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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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GhaleonEB said:
And today's PPP poll had Obama down by four, pretty much unchanged. fivethirtyeight points out this is the only state where McCain has a field office advantage of about 30. (though they are shared with the local GOP campaigns). The Florida GOP machine is huge.

Making it most likely out of play.
Firestorm Erupts Over Comparing McCain Cheating To Edwards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saDewF41rJI

Big props to Alan Colmes for pointing out the similarities between John Edwards' infidelity and John McCain's and asking why Edwards is unfit for public office as a result but McCain is not. After soundly denouncing Edwards as unworthy of the presidency because he broke his marriage vows to an ailing wife, none of the conservatives could come up with a decent explanation about why McCain’s similar behavior was any less despicable. Sean Hannity was so flustered that he repeatedly tried to interrupt Colmes and carried the argument over to the next segment. More props to Colmes for refusing to back down. With video.

In an unbalanced panel, the three conservatives (two guests plus Hannity) worked themselves into a self-righteous lather of sanctimony against John Edwards that included attacks on the so-called liberal media for not going after him harder. It was obvious they were completely unprepared for Colmes' very apt comparison of Edwards to McCain.

Chris Wilson, Republican pollster, said, “(Edwards is) running for president on moral values. His wife has been diagnosed with cancer and yet this is a man that we’re going to trust of leading the free world? ...That’s why this is an issue.”

Hannity smacked his hands together as he said, “If you can’t keep a promise to your family, can’t keep a promise to your wife, you’re having an affair, you’re lying about the affair repeatedly. Why should the American people trust you when you say you’re not gonna lie to them? Why should we trust you?”

“That’s a great question Sean asked,” Colmes said as he began his turn. To conservative Amanda Carpenter, Colmes asked, “Amanda, if that’s true, you can’t trust somebody who had an affair, how can we trust John McCain to be president of the United States since he cheated, by his own admission, on his first wife? He didn’t keep his marital vows. He didn’t keep his pledge to his first family.”

That’s when the fireworks started. Carpenter dodged the question by saying it's an issue that has been thoroughly vetted. Wilson made the laughable claim that Edwards had attacked Clinton for cheating on his wife. Hannity had a major hissy fit (most likely because he had been caught red-handed with his own hypocrisy) and insisted that McCain’s behavior should be viewed through the lens of having returned home from being a POW.........


Wow. It looks like Colmes was de-neutered for a day there... :lol


Wow Colmes grew his balls back for a bit. And I loved their defense: "but..but.. CLINTON!!.... but.. but.. ROBERT BYRD!!.. but but McCain was a POW"


Cyan said:
Yeah, I thought of that after I posted. :)
Uh how is Mark Warner at all an unknown like Obama? He was a co-founder of many tech companies, including Nextel which lead him to becoming VERY VERY rich. Hew was one of the big guys in the 90's tech boom heavily involved in the rise of the cellphone (which is where he got most of his wealth from). He has been around a long time. And he was named governer of the year by Time and had his picture on the cover of it and so forth.

Not comparable to Obama in 2004 at all.


McCain's behavior in ending his first marriage is evidence that he's a genuine piece of garbage, and more people need to know about it.
hah, I love how conservatives all of a sudden take up the dreaded "moral relativism" when something happens to their "side".

"You see, you have to take the context into account!"
Whoa. Colmes finally did grow a pair and I can't believe Sean's excuse. What a two bit hack that guy is. How in god's name he receives millions to stay on air is beyond me.


Diablos said:
I didn't say that at all.

The Republicans will love pointing out how Bayh is a complete contradiction to Obama's Iraq message.
Bayh's Iraq vote is more a problem for Dem activists than it is for Republicans who still believe the Iraq war was a good idea, or independents who believe we can neither flee the country nor continue treading water at the cost of American lives. There's a big difference between, "they'll say something mean once," and, "we're helping them negatively frame our campaign."
Cyan said:
For those wondering about the keynote speaker: not Hillary.

Never heard of him.

That's awesome. Warner was my pick for president before barack, but he dropped out early. He's majorly technically adept, big on building infrastructure, though a bit conservative on social issues for me. He'd have a hell of a time in the primary since he's not as pro choice (one of my big issues) and a good friend of the NRA (not a big issue to me).

Edit: and appropiately for these boards he also held campaign events in second life.


Watching that vid, I'm thinking Edwards admitting to his affair could hurt McCain more than the Democratic party.

"Edwards; says a lot about his character for having an affair."
"McCain did the same as Edwards, and he's the nominee."

The media will now stop talking about this. Talking down anything critical pertaining the Republican base or too close to that line of attack is a no-no since everyone knows the party is already in the pits.


APF said:
Bayh's Iraq vote is more a problem for Dem activists than it is for Republicans who still believe the Iraq war was a good idea, or independents who believe we can neither flee the country nor continue treading water at the cost of American lives. There's a big difference between, "they'll say something mean once," and, "we're helping them negatively frame our campaign."
I really agree with APF here. Bayh's vote will mainly bother hardcore democrats, the type who wouldn't even consider not voting for Obama, especially for something his running mate did.

The best thing a running mate can do is provide regional support, and help pick up a state. Yes, Clark would help bring military experience to the ticket, but would anyone care when he's still missing government experience, and would he really help Obama pick up any states? Bayh on the other hand, would make Indiana a very good possible Democrat pick-up, and would also help Obama in Ohio.
Souldriver said:
WTF is this shit!? "Mister one thousand dollar haircut"?

That Hannity guy should be thrown of the air forever. I can't understand how such blatant populism is allowed on television by a presenter.

It's just Foxnews.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
reilo said:
McCain has ran 0 ads in Florida.



That was Hardball's big number today.

Does this seem smart to you guys? Shouldn't Mccain try to win Flordia?


mckmas8808 said:
Does this seem smart to you guys? Shouldn't Mccain try to win Flordia?
Obama is still behind in FL despite putting tons of money into it and McCain not lifting a finger. McCain doesn't need to yet, FL is a state he is VERY likely to win.


Even the Clark on Morning Joe video that's on Youtube has the same kind of asskissing.


And Hannity..


It's appalling.

Obama is only so popular because he generates much of his own hype without much help from anyone; the media seems to side with McCain often.


when is my burrito
mckmas8808 said:
Does this seem smart to you guys? Shouldn't Mccain try to win Flordia?
Republican party is extremely strong in Florida. Governors Christ and Bush were/are extremely popular.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i seriously think Hannity is one of the worst human being that has ever walked the earth
But he told us America is the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cheebs said:
Obama is still behind in FL despite putting tons of money into it and McCain not lifting a finger. McCain doesn't need to yet, FL is a state he is VERY likely to win.

Mccain is up by 2 points now. That's not much at all. That's a state that Mccain must have. Spending 0 dollars there so far is stupid.

I mean come on Cheebs. 0 dollars? If Mccain waits too long Obama could end up winning the state.


For the record, is James Corsi trying to break the record for most Hannity appearances in a short period or something? Every time I've flipped by, he's been on to talk about his anti-Obama book and his dangerous associations.:lol
HylianTom said:


Latest state polls..

NJ "likely" voters:
Obama 51
McCain 41

PA registered voters:
Obama: 44
McCain: 36

PA "likely" voters:
Obama: 46
McCain: 41

... for what it's worth. Carry on.

This is bad news for Obama...

Poll: Obama leads in Pa., but not by much

Philadelphia Daily News

BUOYED by a widespread disdain for President Bush and concern about the economy, Democrat Barack Obama holds a lead over Republican John McCain in the latest Daily News/Franklin & Marshall Poll.

Obama leads McCain by eight points, 44 percent to 36 percent among registered voters, and by five points, 46 percent to 41 percent, among likely voters.

Poll director Terry Madonna said that the survey shows that Obama hasn't been able to pull away despite signs it should be a big Democratic year in Pennsylvania.

"He's on third base, but so far he can't seem to find a way to get home," Madonna said. "Look at the underlying trends. The economy is a huge issue. Bush's ratings are terrible. But too many voters are concerned about Obama's experience, and don't yet have enough confidence in his ability to lead."

When asked whether, regardless of how they plan to vote in November, they would be concerned if Obama were elected president, 51 percent said yes.

When those voters were asked what concern they have, 39 percent cited a lack of experience, knowledge or ability. Thirty percent cited Obama's views on policy issues and 12 percent cited the idea that he tries to please everyone.




Tamanon said:
Early voting is awesome. Especially if you've got a good ground game.

I saw what they did in Indiana first-hand and read about what they did in the African-American community in Texas.

Expect that x10 in Ohio that week... betcha they bank hundreds of thousands of votes.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Obama is still behind in FL despite putting tons of money into it and McCain not lifting a finger. McCain doesn't need to yet, FL is a state he is VERY likely to win.
McCain is putting more groundwork into Florida than any other state. Saying McCain is "not lifting a finger" is just wrong.


How does being tortured in Vietnam make you cheat on your injured wife? :lol Was she Vietnamese?

Oh, and scorcho will love this:

AP said:
"The prospect of someone coming in with no ID and registering and voting is contrary to every sort of protection that legislators and lawmakers have built into this system for decades," said Kevin DeWine, a Republican lawmaker who is poised to take over the state party after the election.


maximum360 said:
Wow. Up by eight is apparantly a bad thing. :lol

And fivethirtyeight picks up on some very interesting veep speculation....

According to the Kansas City Star:

Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius will speak at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

The Democratic National Convention Committee said Tuesday that McCaskill will speak on the convention’s opening day, Aug. 25, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Obama. They will talk about national unity.

Sebelius — a co-chairwoman of the convention — also will address the delegates, a party spokeswoman said, although the exact day and time has not been decided.

And here's what Sebelius told CQ Politics on Monday:

On Monday, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and Obama adviser Anita Dunn announced the themes for the various nights of the convention, including "Securing America's Future" for the third night, when the vice presidential candidate will speak.

When asked whether the thematic choices could be read as an indication that the VP pick would be someone with a strong background on veterans issues, according to CQ reporter Marie Horrigan, Sebelius said that nothing should be read into that.

"Every potential vice presidential choice also has a speaking slot and so nothing should be read into themes or issues or ideas," Sebelius said.

So every potential vice presidential choice has a speaking slot. Kathleen Sebelius has a speaking slot. Except, unlike Claire McCaskill, or Mark Warner, or Ted Strickland, or Hillary Clinton, the Democrats are not yet ready to assign her a specific slot. She is, to my knowledge, the only Democrat thus far guaranteed a speaking slot without having a particular night assigned to her.

To be fair, a lot of people speak at the convention, so the mere fact that Sebelius has a slot shouldn't mean all that much. But it certainly seems that she's (still) on the short list. I would also note that there would be a certain symmetry to the following pattern of speakers:


My question: How does sebelius know who the other choices are?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Alright, here goes with this question. Maybe someone can help me (it's about how taxes under Obama will work)

More than ever it looks like Obama is gonna win, and being the only Democrat in my group of friends, I have to constantly get the forwarded 'scare tactic' emails from them about "OMG his middle name is Hussein!" "OMG he's gonna raise all our taxes!" etc. So yeah, I haven't been able to find much out about Obama's plan for taxes. I looked at this CNN link: http://money.cnn.com/2008/06/11/new...roposals_tpc/index.htm?postversion=2008061115 and it seems like I'll be getting a bit of a tax cut. Then I hear shit from my friends that my taxable income under Obama would raise nearly $5000, but I haven't been able to find a source. But the dividend tax policy isn't something I necessarily agree with and I wonder if it would affect my mom, who has a bit of money invested in mutual funds/life insurance/IRA.

I make ~$70k although I divert 16% (with the company matching an extra 4%) to my 401k. I don't own a house, am not married, and don't own any stock aside from the company stock in my 401k. How will Obama's tax plan affect me?


TPM said:
Jerome Corsi, the writer of "Unfit for Command," which provided the basis for the Swift-Boat-Vets attack on John Kerry, is out with a new book that has the same lofty goals, but this time, the target is Barack Obama.

Today's New York Times has a run-down on the book, and the paper reports that Corsi is planning to work with some conservative groups to run Swift-Boat style ads against Obama, and the wingnut noise machine is already going full throttle, with talk-show hosts promoting the heck out of it. The chief editor of the publishing house behind the book is GOP operative Mary Matalin.

The Times piece offers a glimpse of several of the specific lies in the book that will no doubt be used on the Illinois Senator when the Swift-Boating gears up. Here's a quick rundown of the lowlights:

• Corsi's book says that Mr. Obama had "yet to answer" whether he "stopped using marijuana and cocaine completely in college, or whether his drug usage extended to his law school days or beyond." Corsi even adds, "How about in the U.S. Senate?" But as the Times points out, Obama has written his memoir that he "stopped getting high" in the early 1980s. That's lie number one.

• Corsi's book, amusingly, uses Newsmax.com as a source for the falsehood that Obama was present at a sermon in July of 2007 where Reverend Jeremiah Wright faulted "the 'white arrogance' of America's Caucasian majority for the world's suffering, especially the oppression of blacks." In fact, Obama wasn't at that sermon. Even conservative columnist Bill Kristol issued a correction after trafficking in the same falsehood. That's lie number two.

• Corsi says that Obama failed to dedicate his book "Dreams of My Father" to his family, an apparent effort to suggest that Obama lacks family values. But The Times reports that Mr. Obama did dedicate the book to several family members in the introduction. That's lie number three.

At any rate, these are some of the lies we'll be hearing this fall. Oh, and not to hit you all with something so depressing first thing in the morning, but Corsi's book is set to hit the Times best-seller list this weekend. The non-fiction one.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
djtiesto said:
Alright, here goes with this question. Maybe someone can help me (it's about how taxes under Obama will work)

More than ever it looks like Obama is gonna win, and being the only Democrat in my group of friends, I have to constantly get the forwarded 'scare tactic' emails from them about "OMG his middle name is Hussein!" "OMG he's gonna raise all our taxes!" etc. So yeah, I haven't been able to find much out about Obama's plan for taxes. I looked at this CNN link: http://money.cnn.com/2008/06/11/new...roposals_tpc/index.htm?postversion=2008061115 and it seems like I'll be getting a bit of a tax cut. Then I hear shit from my friends that my taxable income under Obama would raise nearly $5000, but I haven't been able to find a source. But the dividend tax policy isn't something I necessarily agree with and I wonder if it would affect my mom, who has a bit of money invested in mutual funds/life insurance/IRA.

I make ~$70k although I divert 16% (with the company matching an extra 4%) to my 401k. I don't own a house, am not married, and don't own any stock aside from the company stock in my 401k. How will Obama's tax plan affect me?

He's going to take all of your money and leave you bankrupt.

On a serious note, my parents had to pay taxes back this year.

My dad is a long-haul truck driver that spends the following each month:

$10k in diesel costs
$2.3k payment for his truck
$1K for his trailer
$700k for insurance [this is federally mandated insurance on his truck policy, not medical]
$250 cell-phone bill for his business

He also owns a house and pays property taxes each year, too.

The IRS asked him to pay back $1,300, eventhough his tax return read that he made less than $10k profit.

Basically, two things are affecting his job: high gas prices, slowing economy [meaning, less high paying loads to pick-up to off-set the costs], and the current tax code that fucks over the middle class.

So, from my estimations, you make under $200K/yr, and thus, won't be taxed like you are now.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Diablos said:
Even the Clark on Morning Joe video that's on Youtube has the same kind of asskissing.


And Hannity..


It's appalling.

Obama is only so popular because he generates much of his own hype without much help from anyone; the media seems to side with McCain often.

But what about tha liberal media?
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