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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Photos: Obama in Hawaii


Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, buys shaved ice for himself, family, and friends at Island Snow in Kailua, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., passes a shaved ice back as he get shaved ice for himself, family, and friends at Island Snow in Kailua, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., looks at the choices of shaved ice for himself, family, and friends at Island Snow in Kailua, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., eats shaved ice with his daughters Sasha Obama, 7, left, and Malia Obama 10, at Island Snow in Kailua, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., eats shaved ice with his daughters Sasha Obama, 7, second from left, and Malia Obama 10, second from right, and unidentified friends in Kailua, Hawaii on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., walks down the steps with his children and friends at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008. Sen. Obama is in Hawaii for a vacation. Obama's daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, are seen second left and center. Others are unidentified


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., second from left, looks over the edge at Pali Lookout in Honolulu Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left in red shirt, looks over the edge at Pali Lookout in Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left in red shirt, leaves with family and friends after looking at the view at Pali Lookout in Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., right, with his brother in law Conrad Ng, looks at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific n Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.,with his daughter Malia Obama, 10, carries a lei that he later placed at his grandfather's gravesite at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., drives his golf cart with Greg Orme, left, after playing golf at Luana Hills Country Club in Kailua, Hawaii, Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., carries his clubs after playing golf at Luana Hills Country Club in Kailua, Hawaii, Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008.


Master of the Google Search
StoOgE said:
Its b/c he is a career diplomat, not much of politician. He is crazy smart though, sadly ability to govern isnt as important as strength on the stump.
Thankfully that is what cabinet positions are for


First tragedy, then farce.
speculawyer said:
That's scary . . . you go from all-powerful dictator to be run out of the country in a matter of weeks.

And did i mention that the country has nukes? :lol

im not worried, the military is very powerfull and centrist. They could step in and save him but dont want to deal with the backlash.

August 14, 2008—

The incident involving Sen. Barack Obama's campaign plane last month was much more serious than the airline or the Federal Aviation Administration said, according to FAA control tower tapes obtained by ABC News.

At the time, an FAA spokesperson said the pilot did not declare an emergency and the airline owner, Midwest Airlines, said safety "was never an issue."

The tapes, to be broadcast tonight on ABC News' World News with Charles Gibson, show otherwise.

Just 41 seconds after discovering he no longer had full control of the plane's up and down movements, the pilot told an FAA air traffic controller "at this time we would like to declare an emergency and also have CFR [crash equipment] standing by in St. Louis."

An FAA spokesperson acknowledged today that its statements at the time of "no emergency" were wrong, based, the spokesperson said, on erroneous reports from FAA air traffic managers.

"We later learned there was an emergency declared," FAA spokesperson Elizabeth Cory said. The FAA had not publicly corrected the record until today, after being contacted by ABC News.

Obama's plane, an MD-81 chartered from Midwest, was diverted to St. Louis, shortly after takeoff from Chicago on July 7. Over the plane intercom system, the pilot told Obama and campaign staff and reporters there was "a little bit of controlability issue in terms of our ability to control the aircraft in the pitch, which is the nose up and nose down mode."

In contrast, the FAA tapes reveal the pilot reported he no longer had 100 per cent control, with only "limited pitch authority" of the aircraft.

A few minutes later, the pilot formally declared an emergency situation. (click here to listen to an edited version of the audio)

Asked by the St. Louis tower controller which runway he wanted to land on, the pilot responded, "Well, which one is the longest?"

The pilot then reported, "We have Senator Obama on board the aircraft and his campaign."

Unbeknownst to the pilot, an emergency evacuation slide had inflated inside the tail of the jet, affecting control cables there.

As tension mounted and the pilot rapidly descended from 32,000 feet, he was asked how many were on the jet.

"51 souls on board," he responded.

Rest at link. Damn...


wow, that's scary (plane problems).

Soooo Hillary isn't even letting the DNC edit her video, she wants her own people to.

The roll call is going to be very interesting.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Diablos said:
wow, that's scary (plane problems).

Soooo Hillary isn't even letting the DNC edit her video, she wants her own people to.

The roll call is going to be very interesting.
What's this about?


RubxQub said:
What's this about?
They were just talking about it on CNN.

Hillary's video to be played at the convention will be done by her people, not the DNC (who is doing, like, EVERY SINGLE OTHER VIDEO).

FlightOfHeaven said:

I kinda feel for Obama. Man can't have a day alone with his children, goddamn.
This whole campaign must really be taking a toll on him.

As soon as it was down to himself, Clinton, and Edwards, the negativity thrown his way has basically been non-stop.

By the end of this thing he's gonna feel like he went through two Presidential campaigns. He had to face Clinton, now McCain.


RubxQub said:
What's this about?
Hillary's name is being put into submission for a vote by the delegates at the convention. Hillary is encouraging her delegates to vote for Obama, and the gesture is intended to let her supporters see the full nominating process run it's course.

Not sure about the video, though.


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GhaleonEB said:
Hillary's name is being put into submission for a vote by the delegates at the convention. Hillary is encouraging her delegates to vote for Obama, and the gesture is intended to let her supporters see the full nominating process run it's course.

Not sure about the video, though.
That's some really stupid shit. Hillary doing this isn't doing anything but continuing to disenfranchise her followers from the democratic party.

Fucking toolbag she is...


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Complete retards on MSNBC.

Tune in for lulz


RubxQub said:
That's some really stupid shit. Hillary doing this isn't doing anything but continuing to disenfranchise her followers from the democratic party.

Fucking toolbag she is...
The whole idea really is fucking stupid.

The further we move away from that trainwreck known as the end of the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary, the better off we are.


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:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


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:lol :lol :lol
Who the hell is this blonde woman? She'd rather have McCain win in order to fix the Democratic Party? Good god I feel like punching her. Hillary Clinton supporters are such elitists. :lol


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Well, it was certainly interesting to see that Hillaryis44 folks really still believe this crazy shit.

Absolutely stunning.


God damn I want to eat my fucking ears and eyes so I never have to see or hear those retards again.

What a fucking joke. :lol


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Who the hell is this blonde woman? She'd rather have McCain win in order to fix the Democratic Party? Good god I feel like punching her. Hillary Clinton supporters are such elitists. :lol
Someone actually said that?

Hardcore Hillary supporters are insane.
Yeah. Her name is Darraugh Murphy, head of PUMA. She says Obama doesn't represent anything and when asked about his economic and foreign policy plans, she said "I don't know. He's in Hawaii right now so it's hard to know." :lol


Yeah she said that she wants McCain to win so that the leader of the DNC changes.....

That's kinda getting your priorities in the wrong place.


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Tamanon said:
Yeah she said that she wants McCain to win so that the leader of the DNC changes.....

That's kinda getting your priorities in the wrong place.
For being a group of people that apparently represent the "democratic process", they sure don't understand it.

You would think they would understand that you don't vote in people you have issue disagreements with to "prove a point" to your own party. Fucking stupid as hell.

Publicly admitting that they don't agree with anything policy-wise with McCain just goes to how shallow these people really are.

Completely despicable.
Countdown is going to be great tonight. Just saw the preview and it seems like O Reilly went on a tirade on MSNBC. Keith says maybe it's because his program beat O Reilly's last night by over 20%. :lol
Man . . . I love this fighting back!

Obama campaign issues rebuttal to book's claims By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer
31 minutes ago

HONOLULU - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hit back Thursday with a 40-page rebuttal to the best-selling book "The Obama Nation," arguing the author is a fringe bigot peddling rehashed lies.

Jerome Corsi's anti-Obama book, "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," claims the Illinois senator is a dangerous, radical candidate for president. The book is a compilation of all the innuendo and false rumors against Obama — that he was raised a Muslim, attended a radical, black church and secretly has a "black rage" hidden beneath the surface.

In fact, Obama is a Christian who attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

The Obama campaign picked apart the book's claims in a rebuttal titled "Unfit For Publication," to be posted on the Obama campaign's rumor-fighting Web site, FightTheSmears.com. The title is a play on the book Corsi co-authored against 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's military service called "Unfit For Command."

"Jerome Corsi is a discredited liar who is peddling another piece of garbage to continue the Bush-Cheney politics he helped perpetuate four years ago," said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor. "His is just one of what will likely be many more lie-filled books rushed to print this election cycle, which are cobbled together from debunked Internet sources to make money and advance a partisan agenda. We will respond to these smears forcefully with all means at our disposal."

Corsi's book is off to a swift start and is No. 1 on The New York Times' hardcover nonfiction best-seller list, even though Obama's campaign would argue the book should be listed as fiction.

Obama's campaign says the book is full of factual inaccuracies that include the wrong date for the Obamas' marriage. Corsi also writes that Obama left much of his family background out of his autobiographies — his father's polygamy and alcoholism, his sister's birth in Indonesia and that his then-fiance Michelle accompanied him on a visit to Kenya — but the campaign points out page numbers from "Dreams From My Father" where Obama discussed all those things.

In "The Obama Nation" — the title is a twist on the word abomination — Corsi catalogs various allegations that have haunted Obama on right-wing blogs and anonymous e-mails.

Corsi suggests, without a shred of proof, that Obama may be using drugs today. Obama has acknowledged using marijuana and cocaine as a teenager but says he quit when he went to college and hasn't used drugs since.

Corsi makes an issue of the fact that, before he quit smoking cigarettes, Obama didn't want it widely known that he smoked. "If Obama takes pains to hide his smoking from us, what else does he take pains to hide?" Corsi asks in the book.

Corsi also dwells on Obama's mother marrying Obama's African father and later marrying someone from Indonesia — whom Corsi describes as "a second man of color to be her mate." The Obama campaign says the description is one of many examples of Corsi's "offensive language" in the book.

He claims Obama received extensive Islamic religious education as a boy in Indonesia, education that was only offered to the truly faithful. Actually, Obama is a Christian and as a boy he attended both Catholic school and Indonesian public schools where some basic study of the Koran was offered.

He accuses Obama of wanting to weaken the military even though Obama's campaign calls for adding 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Corsi defended raising the issue of drugs without any evidence.

"I don't need more," he said. "I'm putting this question forward. I'm putting the evidence forward. Voters can make up their own minds."

Corsi writes for World Net Daily, a conservative Web site whose lead headline Thursday was "Astonishing photo claims: Dead Bigfoot stored on ice."

In a series of Web posts several years ago, Corsi said Pope John Paul II was senile and unconcerned about sexual molestation of boys, referred to Islam is "a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion" and suggested Kerry was secretly Jewish.

Corsi apologized for the remarks and now says he didn't mean them and was simply trying to provoke discussion.

"Obama Nation" is published by Threshold Editions, a division of Simon & Schuster that is run by Mary Matalin, the former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Corsi readily acknowledges the political goal of his book. He considers Obama a "radical leftist" who should not be elected president. Corsi said he has no plans to work against Obama with groups comparable to 2004's Swift Boat Veterans for Truth but said he would be willing to consider it.

Kerry has set up his own Web site, http://www.truthfightsback.com, to push back against accusations from Corsi and others.

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