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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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lopaz said:
sarcasm... right?

No, he's just being smart. There's alien artifacts out there and if you send scouts out, you'll get tech bonuses or raw materials that are worth bonus money.

Also, we gotsta get our warp drives ready for the whole space conquistador thing.

Xisiqomelir said:
JD, space exploration is a great idea for this country. Planet Earth is kind of a zero-sum game.

Yes, there's lots of competing "great ideas" for this country and they all cost a lot and no one seriously budges on any of them; in the meantime, the debt grows still larger.


theviolenthero said:
Call me crazy, but i still think Jim Webb will be the V.P. pick for Obama.
Webb was asked to turn in forms to be vetted and he refused saying he would not accept the VP job.


Crisis said:
Hey PoliGAF. I need a quick favor. I'm already voting for Obama obviously. I'm trying to prove a point to a friend of mine who insists that John McCain is not a "flip-flopper". I've consulted Google in the matter but all I get are dumb-ass lists that look like a five year old wrote them. Does anyone know a good list of John McCain's more recent flip-flops that have a source with them as well?
Don't you think something is inherently wrong when you find yourself asking a forum for talking points to prove an argument you already believe?


Crisis said:
See this is what I'm talking about. Those are the same thing just on different sites. And it shows a source for his earlier positions or the current position he has but it doesn't show a source for whatever the opposite is.

Dude there's all kinds of links and stuff that show his original positions. I dunno what else you need.


polyh3dron said:
Good luck with that, asshats.

And for the fifty billionth time, I'm telling you, the people who Obama talked about in PA, who are bitter and cling to guns and religion? I can almost guarantee you they are the scum of the earth voters in the middle of the state (you remember "Pennsyltucky") who never vote Democratic anyway. These people get more excited over things like shooting a buck in the driveway. I'm not kidding.

It is where I live, Allegheny County (Pittsburgh and surrounding suburbs), and Philadelphia that always carries the state for Dems. If they go blue, so does the state.

The ONLY thing I can see that would hurt Obama's chances significantly in PA is Tom Ridge on the McCain ticket. THAT indeed is something to worry about. Other than that, Obama should be able to win PA, even if it is close. If Kerry can win it, Obama certainly should be able to.


Tom Ridge won't be the VP, you don't put a pro-choicer on the Republican ticket these days, I guess that also kills Lieberman.....unless he's now pro-life!


Diablos said:
These people get more excited over things like shooting a buck in the driveway. I'm not kidding.
Honestly if there was a feral deer male in my back yard, killing it would be a lot more exciting than this election.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Yes, there's lots of competing "great ideas" for this country and they all cost a lot and no one seriously budges on any of them; in the meantime, the debt grows still larger.
Less than one half of one percent OMG BANKRUPCY THE FED HAS DOOMED US ALL


Tamanon said:
Tom Ridge won't be the VP, you don't put a pro-choicer on the Republican ticket these days, I guess that also kills Lieberman.....unless he's now pro-life!

It sure would be nice to go back to when it didn't matter what federal politicians thought on this one, huh?

Hitokage said:
Less than one half of one percent OMG BANKRUPCY THE FED HAS DOOMED US ALL

Oh, only 0.6%? Well that doesn't sound like so much. Gosh, I must be overreacting.

Oh wait, 0.6% of ~$3,000,000,000,000. Never mind.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
polyh3dron said:

i was reading about the ad mentioned in this article. the fucked up thing is that apparently they have a voice over from a guy that sounds like obama saying a bunch of stuff. i dont know how thats even legal.

here it is: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/08/17/group-trying-to-attack-obama-on-abortion/

The Real Truth About Obama wants to post ads on its Web site and on the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talk shows in key states during the "electioneering communication" blackout period 60 days
before the general election. The ad features an "Obama-like voice" saying he would make taxpayers pay for all abortions, ensure minors' abortions are concealed from their parents, appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices and legalize the late-term procedure that abortion opponents call "partial-birth" abortion.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Oh, only 0.6%? Well that doesn't sound like so much. Gosh, I must be overreacting.

Oh wait, 0.6% of ~$3,000,000,000,000. Never mind.

In Zimbabwe that is one donut. Overreaction total.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Oh, only 0.6%? Well that doesn't sound like so much. Gosh, I must be overreacting.
NASA's annual budget as a percentage of total outlays is less than one-half of one percent, and not even all of that goes to space exploration.


Odrion said:
Honestly if there was a feral deer male in my back yard, killing it would be a lot more exciting than this election.

Tamanon said:
Tom Ridge won't be the VP, you don't put a pro-choicer on the Republican ticket these days, I guess that also kills Lieberman.....unless he's now pro-life!
Lieberman has proven himself to be perhaps the biggest tool of a Senator in Washington's history. Nothing out of him would surprise me at this point.

quadriplegicjon said:
i was reading about the ad mentioned in this article. the fucked up thing is that apparently they have a voice over form a guy that sounds like obama saying a bunch of stuff. i dont know how thats even legal.
What the fuck? Isn't that something Obama can seriously sue them for?

The Real Truth About Obama wants to post ads on its Web site and on the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talk shows in key states during the "electioneering communication" blackout period 60 days before the general election. The ad features an "Obama-like voice" saying he would make taxpayers pay for all abortions, ensure minors' abortions are concealed from their parents, appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices and legalize the late-term procedure that abortion opponents call "partial-birth" abortion.
That is ridiculous. We need new laws to prevent 527's like this one from being made. It's way too easy to pull off and something needs to be done about it.
Hitokage said:
NASA's annual budget as a percentage of total outlays is less than one-half of one percent, and not even all of that goes to space exploration.

Man give it a rest, next you're going to tell us that tax payers should pay $3,000,000 of our money to map the genome of a BEAR.

A BEAR!!!!!
Tamanon said:
I guess that also kills Lieberman.....unless he's now pro-life!
It wouldn't surprise me. The guy has sold out on everything and he has said awful things about the 'morning after' pill whereby it would be OK for hospitals to choose not to carry it since the rape victim could drive to another hospital (something like that).

I'm so disappointed in Conn for voting Liberman . . . they are too.


speculawyer said:
The guy has sold out on everything and he has said awful things about the 'morning after' pill whereby it would be OK for hospitals to choose not to carry it since the rape victim could drive to another hospital (something like that).

I'm not surprised you disagree with that. I'm not surprised you support Obama. I'll be gobsmacked if you still lie about your political affiliation.


JayDubya said:
No, he's just being smart. There's alien artifacts out there and if you send scouts out, you'll get tech bonuses or raw materials that are worth bonus money.

Also, we gotsta get our warp drives ready for the whole space conquistador thing.

Yes, there's lots of competing "great ideas" for this country and they all cost a lot and no one seriously budges on any of them; in the meantime, the debt grows still larger.
I'm sorry you don't see the importance of space exploration to our country. That really is quite a shame.


pxleyes said:
I'm sorry you don't see the importance of space exploration to our country. That really is quite a shame.

The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.

Do the cost benefit analysis.


JayDubya said:
The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.
You need to brush up on your history of the space program if you're going to go spouting off like that.
JayDubya said:
The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.

Do the cost benefit analysis.

Yes. Knowledge is SO overrated.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.

Do the cost benefit analysis.
Of course, we don't ever use anything that might be in orbit of our planet, EVER!
Agent Icebeezy said:
Even still, I wonder how the newspeople spin this.

It's the same everyday. It doesn't matter what the polls say, it will be: "Obama is up by three. Why isn't he closing the deal? Why isn't Obama farther ahead? The race is tight. McCain is gaining momentum."

If a poll comes out that show Obama is blowing out McCain in a certain demographic they will totally ignore it and find others that show the race competitive. I honestly don't mind it being close if it will entice the media to scrutinize each candidate objectively. As long as Obama is ahead, this is unlikely to happen or will be a rarity.


Hitokage said:
Of course, we don't ever use anything that might be in orbit of our planet, EVER!

Your boy just committed to the moon by 2020. Tell me, what useful resources will we bring back from the "New World" this time?

We've been there. Plenty of times. Got lots of nice souvenirs, rubbed in the Ruskies' faces, left a flag, yay us. Now, what's the worth of doing so? Lots of ice and dust and low-grav. Woo.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Your boy just committed to the moon by 2020. Tell me, what useful resources will we bring back from the New World this time?
The most fundamental problem with space exploration is leaving Earth's gravity well. A base on the moon puts the entire solar system on our doorstep, not to mention the deposits of water and helium-3 up there.
The government should NOT be funding space research.

The free market will take us to space on ponies while we eat ice cream and pet puppies.

Ice cream and puppies>>>Wasting tax payers dollars



Hitokage said:
A base on the moon puts the entire solar system on our doorstep, not to mention the deposits of water and helium-3. The most fundamental problem with space exploration is leaving Earth's gravity well.

A lunar base would be incredibly expensive to maintain and require constant resupply. That's a lot of rocket fuel.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
JayDubya said:
The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.

Do the cost benefit analysis.


You gotta try harder than that.


JayDubya said:
The shame is that even in the absence of our pissing contest with the Soviets we still continue to spend money on something with no discernible long-term benefit.

Do the cost benefit analysis.
There's definitely a discernible long-term benefit to having a base on the moon.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yeah, it's not like the research into space flight has brought us anything beneficial in today's world.

So, about satellites...

Are you honestly going to argue that the Russians putting up Sputnik in space created no long term benefits for the world as a whole?

Justin Bailey

------ ------
JayDubya said:
A lunar base would be incredibly expensive to maintain and require constant resupply. That's a lot of rocket fuel.
Assuming you're American, you're sitting where you are because some people decided to venture out even though it was cheaper to stay in.
Just when I think our discourse couldn't get any stupider:

http://thinkprogress.org/2008/08/18/gingrich-tires-big-oil/ said:
Gingrich Claims Tire Inflation Lines Big Oil’s Pockets

Last night on Fox News, host Sean Hannity and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) returned (as they often do) to Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) recent suggestion that Americans inflate their tires properly in order to save energy costs.

Seeming to outdo his previous false attacks on this issue, Gingrich claimed that Obama’s idea is actually encouraging Americans to “enrich Big Oil” because selling air has “a higher profit margin than selling gasoline”:

GINGRICH: Well, I got a very funny e-mail from a retired military officer in Tampa who pointed out that most tire inflation is done at service stations and you pay for it. And it’s actually a higher profit margin than selling gasoline. So Sen. Obama was urging you to go out and enrich Big Oil by inflating your tires instead of buying gas.

Watch it:

This claim is absurd for a number of reasons. First, gas station owners, not Big Oil, receive the profits from selling air — if they sell air at all (presumably from mechanized air machines). Second, air is free. So of course the profit margin for selling air is going be higher than a gallon of gas. By contrast, the cost of oil accounts for a significant portion of the price of gasoline. So any profits from gasoline sales (which are actually quite small) also go to the gas station owners, after Big Oil has already been paid.

But beyond Gingrich’s ridiculous assertion, the Auto Alliance has noted that maintaining proper tire pressure is “more important than you may think” because it saves fuel and reduces costs and greenhouse gases.

Indeed, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) — whom Gingrich once praised as one of the “great winners” — agrees. Today he endorsed the thrust of Obama’s idea, saying “you can reduce your fuel costs by more than 15%. And I am talking about simple things, like proper tire pressure, avoiding rapid starts and stops, and keeping your engine tuned.”


Justin Bailey said:
Assuming you're American, you're sitting where you are because some people decided to venture out even though it was cheaper to stay in.

Yes, I'm sure all the readily available fertile land being given away had nothing to do with it.

Also, I made jokes about "the New World," so obviously I already expecting the parallel. Trouble is, it's more of a perpendicular.


I've never paid to inflate my tires. It's free at all the gas stations I visit. (It's also done when I get an oil change/checkup on my car, though of course I pay for that.)

But this is coming from Newt. I expect nothing less.


when is my burrito
Tamanon said:
Hey now, Newt's speaking from experience here fellas. He's certainly made a rather high profit margin on his hot air.

*forwards to Obama campaign*

Also, BREAKING NEWS: Obama to announce VP before next Monday!!


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
JayDubya said:
Yes, I'm sure all the readily available fertile land being given away had nothing to do with it.

Also, I made jokes about "the New World," so obviously I already expecting the parallel. Trouble is, it's more of a perpendicular.

oh yeah? you know whats out there? gosh, everyone knows the world is flat! you will never get to india by sailing west!!!!
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