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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Chrono said:
There's nothing confusing really. People just twist and warp whatever they want to their liking to keep their minds at rest. It's natural, and pretty fucking stupid.

And I really do have some doubt regarding Obama's Christianity. I really think he's an atheist. The guy is just too smart. Didn't he only 'find' faith as an adult? There's no going back after you've seen the light of rational thinking, no matter how much you want to. It really seems to me that he did it for political reasons, and I honestly don't mind it. People are dumb, but Obama still wants to help them, even if it means he has to become like them. Very noble.

I doubt it, actually.

On the "Faith Forum" that he and Hillary were on like two-three months ago, he gave off the aura that he was very much in his faith, but also very smart. Furthermore, he gave the suggestion that faith and logic/science don't have to be mutually exclusive things.

He either talks a good talk, or, I'd like to think, he's actually being sincere, and is a good model for the type of progressive thinking that we could stand to see more of in the world.
Cyan said:
It's funny how Republicans are all about strict interpretation of the Constitution, except when it would go against their position on an issue.
I find it to be sweet poetic justice* that 3 of the 5 Justices on the majority side (including my boy Kennedy, who wrote the opinion) were appointed by Republican presidents.

*pun not intended


Clothed, sober, cooperative
icarus-daedelus said:
I find it to be sweet poetic justice* that 3 of the 5 Justices on the majority side (including my boy Kennedy, who wrote the opinion) were appointed by Republican presidents.

*pun not intended

The beauty of the Nine, is that it's a job for life. Once they've got it, they can repay their debt while it's prudent to do so, but when the political appointer, in this case Bush, is a 24% lame duck ultrafail, they can get back to normal and vote with their actual beliefs rather than the neocon issues of the day.

Not to say they won't do more lame shit, but the egregious crap may be tempered now.

Hitokage said:
I'd love it if we got more O'Connors on the court.

Couldn't agree more!!!!!!!!!!
Hitokage said:
I'd love it if we got more O'Connors on the court.
Perpetual swing votes? Yeah, I suppose that's better than what we've got now. I mean... Alito... ew. Kennedy's a ninja with this shit, mang. Never know which way he's gonna go, but he usually does the right thing with the important votes (like today's.)

O'Connor's still probably the best thing ever to come out of the wretched state that is Arizona, though. Granted, that's kind of damning her with faint praise, but hey...

Well guys, it's all over. Ron Paul officially ended his campaign today at the Texas Republican convention. I am seriously depressed right now. I mean, I knew it was inevitable, but I was just hoping the day would never come. *sigh*

God Bless Ron Paul



Master of the Google Search
perfectchaos007 said:

Well guys, it's all over. Ron Paul officially ended his campaign today at the Texas Republican convention. I am seriously depressed right now. I mean, I knew it was inevitable, but I was just hoping the day would never come. *sigh*

God Bless Ron Paul


He basically ended it back in March with that youtube speech of his.

Did he ever get a convention spot? Or are they still going through with that "alternate convention" idea


First tragedy, then farce.
perfectchaos007 said:

Well guys, it's all over. Ron Paul officially ended his campaign today at the Texas Republican convention. I am seriously depressed right now. I mean, I knew it was inevitable, but I was just hoping the day would never come. *sigh*

God Bless Ron Paul


got bless batshit crazy libertarians.
grandjedi6 said:
He basically ended it back in March with that youtube speech of his.

Did he ever get a convention spot? Or are they still going through with that "alternate convention" idea

No, but they did say on the news that hes going to use that extra 4 million dollars in campaign funds to support the constitution and liberty. He also said he won't endorse McCain or any other candidate running right now.


perfectchaos007 said:

Well guys, it's all over. Ron Paul officially ended his campaign today at the Texas Republican convention. I am seriously depressed right now. I mean, I knew it was inevitable, but I was just hoping the day would never come. *sigh*

God Bless Ron Paul
It is kind of sad his website is better than John McCain's.


Master of the Google Search
perfectchaos007 said:
No, but they did say on the news that hes going to use that extra 4 million dollars in campaign funds to support the constitution and liberty. He also said he won't endorse McCain or any other candidate running right now.

What does "supporting the constitution and liberty" mean?


Master of the Google Search
Triumph said:
Only if they deliver some states to Obama in November! And then only for one day will I not go out of my way to insult them!
To be fair there are different types of liberatarians

grandjedi6's respect-o-rama's

Obama >>>>> Ron Paul >>>>>>>>>>> McCain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bob Barr


First tragedy, then farce.
and fightthesmears.org is officially fallen into line. I think the chans got him :lol

The owner is now posting "news" about the election and has removed anything offensive and has a link to Obamas website.

that didnt take long.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
StoOgE said:
and fightthesmears.org is officially fallen into line. I think the chans got him :lol

The owner is now posting "news" about the election and has removed anything offensive and has a link to Obamas website.

that didnt take long.

The speed at which the DNC and Obama gets things done is fucking scary. :lol
StoOgE said:
building 5 proves it?

HEY! I'm not a conspiracy theorist when it comes to 9/11
grandjedi6 said:
How do you pay for liberty though?

But lobbyists aren't cheap you know. In fact they make salaries almost 3X the average congressman. So Ron Paul may hire some lobbyists to push the constitutions agenda.


perfectchaos007 said:
Well, liberty isn't free. Someone's gotta pay for it. And Ron Paul has 4 million dollars. That should help.

Is there a site with a paypal link that says "click here to support liberty"?
grandjedi6 said:
How do you pay for liberty though?

Through a various contractors, who then hand off the money to various levels of subcontractors, who then in turn eventually embezzle the money and give you a cinder block with "Liberty" spray painted on it.
Amir0x said:
Well after a week in Washington, I love politics way more than I did before.


McCain is turning into McGaffe like everybody predicted, and Obama is tech savvy...and sexy.

Bringing Troops home don't matter gate
Obama had a 5 point bump
Obama's chief veep veter quit due to loan from Countrywide
McCain is thinking about bringing GasTaxy back


Amir0x said:
Well after a week in Washington, I love politics way more than I did before.


-FoxNews calls Michelle Obama a "Baby Mama"
-FoxNews producer quietly apologizes
-Obama starts fightthesmears.com in order to combat internet rumors actually using the Internet
-Guy rips off site for laughs or something, using fightthesmears.org to spread supernegative rumors
-Internet makes him pay
-Obama keeps aggressive on McCain. McCain's campaign seems hilariously disorganized and unprepared for the General Election.


What is a good concise argument to use when voters say experience in foreign policy are what's important to them, and they don't think Obama has the experience to lead troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and dealing with the War On Terror, rogue states, and that sort of thing?

This happened to me twice in Oregon (1 was a registered democrat who likes Obama and said he'd vote for Obama in 8 years but not now) and both of the times, they also didn't care about the judgment argument (IE, "he had the judgment to be against the war from the beginning"), they seem to be focused on the notion of experience for being a Commander In Chief. I got one guy to stay open and to pay attention to the likely foreign policy debate that will be had, but I can't say I successfully flipped either, and it just keeps annoying me because that one guy seemed to agree with all the domestic policy issues (which are very easy to argue about). It was Oregon, so it's not too big of a loss.

I'll be headed to Nevada for at least 6 weeks starting this weekend, which is a much more important state, so I'm open to your ideas for talking points.


numble said:
What is a good concise argument to use when voters say experience in foreign policy are what's important to them, and they don't think Obama has the experience to lead troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and dealing with the War On Terror, rogue states, and that sort of thing?

This happened to me twice in Oregon (1 was a registered democrat who likes Obama and said he'd vote for Obama in 8 years but not now) and both of the times, they also didn't care about the judgment argument (IE, "he had the judgment to be against the war from the beginning"), they seem to be focused on the notion of experience for being a Commander In Chief. I got one guy to stay open and to pay attention to the likely foreign policy debate that will be had, but I can't say I successfully flipped either, and it just keeps annoying me because that one guy seemed to agree with all the domestic policy issues (which are very easy to argue about). It was Oregon, so it's not too big of a loss.

I'll be headed to Nevada for at least 6 weeks starting this weekend, which is a much more important state, so I'm open to your ideas for talking points.

At the end of the day, on foreign policy, it's not about where you've been, it's about your ability to interpret the information your advisers provide. Experience is not nearly as important as philosophy when it comes to foreign policy.


AniHawk said:
-FoxNews calls Michelle Obama a "Baby Mama"
-FoxNews producer quietly apologizes
-Obama starts fightthesmears.com in order to combat internet rumors actually using the Internet
-Guy rips off site for laughs or something, using fightthesmears.org to spread supernegative rumors
-Internet makes him pay
-Obama keeps aggressive on McCain. McCain's campaign seems hilariously disorganized and unprepared for the General Election.

Don't forget this one, it's just starting up...


Dems To McCain: Won't You Join Obama In Cracking Down On Foreign Lobbying?

Call it the Embarrass Rick Davis Act of 2008.

Rick Davis, of course, is John McCain's campaign manager, and has taken a hit for doing business with companies with ties to Iran. Now Barack Obama has signed on as a co-sponsor of a bill to subject American lobbyists like Davis to tighter disclosure requirements if they work on behalf of foreign entities.

During a conference call with reporters, Sen. Chuck Schumer insisted the bill wasn't primarily influenced by Davis, but instead by some lobbying activities by the Iraqi government that were discovered in recent weeks. However, he said, Davis would be affected by the bill.

Schumer invited McCain to sign on as a co-sponsor of the bill -- a pretty aggressive throwing down of the gauntlet, since it puts McCain in the tough spot of either signing on, and making life difficult for all the lobbyists on his campaign, or refusing, and ceding the reformer high ground to Obama.

No comment yet from the McCain camp.


numble said:
What is a good concise argument to use when voters say experience in foreign policy are what's important to them, and they don't think Obama has the experience to lead troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and dealing with the War On Terror, rogue states, and that sort of thing?
Experience at doing something wrong is no experience at all.


numble said:
Don't forget this one, it's just starting up...

I really, really want to see Obama and team hammer that one. For all the grief Obama took over the Jim Johnson fiasco - largely appropriately - McCain should get hit with 10x. His freaking campaign manager is in the middle of this one.

Tamanon said:
Except for suburban women! We have successfully carved a niche to create a narrative in the media for!
Suburban white women, no less.




Trakdown said:
I swear, Barack Obama is a Jedi. Only explanation. It's like he waved his hand in a semi-circle and said "this is not the tax cut you're looking for."

It's sad that simple honesty and real straight talk is seen as some amazing feat that's almost mythical in politics. I mean, it's real sad.

These kinds of things about Obama shouldn't be special. They should be normal.
numble said:
What is a good concise argument to use when voters say experience in foreign policy are what's important to them, and they don't think Obama has the experience to lead troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and dealing with the War On Terror, rogue states, and that sort of thing?

This happened to me twice in Oregon (1 was a registered democrat who likes Obama and said he'd vote for Obama in 8 years but not now) and both of the times, they also didn't care about the judgment argument (IE, "he had the judgment to be against the war from the beginning"), they seem to be focused on the notion of experience for being a Commander In Chief. I got one guy to stay open and to pay attention to the likely foreign policy debate that will be had, but I can't say I successfully flipped either, and it just keeps annoying me because that one guy seemed to agree with all the domestic policy issues (which are very easy to argue about). It was Oregon, so it's not too big of a loss.

I'll be headed to Nevada for at least 6 weeks starting this weekend, which is a much more important state, so I'm open to your ideas for talking points.

The reputation of the American government abroad is bankrupt after the Iraq War, which is astounding from what it was after 9/11. We need a new direction from a President that is willing to mend fences with our allies in the West, and has a notion on how to get people to follow our country's ideals rather then try to forcing them. Diplomacy is something this administration used ineffectively and disdained, and instead focused solely on the militant aspect of foreign relations. The State Department is underutilized, and is one of the most effective tools that we have. This administration did not do anything with Israel-Palestine until October of last year, and almost fucked up South Korea by ignoring North Korea.

Also, Obama will make our military stronger by starting to withdraw from Iraq, where it is bogged down, rather then concentrate them in one spot where they will have very limited mobility in the face of another crisis.

StoOgE said:
also, obamarama in the polls.

I said 5 point bump in my edit!


Clevinger said:
It's sad that simple honesty and real straight talk is seen as some amazing feat that's almost mythical in politics. I mean, it's real sad.

These kinds of things about Obama shouldn't be special. They should be normal.

Well, keep in mind that for most of the time of my life where I've been politically involved, I've had to deal with people in power that believe Reality to be a subject of grand debate, and has legislated as such. And socially, over the past 8 years, I've seen not only a government, but also a culture, basically telling me that critical thinking based on honest facts is for pussies. Which I hate.

You're absolutely right- it shouldn't be amazing. But it is, because it's equally amazing, and also disheartening, that the environment has been created where this is an exception. We're not asking much, but we're also receiving substantially less than what we ask. I can only hope that this changes the narrative for a great deal of our country. We've been settling for scraps for way too long.



At a town hall meeting in Kaukauna, Wisc., Thursday afternoon, amidst questions about health care and the economy, a young man said he had a question for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and Obama should "please be as intellectual or spiritual as you would like."

"Well this is a lot of pressure," Obama said to laugher.

"My question is: what does life mean to you?" the young man asked.

"Oh goodness," Obama said, a bit taken aback. "What does life mean to me?"

He stammered a bit as he contemplated the enormity of the query.

"Well, uh, I, uh…"

The crowd of 2,500 supporters at Kaukauna High School * laughed with apparent sympathy.

"I don't know where to start on a question like that," Obama said. "Let me just say a couple things. Right now what I think about most is my daughters who are 10 and 7," he said, referring to his daughters Malia and Sasha. "And not that I'm biased but they are perfect in all ways."

To the young man who asked the question, Obama said, "when I was your age, I thought life was all about me. And how do make my way in the world and how do I become successful and how do I get the things that I want. And right now life for me revolves around those two girls. And I think about what kind of a place am I leaving them."

And with that, came the able pivot.

"Michelle and I have been incredibly blessed," Obama said. "As long as God's looking over, my girls are going to be OK." They go to "great schools, will be able to afford college, are in good health and will be well cared for if they ever get sick.

But the country and the world they're living in, Obama said, needs work.

"Are they living in a county where there’s a huge gap between a few who are wealthy and a whole bunch of people who are struggling every day?" Obama asked. "Are they living in a county that is still divided by race?

"Are they living in a country where because they’re girls they don’t have as much opportunity as boys do?

"Are they living in a country where we are hated around the world because we don’t cooperate with other countries as effectively as we should? Are they living in a country where they are threatened by terrorism and a nuclear explosion could happen in a major American city? Are they living in a country in which because of a lack of sensible energy we are not only ransoming our future, but we’re also threatening the very livelihood of the planet?"

Obama continued, "what life means to me is that every day I wake up trying to figure out how can I secure their futures and the futures of all children, ...How can I make sure that we are giving a planet and a country to them that is better than the one we got? And, you know ,so I guess what I’ve discovered is that life doesn’t count for much unless you’re somehow giving yourself to something larger to yourself. And that’s part of my Christian faith. It’s also part of the reason I am running for president of the United States."


That's what life means to him. In case you were wondering.

Philosophizing with Barack
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