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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Tyrone Slothrop said:
yeah i know what you mean. but in modern times black pride is more about respecting where you came from ancestrally. if you watch those black pride forums on cspan they teach young blacks that you should take pride in your african heritage and what have you.

Right. Because the vast majority of American black people in the sixties couldn't trace their origin any more specifically. They had to invent a new identity based on their shared experience of a vague descent from kidnapped Africans because more specific information was hard or impossible to find.

proud of your anglo saxon roots?

Well: if you're proud of your Anglo Saxon roots, then you're proud to be British in origin, right? I don't think anyone will be angry to see "British pride," where you draw little pictures of great British heroes like King Arthur, Charles Darwin, Johnny Rotten, and Queen Elizabeth in your notebook and sing "God Save the Queen" all the time.
VanMardigan said:
Alright, so this time it's ok for them, but what about the election after that? Or the one after that? Is there any point at which you would think that blacks voting for a presidential candidate BECAUSE he/she is black won't be justified?

I think if Obama sweeps in a sequence of four consecutive black presidents and in 2048 someone tells me "Damn, fuck J.G. McWhiteicutty, I'm voting for the black candidate because they're not white!" that yes, I'd be willing to call that pretty silly. :lol

I see you didn't really respond to any of the specific points I brought up. Is it a "double standard" to be more forgiving of adultery from someone whose spouse has repeatedly cheated on them? Is it a "double standard" to convict someone of murder if they shotgun someone who made them mad but let them off if they shotgun someone who tried to kill them with a knife?


Specific nation pride is perfectly fine, I mean look at how widespread Italian pride and Irish pride and whatnot is. I mean, it's pretty much the backbone of soccer too:p




I have Irish heritage but I don't really care to live up to it. I have no real connection to Ireland, other than ancestors, so I don't see why I would take pride in it.

I'm American.


has calmed down a bit.
charlequin said:
I see you didn't really respond to any of the specific points I brought up. Is it a "double standard" to be more forgiving of adultery from someone whose spouse has repeatedly cheated on them? Is it a "double standard" to convict someone of murder if they shotgun someone who made them mad but let them off if they shotgun someone who tried to kill them with a knife?

I'm not sure how any of those apply. Honestly. I mean, I think they're about as invalid a comparison as the John McCain one I sarcastically made. How is self defense analogous to voting based on race? The US is coming at them with a knife and Barrack can help?

And yeah, this topic is wearing thin, so who on poligaf would we for for "President of PoliGaf"? How about VP? Secretary of Defense? Even though that's obviously me because of my support for a permanent military base in Iraq.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Xeke said:
I have Irish heritage but I don't really care to live up to it. I have no real connection to Ireland, other than ancestors, so I don't see why I would take pride in it.

I'm American.

But we have a real connection with being black so that's a tiny difference.

But at the sametime Im like you, I don't consider myself African American. Im a Black American.
Jeez. The Secret Service better protect Obama closely. There was that nut the other week that shot up a Unitarian Church for their 'liberal views'. Today, some nut shot up a guy at a Democratic campaign office.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A man who said he wanted to volunteer for the Arkansas Democratic Party barged into the chairman's office Wednesday and shot him three times, wounding him critically, police and witnesses said. The suspect died after being shot during a 30-mile chase.

"He came in and went into this office and started shooting," police Lt. Terry Hastings told reporters outside the party's headquarters near Arkansas' state Capitol building. Police said they didn't have a motive.

Party officials identified the victim as chairman Bill Gwatney, a former longtime legislator who owns three General Motors car dealerships in and around Little Rock.

Seems to be a dangerous time for people on the left.
VanMardigan said:
Secretary of Defense? Even though that's obviously me because of my support for a permanent military base in Iraq.
Permanent military basis in Iraq is 'defense'? The people of Iraq seem to find it quite offensive.
VanMardigan said:
I'm not sure how any of those apply.

Your initial argument was that context was irrelevant; only one specific aspect of any given situation mattered in assessing it, while the context of that action could be thrown away. I gave examples of straightforward, common-sense situations in which context is important in order to show that your initial position is designed to let you dismiss an argument without actually addressing it by calling it a "double standard."


Dax01 said:
How do you become apart of the secret service? Are you hired personally?
No, you just have to apply. A Liberal Arts degree is required, you need to be at least 21, etc. You can usually find a form at your local government agency. You usually hear back within 60-90 days. I know because I applied. They wanted me, but I said no because I didn't think the job was good enough for me.


TPM said:
This is quite hilarious. Sen. McCain has just announced that he's sending his own delegation to Georgia (Sens. Lieberman and Graham) and now he's insisting that it's not a time for politics and partisanship.

Anyone have clips of the press conference?


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, that doesn't even make sense. That's like 50 million times more presumptuous than the visits Obama did that they jumped all over.


Tamanon said:
No....there's no fucking way McCain would do that?

No way.

At a news conference in Michigan this afternoon, John McCain ratcheted up his rhetoric on the Georgia-Russia conflict, saying his colleagues Lindsey Graham and Joseph Lieberman would be traveling to Georgia "as soon as possible".

Still no video though.


Isn't this a bit... presumptious of McCain? Oh wait, let me put on my media suit:

McCain once again shows his experience and expertise in dealing with foreign policy matters. I think the real question is: why isn't Barack Obama doing anything? Why is he on vacation? He is once again displaying his inexperience, his lack of foriegn policy expertise, and his unpreparedness to be leader of the free world.
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, that doesn't even make sense. That's like 50 million times more presumptuous than the visits Obama did that they jumped all over.
Yeah, that was my reaction exactly! Obama gets called presumptious for his foreign trip but McCain is now issuing his own diplomatic delegations?!?! WTF?!?!


Not to mention it REALLY looks bad considering his FP guy worked for Georgia.....this has the makings of something really weird.
the disgruntled gamer said:
Isn't this a bit... presumptious of McCain? Oh wait, let me put on my media suit:

McCain once again shows his experience and expertise in dealing with foreign policy matters. I think the real question is: why isn't Barack Obama doing anything? Why is he on vacation? He is once again displaying his inexperience, his lack of foriegn policy expertise, and his unpreparedness to be leader of the free world.
Hm. You need a co-reporter or else it doesn't work.


has calmed down a bit.
What in the world will a delegation of folks sent by a Presidential candidate do over there in Georgia? Explain to the Georgians what McCain plans to do over there if elected??
I kept staring at that wondering what was so wrong with McCain sending people to Georgia (never mind the fact that I was listening to a video of Obama in Georgia today)

Then I remembered which Georgia we're talking about!

"Oh war...it's how Americans learn geography!" - paraphrasing Jon Stewart :lol


McCain said:
"The situation in Georgia remains fluid and dangerous. As soon as possible my colleagues senators Lieberman and Graham will be traveling to Georgia. They're both members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. I hope that other members of the Armed Services Committee in the Senate will go together."

He's just loving this quick little war, eh?
AniHawk said:
Wouldn't that be kind of a really big deal?

Yes. It's better than if he had endorsed McCain for sure-I bet Powell would be up there on the stage with satellite photos saying that Obama's campaign buses are really mobile WMD factories.


soul creator said:
I kept staring at that wondering what was so wrong with McCain sending people to Georgia (never mind the fact that I was listening to a video of Obama in Georgia today)

Then I remembered which Georgia we're talking about!

"Oh war...it's how Americans learn geography!" - paraphrasing Jon Stewart :lol

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."

I prefer Ambrose Pierce's version. :D


GhaleonEB said:
It's a good cycle.

1) President of Georgia tells his paid lobbyist what to tell McCain
2) McCain says it
3) President of Georgia quotes McCain

So basically, he's quoting himself, McCain is just the proxy.

Hmm. Sounds like all of it was planned, if you were the loony left type. Which I'm not.

Randy Scheunemann is the President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which was created by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

I'm sure this is all on the up and up and the October surprise hasn't been bumped to August in hopes of burnishing McCain's leader credentials while Obama surfs. *hides tin foil hat*

(seriously though, it does smell fishy)


bob_arctor said:
Hmm. Sounds like all of it was planned, if you were the loony left type. Which I'm not.

I'm sure this is all on the up and up and the October surprise hasn't been bumped to August in hopes of burnishing McCain's leader credentials while Obama surfs. *hides tin foil hat*

(seriously though, it does smell fishy)

I dunno, Georgia's been pretty much bitch-slapped to the ground by Russia, I can't really see this being organized. Although the rhetorical escalation and McCain trying to be ACTION MAN is definitely being pushed, I can see that.


Tamanon said:
I dunno, Georgia's been pretty much bitch-slapped to the ground by Russia, I can't really see this being organized.

I know, I know. Just had to bring back the crazy. It's been a while for me.
speculawyer said:
Jeez. The Secret Service better protect Obama closely. There was that nut the other week that shot up a Unitarian Church for their 'liberal views'. Today, some nut shot up a guy at a Democratic campaign office.


Seems to be a dangerous time for people on the left.

Does anyone else notice that many times when places are shot up out of protest it seems to be people pushing conservative values? What about being conservative makes you want to go out and hurt people? I have never heard of a pro-choice person shooting up a hospital because a woman decided to give birth. I am sure you have all heard about doctors being killed for performing abortions.

Pres. Bush is under no major threat to his person or even threat of losing his job for leading us into a war that wasted billions of dollars, hurt American prestiege, cost thousands of American lives and maybe hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives but people out there are threating Obama for... running for president? What sort of world do we live in?

The Dark One
DarkMage619 said:
Does anyone else notice that many times when places are shot up out of protest it seems to be people pushing conservative values? What about being conservative makes you want to go out and hurt people? I have never heard of a pro-choice person shooting up a hospital because a woman decided to give birth. I am sure you have all heard about doctors being killed for performing abortions.

Pres. Bush is under no major threat to his person or even threat of losing his job for leading us into a war that wasted billions of dollars, hurt American prestiege, cost thousands of American lives and maybe hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives but people out there are threating Obama for... running for president? What sort of world do we live in?

The Dark One

The "Islamo-fascists" in the Middle East are considered to be conservatives over there.
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