Tamanon said:LOL at Andrea Mitchell saying Obama made a mistake because the Republicans say he did.
mckmas8808 said:What was the mistake? Looking too presidential? Are they saying Obama is making deals even though he isn't president?
Tamanon said:I want to say it was last year, but I can't even remember.
And Jack Reed voted against the war also? Hrm.......
Apparently McCain is having a meeting out of nowhere with Bobby Jindal on Wednesday. That'll be a pretty crappy Veep pick, IMO, although it'll mean more people will learn about the exorcism!
Tamanon said:"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.
And now Obama has a natural response. "I listen to the facts on the ground. Like, say, the Prime Minister of Iraq."Tamanon said:"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.
Tamanon said:"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.
This is why the question for him is not whether he was right in opposing the invasion of Iraq.
The question is why was he so wrong about opposing the surge that has brought unimaginably good news to the ongoing problem.
2-week story confirmed!GhaleonEB said:"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
The Lamonster said:2-week story confirmed!
GhaleonEB said:"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
GhaleonEB said:"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
...For a day, at least, the images of the two presidential candidates offered a sharp contrast. In an interview on Good Morning America on ABC, Mr. McCain talked about securing the Iraq-Pakistan border, a momentary misstatement of geography. (American forces are pursuing terrorists along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border; Iraq does not border Pakistan.) His aides staged an event where he was seen riding in a golf cart in Maine with the first President George Bush, while Mr. Obama flew over Iraq in a helicopter with Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American military commander.
What we know is American presidents all support Israel, said Muhammad Ibrahim, 23, a university student who works part time selling watermelons on the street in the southern part of this city. It is hopeless. This one is like the other one. They are all the same. Nothing will change. Dont expect change.
Across the border, in Israel, Moshe Cohen could not have agreed more. Jews there have influence, Mr. Cohen said, as he sold lottery tickets along Jaffa Road in Jerusalem. Hell have to be good to Israel. If not, he wont be re-elected to a second term.
Hes like a chameleon, said Walid Ghalib, 50, as he bought meat from a butcher in the Jabal al Nasr neighborhood of east Amman. One day he is with the Palestinian cause. One day hes with Israel. We have a saying here: Whats better, a black dog or a white dog? Its all the same. For us, nothing will change.
Mr. Obama will be no different than Bush, said Moatasem Hussein, 34, who sold nuts from a shop on a street corner in east Amman.
Whats going to be different? said Jasser Shehadi, 40, who sold shoes in the shop next door. They are all the same.
Across the street, Muhammad al-Banna, 41, said: Obama is excellent. He is direct. He is like the successor to J.F.K.
Instantly, Khaled Attiat, a carpenter working in an open storefront, jumped into the conversation. Oh, come on, he shouted. They are all as bad as each other.
Mr. Banna replied, Yes they are all bad, but still, Obama might be a little less bad.
For me it doesnt matter that hes black or his name is Hussein, said Ahmed Amin, 34, as he drank a beer in a downtown Cairo bar. Hes an American, and so I disagree with most of what he says about the Arab world. I mean, Condoleezza Rice was black and poor, and she still invaded Iraq.
GhaleonEB said:"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
Tamanon said:"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.
right but this is Obama we're talking about, not Teflon John.ShOcKwAvE said:I seriously doubt this will become a story. It's obviously a slip of the tongue. He didn't confuse borders with countries or say the wrong country's name.
GhaleonEB said:"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
GhaleonEB said:"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
McClellan: "permanent campaign mode"reilo said:I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.
When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?
This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.
Not to mention that they usually apply the "listening to the generals" routine to policy issues that should be dictated by the executive branch, not the military.reilo said:I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.
When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?
This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.
So it's Obama's fault that he's awesome? He gets most most of the attention, good and bad, because he's running against fucking John McCain! But that bit on the plane was fucking hilarious. "Agent sit down!" :lolDoor2Dawn said:
:lol that's just so terribly sad :lolDoor2Dawn said:
Eric Kleefeld said:The McCain campaign has come up with an intriguing new way to sell his opposition to a timetable for withdrawal: McCain just might withdraw from Iraq sooner than Obama's 16 month deadline!
"He'd like troops to come home earlier than 16 months if the conditions allow it," said Congresswoman Heather Wilson of New Mexico, on a conference call with reporters just now. "Senator Obama has said it's a 16-month timeline no matter what."
Wilson walked this line back a bit later on, reminding people that any such withdrawal would have to be based on conditions on the ground, and might take longer: "Whether that happens in 12 months, or 16 months, or 24 months, the important thing is that our troops come home with victory and America's vital national interests secured."
Door2Dawn said:
:0 See the press not giving a shit about you has it's benefits. You can say whatever the hell you want.Father_Brain said:The McCain campaign on Iraq: Still desperately flailing about.
Father_Brain said:The McCain campaign on Iraq: Still desperately flailing about.
You gotta be fucking kidding me. :lol :lol :lolFather_Brain said:The McCain campaign on Iraq: Still desperately flailing about.
Door2Dawn said:
PhoenixDark said:Granted MSNBC is the liberal Fox and suckles at Obama's teats
Father_Brain said:The McCain campaign on Iraq: Still desperately flailing about.
Not Morning Joe at least. Sometimes I feel like I'm watching Doocy, but instead its Mika and Joe (and Willy or Wally or whothefuckever).reilo said:The hell? Not the MSNBC I've been watching.
Some shit on Politico is really well written and insightful and other shit is just a fucking joke.Tamanon said:ROFL at Ben Smith. He posted a blog entry with the big "HILLARY BACKER SAYS "I CAN NEVER SUPPORT OBAMA"
And then about 30 minutes later has to say, ok, he never backed Hillary. He voted for Bush, and is just a Jew. The desire to craft a narrative got ahead of him![]()
reilo said:The hell? Not the MSNBC I've been watching.
reilo said:I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.
When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?
This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.