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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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GhaleonEB said:
It swung to 148 for McCain a week ago or so, then back to Obama by 15 points. This round swung it back. If that holds for a week or so, then I think it's a trend. There's too much fluctuation to say one is gaining or not.
True, but for the best look at the current data, 538 is where it's at.

I'm really just on a mission to pimp that site as much as possible, as it really answers everyone's polling questions in one site and using the best statistical model for predicting the general.


RubxQub said:
True, but for the best look at the current data, 538 is where it's at.
I didn't see the comma in your post. I thought you were knocking the Rasmussen poll for only using a sample size of 538 ("though shalt only use 538" as a way of deriding their poll). :lol

I read fivethirtyeight every day. Several times a day, actually. And yeah, they are the best.


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FlightOfHeaven said:
Wait, am I reading this right? 538 has Obama 287, McCain at 250.

What the hell happened? I recall seeing my widget at 320 and 190ish, respectively.
Correct. Today's polling numbers shifted things into the red :(
v1cious said:
the PUMA interview's up:lol

*Special Note* the "spokesperson" he's talking about is Will Bower, the one sitting next to her

Holy shit. I'm only one-fourth of the way through the first video, and it's already getting ridiculous to the point of hilarity. :lol :lol

"Right, but she's not standing up for your organization..."

"But it isn't her job to support us!"
Whoever that fellow was, he's good. He shut them up with facts, even if his attitude, at times, was a bit bastardly.

I like how it's the same guy that claimed 6 million dollars that's sitting next to her.
Clinton backers to make noise at Dem convention

WASHINGTON (AP) — Still sore from an epic primary battle, some of Hillary Rodham Clinton's supporters aren't buying the unity theme planned for the Democratic National Convention. They weren't mollified when nominee-in-waiting Barack Obama gave prime-time speaking slots to Clinton and her husband, the former president. Instead, they're itching for a fight and plan to wage one in Denver.

One group intends to paper the city with fliers, promote a video detailing what they contend were irregularities in the nominating process and unleash bloggers to give their take on the proceedings. Another group has purchased newspaper advertisements demanding that Clinton be included in a roll-call vote for the nomination. "I am a very realistic woman," said Diane Mantouvalos, co-founder of the Just Say No Deal Coalition. "I don't think that anything is going to change, but I do think it is important to be heard, and this is our way of doing it."

Some of the disaffected Clinton supporters are open to supporting Obama; many are not. Obama needs Clinton's supporters to beat Republican John McCain. Polls show that he has won over most of them. But some simply don't like Obama or still feel Clinton was treated unfairly during the primaries. These groups are not affiliated with Clinton, who has endorsed Obama and campaigned for him. Representatives from the Clinton and Obama campaigns said they are working to unify the party because Obama will champion issues important to Clinton supporters, such as reforming health care, improving the economy and ending the war in Iraq.

- snip -

Mantouvalos, a Miami public relations consultant, said her network is renting a 5,000-square-foot loft in Denver for its bloggers. Another outfit called The Denver Group is planning a reception the evening Hillary Clinton speaks at the convention. The group, which is pushing for Clinton's name to be placed in nomination, also hopes to raise enough money for a TV ad.
Many of these folks are actually Republican Agent Provocateurs.


RubxQub said:
Correct. Today's polling numbers shifted things into the red :(
Well at least hes still leading,but who knows how long that will last.

I personally think that it's just Obama not being on the campaign trail for a week.


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Door2Dawn said:
Well at least hes still leading,but who knows how long that will last.

I personally think that it's just Obama not being on the campaign trail for a week.
Yeah, I'm not overly worried.

I'm still a firm believer that when the general officially gets going (post convention), the debates and expanded media coverage will really bring everything to the surface.

If Obama can pull this off....omg...
"Dera(?) do you support abortion rights?"
"Yes I do."
"You do. Then why would you want John McCain instead of Barack Obama?"
"I don't believe that Barack Obama stands up for anything, for any platforms. I don't trust his..."
"Nothing. He doesn't stand for anything?"
"Uh, commitment."
"He doesn't stand for ending the Iraq War? He doesn't stand for trying to fix the economy..."
"Well... I don't know. He's in Hawaii right now so I'm not sure where he stands on those kinds of issues."
"Alright. Let's vote against him because he is in Hawaii. Is that the position... I mean, seriously, what is it about a John McCain presidency that you think would be better than Barack Obama? Given that you clearly seem to have Democratic view points."
"Because it will change the leadership of the DNC."
"That's all you care about? Changing the leadership of the DNC?"
"All I care about is the Democratic party, the Democratic process, and Democratic voters."

If there is a John McCain presidency, you WILL hurt the Democratic party, and you WILL hurt the Democratic voters. Idiot.

My god.:lol :lol

"Barack Obama has gone beyond flip-flopping. This is a betrayal of issues."



Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
Thanks, but between the pale substitution of posters who now comprise the poligaf regulars and the drastic plunge into garbage of modding during the rise of The Big O, my heart really hasn't been in it to post anything more than quick quips or off-the-cuff insights. Plus it seems like most of the folks here are more interested in liveblogging Hardball and Countdown than anything else, which requires a level of brain damage and obsession with controlling a narrative I really could not care less about.

I think it's telling that the smartest right wingers on the board are actually libertarians, not republicans.


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grandjedi6 said:
In your guts, you know he's nuts
I'm an agent of change. An agent of the present and the future.

You and your "old politics" will not be tolerated. We can't afford another 4 years of GrandJedi6!


OuterWorldVoice said:
I think it's telling that the smartest right wingers on the board are actually libertarians, not republicans.

It's because the other type of republican has gotten used to advocating some really awful stuff over the years. Warps the thinking.


thekad said:
Wow, Schuster was a complete asshole. He could have at least tried to appear unbiased, even if he is dealing with psychos.
You treat wackos like they are wackos, he was in the right. Matthews would have been 100x angry at them if he wasn't off hiding till the convention.
IMO schuster is sort of auditioning to be matthews' successor whenever he fills in on hardball. matthews has dropped hints here and there that schuster is next in line.


Plus Matthews contract is up soon. And he's most likely not going to Meet The Press. I think he really will try that political office thing.
TrueReligion said:
Corsi is a piece of shit. Can't he get sued for slander and defamation?
US law allows people to say/write just about anything about a 'public figure' such as a politician, movie star, etc.

To win a case as a public figure, you need to prove actual malice. It is very hard to win these suits so often people don't bother. But I think people should push back more. Various celebrities have won cases against tabloids that print pure bullshit.

I haven't bothered to read the Corsi book, but I'm sure they've had lawyers go through it to reduce its exposure. By no means does that mean they make sure the book tells the truth . . . just that there is 'no malice'. They'll have some bullshit source for things, they'll frame things as opinions not facts, etc.



(CNN) — The two senators widely believed to be at the top of Barack Obama's shortlist for VP have been given prime-time speaking slots at the Democratic convention Wednesday night — the very same night the vice presidential candidate is slated to speak.

According to the Democratic National Convention Committee, both Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh and Delaware Sen. Joe Biden will deliver speeches on national security during the marquee night — the same evening former President Bill Clinton is also scheduled to speak.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar will also speak Wednesday evening, according to the convention committee.

But Biden and Bayh's appearance especially is sure to heighten speculation one of the two senators will ultimately be named Obama's running mate. The announcement also comes the same day Biden hit the campaign trail for the Illinois senator, accepting an endorsement on his behalf from the International Association of Firefighters in Las Vegas.

It seems that CNN is missing someone really obvious judging by this list. Wes Clark would have a speaking role at the convention, especially on a day like this.....I seriously think it's going to be him.

Speculawyer: I wonder if Corsi could have Malice proven about him based on his own statement that his goal is to beat Obama?:p


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Tyrone Slothrop said:
IMO schuster is sort of auditioning to be matthews' successor whenever he fills in on hardball. matthews has dropped hints here and there that schuster is next in line.
Schuster comes across a bit strong, but perhaps that's not a bad thing. I suppose I could deal with him to fill that timeslot.

Matthews' boyish charms would be missed, however. He won't fill Meet the Press, I don't see how he could.


Tamanon said:

It seems that CNN is missing someone really obvious judging by this list. Wes Clark would have a speaking role at the convention, especially on a day like this.....I seriously think it's going to be him.

Speculawyer: I wonder if Corsi could have Malice proven about him based on his own statement that his goal is to beat Obama?:p
Clark says he'll be in Italy during the convention.

RubxQub said:
Schuster comes across a bit strong, but perhaps that's not a bad thing. I suppose I could deal with him to fill that timeslot.

Matthews' boyish charms would be missed, however. He won't fill Meet the Press, I don't see how he could.
Who said anything about MTP? Matthews most likely ambitions are to run for the senate against the sitting republican senator in PA in 2010.

There was a poll a few weeks ago and Matthews is only 5% behind and he hasnt even come close to declaring other than hinting he wants to do it multiple times. That is a very good sign.

The democratic party establishment in PA like Ed Rendell want him to run too.


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Cheebs said:
Who said anything about MTP? Matthews most likely ambitions are to run for the senate against the sitting republican senator in PA in 2010.

There was a poll a few weeks ago and Matthews is only 5% behind and he hasnt even come close to declaring other than hinting he wants to do it multiple times. That is a very good sign.

The democratic party establishment in PA like Ed Rendell want him to run too.
There were rumblings around the time of Russert's passing.

Running for office would be strange, but I spose he could pull it off. Has a news anchor ever jumped into politics like that?

I know Joe Scholoborough or however you spell it and obviously Patty Buchs were involved, but I think they got their start in politics?


OuterWorldVoice said:
I think it's telling that the smartest right wingers on the board are actually libertarians, not republicans.

The libertarians are more persistent, but let's not confuse that with intelligence.

thekad said:
Wow, Schuster was a complete asshole. He could have at least tried to appear unbiased, even if he is dealing with psychos.

Most political pundits are, especially on cable television.


I keep hearing that Obama is continually losing the lead against McCain, in terms of voters that have said they are backing him, so much so that the split is almost 50/50 now. Is any of this true?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
onemic said:
I keep hearing that Obama is continually losing the lead against McCain, in terms of voters that have said they are backing him, so much so that the split is almost 50/50 now. Is any of this true?



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
thekad said:
Wow, Schuster was a complete asshole. He could have at least tried to appear unbiased, even if he is dealing with psychos.

I don't understand why anybody would say Schuster was an asshole. And what do you mean unbiased? What did he say that was biased?
mckmas8808 said:
I don't understand why anybody would say Schuster was an asshole. And what do you mean unbiased? What did he say that was biased?
The truth is liberally biased, don't you know anything?

You need to give both viewpoints fair treatment even if one is true and the other is a flatout lie in order to be objective; and without fact checking either side.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I like how PUMA changed the meaning of their acronym. I find that kinda funny.
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