We talked earlier about the Obama campaigns new TV ad, which notes, among other things, the fact that John McCain voted with George W. Bush 95% of the time last year. Soon after, the McCain campaign responded by I kid you not telling reporters, In the Senate, Barack Obama has voted in lockstep with President George W. Bush nearly half the time.
I generally find McCain campaign talking points more annoying than amusing, but this is hysterical.
Lets consider some of the reasons this is an unusually dumb thing to say:
1. If the McCain campaign wants to make the presidential race about which candidate voted with Bush more, McCain might as well deliver his concession speech now.
2. Nearly half is not in lockstep. Many Bush administration pronouncements are not controversial, so every senator is going to vote with the White House line at least some of the time.
3. The McCain gang certainly knew this criticism was coming, and had plenty of time to prepare. This is the best they could come up with.
4. The McCain campaign argues that Obama is the Senates biggest liberal. The McCain campaign argues that Obama has voted in lockstep with Bush. Oddly enough, theyre making both arguments at the same time.
Go ahead, Tucker Bounds, tell us another one.