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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Setec Astronomer
I love how people think Hillary is an inevitable VP pick simply because the media is going nuts over the potential story. Remember the discussion about how they wanted to drag the race out?


With Obama's bounce in the polls I really think it's becoming less and less likely that he'll see the need to choose her as VP, and if he doesn't feel that it's absolutely necessary I doubt that he will.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I know richardson said he didn't want to be VP, but what about Secretary of State?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Sharp said:
With Obama's bounce in the polls I really think it's becoming less and less likely that he'll see the need to choose her as VP, and if he doesn't feel that it's absolutely necessary I doubt that he will.
he's in no rush at all, though watching the media play out every single angle of a Clinton VP is pretty fun.
Germany pays its respect to Obama with an ridiculously expensive, inaccurate doll:





Expert German dollmaker Marcel Offermann has garnered much media attention in the past with his dolls of famous people such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Pope Benedict XVI, the Dalai Lama and Lady Diana. Now he is paying tribute to the latest political figure to make history: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

The Barack Obama doll is available in a limited edition of 999 and costs €139 ($216). The 36-centimeter (14-inch doll) sports a black suit, complete with a Stars-and-Stripes lapel pin, a white shirt and Obama's trademark sky-blue tie. Offermann, who runs a doll hospital in the western German city of Neuss near Düsseldorf, explained that he chose the sky-blue tie because Obama wears it at 80 percent of his campaign appearances. "We originally wanted the doll to have rolled-up shirt sleeves but that wasn't practical," he told SPIEGEL ONLINE Tuesday.

However it was difficult to replicate the attention to detail given to the clothing when it came to the doll's head. Offermann explained that he was forced to adapt an off-the-shelf black doll's head for his tribute to Obama, which is his first attempt at making a black doll.

Offermann did, however, lighten the standard skin color of the doll's head. "We tried to make it even lighter so that it would look more like Obama, but then it didn't look so good," he said. "So we said, let's stick with this skin tone."

He admits that the physical resemblance to Obama could have been closer. "The doll works more on a symbolic level," he said. "It's a symbiosis of the clothing and the fact it's a black doll." Although "90 percent" of the feedback so far has been positive, he admits that "10 percent of people said the doll doesn't look like Obama."

Offermann, who admits he is a "personal fan" of Obama, explains that he wanted to make the doll out of his respect for the charismatic politician. "I find it sensational that a black person is this close to becoming US president," he said, explaining that during his frequent visits to the US he experienced "racial apartheid" in some parts of the country at first hand. After eight years of George W. Bush as president, he said the only reason he could see anyone voting for the Republican Party would be if they were "afraid of blacks."

Sales of the Obama doll have been brisk. Offermann said he had already received orders for nearly 150 dolls since the mini-Obama went on sale Monday and had gotten two phone calls from the US on Tuesday morning alone. He said he expected interest in the Obama doll to be high. "The pope doll sold out in two-and-a-half weeks," he said.


Kittonwy said:
Why is Obama hunting for a vp candidate? Hillary is right there, it's an easy choice, he needs to absorb those white working class votes, and there are lots of Hillary supporters out there he needs to reconcile with, that's basically half the party.

Also because when time comes for her husband to open his books and show where all that money came from for his "Presidential Library" she and he will bullshit us and remind us why we need them gone and forgotten.


CNBC's Maria Bartiromo attacked Obama on taxes:
"He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent," the "Money Honey" tells Avenue. "Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15." The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, "Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think."

Justin Bailey

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Cheebs said:
CNBC's Maria Bartiromo attacked Obama on taxes:
"He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent," the "Money Honey" tells Avenue. "Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15." The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, "Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think."
Who exactly is getting the tax hike? Just single people making over 200k or married couples filing jointly as well?


we all knew her
Cheebs said:
CNBC's Maria Bartiromo attacked Obama on taxes:
"He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent," the "Money Honey" tells Avenue. "Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15." The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, "Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think."

Depends where you live, I guess. $200K/yr for a single here in Indy is a shitload of money.
Obama Campaign will Launch 'Joshua Generation Project'

The Brody File has learned that in the next two weeks Barack Obama's campaign will unveil a major new program to attract younger Evangelicals and Catholics to their campaign.

It's called the "Joshua Generation Project." The name is based on the biblical story of how Joshua's generation led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

A source close to the Obama campaign tells The Brody File the following:

"The Joshua Generation project will be the Obama campaign's outreach to young people of faith. There's unprecedented energy and excitement for Obama among young evangelicals and Catholics. The Joshua Generation project will tap into that excitement and provide young people of faith opportunities to stand up for their values and move the campaign forward."

The official rollout won't be for another two weeks or so, but The Brody File has been told the activities will include house parties, blogging, concerts and more.

You can see the logo on this page above.

Obama spoke about the "Joshua Generation" in a speech he gave in Selma, Alabama in March of 2007. Read part of that speech below. It will give you an good idea of where the Obama campaign is heading with this effort:

Obama: "I'm here because somebody marched. I'm here because you all sacrificed for me. I stand on the shoulders of giants. I thank the Moses generation; but we've got to remember, now, that Joshua still had a job to do. As great as Moses was, despite all that he did, leading a people out of bondage, he didn't cross over the river to see the Promised Land. God told him your job is done. You'll see it. You'll be at the mountain top and you can see what I've promised. What I've promised to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. You will see that I've fulfilled that promise but you won't go there. We're going to leave it to the Joshua generation to make sure it happens. There are still battles that need to be fought; some rivers that need to be crossed. Like Moses, the task was passed on to those who might not have been as deserving, might not have been as courageous, find themselves in front of the risks that their parents and grandparents and great grandparents had taken. That doesn't mean that they don't still have a burden to shoulder, that they don't have some responsibilities. The previous generation, the Moses generation, pointed the way. They took us 90% of the way there. We still got that 10% in order to cross over to the other side. So the question, I guess, that I have today is what's called of us in this Joshua generation? What do we do in order to fulfill that legacy; to fulfill the obligations and the debt that we owe to those who allowed us to be here today?"

The whole speech is here.

The Brody File said awhile back that the Obama campaign would be making a concerted effort to attrack Evangelicals and Catholics to their campaign.

Yes, the Obama campaign understands that the issue of abortion is a problem for some voters of faith. They respect that and understand if some just simply can't come on board because of that. However, they look at this project as a way of broadening the values discussion. Poverty, Darfur, Climate Change and yes, even the war are issues younger Evangelicals may be able to see eye to eye on with the Obama campaign.

Whatever you think of the "Joshua Generation Project," you have to give the campaign their due because they are making concerted efforts to NOT ignore faith voters. In my reporting, I can tell you this is not a contrived effort.

The folks behind this believe in not only the mission of winning over faith voters to Obama but the larger mission of not ignoring faith voters when it comes to politics.

syllogism said:
Exactly. Only the already wealthy, who make up the extreme minority single-digit percentage of the US population, will complain. They hold over 90% of all of the wealth (and direct influence) as it is. Let 'em pay up.
That 4% increase on 200k bracket in the real world means only getting the Premium I package on a Benz E350
· Hands-Free Communication System
· DVD Navigation
· SIRIUS Satellite Radio
· Power Rear-Window Sunshade
· Heated Front Seats

And not the Premium II
· Includes all the items from P1 Package plus:
· Headlamp Washing System
· Bi-Xenon Low/High Beam Headlamps with Active Curve Illumination System
· Keyless Go


zesty said:
Depends where you live, I guess. $200K/yr for a single here in Indy is a shitload of money.

i live in a major city and if it is an individual making over 200k a year, thats still quite a bit of money.

How to lose support of the majority of the populace, especially when the economy is in the shitter... Complain about a 4% increase in taxes when you make over 200k a year.
Cheebs said:
CNBC's Maria Bartiromo attacked Obama on taxes:
"He's going to take the capital gains tax at 15 percent right now all the way up to 25 to 28 percent," the "Money Honey" tells Avenue. "Sell anything, like a home or stocks, and make a profit . . . [almost] 30 percent of the profit will go to the government instead of 15." The income tax is also in for a bump. Bartiromo says, "Right now [it] is 35 percent, Obama wants to take that to 39 percent . . . We're talking about people who make over $200,000. That's not rich. So it's actually going to impact more people than you may think."

I know it's 8 years old, but this is what I was talking about yesterday:


Investors pay lower income taxes than workers. Roughly 85% of stock market wealth is owned by 10% of American households and there is no logical reason why income from those investments (called “capital gains” by the tax code) should be taxed less than income from work. But the top tax rate on wages is 35% while the top tax rate on capital gains is only 15%. This rate structure gives the richest households enormous advantages without producing any obvious social benefit. If we reversed the favor – and let workers pay lower tax rates than investors – then working families might have greater opportunity to accumulate wealth.

Historians point out that more people moved up into the middle class during the 1950s and 1960s – and American wealth was much less concentrated – when the top income tax rate was 91%, impacting salaries and capital gains equally. According to IRS data for 2000, most American households earned 70% of their income from work and only 10% from capital gains. But in the highest tax brackets, the situation is completely reversed.

Eliminating the special rate for capital gains taxes would reverse a major inequity in the current income tax. And we could reduce rampant under-reporting of capital gains income by instituting automatic withholding, just as we do with salaries.

I'm sure nothing has changed since then. I'm all for raising the capital gains tax to 30% on the rich.


50-43 in todays rasmussen. Yesterday it was 50-44 and the day before that 50-43 again. Hopefully he can keep at lead above 3 points through the summer.

Seems Obama's bump win and hit its height. It was tied in Rasmussen for like MONTHS before this, same with gallup.


Are you guys listening to McCain right nmow his big applause line "there you go again" failed horribly McCain is such a weak candidate I feelthat Obama has no chance of losing this election. America favors Dems 2 to 1 We oppose the war 2 to 1 and we believe Dems can handle the economy better than Reps. 2 to 1. If Obama loses at this point the only thing I'd be able to tie it to is race. Barring of course any "GATES" that happen betweeen now and november.

EDIT: I'm drun k so any grammatical or spelling errors will not be fied till i'm sober.


Cheebs said:
All of Europe's attempts to show they like Obama tend to come off as creepy rather than cool I've noticed. :lol

Co-sign Europe should just STFU about this, I don't think it's helping the cause exactly.


Kittonwy said:
Why is Obama hunting for a vp candidate? Hillary is right there, it's an easy choice, he needs to absorb those white working class votes, and there are lots of Hillary supporters out there he needs to reconcile with, that's basically half the party.
Hillary is ballot cancer. The Republicans have been planning for a Clinton nomination, so they're gonna troll out all the old dirt on that lady and her family. She is a hindrance to Obama, not a help. The "working class white" people vote Republican anyway. PEACE.


MightyHedgehog said:
Seriously, him and the rest of the Republican party are going to get their asses beat down this year.
To be fair it isnt republicans/independents booing him.

It is being reported that a bunch of Obama supporters showed up for the McCain even to boo & protest him.

And being protested doesn't mean you are going to lose. ;) Nixon was booed and protested constantly in '72, to the point he had to stop doing rallies because it was getting out of control and he still won.

Obama is going to CRUSH McCain, I am sure of it. But it isn't cause of Obama protesters.
Cheebs said:
To be fair it isnt republicans/independents booing him.

It is being reported that a bunch of Obama supporters showed up for the McCain even to boo & protest him.

And being protested doesn't mean you are going to lose. ;) Nixon was booed and protested constantly in '72, to the point he had to stop doing rallies because it was getting out of control and he still won.

Obama is going to CRUSH McCain, I am sure of it. But it isn't cause of Obama protesters.
Don't bring me down, man.

mckmas8808 said:
what is this chart about?
Income bracket/percentage of US population.

Kids for Obama.

And here's the reaction of GAF's favorite blog:

Isn’t there a law against this? Politics and kids? What is this pre-war Germany?

These educated folks want to introduce politics to their children through Obama, can you believe this????

I wonder what Hillary thinks of this???

that’s some sick Shi* birdgal

these fols really ARE on kool-aide

I linked to the site, from a different one, and it is scary. Parties for kids, indoctrinating them with BO. Isn’t there an oversight group for this??? This is what dictatorships do.

I have visions of millions of three-year-olds throwing HUGE TANTRUMS at the polling places in November….kicking and screaming…until Mommie votes for Obama…

then she takes him to McDonalds to “reward” him because the wicked woman made him feel so badly

WHAT ON EARTH is going on?

Davis Axelrod and Co. have totally lost ALL SENSE of Morallity

That does it. I can never, ever, vote for someone like this, even if Hillary is on the ticket. This isn’t the democratic party any longer. It is a party of facists. I think, I am losing my mind. What is going on??? Our party elders have sold us out.
That does it. I can never, ever, vote for someone like this, even if Hillary is on the ticket. This isn’t the democratic party any longer. It is a party of facists. I think, I am losing my mind. What is going on??? Our party elders have sold us out.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Smiles and Cries said:
they need to start taking goofy photos of this man to balance out the TopGun level awesome

the photos on the bike will negate top gun looking photos for at least a month

and hillaryis44 is now beyond a joke, especially when it was proven it was all of 300 people posting tens of thousands of posts.

How dare they want to get kids involved in politics. Thats fucking Hitler level shit i tell you, Hitler!
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