain had a highly distinctive experience as a POW who refused early release despite being tortured that voters will consider when assessing his candidacy. He is not blaming Sen. Obama for not being a POW. How is that something to be mad about?

Now, when you say it, it's at least somewhat sensible. But that isn't what Cohen is saying.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So why exacty doesn't the media kill McCain over all of his flip flops like they said about Kerry?

Couldn't this be a potential reason why the people not trust him?


I don't know what the fuck people like about McCain when it comes to terrorism. Also, holy shit @ the 32% who prefer him on the economy. Seriously, wtf. Was this poll taken at a mental institution?

mckmas8808 said:
And just how the fuck do you figure that its true? Because the media said so?

Aren't they the same media that said Hillary would be the Dem nominee? The same media that said McCain didn't have a chance against Rudy "I can't run a campaign" Guliani?

The same media that said Hillary was coming back in the second half of the dem process even though she was losing by more delegates on June 1st than March 1st.

Yeah that media really knows what they are talking about.
I'm not sure why you would attack me and claim that I only believe what the media says... I doubt you have any evidence of that. Instead of always doing what the other Obama fans here are doing I tend to try to form my own opinion on things. I thought about what would likely happen in that situation and, as I've already posted, this is what I came up with:
During attacks, people tend to rally behind their country and their country's leader blindly, believing this to be true patriotism. The repubs will argue that in this time of crisis we can't afford to switch the party in charge, dumb people will be scared and vote for McCain... tah fucking da.


mckmas8808 said:
So why exacty doesn't the media kill McCain over all of his flip flops like they said about Kerry?

Because he's a Republican. Oh, and he was tortured. Also, if they did, the Presidential race would be even more one-sided than it's gonna be. That last one was maybe not true. Maybe.


testicles on a cold fall morning
McCain's a decorated war veteran who was held and tortured by the VC for years. as such he knows a lot about defending our country. add to this fact that he's also a Republican and, like, it totally bumps up his national security levels to super saiyan status.



Mumei said:
If I'm remembering earlier polls on that correctly, a tie for them would be an improvement for Obama.
I believe this is correct.

Also, Tom Ridge kinda sorta forgot to register as a foreign lobbyist the past couple of years. Whoops.

For almost two years former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge failed to register a nearly half-million-dollar lobbying contract that he had with the government of Albania.

Ridge filed a registration statement on behalf of the country earlier this month after being contacted by the Department of Justice. ...

Ridge's registration was spurred by a DOJ inquiry after press accounts surfaced noting Ridge's connection to the country. ...

After a meeting with Justice and his counsel at Blank Rome, Ridge decided to file his FARA registration.

"Once we were made aware of certain contacts by Gov. Ridge, we advised him to register, which he did," said Topper Ray, a spokesman for Blank Rome.

FARA prosecutions, or even, as in Ridge's case, contact by the Justice Department to encourage registration, are unusual, ethics lawyers said.


testicles on a cold fall morning

"One person put it this way: Obama for president paves the way for David Duke as president," said Duke, who ran for president in 1988, received less than 1 percent of the vote and has since spent much of his time in Europe. "This is finally going to make whites begin to realize it's a necessity to stick up for their own heritage, and that's going to make them turn to people like me. We're the next logical step."

not only is Obama the candidate of Hezbollah, Hamas and Castro, but white supremacist groups too! how could anyone elect a man who draws the support of such divisive groups?

wait, what?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
the disgruntled gamer said:
I'm not sure why you would attack me and claim that I only believe what the media says... I doubt you have any evidence of that. Instead of always doing what the other Obama fans here are doing I tend to try to form my own opinion on things. I thought about what would likely happen in that situation and, as I've already posted, this is what I came up with:

The thing is, its not that straight forword anymore. Fear worked in 2004 big, 2006 not as much. And it doesn't seem to be working now.

Do you think the American people are so dumb that even after McCain's lead man says something like this and if a terrorist attack were to happen that they would all fall in line?

Wouldn't it make people curious as the timing of the attack? Why would McCain's guy say this in June then an attack hit in September after not being attacked in 6 years?

Wouldnt that seem funny to people?


mckmas8808 said:
The thing is, its not that straight forword anymore. Fear worked in 2004 big, 2006 not as much. And it doesn't seem to be working now.

Do you think the American people are so dumb that even after McCain's lead man says something like this and if a terrorist attack were to happen that they would all fall in line?

Wouldn't it make people curious as the timing of the attack? Why would McCain's guy say this in June then an attack hit in September after not being attacked in 6 years?

Wouldnt that seem funny to people?
A good column on the topic is here: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/06/is-charlie-black-right.html

Bottom line:

It seems to me, however, that there is perhaps some margin where the attack is significant enough to represent a serious failure of the Bush Administration's intelligence policy, but not serious enough to really scare people. If that is the case, the electoral implications are vaguer, and could possibly -- possibly -- even work against John McCain, particularly if the incident occurs at some point over the summer where there is still plenty of breathing space for each candidate to frame the narrative. In that eventuality, Black's comments would surely be played on continuous loop, which might make things more difficult for his candidate.


McCain: Offshore drilling effect is just psychological

Yesterday, McCain admitted that his offshore drilling proposal would probably have mostly "psychological" benefits, NBC/NJ’s Adam Aigner-Treworgy reports. At a town hall in Fresno that primarily focused on energy issues, McCain was asked a question about the price of gas and the viability of various short-term solutions.

"I don't see an immediate relief, but I do see that exploitation of existing reserves that may exist -- and in view of many experts that do exist off our coasts -- is also a way that we need to provide relief. Even though it may take some years, the fact that we are exploiting those reserves would have psychological impact that I think is beneficial."

Will this be ignored as well?


mckmas8808 said:
The thing is, its not that straight forword anymore. Fear worked in 2004 big, 2006 not as much. And it doesn't seem to be working now.
As the threat fades, it becomes less effective. People seem to be 9/11'd out, as Rudy's failed campaign demonstrates. But if there's another attack, you can bet your ass people will be afraid and republicans will be able to exploit that.

mckmas8808 said:
Do you think the American people are so dumb that even after McCain's lead man says something like this and if a terrorist attack were to happen that they would all fall in line?

Wouldn't it make people curious as the timing of the attack? Why would McCain's guy say this in June then an attack hit in September after not being attacked in 6 years?

Wouldnt that seem funny to people?
If there's another devasting terrorist attack, do you honestly think people are going to be thinking back to what a McCain campaign manager said several months ago? Because that seems pretty far-fetched to me.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
the disgruntled gamer said:
As the threat fades, it becomes less effective. People seem to be 9/11'd out, as Rudy's failed campaign demonstrates. But if there's another attack, you can bet your ass people will be afraid and republicans will be able to exploit that.

If there's another devasting terrorist attack, do you honestly think people are going to be thinking back to what a McCain campaign manager said several months ago? Because that seems pretty far-fetched to me.

So you complelty disagree with what 538.com said? What if it looks like a conspricy?
Is it ironic that the only places that could POSSIBLY be attacked by terrorism (big cities, the northeast, etc) all vote democratic, meanwhile the south and midwest (which would most likely never see a terrorist attack) are the ones most worried about national security and back John McCain?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
worldrunover said:
Is it ironic that the only places that could POSSIBLY be attacked by terrorism (big cities, the northeast, etc) all vote democratic, meanwhile the south and midwest (which would most likely never see a terrorist attack) are the ones most worried about national security and back John McCain?
You're clearly looking at it wrong. Democrats are obviously in league with the terrorists and are taking over big cities and the coasts in order to make them easier targets.


mckmas8808 said:
So you complelty disagree with what 538.com said? What if it looks like a conspricy?
No, I can partially agree with what 538 said. I'm thinking: if more than 50 people die in an attack on U.S. soil, Obama is screwed. Obviously, death toll, imagery (some things look awful on TV, some not so much), and location will all play a factor. So yes, depending on the situation, Black may be incorrect, but I think if you have another 9/11, the entire is going to blindly follow their crazy ideas of patriotism just like they did in 2001.

As for a conspiracy, it again depends on the situation. Considering most people would be afraid to raise the issue, not wanting to appear unpatriotic/disrespectful, it would have to be REALLY fishy.

Incognito said:
Indiana poll
Looking good. Hell, forget my negativity, if Obama can win Indiana, Ohio's a lock.
This is fun.


As you land on this page, a simulated election will be conducted, with all 50 states and DC colored red or blue in about 15 seconds. Each time you click the Run Again button, another simulated election will take place. You can see the results of the last 1,000 simulations by clicking the View Stats button.

We take current state-by-state polls and turn the results into probabilities. Each simulation picks a winner in each individual state, based on the probabilities for that state. For example, if McCain has a 55% chance of winning Nevada, he will, in the long run, win Nevada in 55% of the simulations conducted. States that are not polling close (e.g., Utah or Illinois) will always yield the same result. As a result, a closer election, with more swing states, will yield a wider range of simulation results than an election with fewer states that are up for grabs. The simulator does not consider the possibility of split electoral votes in Maine or Nebraska.

Currently, Democrats are winning about 96% of the simulated elections, with the median (middle result) being Democrats 306, Republicans 232.


Will that Indiana poll get any coverage and will it be spun as a positive for McCain? "Despite Obama's almost rock-star status, he still can't put any distance between himself and McCain in traditionally red, working-class Indiana."
bob_arctor said:
Will that Indiana poll get any coverage and will it be spun as a positive for McCain? "Despite Obama's almost rock-star status, he still can't put any distance between himself and McCain in traditionally red, working-class Indiana."

Indeed. Instead of "this is good news for Obama" it will be "why can't Obama sweep every state? Obama should be up by 15-20 points everywhere. What is wrong is Obama? Is something wrong with Obama? Is he too exotic?"


bob_arctor said:
Will that Indiana poll get any coverage and will it be spun as a positive for McCain? "Despite Obama's almost rock-star status, he still can't put any distance between himself and McCain in traditionally red, working-class Indiana."
I suspect it will be ignored in favor of the LA Times/Bloomberg general election poll due in just over an hour. (Halperin is teasing it.)

But it's good, good news. The general match-ups have them close, but Obama is very well positioned in the state by state. The SUSA Indiana poll has got to have McCain's camp very nervous.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mckmas8808 said:
So basically the MSM has to bury another story right? It must be hard for some of the people on TV to NOT talk about this kind of stuff.
can you stop acting as if the media is a monolithic entity constantly trying to fuck Obama?

also, wouldn't you have considered Russert to be the prototypical Washington 'insider' journalist that you seem content to rail against?
GhaleonEB said:
I suspect it will be ignored in favor of the LA Times/Bloomberg general election poll due in just over an hour. (Halperin is teasing it.)

But it's good, good news. The general match-ups have them close, but Obama is very well positioned in the state by state. The SUSA Indiana poll has got to have McCain's camp very nervous.

What's the nature of said teasage?
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