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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!


Marc Ambinder raises a simple but important point about the Democratic veepstakes:

Item: the Democratic National Convention Committee confirms that Gov. Kathleen Sebelius has been given a Tuesday night speaking slot. Evidence that she won't be chosen as vice president?

Not really. The convention schedulers and Obama's VP team are entirely separate and segregated.

It's been a lot of fun, but we've probably been guilty of overinterpretation. Having been a partner in a small business, I can attest to the fact that rumors are contagious, and that the risk of leaks is an exponential function of the number of people let in on the secret.

The fact is that if the convention planners and schedulers in Denver know the identity of Obama's Vice Presidential selection, that means a lot of people know. And if a lot of people know, that means the media would know.

But the media doesn't know.

Ergo, not very many people do know. Perhaps only some combination of Obama, Axelrod, Plouffe, Gibbs, and the candidate him or herself, if the candidate has been chosen at all.

Ergo, we know nothing.


I think you people are taking the whole "eating dinner in Milan" thing too seriously. He probably said eating dinner to mean a general timeframe from evening-night.

I really hope he's the Veep, though.
everytime I see Supreme Allied Commander I think of...Wu-Tang Clan

don't ask

Oh yeah, and the "he votes in lock step with Bush half the time" comment by the McCain campaign reminds me of Anchorman:

"60% of the time it works...everytime"


Was Hilary even a chance for VP or was she just on the list to make it look like Obama would touch her without a ten foot pole?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Sleeker said:
Was Hilary even a chance for VP or was she just on the list to make it look like Obama would touch her without a ten foot pole?

She didn't have a snowball's chance in hell.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Sleeker said:
Was Hilary even a chance for VP or was she just on the list to make it look like Obama would touch her without a ten foot pole?

You know when Obama talks about what's wrong with Washington politics?

Hillary became prime example 1c in the way she handled her campaign.


Chicago Tribune this morning:
Obama camp said to be leaning towards Biden for vice president.

Wash. Post said the same thing yesterday. Word is Kaine is out of the running and that only Biden and Bayh are on the shortlist with two major papers saying Biden right now is most likely. Chuck Todd of MSNBC apparently is also hearing the same thing as the Wash Post and Chicago Tribune (only Bayh and Biden are left, Obama team leaning towards Biden).


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
But the only 2 choices are Sebelius and Clark, so clearly you're wrong Cheebs.



If the election really gets pushed into a large foreign policy debate than Biden could only help in that regard. Plus he'd probably whip any McCain (or McCain himself) VP in a debate.


Biden would be awesome. He is a tough liberal. Not a wishy-washy moderate.

And he'd fucking OWN in the debates

If the final two is Biden & Bayh like everyone says it is my personal choice would be Biden (I think Bayh would help electorally more though)


GhaleonEB said:
I'd be kind of disappointed with Biden. But I'd get over it, I'm sure. Bayh would be a disaster, though.
Why would Bayh be a disaster? I like Biden more too, but Bayh is a solid senator.


Cheebs said:
Biden would be awesome. He is a tough liberal. Not a wishy-washy moderate.

And he'd fucking OWN in the debates

If the final two is Biden & Bayh like everyone says it is my personal choice would be Biden (I think Bayh would help electorally more though)
Which is why I don't want him on the ticket. Senator Obama already has a problem with the good ol' boys,putting another liberal on the ticket would drive them away.

And he has a reputation of shooting his mouth off,thats not good either.


Dax01 said:
Obama/Clark '08!
Get over it, it's a gaf dream nothing more. At least with Selebius she actually got real speculation from those in the know back in June unlike Clark lol.

Door2Dawn said:
Which is why I don't want him on the ticket. Senator Obama already has a problem with the good ol' boys,putting another liberal on the ticket would drive them away.

And he has a reputation of shooting his mouth off,thats not good either.

Biden has a lot of love from the base of the party. Obama could be going the Bush 00/04 route of energizing the base primarily to win. If it is biden it would be the first more liberal leaning ticket the dems put out in forever (Edwards didnt go full blown liberal till after 2004)


Cheebs said:
Why would Bayh be a disaster? I like Biden more too, but Bayh is a solid senator.
Mr. Bayh’s support of authorizing force in Iraq stands in sharp contrast to Mr. Obama’s oft-stated view that he showed the good judgment to oppose the conflict from the start. After his vote, Mr. Bayh in early 2003 joined Mr. McCain as an honorary co-chairman of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which made regime change in Iraq its central cause.
ShOcKwAvE said:
Biden voted for the Iraq war resolution, so I doubt it.
That's why I would be disappointed with him as a choice.


testicles on a cold fall morning
while Obama was rightly chastised for his branded Presidential seal, McCain's cavalier interference in our foreign policy really deserves more mention. it's a bit beyond just being presumptuous, and makes it seem as if there's a shadow government lurking in the US.

1. McCain argues for a hard-line stance on Georgia before the WH offers its official response. later on in the week he says rhetorically that "we're all Georgians"
2. Saakashvili refers directly to McCain's line and says that the US needs to ante up.
3. McCain mentions that he talks to Saakashvili EVERY DAY via phone.
4. Saakashvili tells Georgians that the US will send troops to secure parts of the country, which is wrong
4. Bush sends out Rice to Georgia to workout some settlement between the two sides, while McCain dispatches two of his own campaign surrogates as well.
5. who's running the show in the US?

what influence does McCain have at all in what will eventually be settled, and how is this anything but interference and political grandstanding? it not only smacks of desperation, but is a window to the crazy bipolar world McCain seems to reminisce of.
Cheebs said:
Get over it, it's a gaf dream nothing more. At least with Selebius she actually got real speculation from those in the know back in June unlike Clark lol.
I don't trust your predictions.

*sticks tongue out at Cheebs*


scorcho said:
what influence does McCain have at all in what will eventually be settled, and how is this anything but interference and political grandstanding? it not only smacks of desperation, but is a window to the crazy bipolar world McCain seems to reminisce of.
McCain is closer to the President of Georgia than Bush, I wouldn't be surprised if McCain has more influence there than Bush does.

Dax01 said:
I don't trust your predictions.

*sticks tongue out at Cheebs*
Uh I made no predictions about VP today? I just reposted what the Tribune said and repeated what the Post said last night.

So to fix your post it should say

Dax01 said:
I don't trust their predictions.

*sticks tongue out at Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, & MSNBC*



has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
But Biden is very articulate and clean for a white guy. Could work out okay.

That was you channeling gaborn, right? :lol

btw, I don't want Biden or his huge forehead as the VP. You guys have convinced me that Clark is the man.


Cheebs said:
I would agree but energy, health care, and above all the economy are more important issues this election to the public so it really matters little compared to say 2006.
To be clear, I'm not talking about general public perception (though I think picking someone who voted for the war would hurt). I'm mostly referring to who I want to be vice president, and if it's someone that voted for the Iraq clusterfuck, no thanks.
Cheebs said:
Uh I made no predictions about VP today? I just reposted what the Tribune said and repeated what the Post said last night.

So to fix your post it should say

Fine, you're right. But please, say that Obama's VP will not be Clark so I can be right!


GhaleonEB said:
To be clear, I'm not talking about general public perception (though I think picking someone who voted for the war would hurt). I'm mostly referring to who I want to be vice president, and if it's someone that voted for the Iraq clusterfuck, no thanks.
Well then I must remind you, the VP has no power at all. They are just tools to be used to get elected and then sent off to funerals and shit (Cheney is the rare exception).


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
McCain is closer to the President of Georgia than Bush, I wouldn't be surprised if McCain has more influence there than Bush does.
influence to do what? as far as i can tell the WH has not sanctioned McCain to speak on Bush's behalf. he's using his ties with Saakashvili for political gain that does not help the tension between Russia and Georgia.

Hitokage said:
Unless a credit card company tells him otherwise. :p
hey, liberals are firm believers in personal responsibility and really tiny fine print.
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