Picking up on blogger and Schumer hopes that Obama will play the class card, David Axelrod offers this riff to Adam Nagourney:
Obviously, his strategists met on the portico of the McCain estate in Sedona or maybe in one of his six other houses and decided what line of attack they were going to use."
To those who have been there -- and, yes, the press was shamefully seduced with RIBS there earlier this year -- the portrayal of a "portico" on the "McCain estate" is laughable.
While new-agey and cosmopolitan Sedona is just down the road, McCain's cabin is at the base of a dusty valley in a fairly remote part of Arizona. There is a long deck that overlooks a stream and man-made (and stocked) pond, but no Monticello-like columns are to be found.
To go after McCain on the ranch would be akin to dinging Reagan for Santa Barbara or Bush for Crawford -- places that are more bucolic than glamorous.
Dems would be better advised to focus on the "six other houses" part of it, and specifically McCain's set-up on the upscale Coronado Island just across the water from San Diego.
Many Americans have weekend cabins. Not so many condos on the Pacific Ocean.