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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Hootie said:
Oh god I just saw John McCain's "Celebrity" ad during the Olympics...



...vote mccain...


Hootie said:
Oh god I just saw John McCain's "Celebrity" ad during the Olympics...
I really hope running that garbage during the Olympics backfires on him. Obama's "Hands" energy spot is so good. Is it being run yet?
Haven't seen it yet.

I wonder how much it cost to run an ad during the opening ceremony, though. Probably explains why the McCain campaign had to scale back their ad buys in criticial states. Idiots..


GhaleonEB said:
I really hope running that garbage during the Olympics backfires on him. Obama's "Hands" energy spot is so good. Is it being run yet?

McCain running that during the Olympics only shows what a maverick he is.

Oh god, look at that maverick go.
Incognito said:
Haven't seen it yet.

I wonder how much it cost to run an ad during the opening ceremony, though. Probably explains why the McCain campaign had to scale back their ad buys in criticial states. Idiots..

$6 million. And yes, it's reason why.


Not worth a thread, but this is the first thing I thought of when I saw this article about the oil situation in the US:



Oh the balls on McCain.


Not 90 minutes after Obama campaign manager David Plouffe made political hay out of John McCain's association with a deal that could cost over 8,000 Ohioans their jobs, the Arizona Republican's campaign whipped themselves into a fine lather of outrage.

On a Friday conference call organized to "discuss Barack Obama's attempt to politicize potential job losses in Wilmington, Ohio," McCain's campaign put Mary Houghtaling on the witness stand. Ms. Houghtaling, who had asked McCain whether he could do anything to stop a widely announced plan by shipping company DHL to abandon its Wilmington hub, received the following answer from McCain in July: "I gotta look you in the eye and give you straight talk. I don't know if I can stop it or not or if it will be stopped."

That response is now being used by Obama against the presumptive Republican nominee, given that McCain campaign manager Rick Davis's lobbying firm has been intricately involved with DHL in the past.

In response Friday, Houghtaling was furious at Obama over his campaign's radio ad, which she said was "politicizing" the tragedy happening to "our little town." She said her husband, a pilot, would likely lose his job as a result of DHL pulling up stakes.

How dare Obama POLITICIZE job losses. For shame, young man, for shame! Instead you should politicize visiting troops!


100% logic failure rate
Oh the irony from Hillaryis44:

I’m beginning to think the Edwards, both of them are just political marriage. Why would you tolerate your husband having an affair while you were dying and then make a presidential run with him.

I’d have told him to feck right off if he’d did that to me. How much would you think your husband really loved you if he did that?
speaking of which, there was a lady handing out "Support Hilary" poetry/flyers at the farmers market (Union square) last week. It was pretty hilarious, having every third word misspelled.

Maybe me think of the good old days when it was democrat on democrat action.
The full version of Bob Woodruff's interview with John Edwards just aired on ABC, figuring Edwards alternately penitent, defensive, and dismissive of the tabloid reports that unearthed his affair.

He also, in explaining his view that his dalliance could remain private, cited Republican John McCain's reported affair at the end of his first marriage almost three decades ago.

"What I was thining was this was something that was personal to my own family," Edwards said, citing other public figures having survived extramarital affairs. He recalled, he said, having heard "John mccain talk about the mistakes that he’s made in his past with respect to his first marriage."

"I’m not the first person to do this," he said.

Holy shit, that's Kobe-esque on the Bitch Scale


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Diablos said:
Holy shit, hillaryis44 is still alive?

The admin certainly hasn't backed down. He's been going apeshit, but I don't think anybody cares what he has to say anymore except for the stupidly hardcore Hillraisers.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
AniHawk said:
McCain running that during the Olympics only shows what a maverick he is.

Oh god, look at that maverick go.

oh yeah. i could have sworn that obama was criticized for buying ad time during the Olympics.. or am i remembering things wrong?


quadriplegicjon said:
oh yeah. i could have sworn that obama was criticized for buying ad time during the Olympics.. or am i remembering things wrong?
Yes he was. And when McCain bought $1m more than Obama, it was wow. What a maverick!

And Obama is up with a positive, feel-good ad and McCain is running his sleaze full-tilt.


laserbeam said:
He used it as if it was some way to excuse the whole thing. Then goes on about how its ok others have done it
Yeah. He was trying to mitigate it - I had sex with her but I didn't love her! So it's not so bad!

laserbeam said:
He used it as if it was some way to excuse the whole thing. Then goe son about how its ok others have done it
He just wants to be loved.

All politicians are that way. Some like sweet passionate love, others just like random hard greasy love. Others just like money love.


GhaleonEB said:
Yes he was. And when McCain bought $1m more than Obama, it was wow. What a maverick!

And Obama is up with a positive, feel-good ad and McCain is running his sleaze full-tilt.

One has to wonder if most of his $6 million ad buy was for the opening ceremonies. That has to be more expensive than the regular Olympics ads.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Thunder Monkey said:
He just wants to be loved.

All politicians are that way. Some like sweet passionate love, others just like random hard greasy love. Others just like money love.

i don't care whatever edwards does with his personal life blah blah ect ect

but i think it was selfish of him to put his party on the line like that. if he got the nomination it would be disasterous. why run for president if you've had an extramarital affair two years prior? there's no way that would just slip through the cracks.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Since the credit crisis erupted a year ago, the Bush administration has presided over one of the broadest expansions of the government into private lending in U.S. history, risking public money to prop up financial firms both large and small.

The administration has transformed federal agencies into dominant players in such diverse realms as student lending and mortgage finance while exposing itself to trillions of dollars in loans.

The scope of these commitments demonstrates the unprecedented nature of the challenge facing the nation. Not since the Great Depression have so many debt markets been in turmoil at the same time, financial historians say. During the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s, for example, the financial upheaval was largely contained to banks and thrifts, though the real estate market also felt the impact.
"We have a banking crisis and an agency crisis and a mortgage crisis and a coming credit card crisis. We've never seen anything like that before. And it all seems to be coming home to roost at the same time. That's never happened either," said Charles Geisst, professor of finance at Manhattan College. He said the Great Depression was the last time financial markets were hammered by such a variety of factors. "But we did not even have credit cards in the 1930s; there were no such thing as student loans," he added.
As the credit crisis worsened, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., a strong proponent of free markets and the architect of much of the administration's response, began to push initiatives that enlarged the government's involvement on Wall Street and in the housing industry.

"What I've said is that I'm playing the hand that was dealt and that my responsibility is to protect the U.S. economy and the American people," Paulson said in an interview.

The pace of these interventions accelerated as the credit crisis spread across the capital markets.


We are such a nation of goddamn whiners.

That's not how government oversight was supposed to work, dickweed!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Branduil said:
Well it is true that most of this is due to people being ludicrously irresponsible with their own money.

That is true, but I see it as a 50/50 thing. The banks should have never given those loans out to people they knew couldn't afford them.


reilo said:
That is true, but I see it as a 50/50 thing. The banks should have never given those loans out to people they knew couldn't afford them.
There's plenty of irresponsibility to go around. People for buying more than they could afford, banks for giving out loan they couldn't afford, the government for bailing out the banks with money they don't have. Someone is going to end up having to pay for all of this, but that's not what people want to hear.


Tamanon said:
How dare Obama POLITICIZE job losses.

That's very possibly the dumbest thing I've heard in this campaign yet. Is this going to be the standard McCain defense from now on, whenever they're caught with their pants down? "How dare you politicize X?"

Here's the link to the radio ad btw (it's probably already been posted, but just in case it hasn't been). Good ad.
From that Kos site that GAF loves to hate:

John McCain took a question from me at today's townhall.
Fri Jun 13, 2008 at 11:58:38 PM PDT

I spoke loudly:

"Senator McCain - I noticed you aren't wearing your flag lapel-pin. May I give you mine?"

McCain: "Yes, sir, you can" (what else was he going to say? - he really wasn't wearing a flag pin)

now I had him front and center...

"Senator, I spent four years in the Marines"

McCain: "Thank you for your service."

"Oh, no sir, thank you for yours. I have a feeling this is as close as I will ever come to pinning a medal on you." (said as I'm fastening the lapel pin) "Senator - you know our motto is Semper Fidelis - always faithful?"

McCain: "Oh yes, I do"

"Well have you always been faithful to Cindy McCain?"


McCain: "Oh no... that's not what I'm going to talk about."

"Have you been faithful to your wife? You won't answer? C'mon - how 'bout a little of that straight talk?"

(crowd beginning to get angry - hissing)

McCain: "Young man, I will tell you that I have a son serving in Iraq in the Marines."

"Yes - I know. I know a lot about you. Have you cheated on Cindy McCain? Why won't you answer?"

McCain turned away.

All of the aforementioned was caught on film and microphone by the networks. As far as I know, it has not been released and probably won't be. When I asked Senator Allen - after the macaca incident - if he ever used the word "nigger" and why he kept a Confederate Flag and noose in his office, the NBC camera guy caught the whole exchange. It, to this day, has never aired in its entirety. The only reason I know it exists is that the video (without the sound) was shown to provide context to the later incident in which Allen's goons threw me to the ground.

Perhaps one day we'll have a media that develops some sense of fair play. They can spend weeks talking about Obama's lapels without mentioning John McCain's identically barren flaps. They can follow Gary Hart around, but even after McCain has his campaign lambaste the New York Times for their story on McCains extra-special relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman, they won't ask the straight-talk candidate if he's been faithful to his wife.

At this point, that video is probably boxed up next that Ark in the Indiana Jones movie.


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Edwards bringing light to McCain's marital issues during this whole thing is awesome.

I approve of this timing.


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maximum360 said:
From that Kos site that GAF loves to hate:

At this point, that video is probably boxed up next that Ark in the Indiana Jones movie.
What the hell... how could that video not be released if it's real?

Wouldn't the news networks be the ones taking the video?


PD, you can't be serious. Every other post from you since Enquirer Edwards story broke has been about his personal life. And now you're "disgusted" that some dumbass asked McCain if he's always been faithful?
hey yanks explain something to a confused foreigner

why is mccain polling so highly? why do people still have so much apparent faith in the gop? i mean, obama definitely isnt a fantastic candidate or anything, but id have expected the general population would be well into 'oh fuck anything but another republican term'-mode after two terms of the bush administration

am i missing anything? like, bush approval ratings are in the low 30s arent they? do people genuinely think things are going to be significantly different under a mccain administration? or do they just not think that the the bush terms were that bad?


manipulate said:
hey yanks explain something to a confused foreigner

why is mccain polling so highly? why do people still have so much apparent faith in the gop? i mean, obama definitely isnt a fantastic candidate or anything, but id have expected the general population would be well into 'oh fuck anything but another republican term'-mode after two terms of the bush administration

am i missing anything? like, bush approval ratings are in the low 30s arent they? do people genuinely think things are going to be significantly different under a mccain administration? or do they just not think that the the bush terms were that bad?

We live in a REALLY partisan society. Many times people vote Republican or Democrat like they support their football team. Plus, McCain had a LOT of goodwill with independent voters built up that hasn't quite dried up yet.
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