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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Tamanon said:
Theoretically, at least the Repubs can't really use this against the Dems without dredging up McCain's first marriage and affair I would think. We'll see, I guess.
I was thinking the same. Looking forward to Hannity tonight.


Small balls, big fun!
Tamanon said:
Theoretically, at least the Repubs can't really use this against the Dems without dredging up McCain's first marriage and affair I would think. We'll see, I guess.

Just like the affairs of Gingrich et al kept them from hammering Clinton.

Or how they had to respect John Kerry's record as a war hero.

Or their reticence to attack Obama for fear of looking racist.


typhonsentra said:
I was thinking the same. Looking forward to Hannity tonight.

These are the type of people Barack Obama associates with! Bill Ayers, Rezko, Reverend Wright, Father Pfleger, John Edwards!
Tamanon said:
These are the type of people Barack Obama associates with! Bill Ayers, Rezko, Reverend Wright, Father Pfleger, John Edwards!

... you must be an Obama fan, cause you forgot LUDICRIS!!!! He's too radical I tell you, and we still don't really know who the real Obama is!


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APF said:
What if the hands are the broken parts?
...what the fuck?

The thread goes silent for a bit and you just couldn't resist, could you? You already responded to that statement.

The only point to posting what you just did was to try and bother people.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
RubxQub said:
...what the fuck?

The thread goes silent for a bit and you just couldn't resist, could you? You already responded to that statement.

The only point to posting what you just did was to try and bother people.

RubxQub said:
...what the fuck?

The thread goes silent for a bit and you just couldn't resist, could you? You already responded to that statement.

The only point to posting what you just did was to try and bother people.
:lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Pretty funny watching all of these pundits proclaiming "I told you so!" followed by "why didn't the media take the National Enquirer more serious?" in regards with Edwards.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
What the FUCK Gregory?

"Is this Edwards affair another skeleton in the democratic party's closet that Barack Obama has to overcome?"


Now we know what next week's narrative will be: How this Edward's scandal should hurt Obama.


reilo said:
Pretty funny watching all of these pundits proclaiming "I told you so!" followed by "why didn't the media take the National Enquirer more serious?" in regards with Edwards.
I can't stand that trend; the media reporting on the media.
reilo said:
What the FUCK Gregory?

"Is this Edwards affair another skeleton in the democratic party's closet that Barack Obama has to overcome?"


Now we know what next week's narrative will be: How this Edward's scandal should hurt Obama.

actually, that's the one area where the "Obama is the messiah" claim makes sense. Obama has to take on the sins of every single person he's come in contact with :lol
soul creator said:
actually, that's the one area where the "Obama is the messiah" claim makes sense. Obama has to take on the sins of every single person he's come in contact with :lol
He forgives them for they know not what they do.


First China is drilling off the coast of Florida, now Russia is invading the state north of them! DAMN YOU COMMIES! STAY AWAY FROM OUR RETIREMENT COMMUNITY!
reilo said:
What the FUCK Gregory?

"Is this Edwards affair another skeleton in the democratic party's closet that Barack Obama has to overcome?"


Now we know what next week's narrative will be: How this Edward's scandal should hurt Obama.

Gregory's a hack so his attempts to smear Obama come as no surprise.

soul creator said:
actually, that's the one area where the "Obama is the messiah" claim makes sense. Obama has to take on the sins of every single person he's come in contact with :lol

Seriously. In contrast to this it seems that John McCain has a media force field around him.

This week, it's been: Kilpatrick is a big problem for Obama. Tinker is Obama's problem. Now Obama screwed up again with Edwards. You might as well blame him for high gas prices as well. Why not impeach him in Bush's place since they're mocking him as the messiah anyway.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
...accurate when it comes to certain types of stories and shouldn't always be immediately dismissed, as history has routinely shown?

Branduil: I swear, I get more shit for being right ...

And the media, according to you, is still liberal.
By the way, I found it ironic that Mike Barnacle stated at the beginning of Hardball that he would not stand in judgment of Edwards but then spends the rest of the hour in character assassination mode. He completely ignores McCain's past issues with marital unfaithfulness and then takes Obama to task saying that he needs to be squeaky clean. Too much objectivity for me.

Chris Matthews at times can be schitzo in his political observations but at least he attempted to be impartial.


So it seems the new McCain strategy is to send random spammers into the gay.com chat rooms suddenly ranting about how bad Obama is.

I was in the chat room just now when this guy with the screenname Disillusionati came in and, without prompting, plastered the following:

<Disillusionati> Obama is pedantically overcompensative, pettily undercompensative, he has no sense of pride in personal power, our independence as a nation, or self-responsibility. A vote for Obama is a vote for defeatism, government takeover; economic and self-sacrificial slavery. "Hope" and "change" are his euphemisms for fantasy and self-debasing ambiguity. Gay marriage is the least of our concerns, (if you're self-confident enough you don't need a president to valid
<Disillusionati> Some see invading Iraq as poking a bees nest, I see it as setting a bee trap. Keeping them engaged on our terms. Because when a single bee knocks down a skyscraper, just "moving on" is stupid. Wars are never ended by choice; they're two-sided. If we hadn't won independence from England, we should still be fighting for it today. The Islamic crusadists are fighting democracy in exactly the same way blacks were (forced) to fight for slavery during our civ
<Disillusionati> We're in Iraq, and we're in Afghanistan, the terrorists are fighting hardest in Iraq, because they value it as more critical to their geopolitical interests, and we should value it most critically in our interests against them. Acknowledging that terrorists are warring against us is not "fear-mongering," it's reality. These are the modern crusades. We weren't in Iraq on 9/11. Obama thinks he's running for president of the UN or EU, but America is an
<Disillusionati> Presidents do not control the economy. Bush is not a King. Congress, and the public itself, share responsibility. The dem congress has lower ratings than Bush. You cannot scapegoat the government for everything. Sometimes it's the natural evolution of circumstances.

The guy's website, as referenced in his profile is http://www.subtletyandboldness.com/disillusionati Seems like a coocoo to me, or at least some moron that never grew out of his overly emo high school years.
maximum360 said:
Gregory's a hack so his attempts to smear Obama come as no surprise.

Seriously. In contrast to this it seems that John McCain has a media force field around him.

This week, it's been: Kilpatrick is a big problem for Obama. Tinker is Obama's problem. Now Obama screwed up again with Edwards. You might as well blame him for high gas prices as well. Why not impeach him in Bush's place since they're mocking him as the messiah anyway.

can't forget Farrakhan and Ludacris!

Eric P

We're in Iraq, and we're in Afghanistan, the terrorists are fighting hardest in Iraq, because they value it as more critical to their geopolitical interests,

someone isn't keeping up with world affairs


syllogism said:
The toll on our family of news helicopters over our house and reporters in our driveway is yet unknown. But now the truth is out, and the repair work that began in 2006 will continue. I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.
Media to Elizibeth Edwards: Fat chance! lololololololol

I'm bummed because this is going to derail the push for universal healthcare she was involved with.

Also, John Edwards is a piece of shit.


Obama campaign is going to push the DHL deal in Ohio. This could cost McCain big time there.


On a conference call with reporters earlier today, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe made it clear that he thinks this issue will be haunting McCain's efforts to win this state: "His appearances in Ohio were completely overshadowed by this. And by November 4 in the Cincinnati and Dayton markets this is something that is going to be known by every voter in this area."

Plouffe also sees an opening to chip away at John McCain's clean image. "He was there a month ago in this community and was asked a question about this DHL issue and did not say one word about his role in this or the role of his campaign manager," Plouffe said. "That is the furthest thing from straight talk that we can imagine."

The McCain campaign has been trying to portray Obama as "grand" and out of touch with working folks because he's a "celebrity." The Obama campaign has its response: McCain's own campaign manager profited directly off lobbying that led to a job-killing deal in your state. Which will carry the day?
teiresias said:
So it seems the new McCain strategy is to send random spammers into the gay.com chat rooms suddenly ranting about how bad Obama is.

I was in the chat room just now when this guy with the screenname Disillusionati came in and, without prompting, plastered the following:

The guy's website, as referenced in his profile is http://www.subtletyandboldness.com/disillusionati Seems like a coocoo to me, or at least some moron that never grew out of his overly emo high school years.
You know GOOD gay chat rooms? Can you please forward them to me?
reilo said:
If Edwards was a republican, this wouldn't be a story right now.

The fact that he was a democrat ensured the story stayed under the carpet until he manned up and admitted it himself. If this was a republican the NY Times would have said something already, like when they outed McCain shortly after he wrapped the nomination up.

This is probably the story the LA Times reported on awhile ago, ie the press knew about a damaging affair but was keeping it quiet

His political career was already reduced to failed runs at the presidency every 4-8 years but this is probably the nail in the nail that's already in the coffin.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

This McCain being mad at congress for taking a regularly scheduled vacation is disgusting. This is from the same guy that missed more congressional votes than a guy that was in a coma due to a brain hemorrhage. Not only that, but he proclaims we can save the energy crisis by voting on off-shore drilling.

What a hack.


OuterWorldVoice said:
And the media, according to you, is still liberal.
Absolutely not! Clearly this one story the mainstream media sat on until Edwards himself came out and said, "uh... hey guys--over here?" has pushed it over to the other side, making the media solidly conserva... Oh wait: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=330614

Ugh! No! Now a media outlet has released another single story, thereby changing the entire nature of the enterprise once again! By Lucifer's beard, the media has now returned liberal, and before my conservative lackeys could capitalize on the switch! Curses!

Oh well, you can't win every day...
That's what Diebold's for


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FiveThirtyEight guy on Olbermann, and he name drops Chuck Todd. This guy must be a gaffer!


GhaleonEB said:
I hope they put the segment online. I love that site.
you know you can add countdown video in it's entirety on your podcast for free. Then you can watch the the whole show ad free everyweek


Zonar said:
you know you can add countdown video in it's entirety on your podcast for free. Then you can watch the the whole show ad free everyweek
No, I didn't know that. I just did it though. Awesome. Thanks. :D

How long until tonight's show goes up?


GhaleonEB said:
No, I didn't know that. I just did it though. Awesome. Thanks. :D

How long until tonight's show goes up?
I think about 15 hours but I could be wrong. and sorry I meant to say everyday instead of everyweek.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Professor Michael McDonald, who has built a reputation for number-crunching poll figures at Virginia's George Mason University, acknowledged the negative campaigning had energised Republicans. But there was a downside for the Republicans, he said, such as negative ads feeding into an image of McCain, who turns 72 on August 29, as "a grumpy old man".

Another plus for Obama is that the negative campaigns encourage Democrats to donate more to his campaign, with McDonald having heard hints that he could have raised a staggering $100m in July, double his previous best.

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