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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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From NBC's Mark Murray and Domenico Montanaro
Recently, the Democratic National Committee has referred to "Exxon-McCain '08," hitting the presumptive GOP nominee for his ties to the oil and gas industry.

But that particular hit might not be that fair. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Obama has actually raised more money from Exxon than McCain has. "Through June," the center writes, "Exxon employees have given Obama $42,100 to McCain's $35,166. Chevron favors Obama $35,157 to $28,500, and Obama edges out McCain with BP $16,046 vs. $11,500."

But: "McCain leads the money race with nearly every other top giver in the oil and gas industry, though -- Koch Industries, Valero, Marathon Oil, Occidental Petroleum, ConocoPhillips, the list goes on... McCain also has a big edge with Hess Corp. -- $91,000 to Obama's $8,000 -- which has gotten some attention. And, overall, McCain's campaign has gotten three times more money from the industry than Obama's has -- $1.3 million compared to about $394,000."

It's also worth noting the differences in how much the Republican National Committee has gotten versus the DNC. (Here's the center's spreadsheet.)
-- ExxonMobil has given $21,195 to the RNC versus $708 for the DNC.
-- Chevron has given $106,9000 to the RNC and $210 to the DNC

For the 20 oil and gas companies the center looked at, they gave $389,735 to the RNC in total and $51,168 to the DNC.
The only way the deal works out is if the conditions on the ground are safe enough for troops to withdraw. Still a fundamental difference between Bush/McCain and Obama's plan.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Tamanon said:
If it means our boys and girls are coming home finally, I'm all for it. I wonder if McCain will now say that the people who agreed to this don't know the facts on the ground.

he'll probably talk about how his support for the surge was able to accomplish this.. and try to spin it as if he somehow was the reason behind this.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
very true though reading the article it does say theres a clause there that the United States can stay longer if they determine its needed.

It really is just a political move to try and take a point from Obama. Will be interesting to see how this is recieved in the press

But again that's the samething Obama has been saying too. He's not going to get out without care for what's happening on the ground.


quadriplegicjon said:
he'll probably talk about how his support for the surge was able to accomplish this.. and try to spin it as if he somehow was the reason behind this.

He's been kinda saying this for a while now.


Plus those donations are rather close, that's not really showing a big difference. That's pretty much in line with the electorate. Now the Hess ones are really lopsided. As are the RNC/DNC ones.


Master of the Google Search
ronito said:
Am I the only one shocked by this?
No I am too. The only other choices for Obama to announce now is either during the Olympics or at the Convention. Both of which were against common thought a few weeks ago.
Going after rank and file employees at a large company generally isn't fair.
Going after management and excecutives with large amounts of options available is a bit more fair.
mckmas8808 said:
Damn it! Im on my Sprint Mogul. The link is on Drudge.com.

OT: Try Netfront Beta or Opera Beta. They are much better browsers than the standard IE. Also, are you picking up the Touch Pro? (I'm passing on the Mogul to my wife. :D )
re: Joe Watkins

Yeah I don't get why this guy can be a preacher and tell obvious distortions in the name of being a Republican strategist. He's so consistently on message and never gives an inch. It really makes me think he's on the take.


The Chosen One said:
re: Joe Watkins

Yeah I don't get why this guy can be a preacher and tell obvious distortions in the name of being a Republican strategist. He's so consistently on message and never gives an inch. It really makes me think he's on the take.

Well he did refer to the McCain campaign as "Our campaign" before correcting himself earlier today:p


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siamesedreamer said:



siamesedreamer said:

Next time actually read the entire article before opening up Photoshop and attempting to be funny. Those donations are just employee donations -- not corporate lobbyist donations.


For our illiterate friend:

And, overall, McCain's campaign has gotten three times more money from the industry than Obama's has -- $1.3 million compared to about $394,000."

It's also worth noting the differences in how much the Republican National Committee has gotten versus the DNC.

-- ExxonMobil has given $21,195 to the RNC versus $708 for the DNC.
-- Chevron has given $106,9000 to the RNC and $210 to the DNC.


GhaleonEB said:
For our illiterate friend:

And, overall, McCain's campaign has gotten three times more money from the industry than Obama's has -- $1.3 million compared to about $394,000."
Yeah but when McCain does it, it's cute.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
maximum360 said:
OT: Try Netfront Beta or Opera Beta. They are much better browsers than the standard IE. Also, are you picking up the Touch Pro? (I'm passing on the Mogul to my wife. :D )

No because it doesn't have the full keyboard like the Mogul. That's one thing that I have to have.
maynerd said:
I've seen you cry about less.


. . .

Just letting y'all know I had another check up today in Houston and everything is clear. That makes 3 years in remission.

Saw some pretty fucked up shit at the hospital this time. You usually see some fucked up shit, but this time it was unusually bad. Cancer is one mean motherfucker. Fuck it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
siamesedreamer said:

. . .

Just letting y'all know I had another check up today in Houston and everything is clear. That makes 3 years in remission.

Saw some pretty fucked up shit at the hospital this time. You usually see some fucked up shit, but this time it was unusually bad. Cancer is one mean motherfucker. Fuck it.

Damn man you had cancer?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
mckmas8808 said:
That hurt bad. "That's not change you can believe in"

That's the worst line in American political history. :lol

"Read my lips, no new taxes."


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
Just letting y'all know I had another check up today in Houston and everything is clear. That makes 3 years in remission.
woo - congrats. sucks you had to commute to houston; even more that you're a Braves fan. acquiesce to the Mets and Lord Pelosi and you will live to be 200!
mckmas8808 said:
Damn man you had cancer?

Yeah - sarcoma. Back in late 04 and through most of 05. Did 6 rounds of chemo, 23 rounds of radiation, and one major surgery. Its got a really high recurrance rate, so I have to get check up MRIs every 3 or 4 months where I was treated at MD Anderson in Houston.

Scorcho - I picked the Mets to win a few weeks ago. ;)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives


Master of the Google Search
siamesedreamer said:
Yeah - sarcoma. Back in late 04 and through most of 05. Did 6 rounds of chemo, 23 rounds of radiation, and one major surgery. Its got a really high recurrance rate, so I have to get check up MRIs every 3 or 4 months where I was treated at MD Anderson in Houston.
I hope it doesn't come back for you man


PhoenixDark said:
Bill Clinton getting major speech slot at the convention
Birds fly.

The media obsession over new found Obama/Clinton rifts is so forced.
Uhh yeah well when you say things like:

One of the dumbest things you could ever say if you were only looking out for your own interests said:
"I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002,"
...it gives the media a lot of justification to act obsessed, stupid as it may be.
siamesedreamer said:
Just letting y'all know I had another check up today in Houston and everything is clear. That makes 3 years in remission.
Glad to hear it, SD! And I thought the Exxon sign was mildly amusing.


Hey, when's McCain going to invest in newer web ads anyways? I'm getting bored of the Ahmedinejad ones.

And Daily Show's "Best fucking political team ever" bits are hilarious, especially Riggle's tonight.


Diablos said:
...it gives the media a lot of justification to act obsessed, stupid as it may be.

The only reason it gives the media "justification" to make it a story is they know the average idiot won't realize that she said that when she was campaigning against Obama. So in turn they use it to keep the race close.
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