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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Cheebs said:
the news anchors still anchor them and pick the questions though

Right, but there's guidelines, and the moderators chosen are pretty good. The first debate is focused on domestic policy and is being moderated by Jim Lehrer from PBS, and he's had a long history of moderating these debates.

The VP debate is being moderated by Gwen Ifill, also from PBS.

The second presidential debate is being moderated by Tom Brokaw, but since it's town hall style, he won't be the one picking questions. I will admit that this one has the greatest chance of engaging in trivialities, but hopefully the CPD will be screening questions before they're asked. Like I said, they're suppose to be nonpartisan and nonprofit, so their reputation is on the line here.

The third debate is focused on foreign policy and is being moderated by Bob Schieffer.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
ZealousD said:
Right, but there's guidelines, and the moderators chosen are pretty good. The first debate is focused on domestic policy and is being moderated by Jim Lehrer from PBS, and he's had a long history of moderating these debates.

The VP debate is being moderated by Gwen Ifill, also from PBS.

The second presidential debate is being moderated by Tom Brokaw, but since it's town hall style, he won't be the one picking questions. I will admit that this one has the greatest chance of engaging in trivialities, but hopefully the CPD will be screening questions before they're asked. Like I said, they're suppose to be nonpartisan and nonprofit, so their reputation is on the line here.

The third debate is focused on foreign policy and is being moderated by Bob Schieffer.

Domestic for the first one. Economics and stuff. Obama should shine here.


ZealousD said:
Right, but there's guidelines, and the moderators chosen are pretty good. The first debate is focused on domestic policy and is being moderated by Jim Lehrer from PBS, and he's had a long history of moderating these debates.

The VP debate is being moderated by Gwen Ifill, also from PBS.

The second presidential debate is being moderated by Tom Brokaw, but since it's town hall style, he won't be the one picking questions. I will admit that this one has the greatest chance of engaging in trivialities, but hopefully the CPD will be screening questions before they're asked. Like I said, they're suppose to be nonpartisan and nonprofit, so their reputation is on the line here.

The third debate is focused on foreign policy and is being moderated by Bob Schieffer.
Brokaw will ask some but they are submitted from MySpace users or something.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
But it's network folks moderating and asking questions (aside from the town hall, presumably). But they are for the most part pretty good (two from PBS).

And they'll be broadcast on every network. The combined ratings for the first one are going to be huge.

I'm at the point where I'd pay $10 just to get an exclusive package to watch the debate (with background behind the scenes footage of both candidates).


ZealousD said:
The third debate is focused on foreign policy and is being moderated by Bob Schieffer.

Based off the last two months, that's the debate I'm most weary of. Schieffer is usually pretty bland and down the line, but he's gone on some Blitzer-esque fishing expeditions of late.


As a Brit, I can tell you..

Barack WILL win this.


The system needs an individual to change the image and perceptions of America all over the world, without sacrificing too many of its objectives, and policies.

yes, call me a conspiracy theorist, but you'll change your mind about me, after barack wins.


Incognito said:
Text VP to 62262.

I think since I've have text message alerts activated, I've received a grand total of about 10 texts. Most were concerning local activities, though.

Macam- sounds exciting. Should be a real treasure trove of voters up there in Travis County. Down here in San Antonio, the local Obama people have been hitting up salons and whatnot.

For those who haven't noticed, 62262 almost spells out "McCain" on your phone.

M = 6
C = 2
C = 2
A = (not used)
I = 6
N = 2


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
mj1108 said:
For those who haven't noticed, 62262 almost spells out "McCain" on your phone.

M = 6
C = 2
C = 2
A = 2
I = 6
N = 2

No it doesn't, you MooCain supporter.
Frank the Great said:
Don't forget:

- How will Edwards' affair hurt Obama?

I already saw a preview for Monday night Hardball where they will be discussing this.
Well, it'll make people bring up John McCain's little affair with a lady named Cindy, one that involved John deserting his disabled wife who was faithful even while she waited for him to return from Vietnam.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mj1108 said:
For those who haven't noticed, 62262 almost spells out "McCain" on your phone.

M = 6
C = 2
C = 2
A = (not used)
I = 6
N = 2

I don't know what the fuck you are talking about!

GhaleonEB said:
But it's network folks moderating and asking questions (aside from the town hall, presumably). But they are for the most part pretty good (two from PBS).

And they'll be broadcast on every network. The combined ratings for the first one are going to be huge.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mj1108 said:
Yup, as much as we'd all like to believe AmMortal without a doubt....the US is full of idiots.

Whenever a guest brings up how Obama talks to us as adults on Real Time, he is quick to go "wtf why? We are all idiots!"
Cheebs said:
Mark Foley! I forgot about that dude, I miss that scandal. Man the fall of 2006 the Republicans imploded so much...
That never really stopped. Now they're literally raping children.

The media just fell in love with the presidential race.
The Obama campaign has released its own "Celebrity" ad.


It's a really tough ad showing McCain on the View, SNL and hugging Pres. Bush. It also says that McCain's "maverick" tag is nothing more than doing whatever it takes to be accepted into Washington.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Nazgul_Hunter said:
The Obama campaign has released its own "Celebrity" ad.


It's a really tough ad showing McCain on the View, SNL and hugging Pres. Bush. It also says that McCain's "maverick" tag is nothing more than doing whatever it takes to be accepted into Washington.
Hmm... seems pretty odd.

Not sure what to make of this one.


Nazgul_Hunter said:
The Obama campaign has released its own "Celebrity" ad.


It's a really tough ad showing McCain on the View, SNL and hugging Pres. Bush. It also says that McCain's "maverick" tag is nothing more than doing whatever it takes to be accepted into Washington.
The ad is only running on national cable news channels. Meaning the Obama team only made it as a joke for cable news fodder to mock McCain's ad, not to seriously sway votes.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Cheebs said:
The ad is only running on national cable news channels. Meaning the Obama team only made it as a joke for cable news fodder to mock McCain's ad, not to seriously sway votes.
That would make more sense to me. That ad just seemed really out of place :lol


RubxQub said:
That would make more sense to me. That ad just seemed really out of place :lol
Yeah their intent is clear when they wont put it on any "real" channels. They just want cable news shows to talk about it. :lol


Cheebs said:
Yeah their intent is clear when they wont put it on any "real" channels. They just want cable news shows to talk about it. :lol
And also to get under McCain's skin.

Chuck Todd agrees on the ad buy.

*** McCain a celebrity, too? If you live in or near a battleground state, chances are you’ve heard the following McCain campaign line on your TV dozens of times: Barack Obama “is the biggest celebrity in the world.” Indeed, at a fundraiser last week, McCain even declared, “He is a celebrity and I am not.” But the truth is, up until this presidential contest, McCain has been one of America’s biggest celebrity-politicians. After all, he’s appeared on Saturday Night Live, had cameos in “24” and “Wedding Crashers,” and was the basis for the made-for-TV movie on McCain’s book, “Faith of My Fathers.”

And now, the Obama campaign is counterpunching with a new TV ad (to begin running Tuesday on national cable) that highlights McCain’s own celebrity, including his appearances on SNL, Letterman, Leno, and The View. “For decades, he's been Washington's biggest celebrity. John McCain,” the ad says. Clearly, this celebrity stuff has gotten under Obama's skin, and that's why the campaign is fighting back a tad on this front. But how serious is this buy? It's cable-only for now so maybe it's designed solely for the cable chattering class.


when is my burrito
With as often as I see the celebrity ad from McCain in Iowa over the weekend, it's made me think about how effective it really is.

I have to say it doesn't really strike me as that effective. When I usually see Republican attack ads, my brain tingles and I start thinking about how the dem challenger can fight back. I don't get that feeling from this ad. It starts with "Is he ready to lead?" then it's like "biggest celebrity in the world" and I'm left with a "huh?"

It might also be because I live in Iowa. Negative campaigning generally doesn't fly well here.
I was watching the Olympics earlier and MSNBC interrupted it for a short news break and said that the Obama campaign said that Obama's vice-presidential pick will be a "campaign first."


Dax01 said:
I was watching the Olympics earlier and MSNBC interrupted it for a short news break and said that the Obama campaign said that Obama's vice-presidential pick will be a "campaign first."
They said that because it is annouced via text messaging. Did you watch the entire piece? lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
ZealousD said:
The third debate is focused on foreign policy and is being moderated by Bob Schieffer.

and for anyone looking for a good bit of dissembling, read Rice's latest piece in Foreign Affairs. apparently, we didn't make the choice to fight terrorism through force alone and some fanciful conglomeration of fp idealism and realism is guiding America to greatness. everywhere.


StoOgE said:
Yeah, I honestly think the timing of this thing is very likely to cost McCain Ohio, which he was already the underdog in.

Should be very effective, ditto with the Nevada ad. Going negative locally with hardhitting ads on local issues seems tactically sound to me.

The Obama Camp and/or DNC and/or AFL-CIO also still hold the NAFTA card, which could really hurt McCain in important states like Ohio and Michigan. Even though the GOP will probably retaliate by dredging up Canada-gate, I think this would end up being a net win regardless: McCain has always been enthusiastically pro-NAFTA, which is worse than being on the record as anti-NAFTA but with some doubts on whether you'll actually follow through on that, as is the case with Obama.

GhaleonEB said:

I expect Politico to follow this up with a parallel story on McCain's troubles, or on "7 encouraging signs for Obama". They seem more fair to me than most sources, even though they do seem to lean right from time to time.


Incognito said:
Cokie Roberts, George Will, and Victoria Clarke.

Quite the panel!
ABC has been pretty bad politics wise this election, their panels on this week, the debate, they brought up the wright thing and made that infamous video....etc

Good thing they are not giving any of the debates this fall.


when is my burrito
AP Exclusive:

Obama is releasing his third book. A discussion about governmental policy called "Change We Can Believe In"

Comes out September 7th.


This book is not like his first two. It isn't a novel like form. It is a collection of his various speeches and essays written by his staff on issues.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν

I just finished listening to "Tales from my Father" last week, and was meaning to get Audacity soon.

Looks like I'll need to speed things up so I can be ready for this one!

Edit: After this book, you really understand just how important the whole "Audacity of Hope" thing is for Barack. That whole church part was incredibly powerful.


1. Barack Obama is six feet, one-half inches tall and about 175 pounds. That means his body-mass index (BMI) is 23.7. The closest previous president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt (23.6), a wildly unpopular liberal president.

2. Barack Obama's birthday is August 4, making him a Leo. Three past U.S. presidents (Herbert Hoover, Bill Clinton and Benjamin Harrison) are also Leos. Because science has shown that all "good things come in threes" and there are already three Leo presidents, Barack Obama cannot possibly become president.

3. Barack Obama is left-handed. You know they say, "only left-handers are in their right mind." This immediately disqualifies him from becoming president.

4. Barack Obama is married to a woman named Michelle. Paul McCartney wrote a Grammy-winning song called Michelle recorded by the Beatles in 1965. The song includes lyrics, "Michelle .. _ma belle_" -- which clearly indicates that Michelle Obama is French, like John Kerry, and thus he must immediately be disqualified from the presidency. (Note: You can see clearly that the Obama "symbol" is red, white and blue -- just like the French flag. Coincidence?)

5. Barack and Michelle Obama like to eat at a Mexican restaurant in Chicago called Topolobampo. Clearly, having a five-syllable favorite restaurant is a sign of extreme elitism. But more worrisome is that the last U.S. president whose favorite food is Mexican happens to be notoriously unpopular George Walker Bush. Clearly, electing Barack Obama would be a third term for Mexican cuisine at the White House -- is that Change You Can Believe In? (Note: In picture, Bush offered to the photographer: "Good tamale!")

6. Barack Obama's favorite musical group is the notoriously radical leftist band "Earth, Wind and Fire." The band's break through hit in 1975 was entitled: Shining Star. This clearly demonstrates the egotistical, self-aggrandizing, celebrity-seeking status of Barack Obama.

7. Idiots like Glenn Thrush write pathetic, reaching stories like "7 Worrisome Signs for Obama" for Politico -- and they get picked up by the Corporate Media, who apparently want to turn this election into a race.
Door2Dawn said:
7. Idiots like Glenn Thrush write pathetic, reaching stories like "7 Worrisome Signs for Obama" for Politico -- and they get picked up by the Corporate Media, who apparently want to turn this election into a race.

Are you serious? Bush's approval rating hovers around 20%, the economy is in shambles, an unpopular war is killing Americans and Iraqis daily, and Obama can't open any significant leads on his republican opponent who he has tried (and constantly failed) to paint as Bush's heir. Please explain to me how that signifies the race is magically a done deal now.
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