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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Obama’s Sister Stumps in Denver


Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

The Illinois Senator’s half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng preached party unity to more than 100 volunteers at the Rude Park Recreation Center Wednesday.

“It really is imperative now that we unite and that uniting takes place on a local as well as a global level,” she said.

She also attended a $250-a-person fundraiser in Boulder. Read Here.

Deus Ex Machina said:
CBS News: Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran

June 24, 2008

(CBS) Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen leaves Tuesday night on an overseas trip that will take him to Israel, reports CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. The trip has been scheduled for some time but U.S. officials say it comes just as the Israelis are mounting a full court press to get the Bush administration to strike Iran's nuclear complex.

CBS consultant Michael Oren says Israel doesn't want to wait for a new administration.

"The Israelis have been assured by the Bush administration that the Bush administration will not allow Iran to nuclearize," Oren said. "Israelis are uncertain about what would be the policies of the next administration vis-à-vis Iran."

Israel's message is simple: If you don't, we will. Israel held a dress rehearsal for a strike earlier this month, but military analysts say Israel can not do it alone.

"Keep in mind that Israel does not have strategic bombers," Oren said. "The Israeli Air Force is not the American Air Force. Israel can not eliminate Iran's nuclear program."

The U.S. with its stealth bombers and cruise missiles has a much greater capability. Vice President Cheney is said to favor a strike, but both Mullen and Defense Secretary Gates are opposed to an attack which could touch off a third war in the region.




More offshore drilling does little at the pump: EIA

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Allowing oil drilling in U.S. offshore waters that are now closed to energy exploration would do little to lower gasoline prices paid by consumers, the government's top energy forecaster said on Wednesday.

In response to record pump prices, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain and President George W. Bush this month called for Congress to end its moratorium on drilling off the East and West coasts and in Florida waters, leaving it up to each affected state to decide where to permit drilling.

McCain and Bush said the additional oil supplies likely to be found in the closed areas would help reduce gasoline costs.

However, Guy Caruso, who heads the federal Energy Information Administration, said consumers would see little savings at the pump.

"It would be a relatively small effect, because it would take such a long time to bring those supplies on," Caruso said during a briefing at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on the EIA's new long-term international energy forecast. "It doesn't affect prices that much."

Most energy experts say it would take five to 10 years to find oil in the closed areas and bring the crude to market. Caruso said the additional supplies would amount to only a couple of hundred thousand barrels of oil a day.

"It does take a long time to develop these resources, and therefore the price impact is muted by that," he said.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is against opening more offshore areas to drilling for many of the reasons cited by Caruso.
Zonar said:
Obama's family pretty much reflects all of America...

I think that's one reason so many people, particularly Gens X and younger, are drawn to him. He represents the multicultural present and future of America that people like Pat Buchanan fear so much.
mckmas8808 said:
What's wrong with McCain?! Why bring up the draft? Now Obama can use that as a campaign issue. You don't want a draft vote Obama!

Its that easy.
Hell yeah. I don't care if Obama eats babies, I'd vote for his as long as he is strictly against the draft. I'll have to add that to my list of reasons to not like McCain. Though, considering he's a vet, I shouldn't be surprised that he would say that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Star Power said:
It's problematic for an old white guy to say Obama is "talking white," but honestly I agree with what Nader said 100%. I still support Obama, though, because I understand that that's what he has to do in order to have a shot to win... if Obama spoke to 'black issues'/ was more racialized then he would have absolutely no shot of winning, he'd be marginalized from the start.

What are black issues?



Did anyone else just catch Obama's press conference speech on energy? He completely crushed McCain and said exactly what I've wanted him to say for months.

A national initiative, on the scale of NASA in the 60s, to produce new forms of fuel to move us off of oil. He is going to put forth $150 billion towards it and I think that is a real start.
pxleyes said:
A national initiative, on the scale of NASA in the 60s, to produce new forms of fuel to move us off of oil. He is going to put forth $150 billion towards it and I think that is a real start.

And the GOP response will be...OBAMA SPEND TOO MUCH MONIEZ ON ENERGIEZ! And my response is...12 months out of Iraq, and we'll have that money to spend. Fuck yeah.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Liara T'Soni said:
Honestly, I think that you are just bitter that Nader implied that white Obama supporters are voting for him based on white guilt. And now your both salty at me for defending his critical look at race and politics.
You're batting 0 for 2 in your interpretation of the comments of others.


pxleyes said:

Did anyone else just catch Obama's press conference speech on energy? He completely crushed McCain and said exactly what I've wanted him to say for months.

A national initiative, on the scale of NASA in the 60s, to produce new forms of fuel to move us off of oil. He is going to put forth $150 billion towards it and I think that is a real start.
He's actually been saying that for awhile...I remember first hearing that during the primaries. As he's said, the problem is that once the cost of gas comes down, we become complacent and fall back into the same ol' routine and give up on alternative fuel. He also reminds us that this is nothing new...for those who remember gas rationing in the 70's, this is LONG over due...


ToyMachine228 said:
And the GOP response will be...OBAMA SPEND TOO MUCH MONIEZ ON ENERGIEZ! And my response is...12 months out of Iraq, and we'll have that money to spend. Fuck yeah.

every month we're in Iraq we're spending money we don't really have, so continuing to spend that money only on energy isn't actually the same. At least, if we ever want to become fiscally responsible again.

Not that I don't agree we totally need a huge NASA like initiative


Obama never gets easy press conferences.:lol

At first was a bit surprised that he agreed with the death penalty for child rape, but that's an easy campaign killer on second thought.


VanMardigan said:
Anybody watching the live press conference on CNN?

Tough questions.


"Do you think you're gonna kick the old man's ass in November or just slightly bruise it?"

"A two-part question: If in fact you ultimately win Indiana, how many local newspapers will run the playful headline "Hoosier Daddy?" the next morning and do you think they'll juxtapose a photo of your million-dollar smile next to one of McCain sneering?"
mckmas8808 said:
What are black issues?

Well, I used quotes for a reason because I don't necessarily think that they are just black issues, but I'm talking about things like : the prison-industrial complex, poorly funded schools and lack of economic opportunity in inner city neighborhoods, police brutality (his "respect the verdict" bullshit on that Sean Bell case was particularly annoying), disproportionately high unemployment rates, etc. I mean, I can see people being offended because it's coming from Ralph Nader, and "talking white" is just not a phrase you use, but what he said isn't off base at all: Obama is a non-threatening figure.. he's not a *RADICAL SCARY BLACK MAN*, he's "post-racial". That is why he's successful and someone like, say, Jesse Jackson is a national joke even though he's done a lot more than Obama has. Again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing - Obama said it himself in his book, he's learned how to be non-threating in order to placate white people who would be otherwise uncomfortable with black people. The thing is, once he's in office, what will he do for the black community that has supported him so vigorously? Will he be any different than any other president we've had? I think it's a question worth thinking about.


Stephen Baldwin: "Saying four years of John McCain is four years of George Bush is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Indeed, Baldwin. Indeed.


Hitokage said:
150 billion over X years?
It is a part of a long terms solution, so I'm willing to bet its an initial funding of 150 billion to contracted companies with, like the Apollo program, an unlimited budget if Obama sees it as worth putting money towards. One of those, "we cant know how much it costs when we've never done it before" kind of things.


pxleyes said:
It is a part of a long terms solution, so I'm willing to bet its an initial funding of 150 billion to contracted companies with, like the Apollo program, an unlimited budget if Obama sees it as worth putting money towards. One of those, "we cant know how much it costs when we've never done it before" kind of things.

Oh so an Iraq War type thing. Got ya.


Amir0x said:
every month we're in Iraq we're spending money we don't really have, so continuing to spend that money only on energy isn't actually the same. At least, if we ever want to become fiscally responsible again.

Not that I don't agree we totally need a huge NASA like initiative

THANK YOU AMIR0X :D! Beautifully put, absolutely sensational. Now, if Obama wants to make some additional spending cuts to pay for it...


Tamanon said:
Except with a tangible goal.

They are only tangible if you reach them under or at budget. One of the major problems with any government is the absolute refusal to cut a project that is going over budget.

If you are doing something like an Energy Initiative you set a hard cap on it. Period. You know what your long term goals are and you have a REAL finish in mind. If the project is going poorly or not working, cut it. While you wasted money, you saved money compared to when you keep dropping money in a project to make it work. You dont put conditions to drop more money. Why? BECAUSE YOU WILL SPEND MORE MONEY.

Edit: Obama is a Politician. Politicians sadly all think to a great degree of similarity. If this project goes and it turns out its not working well, what is Obama going to do? A) Admit he was wrong/didnt supervise the project properly and get rid of it or B) Sink more money and go with the common political philosophy, "Lots of money can always make things work?

If Obama was a CEO of a company and came into a boardroom and said, "Well this project has not even reach close to the goals we wanted. How about we just double the money for the project and pray that works," what would the shareholders say? They would slap him.


Why are they always talking about Obama's potential VP and not McCains.

McCain has been the nominee for some time now, he should be the one who is first to pick a VP.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Thank you Jon Stewart for making my crappy day a whole lot better. His first segment on the Black comments and the Barack campaign ad were fucking classic.


VPhys said:
Why are they always talking about Obama's potential VP and not McCains.

McCain has been the nominee for some time now, he should be the one who is first to pick a VP.

I'm pretty sure the Dem Convention is first. Plus, Obama's got a better and more interesting group to choose from.


"It’s revealing that Barack Obama has now been forced to expand the states on his map because he’s so weak in traditional Democratic targets such as West Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida, not to mention his ongoing problems in Pennsylvania and Ohio," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers.

:lol :lol :lol


Tamanon said:
LOL at Drudge, big-case type on the daily Gallup being tied instead of the 2-point lead for Obama.

lol, I think anyone who makes too much of ANY poll at this stage is completely ridiculous, the only one that ultimately matters is in November. Still it's amazing the size of the disconnect between the LATimes/Bloomberg and Newsweek polls vs Rasmussen and Gallup


"It’s revealing that Barack Obama has now been forced to expand the states on his map because he’s so weak in traditional Democratic targets such as West Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida, not to mention his ongoing problems in Pennsylvania and Ohio," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers.
Uh what there is wrong? When did Obama start going over in West Virginia?


NewLib said:
They are only tangible if you reach them under or at budget. One of the major problems with any government is the absolute refusal to cut a project that is going over budget.

If you are doing something like an Energy Initiative you set a hard cap on it. Period.
No. Simply put. It is something has to be done no matter the cost. Again, the parallels are drawn with the space race and it is a valid comparison.


avatar299 said:
Uh what there is wrong? When did Obama start going over in West Virginia?

Well, a) he's not weak in Florida, b) there's not a problem in Pennsylvania, and c) expanding to include all 50 states is not a sign of weakness.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Star Power said:
Well, I used quotes for a reason because I don't necessarily think that they are just black issues, but I'm talking about things like : the prison-industrial complex, poorly funded schools and lack of economic opportunity in inner city neighborhoods, police brutality (his "respect the verdict" bullshit on that Sean Bell case was particularly annoying), disproportionately high unemployment rates, etc. I mean, I can see people being offended because it's coming from Ralph Nader, and "talking white" is just not a phrase you use, but what he said isn't off base at all: Obama is a non-threatening figure.. he's not a *RADICAL SCARY BLACK MAN*, he's "post-racial". That is why he's successful and someone like, say, Jesse Jackson is a national joke even though he's done a lot more than Obama has. Again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing - Obama said it himself in his book, he's learned how to be non-threating in order to placate white people who would be otherwise uncomfortable with black people. The thing is, once he's in office, what will he do for the black community that has supported him so vigorously? Will he be any different than any other president we've had? I think it's a question worth thinking about.

Im sorry Star but that's what pisses me off about this whole Obamaand acting white crap. Think about for a second. If Obama did just the same for blacks that Bill Clinton did we all know black people would be happy.

Seriously on the real, Obama being the president in of itself will probably help blacks a lot. I can only imagine how excited we will be as a race.

And to me it will be no more bullshit talk. Its put up or shut up. No more fathers leaving their baby moms, no more looking up to drug dealers on the block, no more "no snitching" campaigns for regular people in the hood. No more allow our black kids being joked on because they make A's in school.

Its going to be school to be smart, because hell you could be the next president like Obama.

Now of course Obama will help the black community with a lot of the issues that plague us as a race more than the other races. Hell he even said so and talked about it in his Father's day speech. He said that's one of the reasons that he's running for president.

Maybe you and Liara needs to watch the whole 20 plus minute father's day speech.


I can't believe people are defending Nader. He:
- Implied that poor issues = black issues. Because black people aren't successful enough to care about the same things as white people, of course.
- Implied that Obama is somehow putting on an act to impress white people because he isn't talking like a radical preacher.

Of course, the great irony is that the notion that smart black kids are "acting white" has been a large detriment to the advancement of the black community. It is meant as a derogatory phrase.

By the way, Star Power, Obama does talk about most if not all of those issues you listed in The Audacity of Hope. Some of them are discussed in his various stump speeches. They just aren't a major issue right now because McCain has basically chosen to give up the city vote altogether.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Tamanon said:
I think the most appalling thing about what Nader said is that he equates black to only being the ghetto.

I think the most appalling thing is that Nader's comments demonstrate that he literally believes a Jesse Jackson persona and policy is "lurking" inside of Obama. Like, he's suppressing it and how could it be any other way.
mckmas8808 said:
Im sorry Star but that's what pisses me off about this whole Obamaand acting white crap. Think about for a second. If Obama did just the same for blacks that Bill Clinton did we all know black people would be happy.

Seriously on the real, Obama being the president in of itself will probably help blacks a lot. I can only imagine how excited we will be as a race.

And to me it will be no more bullshit talk. Its put up or shut up. No more fathers leaving their baby moms, no more looking up to drug dealers on the block, no more "no snitching" campaigns for regular people in the hood. No more allow our black kids being joked on because they make A's in school.

Its going to be school to be smart, because hell you could be the next president like Obama.

Now of course Obama will help the black community with a lot of the issues that plague us as a race more than the other races. Hell he even said so and talked about it in his Father's day speech. He said that's one of the reasons that he's running for president.

Maybe you and Liara needs to watch the whole 20 plus minute father's day speech.

I haven't seen that speech, I'll watch it later. I agree that just seeing Obama as president would be amazing, I mean I can already see the energy and excitement and pride just imagine what it will be like when he actually wins . But the thing is, so many people have such high hopes for Obama and I dunno what it'll be like if he ends up just another politician who happens to be black.


Star Power said:
I haven't seen that speech, I'll watch it later. I agree that just seeing Obama as president would be amazing, I mean I can already see the energy and excitement and pride just imagine what it will be like when he actually wins . But the thing is, so many people have such high hopes for Obama and I dunno what it'll be like if he ends up just another politician who happens to be black.
Crazy thing is, it has to take someone like Obama so that black or minority politicians aren't always stereotyped.

The whole notion of Obama getting to where he is because he's black should be debunked so badly. This whole notion of affirmative political vetting for Obama is so ludicrious that I have no words for it.
In fact, it's pretty much the exact opposite, we actually expect so much more of Obama than any other white candidates - the news media is pretty much being very affirmative to all other candidates except Obama.

Show me any other politician in the race with the same amount of wit, charisma, class, fund-raising power, political jiujitsu, and composure that Obama has.


NewLib said:
They are only tangible if you reach them under or at budget. One of the major problems with any government is the absolute refusal to cut a project that is going over budget.

If you are doing something like an Energy Initiative you set a hard cap on it. Period. You know what your long term goals are and you have a REAL finish in mind. If the project is going poorly or not working, cut it. While you wasted money, you saved money compared to when you keep dropping money in a project to make it work. You dont put conditions to drop more money. Why? BECAUSE YOU WILL SPEND MORE MONEY.

Edit: Obama is a Politician. Politicians sadly all think to a great degree of similarity. If this project goes and it turns out its not working well, what is Obama going to do? A) Admit he was wrong/didnt supervise the project properly and get rid of it or B) Sink more money and go with the common political philosophy, "Lots of money can always make things work?

If Obama was a CEO of a company and came into a boardroom and said, "Well this project has not even reach close to the goals we wanted. How about we just double the money for the project and pray that works," what would the shareholders say? They would slap him.

This is so stupid. This isn't just another government project. As far as energy is concerned you don't have a choice but to throw all you have at this problem.

And no, it's not going to fail. There are already many technologies that are just hitting that point where they'll be viable alternatives to oil. With more money for research, dedicated effort to reform patent laws and get things going from the labs to commercialization in the US and all around the world and awards and incentives and whatever else the Obama plan has, with all of these things, 10 years is more than enough.
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