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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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First tragedy, then farce.
Agent Icebeezy said:
In The 21st Century Nations Don't Invade Other Nations - John McCain

I'm waiting for the punchline to come.

In other nations, 21st century invades you!

(I got nothing)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
JOE BIDEN MAY BE THE VP PICK!!!! This according to the guy on Countdown.

Poligaf what do you think?



Alex Ross <3


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Now THAT is awesome.
That...is about 2 inches away on each hand from being a goatse!



Oh wow, kids book about daddy. Good for Meghan McCain. :rolleyes

She listens to My Bloody Valentine. :eek: This would never in a million years make me vote for her dad, though.

Didn't she vote for John Kerry in 2004? lulz


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Byakuya769 said:
Looks like you killed the thread by invoking that image.
I would never have thought of it, but the great Shawn Elliot forced it into my mind :(


Diablos said:
Oh wow, kids book about daddy. Good for Meghan McCain. :rolleyes

She listens to My Bloody Valentine. :eek: This would never in a million years make me vote for her dad, though.

Didn't she vote for John Kerry in 2004? lulz
Yeah, she said she is really liberal too.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It's official Rev. J Wright is not writing a book about Obama that's going to drop before the election.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
mckmas8808 said:
It's official Rev. J Wright is not writing a book about Obama that's going to drop before the election.

Someone had to have told him to stop acting like a fucking self-serving imbecile

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Speaking of Superman, when you read an excerpt of Wesley Clark's bio, that is what he sounds like.

• General Clark is a 1966 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, where he graduated first in his class.
• He holds a master's degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar (August 1966-August 1968).
• He is a graduate of the National War College, Command and General Staff College, Armor Officer Advanced and Basic Courses, and Ranger and Airborne schools.
• General Clark was a White House Fellow in 1975-1976 and served as a Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
• He has also served as an instructor and later Assistant Professor of Social Science at the United States Military Academy


Note what I bolded. If Clark is the nominee, McCain's graduating class number will be brought up.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Karma Kramer said:
I will be somewhat upset if Clark (Kent) isn't the nominee.

Wesley Clark completely shuts down anything that McCain can muster up about military.

Valedictorian of class in Army
Rhodes Scholar among many ass-kicking things he has done in his life.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Agent Icebeezy said:
Wesley Clark completely shuts down anything that McCain can muster up about military.

Valedictorian of class in Army
Rhodes Scholar among many ass-kicking things he has done in his life.

Supreme Allied Commander Europe of the entire NATO FORCES.

Motherfucker negotiated a goddamn peace treaty, too!


when is my burrito
Rhodes scholar would indicate he's a really fucking smart guy, which probably means he'll gel well with Obama's smart ass.

EDIT: Ghaleon, while that is true, POW is only one rank above general and one below supreme chancellor.


Clark was on Maddow yesterday and she tried to squeeze it out of him but he sounded serious when he said he was not involved in the convention and was instead going to be in Italy for a dinner at the exact time the nominee is to be announced.
Agent Icebeezy said:
Wesley Clark completely shuts down anything that McCain can muster up about military.

Valedictorian of class in Army
Rhodes Scholar among many ass-kicking things he has done in his life.
Well, if he gets the nomination you can go back to the news stories of 2004 and see how much ripping they did on Wes Clark back then.

It's mostly a bunch of crap but they have their talking points. Ironically, the standard is the "He's the guy that almost started world war 3!" meme . . . pretty ironic considering McCain promising of more wars, 1000 years in Iraq, beligeracy toward Russian, etc.


when is my burrito
Wow, the more I hear about Clark, the more disappointed I would be if he didn't pick him. He's like the Anti-McCain who also happens to be from that older generation.


tanod said:
Wow, the more I hear about Clark, the more disappointed I would be if he didn't pick him. He's like the Anti-McCain who also happens to be from that older generation.

Every time I hear Supreme Allied Commander my panties get soaked.


thefit said:
Clark was on Maddow yesterday and she tried to squeeze it out of him but he sounded serious when he said he was not involved in the convention and was instead going to be in Italy for a dinner at the exact time the nominee is to be announced.

Although the nominee is going to be announced via test messaging and e-mail before anything else, so would it really matter where he was?
thefit said:
Clark was on Maddow yesterday and she tried to squeeze it out of him but he sounded serious when he said he was not involved in the convention and was instead going to be in Italy for a dinner at the exact time the nominee is to be announced.

How would he know the exact time the nominee was to be announced unless he himself was the nominee! Oh shit I just blew everyones minds.

Also... couldn't someone find out when he is going to be in Italy now... and then know when the text message is going to be sent out...

Also if he is having dinner when its announced in Italy that would make it about noon EST time when the text message is sent out. So I guess we know the time of day now. :lol


Karma Kramer said:
How would he know the exact time the nominee was to be announced unless he himself was the nominee! Oh shit I just blew everyones minds.

Also... couldn't someone find out when he is going to be in Italy now... and then know when the text message is going to be sent out...

Also if he is having dinner when its announced in Italy that would make it about noon EST time when the text message is sent out. So I guess we know the time of day now. :lol

Mind blown.


I'm only repeating what I heard. Rachel tried several times to fish it out of him and he wouldn't budge. I beleive its well known that the VP pick will speak Wednesday, that's the day he insists he won't even be in the country, he'll be on business in Italy.
thefit said:
I'm only repeating what I heard. Rachel tried several times to fish it out of him and he wouldn't budge. I beleive its well known that the VP pick will speak Wednesday, that's the day he insists he won't even be in the country, he'll be on business in Italy.

Ah... you said when the nominee is announced. Do you have a link to this interview? Was this video or radio?
Rur0ni said:
Every time I hear Supreme Allied Commander my panties get soaked.
I worked at a start-up where they let people give themselves any job title they wanted on their business cards. This one engineer had his business card say that he was "Supreme Commander of Allied Forces" :lol
Karma Kramer said:
Ah... you said when the nominee is announced. Do you have a link to this interview? Was this video or radio?

Rachel Maddow 8/12/08 H1
Yesterday, August 12, 2008, 12:04:21 PM
Former NATO Supreme Commander General Wesley Clark discusses the Russian incursion into Georgia. There is an apparent cease fire but we have yet to see an end to the violence.Comments Rachel Maddow 8-12-08 Hour 1.mp3


speculawyer said:
I worked at a start-up where they let people give themselves any job title they wanted on their business cards. This one engineer had his business card say that he was "Supreme Commander of Allied Forces" :lol

That is incredible. :lol

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
speculawyer said:

Rachel Maddow 8/12/08 H1
Yesterday, August 12, 2008, 12:04:21 PM
Former NATO Supreme Commander General Wesley Clark discusses the Russian incursion into Georgia. There is an apparent cease fire but we have yet to see an end to the violence.Comments Rachel Maddow 8-12-08 Hour 1.mp3

General Wesley Clark on The Rachel Maddow Show

August 12, 2008
transcript by Reg NYC

Rachel Maddow: Joining us now on the phone - We've got him, yes? He's on the phone? Yes. - is General Wesley Clark, uh huh, who joins us now. He of course is the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. He's a former candidate for President of the United States. He's also the author of A Time To Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country. General Clark, thank you for taking time to join us today.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Thank you. It's great to be with you.

Rachel Maddow: Um...I wanted to ask you about Barack Obama's response to the Georgia - Russia conflict. He initially responded by calling for restraint. His second statement he said, "No matter how this conflict started, Russia has escalated it well beyond the dispute over South Ossetia. He's now- and has now violated the space of another country. There's no possible justification for these attacks." Do you agree with Senator Obama in his approach here?

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I certainly agree that you should call for restraint. I think right now that there's a cease-fire in place. I think I also heard that Senator Obama called for taking it to the United Nations and getting a Security Council resolution, which would be an appropriate way to go if you could get one over a Russian veto.

Rachel Maddow: Mm.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: But I think the United States has to use all of its influence with its allies. One of the big problems this is causing us is that the Russian action drives a split in NATO. It's, i-i-it's a real shock to NATO's new members. They joined for protection from Russia from exactly this kind of action by Russia. They've always feared it. They know how unpredictable and how unrestrained Russian- Russia can be with its military forces. Now of course, Georgia is not a member of NATO, but, but countries in the Baltics, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries in Eastern Europe like Ukraine are very carefully watching what the West does. And the West is split because countries in Western Europe don't feel the same sense of unease about the Soviets that countries closer to the Soviet- or to the former Soviet Union do. And so, the result is that you've got a split emerging in Europe and this is what the United States has to work with. If we're going really to check Russian aggression, we, we best do it not with force but with unity and resolve, and that requires leadership. And I think Barack Obama's the right person to provide that leadership.

Rachel Maddow: Well, in terms of being a check on, on Russia, not only militarily but in terms of their overall influence really and the, the fear with which Eastern European states regard them, b- Senator, Senator McCain has been almost belligerent toward Russia in his response to this. He has called Russia 'the aggressor' in this conflict. He has overtly sort of taken the side of Georgia against Russia and said that the U.S. should be standing up more strongly to Russia. He's been very confrontational toward Russia, essentially seeing this as an opportunity to escalate our own conflict and opposition to Russia. D-do you think that that is an appropriate stance?

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I think it's certainly necessary to call Russia out for having misbehaved, but inflating the rhetoric in itself won't make the situation better and might make it worse.

Rachel Maddow: Mm.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: So, we have to understand that the way this has to be dealt with unity on the part of East and, and West in Europe. The new NATO members, the aspiring NATO members, the existing NATO members, the old NATO members - everybody has to pull together on this, and it's not quite the case right now. There's a lot of fear. That kind of rhetoric sharpens tensions inside NATO, not just putting pressure on Russia. And so, in that sense it might be counterproductive.

Rachel Maddow: Do, do you see a way for the United States to regain our role as the kind of country that can provide international leadership on an issue like this, that we can be a- Do you see a, a path in the near future whereby we can be a unifying force on an issue like this rather than divisive?

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I think there is a path. I mean, I- what, what this indicates is that the United States has to take the lead in trying to, with NATO, force the resolution of these lingering territorial disputes. The Russians have kept these territorial disputes open. It's their secret doorway back into these countries. They've got troops in Moldova. They can escalate a crisis in Moldova on the borders between Ukraine and Romania at any time. They've got troops and a presence in Kaliningrad between Poland and Lithuania, and they've got pressure on the Baltic Republics of Estonia and Latvia. They can turn up the heat at any time on these countries. They've got the ability through the crisis in Nagorno Karabakh to put pressure on Azerbaijan and of course they can put a lot of pressure on other countries in the 'Stans. So, t-t-the question is: How do you react to that pressure?

Rachel Maddow: Yeah.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Bringing us to the boiling point and threatening military intervention is the wrong way. Most of the Russians are well aware that their future lies with the West, but you do have those in the power ministries and probably Vladimir Putin himslef, who are insecure, who fear encirclement, who fear isolation and who want their empire back. And what we have to persuade them is that 19th century geo-strategy is dead. This is the 21st century and there's a new way to engage with the rest of the world called modern global economics. But they don't see that fully in Moscow yet, and I think the United States has to be a leader in helping Europe and Russia deal with the future.

Rachel Maddow: Do you think that American politics are ready to encompass the idea of confronting Russia by through, through some means other than saber-ratting? Do you think that the American electorate and American politicians can sell the idea of that as tough as opposed to our, our, our, our fallback position on seeming tough which is to threaten more war?

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I think that for the McCain campaign this presents a useful issue to illustrate his tough-minded approach to foreign policy, and I think that's how it has- how his response has to be seen - not as a necessarily constructive response, but as a response geared to the American domestic political situation.

Rachel Maddow: Hm. Um, are you going to be in Denver, General Clark?

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: I'm not sure yet. I have business commitments overseas, and the convention honestly, I mean, it just hasn't taken form enough for me to know.

Rachel Maddow: Alright.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: I'm basically a businessman. I'm not in elected political office. I'm trying to help people get into political office. I've helped a lot of people, but it's not- and I'm not finished helping, but as for Denver, we'll have to wait and see.

Rachel Maddow: Of course, you know what I'm wondering is if you have any plans to be behind a podium, say, Wednesday night in prime time. (laughs)

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: (pause) I...Right now, on Wednesday night I'm scheduled to be at a dinner in Milan, Italy.

Rachel Maddow: (laughs) That is, that is, that is fair enough. Let, let me ask you one last question about, about Denver and I won't, I won't put you on the spot further than this. But we have heard now from the Democratic Part and Convention organizers that Wednesday will be a day, in addition to hearing from the Vice Presid- Vice Presidential candidate, we've heard that Wednesday will be a day devoted to talking about veterans and honoring veterans. Do you think that the Democratic Party has effectively seized the issue of caring for veterans and caring for service personnel as, as its political bailiwick and sort of taken that on effectively a-a-a-a while the Republicans still try to claim high ground on national security?

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, yes and no. I think the, the risk is that Democrats view veterans as a sort of, as another sort of interest group. And the danger with that is that veterans, you can't- i-it's not about programs for veterans. Yes, they get very angry if they can't get to the VA and if they need help. But, but there are basically 75, 80 million people in this country who are connected to veterans one way or another, and you can't buy their support.

Rachel Maddow: Hm.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: You've got to win it by what you stand for, by your convictions, by your policies, by your defense of America's ideals. And we would make a grave mistake as Democrats if we thought that simply pushing for an extra billion dollars for the Veterans Administration would let us win on the veterans issue. In fact, it won't. And as we found in the 2006 election these, some of these principal veterans organizations have their own political action arm. They're connected to the Republican Party or the White House in some overt way or covert way, and they've operated against our candidates despite the fact that our candidates have been more outspoken on behalf of veterans benefits. Primarily, then, it's not about benefits. It's about honor. It's about duty. It's about what you stand for as a Party and standing up for America.

Rachel Maddow: Um-

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: I think the Democratic Party has to compete on those grounds for the veterans' vote. I think we have to be a full-service Party, and this is what my political action committee Securing America has been about since I got out of the Presidential race in 2004.

Rachel Maddow: General, General Wesley Clark, I want to thank you for taking time to join us today, and, and part of me hopes that you really enjoy that dinner in Milan and part of me hopes that you're, you're back here instead. (laughs) Thanks for taking time to talk with us.

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Thank you very much. Good to be with you.

Rachel Maddow: General Wesley Clark is the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. He's a former Democratic Presidential candidate, and his most recent book is called A Time To Lead: For Duty, Honor and Country. This is the Rachel Maddow Show here on Air America Radio...


Sounds like Rachel wants him to be VP as well.
Just listened... and thefit... you sly dog. Here's an exact quote,

R: "Are you going to be in Denver, General Clark?"

W: "I'm not sure yet... I have business commitment over-seas... and the convention honestly... it just hasn't taken form enough yet for me to know. Um, I am basically a business man, I am not elected into a political office, I am trying to help elect people into political office.. and I am not done yet helping people... but as for denver, we'll have to wait and see."

R: "Of course by being in Denver I mean behind a podium on prime-time? *laughs*"

(long pause)

W: "I.... uh... right now on Wednesday night I am scheduled to be at a dinner in Milan, Italy."


More tid-bits I learned from this interview is that Clark said the democrats main focus to improve their image on military related issues, should be helping the veterans... and he talks about how he is devoting this new WesPAC on this exact issue.

Coincidentally Wednesday nights main topic is going to about veterans. Coincidence?

I think not.

Also the fact that he said "I'm not sure yet..." and then says later "I am scheduled to be at a dinner all the way over in Milan Italy..." seems a bit confusing. But we shall see.





Don't feel bad, transcripts don't really give the full story and are often ways of taking things way out of context. You did fine.

Upon listening to it again, your right there is plenty of room for interpreting this a simply avoiding the question.
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