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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Are the polls factoring-in an energized black vote turning-up on election day? I almost hope not b/c I would love to see black people turn this into a landslide. I know historically we don't vote, but I'm hoping things are different this year. PEACE.
Pimpwerx said:
Are the polls factoring-in an energized black vote turning-up on election day? I almost hope not b/c I would love to see black people turn this into a landslide. I know historically we don't vote, but I'm hoping things are different this year. PEACE.

The past few elections people predicted the young and black votes to go up dramatically, and they didn't. So, maybe this year is different, but I wouldn't count on it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pimpwerx said:
Are the polls factoring-in an energized black vote turning-up on election day? I almost hope not b/c I would love to see black people turn this into a landslide. I know historically we don't vote, but I'm hoping things are different this year. PEACE.

Many polls (Rasmussen, Gallup) are showing a *smaller* black and youth turn out than in 2004. The rest assume similar turnout.
I think Obamas real lead is 2-3 points higher than polls show.


First tragedy, then farce.
worldrunover said:
The past few elections people predicted the young and black votes to go up dramatically, and they didn't. So, maybe this year is different, but I wouldn't count on it.

but it already was way way up during the primaries for Obama.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
worldrunover said:
The past few elections people predicted the young and black votes to go up dramatically, and they didn't. So, maybe this year is different, but I wouldn't count on it.

Yes, there will be, at least on the black vote. There is a black guy running.


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GhaleonEB said:

More of Obama's camp calling lies, well, lies.
I vote they buy an entire commercial block and just play this shit during every commercial break for the next 4 weeks.

McCain is a fucking sleaze for trying to get away with all this shit.
Incognito said:
:lol @ people who don't think the black vote will increase
after seeing the Bernie Mac thread its seems black people die everyday so maybe if we do the math of 18 year olds ... damn I just want to be around to vote


Lieberman ‘on McCain short-list’

Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic vice-presidential nominee who has endorsed John McCain, is being vetted as a potential running mate for the Republican presidential hopeful, according to an adviser to Mr McCain’s ­campaign.

Mr Lieberman, who has campaigned for the Arizona senator, has long been ­considered an unconventional but plausible choice for Mr McCain.

Although Democrats have rejected Mr McCain’s image as a maverick politician, Mr Lieberman’s support for the presumptive Republican nominee has, much to the chagrin of his former ­colleagues, helped to boost Mr McCain’s reputation as a bi-partisan legislator with friends on both sides of the aisle. Mr Lieberman, a staunch supporter of Israel, could also help Mr McCain win over Jewish voters.

“[McCain] loves Lieberman. And he is on the [short-]list because Lieberman has never embarrassed anyone, never misspoken. The first rule is, don’t take someone who costs you votes,” said one McCain adviser.

But not everyone would be enthusiastic about Mr Lieberman being added to the ticket. While Mr Lieberman has staunchly defended Mr McCain’s support of the surge, the escalation of US troops in Iraq, and the lawmakers have teamed up on legislative proposals to ­combat global warming, the registered independent is aligned with Democrats on most other issues.

“Conservatives would be pissed as hell – I think you would have a revolt, but sometimes John does what John wants to do,” the McCain adviser said.

Another McCain adviser said that it was unlikely that the Republican candidate would base his decision on “tactical considerations”.

“He can be pragmatic, but on the biggest decisions he tends to favour his instinct for the bigger picture,” the adviser said.

Mr Lieberman’s office declined to comment. But when the senator was asked recently whether he would decline a request by Mr McCain he said: “It’s not going to happen”.

Mr Lieberman has left open the possibility that he would speak at the Republican National Convention, a move that would probably ensure that Democrats would strip him of his chairmanship of the committee on homeland security. Democratic leaders allowed Mr Lieberman to caucus with them in the Senate even after he left the party to become an independent, because it gave the party control of the Senate. ­However, most analysts agree that if, as expected, Democrats win more seats in this year’s election, Mr Lieberman will be forced out of his coveted role on the ­committee.

Speculation surrounding Mr McCain’s short-list of potential nominees has so far focused on Republicans, including Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and his rival for the Republican nomination, Tim Pawlenty, the governor of Minnesota, and Rob Portman, the former Ohio ­congressman.

The McCain campaign declined to comment.

This is terrifying. Not just because it's Joe Lieberman we're talking about here, but because it's probably the only VP pick that can really help McCain.

I know everyone here will be 'lolieberman', but for the average voter Lieberman is seen as a centrist maverick, much like McCain. The two of them together will be very alluring to a country that is so sick and tired of partisanship in Washington.


DEO3 said:
This is terrifying. Not just because it's Joe Lieberman we're talking about here, but because it's probably the only VP pick that can really help McCain.
He wouldn't really help McCain, especially because of his liberal social views. If McCain is having a hard time getting conservatives on board now, that would really hurt him.


GhaleonEB said:
He wouldn't really help McCain, especially because of his liberal social views. If McCain is having a hard time getting conservatives on board now, that would really hurt him.
Pretty much. It's hard to remember but Liberman is pro-choice, anti-bush tax cuts, wants universal health care...etc


First tragedy, then farce.
Um, Liebermans negative numbers rival Cheneys. Republicans and Dems hate the guy. Hiis home state popularity has collapsed in the last 2 years and is unlikely to be reelected.

The only people who like him are the diehard McCain backers. Most conservatives hate the fact that the guy is even campaigning with McCain.

Picking him would be an unmitigated disaster. His already weak base support would dry up and turnout would be zilch, fund raising would die completely, and Lieberman brings zero independent leverage.

and if somehow they won, governing would be impossible. Tthe tie breaking vote in the Senate would be against the president 90% of the time.

No way does this happen.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cheebs said:
He is liberal on social and domestic issues so I don't know what you'd call him.

yeah, but that ensures no consistent message coming from the campaign other than war war war.
Yeah McCain can't go with Lieberman. He'd put every borderline state in the rocky and intermountain west in the toss-up category for no real gain in the ohio valley/midwest or mid-atlantic region.


First tragedy, then farce.
grandjedi6 said:
Picking Lieberman would be akin to a suicide move. Which is why I hope it happens. Two birds with one stone

agreed, el turncoat would be booted from the Senate in 4 years and Reid has all the reason he needs to take away Liebermans comitee seats.


GhaleonEB said:

More of Obama's camp calling lies, well, lies.
Yeah, but we trust a person who uses this font?

America deserves better than a crumpled paper template and comic-sans like font.

RubxQub said:
I vote they buy an entire commercial block and just play this shit during every commercial break for the next 4 weeks.

McCain is a fucking sleaze for trying to get away with all this shit.
And in it lies the problem.
It's easier and cheaper to spread lies than to debunk them, and you end up looking defensive and weak.


Chichikov said:
And in it lies the problem.
It's easier and cheaper to spread lies than to debunk them, and you end up looking defensive and weak.
Alternately, the liar could come across as a liar. I think it is a significant turn that this is the third time in a few days that Obama's camp has called McCain's attacks "lies". Olberman brought that up a few days ago as well - it's a very different response than past races. It wouldn't surprise me if the "McCain is a liar" message gets ramped up when Obama comes back.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
Alternately, the liar could come across as a liar. I think it is a significant turn that this is the third time in a few days that Obama's camp has called McCain's attacks "lies". Olberman brought that up a few days ago as well - it's a very different response than past races. It wouldn't surprise me if the "McCain is a liar" message gets ramped up when Obama comes back.

yepp, its more powerfull than 'that is misleading'.


GhaleonEB said:
Alternately, the liar could come across as a liar. I think it is a significant turn that this is the third time in a few days that Obama's camp has called McCain's attacks "lies". Olberman brought that up a few days ago as well - it's a very different response than past races. It wouldn't surprise me if the "McCain is a liar" message gets ramped up when Obama comes back.
Like a famous naval commander whose name escapes me said (I think it was Nimitz) -
It's a trap!

There's nothing the GOP would like more than having Obama go on and stump saying "I will not raise your taxes".
It's been shown time and time again, that the American public just hear "taxes taxes taxes".

Does it shows immaturity on part of the electorate?
You bet your ass.
Do I wish we lived in a country where you can have a mature economic discussion? like, I don't know, point out that the devaluing of the dollar is an effective regressive tax?
Yes I do.
But I don't think that's the case.
Incognito said:
:lol @ people who don't think the black vote will increase

I'm not saying it won't increase, but I don't think it's something you can rely on for an Obama win.

Oh and by the way, I know Gaborn and others were having the "supremacists will sit this one out" debate, I had heard from a few different places that there's a faction of racists who want Obama to win so they canblame the problems of the country/world on the leadership of a black man.

Don't know if that was discussed, but it's interesting anyway.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hey, so why is McCain spending so much and how does he have this money? I thought he'd be broke. My friend told me it's because he will be pretty broke post-convention due to public financing but I don't really get it. Can anyone help clarify? I see McCain ads everywhere and never Obama.
Y2Kev said:
Hey, so why is McCain spending so much and how does he have this money? I thought he'd be broke. My friend told me it's because he will be pretty broke post-convention due to public financing but I don't really get it. Can anyone help clarify? I see McCain ads everywhere and never Obama.

McCain is trying to blow his load now because he's probably relying on 527 smear campaigns to help him post-convention. He won't need to spend money on smear ads later on, so he's doing it now.

The McCain campaign is also in an experimental mode to try and see what kind of label they can get to stick on Obama. They want to figure out their line of attack now before it's too late.
Anyone else just get a text from the Obama campaign? Apparently we'll learn of his VP pick between now and the convention via text message. Among other things..


Incognito said:
Anyone else just get a text from the Obama campaign? Apparently we'll learn of his VP pick between now and the convention via text message. Among other things..
They'll probably blast the message out the second Obama announces it, simultaneous to email and web announcements.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Incognito said:
Anyone else just get a text from the Obama campaign? Apparently we'll learn of his VP pick between now and the convention via text message. Among other things..

I wish
mine looked like this:

Incognito said:
Anyone else just get a text from the Obama campaign? Apparently we'll learn of his VP pick between now and the convention via text message. Among other things..

How do you sign up to receive text messages from the campaign? I have a MyBarackObama account but I can't figure out how to sign up for that.
GhaleonEB said:
They'll probably blast the message out the second Obama announces it, simultaneous to email and web announcements.

I agree. I think the mention of this through text however means it's coming soon. Maybe this week.


Tamanon said:
Also, any money used before the convention doesn't count against spending limits since he's going to be using public funding.

What Tamanon said. Frankly, whatever the financial gap between the two candidates, I wouldn't place much faith in that gap providing definite and substantial real world results. "Pretty broke" is still a lot of money when you talk about the millions of dollars that both candidates have.

Incognito: I got the e-mail, but there's no way I'm signing up for anyone to send me texts (I'm with Phoenix on the whole "text messages are a scam" ordeal). As soon as the news gets out, the world will know who his VP is. I was more interested by the campaign's Obama Camp training event here in Austin this weekend;-)


ToyMachine228 said:
I agree. I think the mention of this through text however means it's coming soon. Maybe this week.
Good point - letting people know that it's coming down the pipe is definitely a sign that it's getting close.

Of course, the convention is getting close 15 days), so it has to.


Macam said:
What Tamanon said. Frankly, whatever the financial gap between the two candidates, I wouldn't place much faith in that gap providing definite and substantial real world results.
And it's even more significant how they are allocating the resources. Two things noted just recently: McCain spent $1m more on Obama during the Olympics, but ran ads during the opening ceremonies, which were probably crazy expensive. Obama didn't launch his until Saturday. He might get more mileage out if it because of that.

The other is that Obama appears to have a 3:1 advantage in active field offices. Obama is clearly placing a lot more resources at the ground level right now.
Frank the Great said:
How do you sign up to receive text messages from the campaign? I have a MyBarackObama account but I can't figure out how to sign up for that.

Text VP to 62262.

I think since I've have text message alerts activated, I've received a grand total of about 10 texts. Most were concerning local activities, though.

Macam- sounds exciting. Should be a real treasure trove of voters up there in Travis County. Down here in San Antonio, the local Obama people have been hitting up salons and whatnot.
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