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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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J said:
MSNBC reports Raymond hunter giesel has been arreseted for threatening to assassainate Obama AND Bush. he was arrested with a vast arsennel of weapons.

Yeah because killing Bush is a GREAT idea, right! Then we'll have Cheney as President! That would sure be swell, amirite?


Clothed, sober, cooperative


In before ABC and CNN present this as a "statistical dead heat."


Karma Kramer said:
So of the three... who would you guys want?


Personally I would want Biden.
Of the above, Kaine. Really hope it's not one of the other two.
OuterWorldVoice said:
In before ABC and CNN present this as a "statistical dead heat."
Pretty sure they did already.

My favorite was the ABC article about this which said there was no change in the "fluid race". Doesn't fluid imply movement?


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GhaleonEB said:
Of the above, Kaine. Really hope it's not one of the other two.
Chuck Todd says that if Bayh gets in, than it puts Indiana in play, while Kaine nets Obama nothing.

I'm still secretly holding out for Sebelius, as I think she looks the best next to him.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Mandark said:
The GOP is now telling us that markets are irrational and easily manipulated. That flies both in the face of their favored economic dogma and the bowdlerized version they use on the campaign trail.
it's mind numbing. if conservatives economists now grudgingly accept Minsky's instability hypothesis, it should put into question the entire rational behind their orthodoxy. there's no way to marry irrational, unstable markets with the 'invisible hand' that demands complete deregulation.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Diablos said:
I like pretty much everything about Biden except for the fact that he's a DMCA whore...
or him sucking on the generous nipple of the credit card industry. (see: bankruptcy bill)
Dax01 said:
Out of those four:
1. Sebelius
2. Kaine
3. Bayh
4. Biden.

Out of those four

1. Bayh
2. Kaine
3. Biden
4. Sebelius

Black dude and a white woman may be too much change for people to believe in tsk tsk

Bayh isn't the pitbull Obama needs but he's got solid executive experience and he'd help lock down the mid west


Hillary said:
"I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002," she says in the Republican's ad.
It's when she actually said that when I realized that Hillary probably does not care if McCain wins or not, because she -- not a President Obama -- can challenge the GOP in 2012.

She should be ashamed of herself.

Hillary knew that Republicans would use this. I expect that quote (among others, but this one is really useful to them) to be repeated over and over and over in various GOP ads in the fall. Awful.
This is hilarious:


When Shuster briefly held a Dem congresswoman's feet to the fire on the question of Obama's vote for the 2005 Bush energy bill, what ensued was one of the more hapless—and ergo entertaining—dodges of the political season. Shuster's guest was Allyson Schwartz, a Dem congresswoman from Pennsylvania.

DAVID SHUSTER: Congresswoman, during the event in Ohio today, Barack Obama attacked the Bush-Cheney energy policy. But didn't Barack Obama vote for the 2005 Bush-Cheney energy bill?

ALLYSON SCHWARTZ: Well let's talk about what John McCain's been saying, and John McCain was in Pennsylvania just yesterday and really had very little to say about doing anything differently than the Bush administration's been doing for years.

Shuster, to his credit, persisted.

SHUSTER: Congresswoman, I'm happy to talk about that, but just a yes or no question: didn't Barack Obama vote for the 2005 Bush-Cheney energy bill?

SCHWARTZ: Well, I think, you know, we have to go back and, and check on that. I'm sure the campaign can give you the specifics on, uh, exactly what, uh, was done.

Obama voted for a 2005 energy bill backed by President Bush that included billions in subsidies for oil and natural gas production, a measure for which Vice President Dick Cheney played a major role. McCain opposed the bill, saying at the time that it included billions in unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry.


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Tamanon said:
Richardson really would be awesome I'm thinking. Maybe they're just keeping the real pick on the downlow.
I don't know... Chucky boy said that Obama's VP would likely be a very calculated decision, not expecting any wild cards.

I personally don't like how all I hear nowadays is Kaine and Bayh. Not a big fan of either of those guys.

Kaine needs a new haircut so fucking bad, too!

Sebelius is the total package, and a GILF to boot.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Condoleezza Rice: US would be safe under Obama.

her legs look kinda nice in this pic >_<
PhoenixDark said:
Black dude and a white woman may be too much change for people to believe in tsk tsk

Really? I don't think it matters. If anything, I think the impact of potentially having the first woman vice President is completely overshadowed by the prospect of the first African American Presidnet.

Basically, people in the mood for "change" are voting for Obama and will not be deterred. Anything that reinforces the "change" mantra can only be a good thing, and besides; a woman VP would obviously help with the women vote.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Yeah, that was an ugly bill. Obama's been framing it around the alternative energy funding that was added, saying that on balance it was better to fund that and give tax breaks to the oil companies than to not fund them at all. And of course, that McCain voted against that portion of the bill.

Ammo on both sides.
RubxQub said:
There it is.
Karma Kramer said:
Jesus Joe Watkins is such a sleez... he gets asked about one of Obama's VP picks and he goes off on some tangent about how Obama has recieved more money from Oil Companies. (which is a lie)

Watkins is a sleez. He spews forth lies as easily as one chews gum.

I don't know how you can be a republican strategist and play preacher at the same time. There's a huge disconnect there.


Frank the Great said:
Really? I don't think it matters. If anything, I think the impact of potentially having the first woman vice President is completely overshadowed by the prospect of the first African American Presidnet.

Totally. An African American President, we've seen before. 24, Deep Impact, The Fifth Element, etc.

Now, an African American Presidnet... that concept positively floors me.



LIMA, Ohio (CNN) – John McCain offered a new justification for the Iraq war Thursday, arguing that if Saddam Hussein were still in power, he’d be a petro-dictator intent on using today's sky-high oil revenues to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

A voter at an Ohio town hall meeting Thursday asked McCain how he would vote on the 2002 war resolution if he had to do it again, given the advantage of hindsight.

“What do you think that Saddam Hussein would be doing with oil at $120, $125, $130 a barrel?,” McCain asked. “What do you think he’d be doing? I’ll tell you what he’d be doing. He’d be doing what he said he was committed to doing. And that’s acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction, which he did twice before.”


JayDubya said:
Totally. An African American President, we've seen before. 24, Deep Impact, The Fifth Element, etc.

Now, an African American Presidnet... that concept positively floors me.


quadriplegicjon said:
and people side with him on the iraq war? the fuck?!
But he was a POW. Regardless of what his stances on foreign policy are, they must be correct. That's one of the side effects of being a POW. Being right about everything involving wars.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
NOW this is a story that I cant wait to see hit the MSM!

Big Surprise Link!

WOW! Talk about helping Obama this year. So Bush sets up a timeline for all combat troops to leave by Fall 2010?! Nice. I guess Summer 2010 would have been too much like Obama's plan.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
mckmas8808 said:
NOW this is a story that I cant wait to see hit the MSM!

Big Surprise!

WOW! Talk about helping Obama this year. So Bush sets up a timeline for all combat troops to leave by Fall 2010?! Nice. I guess Summer 2010 would have been too much like Obama's plan.

that link isnt working for me.


mckmas8808 said:
NOW this is a story that I cant wait to see hit the MSM!

Big Surprise Link!

WOW! Talk about helping Obama this year. So Bush sets up a timeline for all combat troops to leave by Fall 2010?! Nice. I guess Summer 2010 would have been too much like Obama's plan.

Its called taking a talking point away from Obama. Obama cant say I promise to get the troops home by so and so anymore because its already in agreement with the current President.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
laserbeam said:
Its called taking a talking point away from Obama. Obama cant say I promise to get the troops home by so and so anymore because its already in agreement with the current President.

but he can say that he had the foresight to do so.. while mccain was pushing for a longer stay in iraq..


Master of the Google Search
laserbeam said:
Its called taking a talking point away from Obama. Obama cant say I promise to get the troops home by so and so anymore because its already in agreement with the current President.
Obama isn't running against Bush (though the Dems are trying their best to do exactly that) but instead against McCain. Bush siding with Obama on troop withdrawls is a lose-lose for McCain no matter how he reacts.


quadriplegicjon said:
but he can say that he had the foresight to do so.. while mccain was pushing for a longer stay in iraq..

very true though reading the article it does say theres a clause there that the United States can stay longer if they determine its needed.

It really is just a political move to try and take a point from Obama. Will be interesting to see how this is recieved in the press


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
Its called taking a talking point away from Obama. Obama cant say I promise to get the troops home by so and so anymore because its already in agreement with the current President.

Hell naw it can't work like that. Bush and McCain can't brag on this new deal. Its the ame deal Obama has been pushing for 18 months now.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
laserbeam said:
very true though reading the article it does say theres a clause there that the United States can stay longer if they determine its needed.

It really is just a political move to try and take a point from Obama. Will be interesting to see how this is recieved in the press

i hope it blows up in their face and obama's team is able to spin it as 'proof' that he was right, and mccain was wrong in an area that was supposed to be his strongest.


If it means our boys and girls are coming home finally, I'm all for it. I wonder if McCain will now say that the people who agreed to this don't know the facts on the ground.
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