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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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A Wikipedia editor notices some similarities between Sen. John McCain's speech today on the crisis in Georgia and the Wikipedia article on the country Georgia. They appear similar enough that most people would consider parts of McCain's speech to be derived directly from Wikipedia.

First instance:

one of the first countries in the world to adopt Christianity as an official religion (Wikipedia)


one of the world's first nations to adopt Christianity as an official religion (McCain)

Second instance:

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Georgia had a brief period of independence as a Democratic Republic (1918-1921), which was terminated by the Red Army invasion of Georgia. Georgia became part of the Soviet Union in 1922 and regained its independence in 1991. Early post-Soviet years was marked by a civil unrest and economic crisis. (Wikipedia)


After a brief period of independence following the Russian revolution, the Red Army forced Georgia to join the Soviet Union in 1922. As the Soviet Union crumbled at the end of the Cold War, Georgia regained its independence in 1991, but its early years were marked by instability, corruption, and economic crises. (McCain)



avatar299 said:
:lol you are more in tune with politics, yet the only reasoning you guys have for Obama not killing Mccain in meaningless polls is "everyone's part of the klan! RUNNN!!"
So not only do you build up that same strawman you attack every post, but you also completely ignore the numerous polls conducted showing that Obama's race plays a negative factor. You've outdone yourself.


Russ Feingold said:
"I think the guy calls 'em as he sees 'em, and as president would call 'em as he sees 'em, and would make people mad all over the place because it wouldn't fit anybody's playbook," said Feingold, who teamed up with McCain to rewrite federal campaign laws.

Russ Feingold said:
"He would be very original," Feingold said.

Russ be mad at FISA flip, yo.

Bob Kerrey said:
"John McCain is a known quantity," says Bob Kerrey, who thinks Obama will ultimately prevail. "You don't look at John and say, 'Who the heck is he?' He's a veteran, he's a guy who got pretty banged up in Vietnam. He can deal with crisis. There's some uncertainty about Senator Obama."


Lv99 Slacker said:
So, these comments were made post FISA vote or before?

Think those comments are recent. He also praised Obama and talked about how he didn't agree w/ McCain's FP etc. Still, those kinds of comments can't really help Obama de-maverick McCain.

Door2Dawn said:
Democrats are so stupid.

With all the evidence to the contrary, I would say only Feingold's comment is. Kerrey's is pretty truthful though in describing a majority of the electorate. But yeah, it ain't helping.


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ShOcKwAvE said:
Wait, somehow being shot over Vietnam and tortured for years means you're ready to handle a crisis?
Slippery slope.

If you start going down that path, it's extremely easy to paint you as unAmerican.

I personally think McCain's service in the military gives him unique perspective, but it in no way makes him an expert on all foreign matters.


RubxQub said:
Slippery slope.

If you start going down that path, it's extremely easy to paint you as unAmerican.

I personally think McCain's service in the military gives him unique perspective, but it in no way makes him an expert on all foreign matters.

Yes I remember how quickly Gen. Clark was turned on for his completely accurate comments.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
ShOcKwAvE said:
Yes I remember how quickly Gen. Clark was turned on for his completely accurate comments.
Yep :lol

Americans are so blindly in love with the idea of supporting the troops, that anything bad against "the troops" is viewed in the most negative fashion, even if it's true.

"Are you saying that you are not supporting our troops?"

It's all bullshit used as a political device.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Alright guys, I'm off for the week to my weekend cabin. I need a break.

Don't worry, I got high-speed FIOS internet there, so I'll be on GAF all day.

I don't have a weekend cabin, assholes.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
NewLib said:
Where I live, tons of people have lake cabins/lake houses. Hell, I know some people who could at best be defined as lower middle-class that have lake cabins.

Property just doesnt cost as much as it does in other places.

:lol :lol yeah okay pal. Most people don't have weekend log cabins.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Incognito said:
I laugh at you all plebeians with simple weekend cabins! I'm off to my beautiful condo surrounded by the pacific ocean!



LOL at CNN. "Is it good for Obama to be vacationing while the situation in Georgia is happening?"

Um....what can he do about it?


ShOcKwAvE said:


"Shit yeah."


Tamanon said:
LOL at CNN. "Is it good for Obama to be vacationing while the situation in Georgia is happening?"

Um....what can he do about it?

They seriously said that? While our actual president is goofing off at the Olympics?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
LOL at CNN. "Is it good for Obama to be vacationing while the situation in Georgia is happening?"

Um....what can he do about it?

Did someone forget to tell them that the ACTUAL president is on vacation?

And wtf do two independent nations such as Georgia and Russia have to do with the US?


Tamanon said:
LOL at CNN. "Is it good for Obama to be vacationing while the situation in Georgia is happening?"

Um....what can he do about it?
And if he were making speeches about it, or demanding certain courses of action, the headlines would say, "Is Obama being presumptious by demanding a course of action in georgia?" Stupid.


Kusagari said:
They seriously said that? While our actual president is goofing off at the Olympics?
But the President is on a diplomatic mission.
oogling female volleyball players.

Obama is lounging in a foreign land with surfers making terrorist hand gestures and getting an even deeper tan.


Tamanon said:
LOL at CNN. "Is it good for Obama to be vacationing while the situation in Georgia is happening?"

Um....what can he do about it?

He should totally make a statement about it while lounging at the beach sipping a rum & coke. Between long slurps preferably.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tamanon said:
LOL at CNN. "Is it good for Obama to be vacationing while the situation in Georgia is happening?"

Um....what can he do about it?

The narrative continues!! Obama must be stopped says the MSM.

Clinton aide: If affair pushed Edwards out, she would have won

Clinton is stumping for Obama – but aides still wonder what might have been.
(CNN) – If reporters had nabbed former presidential candidate John Edwards lying about his extramarital affair, Hillary Clinton would have captured the Democratic presidential nomination, her former communications director said.

"I believe we would have won Iowa, and Clinton today would therefore have been the nominee," Howard Wolfson told ABCNews.com in an interview released Monday, because internal campaign polling showed "our voters and Edwards voters were the same people. They were older, pro-union. Not all, but maybe two-thirds of them would have been for us and we would have barely beaten Obama."

'Had we run a good campaign, we would have won!'


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Fucking hate our media.
'Cept for the fact that Edwards' supporters in Iowa favored Obama as their second choice by overwhelming margins. Anything that gets the Clintonista's through the night, tho...


A couple data points utterly debunk Wolfson's claim.

First, Gallups:


Obama picked up seven points to Clinton's two when Edwards dropped out.



The public data do not bolster the notion that Clinton would have won.

In the networks' Iowa entrance poll, 43 percent of those who went to a caucus to support Edwards said Obama was their second choice, far fewer, 24 percent said they would support Clinton if their top choice did not garner enough votes at that location. The remainder of Edwards' backers said they would be uncommitted under such a scenario, offered no second choice or said they preferred someone else.


Wolfson, spinning away even after his candidate lost. :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
out of all the stupid shit i've witness the Democratic party do, this "Clinton Circus" is one of the worst.

bunch of fuckin power hungry, cry babies.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
A couple data points utterly debunk Wolfson's claim.

First, Gallups:


Obama picked up seven points to Clinton's two when Edwards dropped out.




Wolfson, spinning away even after his candidate lost. :lol

Man fuck these smart ass facts. We don't roll like that.

Now watch the media pick up on Wolfson's comments without regard to the real facts.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
out of all the stupid shit i've witness the Democratic party do, this "Clinton Circus" is one of the worst.

bunch of fuckin power hungry, cry babies.

If and when Obama becomes President there will be some major payback. The Clintons have done their best to piss off the DNC chair, the House Speaker, the (potential) President and the Senate Majority Leader, that's not good.


You can't look at polls and "debunk" that claim, since Edwards not running (or dropping out entirely) would have changed the entire dynamic of the race.


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APF said:
You can't look at polls and "debunk" that claim, since Edwards not running (or dropping out entirely) would have changed the entire dynamic of the race.
The claim itself was completely without evidence, therefore this "debunk" of the claim is more valid then the claim itself.

There is no evidence to backup Wolfson's analysis, or at least none was presented.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
You can't look at polls and "debunk" that claim, since Edwards not running (or dropping out entirely) would have changed the entire dynamic of the race.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...

That Obama had anything to do with Edwards' affair is by far, the biggest and most asinine bullshit in this entire race thus far.

And that is a lot of bullshit it had to fight against.


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GenericPseudonym said:
If and when Obama becomes President there will be some major payback. The Clintons have done their best to piss off the DNC chair, the House Speaker, the (potential) President and the Senate Majority Leader, that's not good.


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APF said:
Posted yet? http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonat...s_Obama_celebrity_more_raises_sex_appeal.html

RubxQub: an invalid point is not made more valid by virtue of the fact that it's given in response to a baseless claim.

God damnit this shit is getting stupid. Obama needs to just hold a press conference and put all this shit to bed firmly and publicly about his tax plan.

McCain is getting away with murder.

Edit: I was just showing that at least the counter arguement has some kind of data to backup it's point. Wolfson references "internal polling" which contradicted public polling substantially.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Here's the link.

Looks like Obama is going fr those 600,000 black voters that aren't registered to vote but can.

But why does McCain's campaign really believe they are going to get 15% of the black vote in Flordia?
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