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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Right now McCain could put out an ad that says Obama Murders Babies and the mainstream media wouldn't refute it, the cable news networks would run it over and over and the pundits would argue about why it's bad for Obama while the others would say how it's bad for McCain without actually putting the validity of the statement into question. They would NEVER say that McCain lied.

McCain now has free reign to make up whatever shit he wants to about Obama and it seemingly will fly.

God damn America.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
mamacint said:
I'm still a bit perplexed by these ads, in a popularity contest, Obama is...popular?

This has taken on new depths. It has white people, in particular, women, talking like this about a black man.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yeah, I mean, who the fuck wants a president that the citizens actually like and agree with his political stances? What good will that us do?

We need a strict, authoritarian figure that will slap us upside the head and tell us that everything we strive for in life is wrong.


mckmas8808 said:
Here's the link.

Looks like Obama is going fr those 600,000 black voters that aren't registered to vote but can.

But why does McCain's campaign really believe they are going to get 15% of the black vote in Flordia?
I'm beginning to despise McCain more and more by the day. And Obama really needs to come out with a speech or something to debunk these lies about his tax policies. Because the MSM sure ain't going to point it out for him
mamacint said:
I'm still a bit perplexed by these ads, in a popularity contest, Obama is...popular?

they're not meant to sway minds; they're meant to dampen enthusiasm. everybody should view these ads with their tongue firmly planted in cheek. these aren't serious ads and they shouldn't be taken seriously. instead of becoming indignant -- canvass. or donate.

i think the media has done a good job debating the veracity, or lack there of, of mcccain's ads regarding obama's tax plans. hell, even fox news took rick davis to task this weekend. and everyone has seen the graphs that directly refute mccain's contentions.


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Incognito said:
they're not meant to sway minds; they're meant to dampen enthusiasm. everybody should view these ads with their tongue firmly planted in cheek. these aren't serious ads and they shouldn't be taken seriously. instead of becoming indignant -- canvass. or donate.

i think the media has done a good job debating the veracity, or lack there of, of mcccain's ads regarding obama's tax plans. hell, even fox news took rick davis to task this weekend. and everyone has seen the graphs that directly refute mccain's contentions.
It's the media's job to look McCain in the face and say "You're lying"

This action shouldn't be viewed as rash or rebellious, it should be viewed as someone doing their fucking job.

No pussyfooting the issue, just tell it like it is.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
mamacint said:
I'm still a bit perplexed by these ads, in a popularity contest, Obama is...popular?
I'm assuming that at least one angle here is to make some people uncomfortable with the perception of idolatry heaped upon Obama.
Incognito said:
they're not meant to sway votes; they're meant to dampen enthusiasm. everybody should view these ads with their tongue firmly planted in cheek. these aren't serious ads and they shouldn't be taken seriously. instead of becoming indignant -- canvass. or donate.
What if the shoe was on the other foot and there was an ad out there calling McCain a womanizer who deserted his disabled wife to marry a younger heiress whom he later called the worst name imaginable in public? The difference being that this stuff actually happened and McCain's campaign is pulling shit out of their asses with this tax-raising and "dr. no of energy policy" crap.


APF said:

Stupid ad--it's not even funny, which is a big no-no when you're attempting light-as-air mockery. And bringing in his supporters like that? Well, I don't think insulting that many people, particularly women, will work in his favor. Comes off as elitist, really. And still with the outright lie about the tax increase on the lower/middle classes? A classic example of how not to separate yourself from 8 years of Bush.

But hey, maybe those noble independents, true mavericks themselves, will be swayed by sheer volume of bullshit.
RubxQub said:
It's the media's job to look McCain in the face and say "You're lying"

This action shouldn't be viewed as rash or rebellious, it should be viewed as someone doing their fucking job.

No pussyfooting the issue, just tell it like it is.

all of mccain's ads have been widely mocked and questioned by most of the media i've read and watched. and criticism has been especially scathing in such crucial swings states ohio and florida. fact is, these ads haven't gotten mccain much of anything in regards to polling. of course, maybe their true goal was to fire up the base but doing so carries the strong risk of ruining mccain's "brand" and jeopardizing a large % of the independent vote. either way, things aren't going well for team mccain.
polyh3dron said:
What if the shoe was on the other foot and there was an ad out there calling McCain a womanizer who deserted his disabled wife to marry a younger heiress whom he later called the worst name imaginable in public? The difference being that this stuff actually happened and McCain's campaign is pulling shit out of their asses with this tax-raising and "dr. no of energy policy" crap.

dude. if you think it's bad now just wait until october when all you'll see on your teevee is a poster-board graciously put up by the GOP delineating all the ways in which socialized healthcare is bad for you.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Incognito said:
all of mccain's ads have been widely mocked and questioned by most of the media i've read and watched. and criticism has been especially scathing in such crucial swings states ohio and florida. fact is, these ads haven't gotten mccain much of anything in regards to polling. of course, maybe their true goal was to fire up the base but doing so carries the strong risk of ruining mccain's "brand" and jeopardizing a large % of the independent vote. either way, things aren't going well for team mccain.
I hear you, I just wish the media would just look stone faced at the camera and just say "these are lies".

Americans need this kind of directness. The fact that McCain keeps touting this "taxing people who make $42,000" line and isn't instantly dropped by the public as a loon is fucking scary.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
mamacint said:
I'm still a bit perplexed by these ads, in a popularity contest, Obama is...popular?

Their point is people vote for Obama because he looks and sounds sexy (Mccain's interpretation of life). While people like McCain purely based on policy ONLY!
mckmas8808 said:
Here's the link.

Looks like Obama is going fr those 600,000 black voters that aren't registered to vote but can.

But why does McCain's campaign really believe they are going to get 15% of the black vote in Flordia?

I just hope Obama's camp sends people into those predominantly black areas and ensures no disenfranchisement bullshittery is going on. We got to see how good the Obama camp's ground game was during the primaries (thanks to some great reporting by Chuck Todd and others), I'd imagine it's far bigger now
polyh3dron said:
He's not a Muslim...

...as far as I know!

That was taken pretty out of context. She pretty categorically said "No" right before that, just a case of the media creating a story that wasn't there.
APF said:
Posted yet? http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonat...s_Obama_celebrity_more_raises_sex_appeal.html

RubxQub: an invalid point is not made more valid by virtue of the fact that it's given in response to a baseless claim.
Wow, how much more mileage can McCain get out of this flatout lie of him raising taxes for those who make over $42,000 before he actually gets called out as being a liar? Obama got put under intense scrutiny for simply saying he doesn't look like the presidents on the US currency for chrissake.
I really hope Obama wins, not only because I think he will be better for this country... but because I can't wait to spout the biggest "I told you so," to some of my family.


What's interesting to me is that McCain's camp wants to discuss nothing else but the misplaced hero worship so many have of Obama and yet come off as more on his dick than anyone.

Stop riding it, McCain. Talk about your own shit.
mamacint said:
That was taken pretty out of context. She pretty categorically said "No" right before that, just a case of the media creating a story that wasn't there.
With this new information it would seem to be quite intentional.
bob_arctor said:
What's interesting to me is that McCain's camp wants to discuss nothing else but the misplaced hero worship so many have of Obama and yet come off as more on his dick than anyone.

Stop riding it, McCain. Talk about your own shit.

Obama's reply to these ads should be simply:

"Looks like Washington's own celebrity is jealous of people-powered movements"


Karma Kramer said:
I really hope Obama wins, not only because I think he will be better for this country... but because I can't wait to spout the biggest "I told you so," to some of my family.
But if McCain wins you'll have 4 years of "I told you so".

Justin Bailey

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bob_arctor said:
What's interesting to me is that McCain's camp wants to discuss nothing else but the misplaced hero worship so many have of Obama and yet come off as more on his dick than anyone.

Stop riding it, McCain. Talk about your own shit.
He will. This is just to strike a few blows before the conventions and steal some thunder.

Does anyone have a link to a quote or something where McCain pledges to make this about issues and not stoop to personal attacks? I thought I remember him saying that.


Is this the part where a Republican will point out how it's all in good fun and that we shouldn't be so serious? "Lighten up, liberals!" *yukyuk* I so love that tac.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i say Obama respond back with a montage of various elderly women (some in wheelchairs, some in hospices, etc.) professing their lovejones for McCain. i mean, it's only fair...


polyh3dron said:
Nope, they'd say he's being arrogant and uppity.

No, Obama's supporters will say that they're portraying him as uppity, and then the other side will act offended that Obama's supporters would dare bring race into this.
Karma Kramer said:
I really hope Obama wins, not only because I think he will be better for this country... but because I can't wait to spout the biggest "I told you so," to some of my family.

Record it.
Josh Goodman compares state polling in the presidential race to the results of the 2004 election and finds that Sen. John McCain "is only running ahead of Bush's 2004 result in four states." Meanwhile, Sen. Barack Obama "is doing at least 2.46 percentage points better than Kerry in 41 states. In 2004, 2.46 was Bush's margin of victory in the national popular vote."

Most interesting fact: "Every single one of Obama's 12 strongest states when compared to Kerry has an African-American population that is below the national average of 12.4%. This group includes four states -- Montana, Idaho, South Dakota and Wyoming -- that have the four lowest black populations in the country."


PhoenixDark said:
Most interesting fact: "Every single one of Obama's 12 strongest states when compared to Kerry has an African-American population that is below the national average of 12.4%. This group includes four states -- Montana, Idaho, South Dakota and Wyoming -- that have the four lowest black populations in the country."

Well those people must be latte-sipping liberals. Or not women. Or hard-working. Or something.
GhaleonEB said:
A couple data points utterly debunk Wolfson's claim.

First, Gallups:


Obama picked up seven points to Clinton's two when Edwards dropped out.




Wolfson, spinning away even after his candidate lost. :lol
Wait, wtf is this?

It's been a long time since I've entered a poligaf thread, so I'm not following. Does that graph show that Clinton has more chances of becoming pres at the moment than Obama? 0_o


Souldriver said:
Wait, wtf is this?

It's been a long time since I've entered a poligaf thread, so I'm not following. Does that graph show that Clinton has more chances of becoming pres at the moment than Obama? 0_o
Old graph. Check the dates.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Souldriver said:
Wait, wtf is this?

It's been a long time since I've entered a poligaf thread, so I'm not following. Does that graph show that Clinton has more chances of becoming pres at the moment than Obama? 0_o

That was back in January...


Souldriver said:
Wait, wtf is this?

It's been a long time since I've entered a poligaf thread, so I'm not following. Does that graph show that Clinton has more chances of becoming pres at the moment than Obama? 0_o

Er.....no, that's from January. Showing that as Edwards support dropped, Obama's went up.
@ Anihawk, Reilo, Tamanon: thanks, the graph surprised me so much I didn't notice the dates. I actually thought the sudden drop of edwards was because he admitted having an affair. :)


Souldriver said:
Wait, wtf is this?

It's been a long time since I've entered a poligaf thread, so I'm not following. Does that graph show that Clinton has more chances of becoming pres at the moment than Obama? 0_o
It's been said, but to clarify:

1) Wolfson claims had Edwards dropped out before Iowa, most of Edwards' supporters would have moved on to Clinton.

2) That graph shows Gallup's daily tracking poll until the last day Edwards was included on their report.

3) After Edwards dropped out, Obama picked up seven points, and Clinton two.

4) Therefore, this is one data point indicating that most of Edwards' backers actually supported Obama as a second choice.


It can't be about raping our white daughters, that's what the Paris Hilton one was secretly about. Right now Democrat cryptologists are working feverishly to decode the ultra-secret "Redneck Code" viv this ad.

bob_arctor said:
Stupid ad--it's not even funny, which is a big no-no when you're attempting light-as-air mockery. And bringing in his supporters like that? Well, I don't think insulting that many people, particularly women, will work in his favor. Comes off as elitist, really. And still with the outright lie about the tax increase on the lower/middle classes? A classic example of how not to separate yourself from 8 years of Bush.

But hey, maybe those noble independents, true mavericks themselves, will be swayed by sheer volume of bullshit.
I agree, they're not particularly funny when you watch them; you're more asking yourself, "WTF were they thinking?" I think they must have sounded better in the war room / conceptually, than they are in manifest form.

IIRC the focus group polling I've seen indicates some statistically-insignificant bump in approval by McCain voters / Republicans, and hardening of negative attitudes toward him from Dems / independents after viewing these ads (the "Celeb" one at least).

mamacint said:
That was taken pretty out of context. She pretty categorically said "No" right before that, just a case of the media creating a story that wasn't there.
Ugh where were you months ago when I was being harassed for pointing out that truth?
Souldriver said:
@ Anihawk, Reilo, Tamanon: thanks, the graph surprised me so much I didn't notice the dates. I actually thought the sudden drop of edwards was because he admitted having an affair. :)

Now that's cleared up, how are things in Belgium? :D
From NBC's Mark Murray and NBC/NJ's Matthew E. Berger
Monday, August 25 -- "One Nation"
Monday's headline prime-time speaker will be Michelle Obama.

Tuesday, August 26 - "Renewing America's Promise"
Sen. Hillary Clinton will be the headline prime-time speaker on Tuesday night.

Wednesday, August 27 -- "Securing America's Future"
The vice presidential acceptance speech

Thursday, August 28 - "Change You Can Believe In"
Obama's acceptance speech

Just asking: Should we read anything into Wednesday's theme about Obama's veep pick? Hmmmmm.... On a conference call announcing these themes, however, Democrats said that night would be a salute to veterans.

*** UPDATE *** NBC/NJ's Matthew E. Berger has more: Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius today unveiled the themes for the four days of the Democratic National Convention, saying the four-day event in Denver will allow new people to participate through virtual town hall meetings. “We have plans not only to include voices not only from across American but people from across America who have never had the opportunity to participate before,” Sebelius said.

Citizens will be able to ask questions online or through “open calls” at eight swing-state cities that will be answered live at the convention.

On Monday night, the convention will kick off showcasing Obama as a “new leader ready to serve as president of the United States," Sebelius said. Michelle Obama was previously announced as the keynote speaker that night.

The focus will shift to economic challenges on Tuesday night, with Hillary Clinton as the keynote speaker. Media reports have suggested she will be introduced by her daughter, Chelsea.

Wednesday night will center around the contributions of veterans and foreign policy issues, raising the prospect that Obama’s vice presidential nominee will have a foreign policy background. Obama campaign adviser Anita Dunn said “anyone who Sen. Obama picks as vice president will be more than prepared to address those issues.”

Obama will officially accept the nomination at Invesco Field at Mile High on Thursday night.

Convention officials are expected to announce more details throughout the week, including when former President Bill Clinton will speak.

Dunn also confirmed that neither John Edwards nor his wife Elizabeth will address delegates in Denver.
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