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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Tamanon said:
We live in a REALLY partisan society. Many times people vote Republican or Democrat like they support their football team. Plus, McCain had a LOT of goodwill with independent voters built up that hasn't quite dried up yet.

And just like the Guardian article said, your TV news coverage is really lackluster and is the only thing many americans base their opinion on. If your news coverage was merely competent and provided actual analysis, McCain would poll 10 points lower.


Bush overseas this morning lol:


testicles on a cold fall morning
Branduil said:
There's plenty of irresponsibility to go around. People for buying more than they could afford, banks for giving out loan they couldn't afford, the government for bailing out the banks with money they don't have. Someone is going to end up having to pay for all of this, but that's not what people want to hear.
the government and federal reserve ACTIVELY PURSUED policies that made credit cheap and nurtured asset pricing increases to a bubble and then a full-blown crisis.

our GDP growth between 2002-2007 was largely due to consumer purchasing egged on by an irrational increase in paper wealth and cheap credit. greenspan knew that, bernake knew that, bush and his handlers knew that. no one wanted to stop the economic train.


Tamanon said:
We live in a REALLY partisan society. Many times people vote Republican or Democrat like they support their football team. Plus, McCain had a LOT of goodwill with independent voters built up that hasn't quite dried up yet.
That's true. Many people think of their party as if it's their nationality. You ask them who they're voting for, and they say "I'm a republican." You ask them why, and they say "My parents were republicans." Because it's a whole lot easier to vote for the party your parents always voted for than to actually make an informed decision. It's really idiotic and unfortunate.


Tamanon said:
We live in a REALLY partisan society. Many times people vote Republican or Democrat like they support their football team. Plus, McCain had a LOT of goodwill with independent voters built up that hasn't quite dried up yet.
It's been that way for a while. At the time of the 1980 election Carter's approval numbers were in the 20's yet he still won 40%+ of the vote. Habitual voting leads to that.
manipulate said:
hey yanks explain something to a confused foreigner

why is mccain polling so highly? why do people still have so much apparent faith in the gop? i mean, obama definitely isnt a fantastic candidate or anything, but id have expected the general population would be well into 'oh fuck anything but another republican term'-mode after two terms of the bush administration

am i missing anything? like, bush approval ratings are in the low 30s arent they? do people genuinely think things are going to be significantly different under a mccain administration? or do they just not think that the the bush terms were that bad?

The GOP is very good at what they do. This must not be understated.

That said, I would be remiss if I didn't point out Obama is black. Say what you will, it casts an extra hint of doubt into some voters' minds.


scorcho said:
the government and federal reserve ACTIVELY PURSUED policies that made credit cheap and nurtured asset pricing increases to a bubble and then a full-blown crisis.

our GDP growth between 2002-2007 was largely due to consumer purchasing egged on by an irrational increase in paper wealth and cheap credit. greenspan knew that, bernake knew that, bush and his handlers knew that. no one wanted to stop the economic train.

Kind of how the late 90s was built on the back of an industry that everyone knew couldn't support that level of growth because it actually wasn't making that much money?

You will never find a government who will truly try to slow down GDP growth for the sake of economic sense. It a sad truth.


GhaleonEB said:
Pretty direct and harsh. Good to see him using local issues.

With McCain proposing a nuclear plant in every sate (*snickers*) this can easily become a national issue. Hey lets build a nuclear plant in every state and we'll just bury all the waste in Yucca Mountain. No? OK, we'll just bury it in your national forests.


Tamanon said:
Oh the balls on McCain.


How dare Obama POLITICIZE job losses. For shame, young man, for shame! Instead you should politicize visiting troops!

DHL Deal Gone Sour Haunts McCain in Ohio

Wilmington, Ohio - Finally given a chance to address Sen. John McCain, Mary Houghtaling choked up Thursday and began to cry.

Wiping away her tears, she told the presumptive Republican presidential nominee how a controversial corporate deal he backed in 2003 as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee - the sale of Airborne Express cargo service to a German conglomerate that owns DHL and the subsequent expansion of the air freight hub here - had gone horribly wrong.


thefit said:
With McCain proposing a nuclear plant in every sate (*snickers*) this can easily become a national issue. Hey lets build a nuclear plant in every state and we'll just bury all the waste in Yucca Mountain. No? OK, we'll just bury it in your national forests.
We do need to build more nuclear plants. Retarded scare-mongering aside, it's one of the safest and most reliable sources of power available.


Anyway, I'm a bit confused as to why when Republicans appeal to paranoid fears, they're evil manipulators, but when Obama does it, he's "good."


Its a real big issue for Nevada, they have for a long time apposed the Yucca Mountain project. The Native Americans especially have in the past suffered in the western states from unsafe nuclear industry practices. They used to dig for uranium in the dessert and just leave the mines exposed in turn exposing the peoples of those lands to radiation. This is a legitimate regional issue as apposed to McCain adds focusing on personal attacks rather anything substantive.

Edit: I said New Mexico and meant Nevada


Branduil said:
Anyway, I'm a bit confused as to why when Republicans appeal to paranoid fears, they're evil manipulators, but when Obama does it, he's "good."

Obama may drink from the same well, sure, but I can't see how he's as capable or welcoming of such tactics. Just look at the campaigns both men are running. But what do I know? I'm a biased liberal.


Branduil said:
Anyway, I'm a bit confused as to why when Republicans appeal to paranoid fears, they're evil manipulators, but when Obama does it, he's "good."
The difference is, Obama is citing a specific issue and McCain's actual stance. Not character attacks or outright lies about his position. It's a negative ad, but not all negative ads are created equal.

If McCain hit Obama on his FISA flip, it would be more than fair game.


GhaleonEB said:
The difference is, Obama is citing a specific issue and McCain's actual stance. Not character attacks or outright lies about his position. It's a negative ad, but not all negative ads are created equal.

If McCain hit Obama on his FISA flip, it would be more than fair game.
Paranoid scare-mongering is paranoid scare-mongering.


Kildace said:
And just like the Guardian article said, your TV news coverage is really lackluster and is the only thing many americans base their opinion on. If your news coverage was merely competent and provided actual analysis, McCain would poll 10 points lower.
Doubt it. To the best of my knowledge, more Americans watch network news than cable news, where most of that article's complaints seemed to be directed towards (at least, that would be where the complaints would be valid). In addition, most polling of cable news watchers show drastic partisan splits, with something like gt 80% of Fox News viewers voting Republican, whereas only something like 25-30% of CNN / MSNBC viewers do. If you want to know where an enormous amount of Republicans likely get their news from, that (again to the best of my knowledge) would be talk radio. Newspaper readers are generally split evenly, but I've also seen polls where they skew Democratic. Lots of these choices seem to be based on perceptions of bias in coverage, with members of both parties congregating where they feel there is less bias against their candidates / political viewpoints. Part of the problem with blaming the media for political outcomes is, cable networks in particular are catering to their audience; so the argument that there would be more of a skew towards one particular party if only the media were "competent" seems a little misplaced. People drift towards news outlets they feel are more sympathetic and expository towards their personal tastes.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
APF said:
Doubt it. To the best of my knowledge, more Americans watch network news than cable news, where most of that article's complaints seemed to be directed towards (at least, that would be where the complaints would be valid). In addition, most polling of cable news watchers show drastic partisan splits, with something like gt 80% of Fox News viewers voting Republican, whereas only something like 25-30% of CNN / MSNBC viewers do. If you want to know where an enormous amount of Republicans likely get their news from, that (again to the best of my knowledge) would be talk radio. Newspaper readers are generally split evenly, but I've also seen polls where they skew Democratic. Lots of these choices seem to be based on perceptions of bias in coverage, with members of both parties congregating where they feel there is less bias against their candidates / political viewpoints. Part of the problem with blaming the media for political outcomes is, cable networks in particular are catering to their audience; so the argument that there would be more of a skew towards one particular party if only the media were "competent" seems a little misplaced. People drift towards news outlets they feel are more sympathetic and expository towards their personal tastes.

My problem with the media people on all the cable stations is that they try to present themselves to be bigger than the news.


bob_arctor said:
It would have been nice if both men had sworn off such tactics and promised to run a clean campaign.
I keep having to remind myself that this is all downright civil compared to after the conventions.

Also, weekly gallups rollercoaster.



Thunder Monkey said:
America will get... Two presidents?

I think I'm feeling a new sitcom.

One is an evil bastard, who is really a cyborg, hell bent on destroying the world while the other is a total party, frat boy dunts! Its the Odd couple for a new generation. Hilarity will ensued!

Variety says: "Its like Gilligan's Island only with mass murder, fuuuuuny!"
thefit said:
One is an evil bastard, who is really a cyborg, hell bent on destroying the world while the other is a total party, frat boy dunts! Its the Odd couple for a new generation. Hilarity will ensued!

Variety says: "Its like Gilligan's Island only with mass murder, fuuuuuny!"
Coming this Fall to the ABC.


scorcho said:
the government and federal reserve ACTIVELY PURSUED policies that made credit cheap and nurtured asset pricing increases to a bubble and then a full-blown crisis.

our GDP growth between 2002-2007 was largely due to consumer purchasing egged on by an irrational increase in paper wealth and cheap credit. greenspan knew that, bernake knew that, bush and his handlers knew that. no one wanted to stop the economic train.
Worse still, I believe Congress passed legislation to protect lendors from being charged with predatory lending practices PREEMPTIVELY. I remember this from the last time I was living in Miami (03-05). Some people were concerned that credit card companies were lending large amounts of money with slippery variable rates, and that it was going to show as the predatory lending it was. So Congress passed laws to shield them. This was all put in motion by the tax cuts.

Lower taxes and lower interest rates. The people on top reap huge gains while the people in the middle and bottom are too distracted gorging on debt. PEACE.
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