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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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KRS7 said:
Here's the best I can do:


Hootie said:
It'll do for now! Thanks :lol

And now I'm done with the off-topic stuff.

EDIT: Who am I kidding, I miss my Hotel Dusk avatar. Sorry for wasting your time; maybe I'll use it on Election Day though. :D
It should be edited to say "This is PoliGaf, dude."

maximum360 said:
I fully expect this to be the next McCain Ad (or something very similar):

mj1108 said:


What a badass. President Badass.


Mumei said:
You then said that you believed that it stated nothing useful, because O'Reilly's job is to entertain and provide commentary; I disagreed because it is clear based on their insistence that he is a "journalist" that he is used as a primary news source.
If you think that's depressing, wait till you see the studies showing how many people use Leno and Letterman as their primary news sources.

Yet as I said before, you're missing a step where you demonstrate his audience isn't aware of the fact that he's providing his opinion and / or personal commentary, and instead expect him to subdue his personal views while interviewing or providing analysis. I's submit it's quite the opposite, that people watch him because of his personal views, his "take."

Mumei said:
And I realize that it is not hard to propagandize when you have an opinion-based show, but it takes a special talent or zeal to, over the course of 100+ segments, to engage in 8.88 incidents of name-calling and 2.96 incidents of glittering generalities a minute, I think.
Is it though? In comparison to whom, using what metrics? How does it compare to Countdown, for example?


Clevinger said:
Yeah, intellectual garbage. Not like debating the validity of using a tabloid for a source.
You're saying for example, no one should cite a Village Voice article as "news" or "reporting?" Voice reporters shouldn't be extended journalistic protections? They shouldn't list the Voice in their resume / include it in their clips?


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:

See, thats the issue, Obama has galvanized a ton of first time voters. Gallup seems basically to be writing them off. Normally this is a good idea, but people are more engaged this year. Partly due to Obamamania and party due to anti-Bush sentiment and partly due to a tanking economy that is effecting more people.

If the turnout in the primaries doesnt disprove the old models, I dont know what does.

As Chuck God has said, there is no point looking at likely voters at this point.
StoOgE said:
See, thats the issue, Obama has galvanized a ton of first time voters. Gallup seems basically to be writing them off. Normally this is a good idea, but people are more engaged this year. Partly due to Obamamania and party due to anti-Bush sentiment and partly due to a tanking economy that is effecting more people.
And partly due to the War in Iraq, yes?
StoOgE said:
See, thats the issue, Obama has galvanized a ton of first time voters. Gallup seems basically to be writing them off. Normally this is a good idea, but people are more engaged this year. Partly due to Obamamania and party due to anti-Bush sentiment and partly due to a tanking economy that is effecting more people.

These are all good points. Democrat turnout should be through the roof this year on November 4th due not only to Obama, but Bush. After the last 8 years anyone who considers themself a Democrat will be turning out and voting Row A.

Republican turn out should be in the toilet. Mainly because of Bush. I've talked to so many Republicans in my campaign for County Legislator that are disgusted with the state of the Republican Party and it's not surprising. And I live in a Republican municipality.

And then there's the issues that are so crucial this year. We have a war that has an approval rating in the teens. We have an economy that's stumbling. We have 4.00 gasoline. We have other energy issues that have been ignored for too long and are finally getting traction.

I'm not really concerned with the polls at all. The horizon for this election has already been set.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Maddow strikes me as someone who gets it, even if she often goes overboard.

edit: I will be a first time voter for Obama. :) 19 years old


ESTRICH: He went to a German restaurant that didn't go very well. He had the time at the cheese counter at the grocery store. I mean, I have to tell you, if I were John McCain I would be glad I didn't get a lot of press last week.

What is wrong with the McCain campaign?

HUCKABEE: Well, I think he missed an opportunity. Instead of having some fun with it and showing sort of a buoyant 'hey, do what you've got to do, let Obama go play basketball, I'm solving problems.' Do it with tongue and cheek.

Frankly, I thought he looked more like Bob Dole in the last days of the 1996 campaign saying 'look at the record, look at the record,' and there was some anger and sense of frustration there.

He shouldn't show that. He needs to show that nothing is getting to him, it's rolling off his back, and I think he missed an opportunity to do that last week.

<3 Huckabee


Tamanon said:
<3 Huckabee

I tried to make it through at least 10 minutes of McCain's sit down with Larry King last night. The first 5 minutes involved two really old guys talking skin cancer, with the more wrinkly one imploring the American people to stay out of the sun. A tinge of...well, you know the feeling when your embarrassed for someone and you kind of cringe and look the other way? Yeah. That's McCain 2008.
Second time voter. Last time, I voted Kerry. This time, I haven't quite made my mind up. I voted Obama in the primaries, but the well-oiled machine that is the McCain '08 general election campaign has me reconsidering.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Steve Youngblood said:
Second time voter. Last time, I voted Kerry. This time, I haven't quite made my mind up. I voted Obama in the primaries, but the well-oiled machine that is the McCain '08 general election campaign has me reconsidering.
Yeah, it's amazing how organized and coherent his campaign is. I also like how he is able to clearly get his message across without resorting to misleading negative political jabs.
Justin Bailey said:
Yeah, it's amazing how organized and coherent his campaign is. I also like how he is able to clearly get his message across without resorting to misleading negative political jabs.

I hope that's sarcasm...


Steve Youngblood said:
Second time voter. Last time, I voted Kerry. This time, I haven't quite made my mind up. I voted Obama in the primaries, but the well-oiled machine that is the McCain '08 general election campaign has me reconsidering.
You can't be serious


First tragedy, then farce.
3rd time voter:

2000: Nader (I was still in high school and thought of the world in idealistic terms that dont apply to the real world, sorry Al, but its not like you were taking TX anyway)

2004: Kerry (wasnt happy about it)

2008: Obamamania (my vote still wont count but I'll feel good about it)


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Nazgul_Hunter said:
This is getting pretty sad
GOP-made Facebook-like site linking Obama to Ayers and Rezko

I haven't followed any other election cycle this closely, but have negative campaigns ever started this early? This reeks of desperation and of Hillary's kitchen sink, but that seemed to work more when it was a day or two before the elections, this gives Obama too much time to counter.
I think what is terribly wrong with that site is that it takes donations. Donations for the RNC obviously, but I'm sure some idiot is going to donate thinking they are donating to Barack.

Fucking shit sucks.
:lol at the Ted Stevens thing and the GOP in general...the Republicans are handing it over to the Dems, this bad publicity is going to last till the general election.
Justin Bailey said:
Yeah, it's amazing how organized and coherent his campaign is. I also like how he is able to clearly get his message across without resorting to misleading negative political jabs.
I agree. McCain's campaign has made me see the light.


aorange999 said:
:lol at the Ted Stevens thing and the GOP in general...the Republicans are handing it over to the Dems, this bad publicity is going to last till the general election.

Until today, the Cook Political Report had categorized this Senate race as "toss up."



Queen of Denmark
Second time voter...but my vote for Kerry barely counts, since I only had Bush in mind when I pulled the lever. If it would've been a more capable Republican in office in 2004, I probably would've stayed home.


McCain backs off his no-new-tax pledge

"There is nothing that's off the table. I have my positions, and I'll articulate them. But nothing's off the table," McCain said. "I don't want tax increases. But that doesn't mean that anything is off the table."

"Sen. Obama will raise your taxes," McCain said. "I won't."

...McCain said he would cut taxes where possible, and not raise them.

"Do you mean none?" Hannity asked.

"None," McCain replied.

What a maverick!
bob_arctor said:
That's completely different, though. McCain is simply articulating his position and being a straight-shooter with no concern for how popular his position is. This is completely unlike Obama who simply says what he says for political expedience. Big difference. If Obama had ever campaigned on a bus called the Straight Talk Express in the past, he just might be able to pull of his disgraceful flip-floppery too.


aorange999 said:
:lol at the Ted Stevens thing and the GOP in general...the Republicans are handing it over to the Dems, this bad publicity is going to last till the general election.

this is funny considering the AP story that was on the newswire earlier about the republican senate attack cronies wanting to go full bore at Pelosi and co and tie their poor ratings to Obama.

Cue Sen-R arrest.

Story over.


He also randomly vowed to balance the budget by the end of his first term again after backing off it. It's weird, he's pretty much just serpentining on the issues. On social security he literally has no plan whatsoever, but is allowed to get away with it. Just saying, "I'll sit down with Congress and figure something out"
The campaign is all about Obama.
John McCain is competitive with Barack Obama, but the Democrat is dominating the race.
Photo: AP

If you were to make a movie about the general election campaign so far, John McCain would be a supporting actor.

Despite vulnerabilities that have kept the race closer in polls than most analysts expected — and McCain even jumped to a 4-percentage-point lead among likely voters in a USA Today/Gallup poll released Monday — Barack Obama dominates the race by virtually any other measure. He is dictating the agenda and soaking up news coverage as McCain and his team scramble to react.
“McCain is snakebit,” lamented one longtime Bush loyalist.

On Sunday, New York Times columnist Frank Rich — no McCain fan admittedly — declared that Obama’s triumphant sweep through the Middle East and Europe had revealed him to be practically the “acting president.”

I found the bold part funny because on the Daily Show today Jon was making fun of how McCain says he is president but that Obama is already acting like he is president. It talks about how McCain is just reacting instead of just acting.

More at link.
Tamanon said:
He also randomly vowed to balance the budget by the end of his first term again after backing off it. It's weird, he's pretty much just serpentining on the issues. On social security he literally has no plan whatsoever, but is allowed to get away with it. Just saying, "I'll sit down with Congress and figure something out"

Again, "What a maverick!".

What republicans have in their favor is that many Americans are too dumb to see through McCain's duplicity.
Steve Youngblood said:
That's completely different, though. McCain is simply articulating his position and being a straight-shooter with no concern for how popular his position is. This is completely unlike Obama who simply says what he says for political expedience. Big difference. If Obama had ever campaigned on a bus called the Straight Talk Express in the past, he just might be able to pull of his disgraceful flip-floppery too.

Is this serious or is it a joke post?


Never mind. Well played ^_^


Tamanon said:
He also randomly vowed to balance the budget by the end of his first term again after backing off it. It's weird, he's pretty much just serpentining on the issues. On social security he literally has no plan whatsoever, but is allowed to get away with it. Just saying, "I'll sit down with Congress and figure something out"


Actually, he was for privatizing social security and now he's against it. Of course he gets away with that shit too. :lol


APF said:
If you think that's depressing, wait till you see the studies showing how many people use Leno and Letterman as their primary news sources.

I'm aware that a great number of people use them as primary news sources, and to be perfectly honest, I'm less worried about people using Leno and Letterman than about using O'Reilly. I guess I worry more about deliberate attempts to misinform than I am about ineffective attempts at humor.

Yet as I said before, you're missing a step where you demonstrate his audience isn't aware of the fact that he's providing his opinion and / or personal commentary, and instead expect him to subdue his personal views while interviewing or providing analysis. I's submit it's quite the opposite, that people watch him because of his personal views, his "take."

No, I'm not missing that step at all. We are in agreement; he has every right to talk about his views; it is the way in which he does it that I dislike. If he were to stick to facts, leave the hyperbole at home (Dailykos and the Huffington Post are not actually comparable to the Nazis), refrained from simply making things up (repeated lies about his own previous views and statements, roving lesbian gangs, attempting to ascribe comments to people he does not like that they did not say, and so forth), and he were to put forth his views without resorting to incessant name-calling and attempting to make his side virtuous in every case and the side against him villainous in every case (when it is almost always more complicated than that), I wouldn't be complaining.

But he doesn't stick to facts, he does lie about what he said, what others said, and about stories themselves, and as a consequence of that, he's not just stating his opinions.

Is it though? In comparison to whom, using what metrics?

I'm assuming in comparison to Father Charles Coughlin, using the methodology the study used.

How does it compare to Countdown, for example?

I suspect that Countdown would be found to have biases of its own. If you were to demonstrate a similar level of looseness with facts, I'd feel the same way about him.


Tamanon said:
He also randomly vowed to balance the budget by the end of his first term again after backing off it. It's weird, he's pretty much just serpentining on the issues. On social security he literally has no plan whatsoever, but is allowed to get away with it. Just saying, "I'll sit down with Congress and figure something out"

Not that that the deficit is a huge concern for most pundits, but I really did expect more people to press McCain on his claim that he would balance the budget. Then again, he's rather lucky no one did, whether because they had other things to blather on about or perhaps because no one took him seriously.
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