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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Obama Press Conference Scheduled for 10:00 AM (ET) from Jordan

Andrea Mitchell is still bitter about the press not being able to tag along with Obama. She'll probably be sticking a few jabs at Obama for the next several days.


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Tamanon said:
LOL at Andrea Mitchell saying Obama made a mistake because the Republicans say he did.

What was the mistake? Looking too presidential? Are they saying Obama is making deals even though he isn't president?


mckmas8808 said:
What was the mistake? Looking too presidential? Are they saying Obama is making deals even though he isn't president?

"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.



Tamanon said:
I want to say it was last year, but I can't even remember.

And Jack Reed voted against the war also? Hrm.......

Apparently McCain is having a meeting out of nowhere with Bobby Jindal on Wednesday. That'll be a pretty crappy Veep pick, IMO, although it'll mean more people will learn about the exorcism!

What a tweest!


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Tamanon said:
"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.


I would like to know how he is ignoring the facts on the ground. Isn't Obama the one actually listening and following EVERYTHING?

He said the surge helped get violence down. But also said that satarian violence helped separate Sunnis and Shia which helped bring down the violence. And he said the cease fire helped bring violence down.

Isn't all this information correct?
GhaleonEB said:
"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."


Heh. McCain wins. Obama = gaffe machine.

In reality though, that's small potatoes. If that's all that McCain can push after his trip, it will be a smashing success for Obama indeed. I was trying to think of McCain attempting to do a similar press conference but then I realized it would be less substantive and more reiterating of GOP talking points while maintaining attacks on Obama. The urge to change the channel to the more "exciting" Food Network or Lifetime would be overwhelming.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."


This shows that Obama doesn't know that part of the world. Why would Israel be a friend of Israel?

Obama proves time and time again that he is only good when being fed speeches to him in front of a telepromter.

Again its a horrible thing to say what he said and I don't agree with that statement. [/McCain]
...For a day, at least, the images of the two presidential candidates offered a sharp contrast. In an interview on “Good Morning America” on ABC, Mr. McCain talked about securing the “Iraq-Pakistan border,” a momentary misstatement of geography. (American forces are pursuing terrorists along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border; Iraq does not border Pakistan.) His aides staged an event where he was seen riding in a golf cart in Maine with the first President George Bush, while Mr. Obama flew over Iraq in a helicopter with Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American military commander.

NYTimes news analysis
...has a lot of unintentional hilarity.

More of the Same

“What we know is American presidents all support Israel,” said Muhammad Ibrahim, 23, a university student who works part time selling watermelons on the street in the southern part of this city. “It is hopeless. This one is like the other one. They are all the same. Nothing will change. Don’t expect change.”

Across the border, in Israel, Moshe Cohen could not have agreed more. “Jews there have influence,” Mr. Cohen said, as he sold lottery tickets along Jaffa Road in Jerusalem. “He’ll have to be good to Israel. If not, he won’t be re-elected to a second term.”

“He’s like a chameleon,” said Walid Ghalib, 50, as he bought meat from a butcher in the Jabal al Nasr neighborhood of east Amman. “One day he is with the Palestinian cause. One day he’s with Israel. We have a saying here: ‘What’s better, a black dog or a white dog?’ It’s all the same. For us, nothing will change.”

Mr. Obama “will be no different than Bush,” said Moatasem Hussein, 34, who sold nuts from a shop on a street corner in east Amman.

“What’s going to be different?” said Jasser Shehadi, 40, who sold shoes in the shop next door. “They are all the same.”

Across the street, Muhammad al-Banna, 41, said: “Obama is excellent. He is direct. He is like the successor to J.F.K.”

Instantly, Khaled Attiat, a carpenter working in an open storefront, jumped into the conversation. “Oh, come on,” he shouted. “They are all as bad as each other.”

Mr. Banna replied, “Yes they are all bad, but still, Obama might be a little less bad.”

“For me it doesn’t matter that he’s black or his name is Hussein,” said Ahmed Amin, 34, as he drank a beer in a downtown Cairo bar. “He’s an American, and so I disagree with most of what he says about the Arab world. I mean, Condoleezza Rice was black and poor, and she still invaded Iraq.”


GhaleonEB said:
"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."


I seriously doubt this will become a story. It's obviously a slip of the tongue. He didn't confuse borders with countries or say the wrong country's name.
Tamanon said:
"He is ignoring the facts on the ground" naturally. The last resort.


The facts on the ground do suggest the surge is working. No one is saying the surge has fixed the problem. It was created to be used as a military distraction: to curb violence, giving the Iraqi government the time and ability to come to a political agreement/solution. The military has done their part - they've given the government more than enough comfort to fix shit, but it hasn't happened. I don't see how anyone could argue the surge hasn't done any good, or that it is not working. Remember, "working" doesn't suggest the process is finished; if anything half the work is done, and that half happens to be the only thing we have full control over.
great quote and the understanding of who is the president and who is the subordinate and the overall objective of the presidency is to set policy.

Strategy vs. tactics

"The notion is that either I do exactly what my military commanders [say] or I'm ignoring their advice. No, I'm factoring in their advice, but placing it in the broader strategic framework that's required."
ShOcKwAvE said:
I seriously doubt this will become a story. It's obviously a slip of the tongue. He didn't confuse borders with countries or say the wrong country's name.
right but this is Obama we're talking about, not Teflon John.


It was a slip of the tongue, part of a greater answer that has a bit more significance, he actually says that Israel also will have to look at how it handles thing, it's not just the Palestinians:p

Besides, he gave the press so much more to chew on in this conference, especially with regard to constantly saying that he'll listen to generals but not rubber-stamp their recommendations. It really was a good press conference, especially going into details about how the General's job is to propose the best solution for their area, but the President's is to propose the best solution for the entire United States.
GhaleonEB said:
"Let me be absolutely clear: Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."


I often consider myself one of my best friends. I make myself laugh, I'm clever, I always know how to make myself feel better.

Truly a populist candidate.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.

When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?

This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.
reilo said:
I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.

When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?

This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.
McClellan: "permanent campaign mode"


It's the funniest charge coming from McCain. Certainly worked well when Hillary tried it.

Psst, McCain, don't goad your opponent into doing something newsworthy and then kvetch about the news.


reilo said:
I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.

When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?

This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.
Not to mention that they usually apply the "listening to the generals" routine to policy issues that should be dictated by the executive branch, not the military.
I am so sick of this media <3 Obama thing. Most of the time, Obama's coverage is so positive because he's not a filthy republican.

Simplified, sure, but accurate ;)
The McCain campaign on Iraq: Still desperately flailing about.

Eric Kleefeld said:
The McCain campaign has come up with an intriguing new way to sell his opposition to a timetable for withdrawal: McCain just might withdraw from Iraq sooner than Obama's 16 month deadline!

"He'd like troops to come home earlier than 16 months if the conditions allow it,"
said Congresswoman Heather Wilson of New Mexico, on a conference call with reporters just now. "Senator Obama has said it's a 16-month timeline no matter what."

Wilson walked this line back a bit later on, reminding people that any such withdrawal would have to be based on conditions on the ground, and might take longer: "Whether that happens in 12 months, or 16 months, or 24 months, the important thing is that our troops come home with victory and America's vital national interests secured."


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Father_Brain said:

So basically McCain doesn't give a shit anymore. They will be out in 12 months right? WHAT THE HELL!? Obama says the word "revise" and the media flips out like crazy people, yet McCain can flip flop like a drug attict going through DTs and it doesn't matter?


Nah, ya'll don't get it. McCain doesn't have to have a plan for Iraq, he's not going to be held accountable, because all he says is "it depends on the facts on the ground".

It's a code phrase for "I'll wait until the Generals tell me what to do", no plan, not even a hint of one.


ROFL at Ben Smith. He posted a blog entry with the big "HILLARY BACKER SAYS "I CAN NEVER SUPPORT OBAMA"

And then about 30 minutes later has to say, ok, he never backed Hillary. He voted for Bush, and is Jewish. The desire to craft a narrative got ahead of him:p
Tamanon said:
ROFL at Ben Smith. He posted a blog entry with the big "HILLARY BACKER SAYS "I CAN NEVER SUPPORT OBAMA"

And then about 30 minutes later has to say, ok, he never backed Hillary. He voted for Bush, and is just a Jew. The desire to craft a narrative got ahead of him:p
Some shit on Politico is really well written and insightful and other shit is just a fucking joke.
reilo said:
I always chuckle when McCain or Bush talk about "listening to the Generals" and "doing what they say". When have they ever listened to their advice? If they had listened to them, this war might have been over long ago.

When the generals said they wanted 200,000+ troops to invade Iraq with, what did the administration come back with?

This entire war is just one fucked up PR campaign, and they keep playing the PR game instead of doing things the right way.

Was it General Zinni that Bush fired because he didn't agree with Iraq? Bu, bu, bu, bu, bu-I'll listen to the generals on the ground!
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