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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Obama was there for three hours yesterday. Sounds like they're getting close.

Edit: and Kaine just cancelled an appearance tomorrow.


Sounds like this is a done deal to me.

A very good pick. Not my personal choice, but I see nothing wrong with Kaine. He fits Obama's message, might help in VA.. being Catholic never hurt anyone in Penn, Ohio or Michigan, and he speaks fluent spanish.


StoOgE said:
Will he get the Hillary supporters from RI though?

If the Hillary supporters here are as easy to convice to vote for Obama as my parents are, then there wouldn't be any problem at all. I got them both to vote for Obama in the RI primary in March after they told me they definitely were voting for Clinton. :D
the disgruntled gamer said:
Hmm, that sounds fishy, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions.

If this is a done deal, a definitely think Kaine would be a good choice. He'd be number two on my list, behind Sebelius.


First tragedy, then farce.
the disgruntled gamer said:
Hmm, that sounds fishy, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions.

If this is a done deal, a definitely think Kaine would be a good choice. He'd be number two on my list, behind Sebelius.

My personal pick would be either Sebelius or Richardson..

but I think there are problems with a two minority ticket, and I think both Sebelius or Richardson would upset the Clinton folks.

I think Kain is a nice safe choice, fits with Obamas message and will help him connect with blue collar voters from the midwest.


Kaine is good and all, but I just browsed his Wikipedia page and WTF is up with his signature?


Looks like Arabic or something.:lol

Maybe it could be part of Obama muslim conspiracy to take over the world! Holy crap!


the disgruntled gamer said:
Hmm, that sounds fishy, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions.

If this is a done deal, a definitely think Kaine would be a good choice. He'd be number two on my list, behind Sebelius.
Everyone is reading the same tea leaves, but yeah I don't think it's a done deal yet. But he does appear to be on the short list, and Obama seems at the end of the selection process.

He's in my top three wish list, seems like a solid choice. We should know soon.


Tim Kane is a safe but slightly boring choice. Not that Obama needs any more excitement on the ticket. It's not a gamechanger.

Now it's down to who McCain picks. I hope he goes with Romney.


Flow said:
Tim Kane is a safe but slightly boring choice. Not that Obama needs any more excitement on the ticket. It's not a gamechanger.

Now it's down to who McCain picks. I hope he goes with Romney.
Kaine is FAR form safe. Kaine is Obama doubling down on his positives, not trying to fill a hole.

Kaine has been governor less than 2 years, is very young, and never worked in DC.

He is Obama doubling down on youth and change.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Cheebs said:
Kaine is FAR form safe. Kaine is Obama doubling down on his positives, not trying to fill a hole.

Kaine has been governor less than 2 years, is very young, and never worked in DC.

He is Obama doubling down on youth and change.

He'll be a good choice though. Now, since the Olympics are soon and the DNC will be advertising during the telecasts, having Kaine and Obama is genius. After the Olympics, hit the ground running with more specific ads.
maximum360 said:
Nonsense. He's only concerned about helping you and I save money at the pump, and he's got the proof, too. All you have to do is look at how oil prices have dropped since Bush lifted the meaningless executive ban on oil drilling. If they drop that quickly based solely on token, hollow gestures, just think how much they'll drop once we actually do something that signals the start of more off-shore drilling.

Furthermore, if people just stopped whining about oil prices, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, that would help as well.


Agent Icebeezy said:
He'll be a good choice though. Now, since the Olympics are soon and the DNC will be advertising during the telecasts, having Kaine and Obama is genius. After the Olympics, hit the ground running with more specific ads.
It'd be a good image. It follows Bill's lead. Everyone was confused when Clinton picked Gore since Gore was a mirror image of him, southern, young, moderate. He filled no need of Clinton electorally. But having the new fresh faced Gore and Clinton side by side faced against Bush who was in the white house for 12 years was a powerful image.

Obama if he picks Kaine is going for the same thing, new young outsider candidates who want to hit a reset button on DC politics.


Setec Astronomer
One thing you don't hear much about is that the most direct way to reverse oil prices is to kick India and China back out of the market, but hey, global economic growth helps everyone!


First tragedy, then farce.
Cheebs said:
Kaine is FAR form safe. Kaine is Obama doubling down on his positives, not trying to fill a hole.

Kaine has been governor less than 2 years, is very young, and never worked in DC.

He is Obama doubling down on youth and change.

Executive experience. Something neither candidate has.
Hitokage said:
One thing you don't hear much about is that the most direct way to reverse oil prices is to kick India and China back out of the market, but hey, global economic growth helps everyone!
Not necessary. Let them buy their Saudi oil. America has all the oil it needs right here just so long as hippies quit standing in the way of progress!

John McCain '08!


StoOgE said:
Executive experience. Something neither candidate has.
He got elected in 2005 to his first term. He is a very very new politician.

Kaine isn't a "experienced" candidate. Less experienced than Obama in terms of office time held and state wide elections, but he if he picks Kaine he isnt doing it for experience, its to double down on change.


the online betting site i go to literally just pulled their dem vp lines so they must think kaine is it. i could have made easy, easy money :(

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Cheebs said:
He got elected in 2005 to his first term. He is a very very new politician.

Kaine isn't a "experienced" candidate. Less experienced than Obama in terms of office time held and state wide elections, but he if he picks Kaine he isnt doing it for experience, its to double down on change.

They both opposed the war from the beginning as well.


worldrunover said:
I love the Google ads on this page.. "John McCain -- INVEST IN VICTORY" Donate $25
I get a Kaine: Fired Up for Change ad.

My wife pointed out that we'll have Kaine running against McCain.
Kathleen Sebelius: Obama's Vice President? Salon.com and Huffington Post

The Huffington Post


Sebelius is among the vice presidential prospects mentioned most often by Obama's key supporters, including many who say that if Obama bypasses Hillary Clinton then he would do well to choose another woman. At 60, Sebelius is a popular two-term governor of a Republican-dominated state, and her reputation as a low-key problem-solver marks a contrast with Clinton.

Obama praises Sebelius highly when asked about her VP prospects.

Speaking to the Fox affiliate in Missouri yesterday, Obama had particularly forceful praise for Kansas governor and veep mentionee Kathleen Sebelius: I love Kathleen Sebelius. I think she is as talented a public official as there is right now. Integrity. Competence. She can work with all people of all walks of life, but I promised that I am not going to say anything about my vice president until I actually introduce my vice president.

Obama Veepstakes: The Other Woman -Salon


Since endorsing Obama in late January, Sebelius has been a tireless campaigner for the Illinois senator, who has Kansas roots on his mother's side. Obama, who often resists the sloppy excess of rote political praise, pulled out all the stops when asked last week about Sebelius as a possible running mate. "I love Kathleen Sebelius," he gushed. "I think she is as talented a public official as there is right now. Integrity. Competence. She can work with all people of all walks of life. But I promised that I am not going to say anything about my vice president until I actually introduce my vice president."

Perhaps more politically relevant than her gender, Sebelius as veep would accentuate Obama's professed vision of a post-partisan America.



She's cool, but a bit boring and clipped in speeches. A talky white Southern male would do a lot more for Obama and his electability, which honestly is all the VP slot is good for, as far as I'm concerned.

Also: Holy shit, APF is back!


Deus Ex Machina said:
Kathleen Sebelius: Obama's Vice President? Salon.com and Huffington Post

The Huffington Post


Sebelius is among the vice presidential prospects mentioned most often by Obama's key supporters, including many who say that if Obama bypasses Hillary Clinton then he would do well to choose another woman. At 60, Sebelius is a popular two-term governor of a Republican-dominated state, and her reputation as a low-key problem-solver marks a contrast with Clinton.

Obama praises Sebelius highly when asked about her VP prospects.

Speaking to the Fox affiliate in Missouri yesterday, Obama had particularly forceful praise for Kansas governor and veep mentionee Kathleen Sebelius: I love Kathleen Sebelius. I think she is as talented a public official as there is right now. Integrity. Competence. She can work with all people of all walks of life, but I promised that I am not going to say anything about my vice president until I actually introduce my vice president.

Obama Veepstakes: The Other Woman -Salon


Since endorsing Obama in late January, Sebelius has been a tireless campaigner for the Illinois senator, who has Kansas roots on his mother's side. Obama, who often resists the sloppy excess of rote political praise, pulled out all the stops when asked last week about Sebelius as a possible running mate. "I love Kathleen Sebelius," he gushed. "I think she is as talented a public official as there is right now. Integrity. Competence. She can work with all people of all walks of life. But I promised that I am not going to say anything about my vice president until I actually introduce my vice president."

Perhaps more politically relevant than her gender, Sebelius as veep would accentuate Obama's professed vision of a post-partisan America.

As I said for months. Not happening.

BTW your salon link is a good number of weeks old, it was before the Kaine and Biden hype.

As are your HuffPost links! The dream is dead sir.


Obama's post-nominee-honeymoon drop seems to be flattening out at Obama +4ish:



Not a single data point below the +0 line. He's truly ahead, but by how much? DUN-DUN-DUN


Deus Ex Machina said:
She would be a good one to introduce tomorrow at his picnic in Missouri.
Why did you post those two links though? The newest one was July 14th date! :lol

BTW Kaine's trading on Intrade SKY ROCKETED today. He is in the lead waaaaay ahead of the second place guy on the markets (Bayh).

Dax01 said:
Obama and McCain seemed to be tied going from Electoral Vote. Picking Kaine could tip the scales in Obama's favor, but I'm still hoping he picks Sebelius.
how is that tied? Obama 292 McCain 195 Ties 51


scorcho said:
agreed. she had the presence and personality of toilet paper.
Selebius is more of a GAF hype thing than anything. I never got it, since she really never got a lot of VP speculation this past month compared to Biden and Kaine.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dax01 said:
Obama and McCain seemed to be tied in Virginia going from Electoral Vote. Picking Kaine could tip the scales in Obama's favor, but I'm still hoping he picks Sebelius.

Not sure what you are looking at, but EV seems to have Obama up even if you give McCain all the toss up states (and Ohio.

Edit: Ok, that makes sense.

I actually tend to think VA is leaning Obama anyway. I think Kaine tips it to likely Obama.

I hope they announce Kaine soon. Obama will rule the news cycle right before the Olympics. Then no one will pay attention. Then Dem convention.

And *if* McCain is dumb enough to announce Mitt prior to the Dem convention than he really is a special kind of stupid.


maynerd said:
I thought Sebelius was horrible in the democratic response to the president after the SotU.

Wait, that was Sebelius? Oh man, I can't believe I didn't fall asleep during that crap.

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